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Everything posted by Zafir

  1. ^^I second that. Keynaan, FYI, not the entire clitoris is cut, hence there is feeling and yes they most certainly do enjoy. I completely concur with most of the posters here; the father should get what he gloomily deserves. Sandwiched the two men Naden talked about preferably. Woowoo Ghana, way to go Ps: I says hi to everyone from Cuba, Veradora.
  2. Amnesty International's 2006 report: What a lousy time for human rights Amnesty International, the worldwide, human-rights watchdog organization, has just issued its annual report summarizing human-rights conditions in 150 countries. In it, some of the usual suspects, like Cuba and Egypt (the second-largest recipient, after Israel, of U.S. foreign aid), come in for typical criticism for their silencing of journalists or suppression of political expression. But this year, the United States occupies a disturbingly, high-profile place in AI's catalog of abuses and injustices carried out by governments of all kinds around the world. Amnesty International has just released its annual report about human-rights conditions around the world The Bush administration's prison camp at the U.S. military base at Guantánamo, Cuba, "has become the gulag of our time," Amnesty International's secretary general Irene Khan said in presenting her organization's new report to the press. (Le Figaro) Her comparison of the Cuba facility to Soviet-era prison camps where opponents of Moscow's communist regimes were sent away to be silenced and treated harshly comes as the so-called war on terror has, AI argues, allowed torture and human-rights abuses to flourish, all in the name of what some politicians claim are the interests of national security. AI's secretary general, Irene Khan, calls the U.S. prison camp in Cuba "the gulag of our time" "Duplicity and doublespeak have become the hallmark of the war on terror," Khan noted, as evidence mounts "of widespread torture in U.S. detention centers" (allegedly run by the C.I.A) and the Bush administration "outsourc[ing] torture to countries like Morocco, Jordan and Syria." Khan pointed out, too, "that at least seven European countries had sanctioned or turned a blind eye to the use of their airspace for so-called extraordinary rendition flights carrying prisoners for interrogation outside the United States" to secret destinations where they were reportedly tortured. It is with practices like these, the senior AI official said, that "[p]owerful governments are playing a dangerous game with human rights." Khan said: "[T]he war on terror has given a new lease of life to old-fashioned repression....These governments today do with much greater confidence what they used to do more quietly in the past". The human-rights group's report looks at women's rights in Iran, too As AI's report points out, "evidence continued to emerge of the torture and ill-treatment [by U.S. personnel] of detainees in Guantánamo, Afghanistan and Iraq, before and after the abuses in Abu Ghraib prison [in Baghdad]," which had become known to the world in April 2004. At U.S.-run facilities, AI cites "interrogation techniques" that had been "officially approved... included the use of dogs to inspire fear, stress positions, exposure to extremes of heat or cold, sleep deprivation and isolation." And the human-rights organization notes that, in the U.S., there has been "continued failure to hold senior officials accountable for [such] abuses." Source
  3. Sweet ol Lily, why are there limits? I was told with love sky is the limit, I was told love has no borders, I was told love is blind, so why can’t little love be spared on nails? My dear, Why? oh why? I ask.
  4. Zafir


    Originally posted by Hizb_UK: P.S if i fins myself without work then u three will have chip in, I second that.
  5. Ahura, Thanks for clarifying that, phew. You see, Baashi is big on the woman must have cooking skills and all, I consider that completely trivial. Heck, I’ll even put on my dusty apron and cook if she doesn’t know, but I won't wash the dishes though. Anyway, what I am really big on is the clipping of the nails. I truly like, what am I saying, love getting my nails (hands and legs) clipped by no other than the woman I share bed with. All I ask is my nails to be clipped after every 5 days as appose to cooking everyday for me, which I think is absolutely ludicrous (no offence Baashi). Some might say I am tad bit unorthodox.
  6. Np & Zu.....You too get a room. :mad: We are talking sports here, the world cup damn it.
  7. Yeah Lily, You’re absolutely right, it’s pretty ridiculous and ludicrous. I’ll tell ya, it’s as likely as the next world cup to be held in 2009.
  8. ^Thanks, good looking out duude.
  9. Ciyaar waa galin danbe sxboow.
  10. He also drank water mixed with shuban from the toilet while he was locked in there. Hence, his blood isn't as pure as he would like us to think.
  11. Cajeero and oodkac,LooL..This guy must be married to a Somali woman.
  12. ^Why would you want to get mad, when you can get glad? Besides, where is the insult or as you put it (the joke) in a Muslim woman staying home.
  13. Ahura, I have been meaning to ask you, why did the above (^) lady call me fogie? Meel laiga saro maleh I am shielded with cheap metal. :mad:
  14. Allaha u naxariisto saqiirka.Simir iyo iimaan na allaha ka siiyo waalidkiis.
  15. USA plays in 5mintues.....Cup belongs to no other, I tell ya.
  16. Zafir


    Piercing image, the most Captivating of all four.
  17. If ever one wanted to illustrate the cultural chasm between western and Muslim worlds, this is how. In Britain, newspapers and magazines publish special supplements telling women how to manipulate their partners during the World Cup, by requesting £500 Mulberry handbags during a penalty shoot-out. While in Iran, women have been banned from entering football stadiums because it is decreed un-Islamic to look at the naked legs and arms of male strangers. Even - oh, even - if they took no pleasure from the sight. So there it is in black and white: handbags or hijabs; a metaphor for gruesome decadence on one hand, and repression on the other; and how disturbing it is that spoiled western women take their freedoms so lightly when other women are so discriminated against. Yet are the differences really so great? In both worlds, it is clear, women are patronised and face barriers - both real and cultural - to stop them entering a male preserve. Source
  18. I don't believe it for a sec. It's a frame game. I can't help but think anyone of us could be in there shoes right now.
  19. ^You ain't getting a cent bro, so stop trying. :mad: ** waves @Ahura**
  20. ^^Heey, I am three greeljire in one now. Old man's dream did finally come true. I am everything but adorable. I am danger.
  21. ^^ tease. I remember almost everything vividly, I remember I was 6, one friday my dad took us all kids to Jaziira beach, and took up on him self to teach me how to swim with out me knowing it or even consulting it with me. He takes me on his back and swims away from the shore and I am having the time of life going on this sweet ride, I look back and saw everyone at shore shrinking the distance we have come, I am little terrified, but glad am in good hands, or so I thought. My dad turns around, put me on his chest and says “Aaabo, you take over from here, I’ll see you at shore†and disappeared in front of my eyes. Oooh the feeling, I had to literally fight for every single breath I took, until now I do not know how I ended up all the way at seashore. I do however; remember the splashes, the crying, biyo cabitaankii, and the roughly drowning to death though. I remember thinking, how cruel can one human be to his offspring, could be have burnt you in the house while you were asleep if he wanted to get rid of you. I remember not speaking to him for weeks, during that week I was the sick child in the family, (you know, the sick one always gets all the attention and what they say goes) I got treated as if I was a real prince, (not that am saying I ain’t ) he would get me gifts everyday when he came home, take me to Kilometer 4 for burgers in the evenings. But we have a heartfelt conversation after words and I forgave him. He eagerly wanted to make a geeljire out of his chubby son in one day. Thought I would share it..I actually have more.
  22. Zafir

    The Truth

    It's no different than saying; I don't know. A proof is proof. What is proof? It's a proof. A proof is a proof and when you have a good proof it's proven.