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Everything posted by Ducaysane

  1. nimankaan Al-Shabaab la dhoho, Markii ay Cismaan Caato sii daayeen baan safaaradaha kala qaadaney
  2. This reminds me a conversation between a black dude and Asian (indho yar). It went like this: Black dude: are you Korean? Asian: No, Do I look like Korean to you. I am Japanese. how on earth do you tell the difference.
  3. New York accent is the bom...love it.
  4. Dantii kale oo ay lahyd hadii ay ka gaartey, maxay xabadkiisa ku falaysaa.....
  5. Ducaysane


    Waryaa nuune, Your little story defies common sense. ninmakii xeryaha qaxootiga ku keenay baad been ka sheegaysaa. caano booraha in laguu diidey ahayd.
  6. Halwad reer waqooyi kariyey yaa cuni kara. war gabdhaha na naga sumaynin. waqooyi xalwad gabdhahaa loo bixiyaa baan maqley. any truth to that? hilib geel gabdha u soo dhiib ha ku naaxdee
  7. adigaa kaabo u ah dadka cuqdada qaba.
  8. We can only help you if you change the name Somaliland to Somalia.
  9. Yaase kula socda... lol
  10. If you have to take somthing in bed does it have to be aspirin. Some people will recomand something else.... right A&T?
  11. why are you up this late if you are 17yrs old. wash your feet and go to bed. seriously, without A&T this forum would be dead. A&T keep up the good work.
  12. I believe Puntland would have been better off if Mahamed Abdi Hashi would have won last election. The main reason that he did not win is because he was not (how can I put this nicely) M Saleebaan. Gen. Ilkojiir is very respected and capable to lead puntland. but his main constituency has little influence in that neck of the wood. to sum up his candidacy, Shinbiro yohow heesa.
  13. Aniga A%T iyo gabdhuhuba gar bay ila lee yihiin
  14. speaking of Viagra, Odayaasha Minnesota viagraha waxay ugu yeeraan KICIYE.
  15. Calooley iyo maxada ariga hadaad cunto waad naaxi.
  16. A&T posted: It is always easy to detect pure leather from the synthetic correct... but it requires an experienced person to tell the diffence.
  17. Ducaysane


    she has done all those weird exercises you were sugesting guys.
  18. Ducaysane


    I was reading a gossip magazine the other day while waiting in line at the grocery store. There was a story about women and back pain. The article I was reading was specifically mentioning that Queen Latifa had a back pain since she was young, they said that her doctor has done a surgery on her chest to reduce the size of her xabad. ...So my question to Ibti is .....any similarities? ....I am not saying you should done operation on your xabad before you get married because that will be unfair to your future husband. but at least you will know the cause of the back pain.
  19. Nepth: Allah knows best, waa runtaa. Maxaad noo waydiinaysay markaa? Lol, waad iga qoslisay walaahay. Red, Ma hal gabadh oo ku jecel baad la walwalaysaa. imagine hadii midii aad sheekaysataanba ku tiraahdo i guurso. dhibta na haystaadan ka warqabin.
  20. My mind is still stuck in 1991. I think Caydiid iyo Cali Mahdi are worest criminals in Somalia. A/Y should be third.
  21. Ninku gabdhaha isagaa waaley. hadii uusan lacagta ka bixin lahayn, waxaas oo qamro ah ma cabeen. waaba naago qamro cabaya lacag ka bixi.... waali.com
  22. Oil is traded in dollar, and as you know the value of the dollar is nose-diving in the currency market. Speculators in Wall Street are also making the matters worse just for their interest. Lock of refineries also contributes the problem. Alow sahal amuuraha.
  23. I understand that Oil is a commodity that trades on the world market. Just like any popular product, will drive up the profits of the company that manufactures it and people will swarm to buy their stock. But going back econ 101, supply and demand, what is the demand that drove the price of the gas this high, which did not exist, let say a month ago? I think it is high time this country invest public transportation.