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Everything posted by nuune

  1. The decision for MSF to pull out from Somalia is not related to Alshabaab, but blame is on the Somali Government, MSF said, the authority there provided shelter and protection for the thugs who kidnapped or killed MSF staff. I thought it was Alshabaab who were behind this, even though Alshabaab took over a healthcare center in Bay region recently, this was not mentioned by MSF as the main reason, reports already suggest that Alshabaab are guiding the facilities from looters!
  2. MSF don't provide food, they provide medicine & medical equipments to the needy, by the way, they also closed their health centers in Somaliland in case you don't know! I agree with you, any other aid agency that is based in Somalia needs to leave Somalia for good, we can manage it, but for the time being, we don't have healthcare facilities and until we get one, MSF will be missed, I have seen what they provide in camps such as Dagahley, Ifo and Hagardher while I volunteered there in 1994kii, war wax isku fal wax dhintey baad tahey, inaar
  3. You should not disclose the account numbers of your bank, don't do it again, as well as the assets you have in Djibouti, no one needs to know these things!
  4. The accusation labelled on the Somali Government is very series, and they are not reacting it, or otherwise, said NOTHING till now, can Somali government provide the same services MSF provided, MSF is not like any other aid agencies, the group's contribution is tangible and the healthcare service they provided to Somalia is one that needs to thanked and appreciated. =============== in Mogadishu, MSF runs the only pediatric intensive care unit, while in Jowhar, women will have nowhere to go for emergency Caesarean sections. The decision comes after the release from prison of a Somali man convicted of killing two MSF staff. In December 2011 a Somali employee of MSF who recently learned his contract would not be renewed shot and killed a Belgian and an Indonesian worker at an MSF compound. Though the shooter was convicted and sentenced to 30 years, authorities released him from prison after only three months, MSF said. In a blunt statement, MSF denounced "extreme attacks on its staff in an environment where armed groups and civilian leaders increasingly support, tolerate, or condone the killing, assaulting, and abducting of humanitarian aid workers. In choosing to kill, attack, and abduct humanitarian aid workers, these armed groups, and the civilian authorities who tolerate their actions, have sealed the fate of countless lives in Somalia," said Dr. Unni Karunakara, MSF's international president. Karunakara said the "final straw" for MSF was the realization that authorities were actively supporting or tacitly approving attacks against the aid group, even after negotiated access to hard-to-reach communities. MSF said it is closing programs in Mogadishu and 10 other locations. The group said it provided more than 624,000 medical consultations, admitted 41,000 patients to hospitals and cared for more than 30,000 malnourished children last year alone. Read more on this
  5. ^^ loolz bisinka iyo burdaha, whoever designs or paints these houses lacks spirit & creativity, maybe paintingkii baa qurux noqdey in that world, they don't know using only one color makes the houses look beautiful, at least it is something soo ma ahan
  6. ^^ Yesterday he was attacking every Muslim country and anything that says Islam or Muslims, now he welcomes Ashabaab as they agree with him this time, he forgot they were Muslims too, ninkan oo kalaad la murmeysaan oo sidii hangararaac u luga badan aanan kala jecleyn iney lug ka go'do iyo in kale illeen hangaraarac lug uma dhutiyo!
  7. Sweden first need to sort out their 3.8 million of single females(of which 1.5million are single mothers) and who end up being dragged out of the streets of Stockholm on every night's hangout, then they can sort out this lonely and only one Pig in the country that needs mate, priorities gone wrong for Sweden!
  8. Cambuulo, one time you support the SFG, another time you dismiss the SFG in recent days, and now you are fully behind them, what has the SFG done to get your support now! Whatever happened to having one stance, if you oppose them, there have to be a reason, if you endorse them, there have to be a reason too, people get confused on what you support, is it the SFG you support, or just the protection of the Kingdom!!
  9. lol qaybyo, maya, badanaa kuwii hore ma aanan dhameystirin sababtoo ah iyagaana raali ka aheyn
  10. Waaga oon wali baryin saaka ayey waxey igu tidhi "saaka miyaad soo luntey" anoo markaa salaadii subax intaan ka imid guriga hortiisa jardiinka iska dhigtey kursi yaroo gambar ah si aan iskaga leersado wadada hor marta guriga. Codkii gabadha markey saas igu dhahdey waan maqlayey waana cod i hortaagan, wajigiina wali ma arkin, intaan u jawaabey baan ku dhahey "walaal inaan soo dhumey is weydiin malahanee ee tumaad aheyd hadaadan aheyn Daacuurtii aan 8 bilood ka hor kala tagney", isla markiiba waxey igu tidhi "waad indha dheetahey laakin ma ihi tii ee waxaan ahey tii tu ay habar wadaag yihiin, gabadhiina wey dhimatey, caruurtii 14ka aad isla dhasheena imika waa da' oo iyaguna dhawaan bey khaatumeysanayaan". Intaan kor u soo boodey ayaan codkii hadalka meesha iiga imanayey ayaan isku dayey inaan qiyaaso oon gabadha fooda ama wajiga ku dhago balaayada iyo baaska ay sheegayso, jab iyo qalbi dhaawac saaka diyaar uma ihi waxaana ka xigaa dagaal iyo daandaansi aan dana gaara ka leeyahay. Qiyaasteydi aan abbaarey ama aan doonayey inaan fooda qabto gabadhan waan ku guuleestay, isla markiiba intey xishootey ayey iskey tustey "ma anaad iga dhuumaneysaa laqmato", "mayee inaad awoodan leedahay maan moodeen" bey igu tidhi, "muraadkaaga sheego" ayaan su'aaley, anoon hadalka dhameysan bey la soo boodey "inaad ii maciintoo Maalikul Mulki isku keyn qoro ayaan doonayaa ee ma isla mashxaradnaa", intaan istaagii ka soo fadhiistey bey ayadna isoo ag fadhiisatey wanbar ma oolin balse wax la'aan ma aysan aheyn markiiba kursi dheer bey gacanta intey saa tidhi unbey ku fariisatey, waxaan ugu jawaabey "ma inagoo tacsidii Daacuurteydi ku jirna ayaan isla jaan-qaadnaa indha adkidaa", markey ogaatey in ibnu aadamka iyo qolyahooda aysan isku si wax u dareemin bey igu tidhi "mayee afartanka maalmood ee baroor-diiqa ka dib ayaan ka wadaa", durbaba hadlkeedi wey badashey si murugada durbaba i fuushey ay iiga masaxdo. Waagii baa si fiican u dillaacey, guriga gudihiisa ayaana iska soo galey si aan qabowga uga soo xaroodo, laakin gabadhii wali ayadoo meesha fadhido ayaan uga soo tagey igamana ahan inaan cidleeyay ee ula jeedo ayaan ka wataa isla weyni ibnu aadanimo igu jirto oon ula kac u sameenayo si aan qolyahan iskaga dhiciyo weeyaaan igumana yaqaanaan jiljileec oo xataa dhanaklaaso iyo dagaal baan si badheedh ah iskula tagnaa mararka qaarkood. Waxaan soo fadhiistey qolkii fadhiga ahaa waxaana iska daartey telefishinka si aan wararka adduunka ula socdo. Miis weyn oo horteyda yaaley oo shaaha iyo wixii cuntooyinka macmacaanka loogu tala galey oo waxaan arkey cunta ka buuxdo ayyi nooc ah. Qolyahanna aad baan u aqaanaa oo waan laba soo korey in mudo ah, markiiba iney gabadhan meesha maamushey oo cuntada keentay waan iska fahmey, intaan hareeraha fiiriyey baan ku dhahay "walaal soo fadhiiso aynu wada quraacanee", intey qosol yaroo dhoola cadeyn ah ku jiro ku dhufatey bey tidh "sanadahan cunta maan cuneyn ee intaad cunteneyso waan soo laaban", waxaan ku iri "waxbana ha soo laabaninee iska fadhi intaan cunayo quraacda". Cuntada Jinkana wax igu cusub ma ahan, wax aan la yaabayana ma ahan tira badnida iyo kala nooca, waa waxaan in badan ku soo dhax jirey oon shaahid iyo waliba aan gabadh ka guursadey, gabadhiina la ii sheegay iney geeriyootey, caruurtii aan isla dhalneyna ay hada da' yihiin, wali lagu farxo gabadhan kama hayo saaka!! La soco qeebta 2aad
  11. One time I met Odey Soomaliyeed at an airport in 1995kii, he asked me, "qolomaa tahey" out of nowhere, I kindly replied "Baajuun", he never looked at me again, I insisted why he is not responding to me, he said isagoo dhinaca kale wali sii eegaya "qolomaa tahey ayaan ku weydiiyee waaxey waxaad ku hadaaqdey", Soomaalinimo wataa
  12. ^^ lool, mira uu ka dhalin waayey aan filaa shabeelaha. I just remembered Sharif's last few days, appointing governors everywhere and naming new districts in most places etc
  13. And this guy never mentioned that the oldest universities in the world, as well as libraries are found in the Muslim world!
  14. Muslims don't need useless invented awards to prove that they are capable of anything or that they are human beings!
  15. War waxaas waxaa iiga daran civil waa ama dagaal sokeeye ayaa qarxey, anaa Thread cusub sameen doono, Blessed xitaa dooni meyso inaan xagan ku soo dhajiyo, ee markaan firaaqo helo ayaan soo dhajin, hada waan-waan ayaan ku dhax jiraa, in fact, aney ii yeerteen saq dhexe xalay si aan u kala dhax galo, it is not easy, sxb, already saddex boqol oo kun ayaa ku naf waayey dagaalka, waxa la isku heestana kursi, mansab ama jago midkood ma ahan, bal sheekada yaan ka hor dhicin ee waa inoo threadkaa cusub hada dhawaacayadii iyo meydadkii ayaa la kala qaadanayaa oo waan yara mashquulsanahey mana haboona dhaawacii oo aan la dhayin wali inaan wax soo dhajiyo.
  16. Blessed, I have asked myself the same question why other hawalas didn't, I found out the answers, yes, technicalities, the onsite hawala system that dahabshil or kaah or others use are being provided as SaaS(software as a service, they pay monthly fee or rent or lease depending number of transactions they make), that means you don't need to install anything, everything is run from background(data centers etc), all of the hawalas use this method, no servers are needed to run the business, all they do is, log in to their system and use the two famous method(send & receive input customer fields), I have even helped set up a remittance system for 2 hawalas in the past(when I was the IT guy back 1998, markaan beerta kuma jirin), and I know the ins and outs of this as well, not so hard to start one if you got License. On the other hand, the online way is little bit more complex as you will be responsible to run your own servers(you can opt for SaaS but not good idea), not only that, the payment thing comes, you need a Merchant Account, a Payment Processor & Gateway as well as an acquiring bank, all of which can take ages to get approval, plus all of them will charge transaction fees, commission, other charges it never ends, marka this is the setback for many hawalas as to why they didn't opt in for this option, as you can see, I have being researching this area for a long time and it is just a matter of time for me to set up a similar one, but one based purely on Somalis, with Somali name, no English name etc, the main obstacle is, getting the right people on board, you need series people. The readers reading this post can benefit and start a similar competition as well, this is an open market, and competition is needed to create jobs, ma igu raacsantahey huuno
  17. *Blessed;972433 wrote: Alpha, I'm holding you responsible for all the complaints on this thread, ma garatey? I use WR nowadays.. adna sidaa ula soco. They also use Barclays. Grr! huuno, is it because WR are cheaper than others, or just a matter of not showing up in a Hawala office, the convenience of sending the bill while relaxing, it could be both or all, their commission is way cheaper than others, not only that, the currency conversion fees is also less than others, this is not a free xayeysiis for WR I am doing(they stole my idea, and I like them, had this idea since 2001, markaasna beertaan ku jirey), but sending $100 dollar with them, you save like $13 dollars compared to when using dahabshiil or others of similar such as kaah, horyaal etc. Haye, but their main market are not Somalis, Ghana, Senegal, iyo Burkinofaso ayey service gareeyaan, apart from few agents in Somaliland, anyone with me to launch similar service for only Somalis, marka naga daaya cayaarta, horta maxaan ka hadlayey waanba hilmaamey waxaan ku keenay qoraalkan labada sadar een qorey
  18. I know one guy back home, he has a Cinema, seating up to 50 people, half dollar for a movie or sport, on daily, he gets up to $30 from running that cinema, todobaadkii waxa soo galo waa up to $200. You guessed it right, bill joogta ah ayaa looga soo diraa Sweden, $300 bishii, boqol kiro ah, boqol cunta iyo raashinoo dhan, iyo boqol koronto iyo biilasha kale sida biyaha, wixii cinemada ka soo galana account uu ku shubtaa, wuu sika dhuuqaayaa biilka loo soo diro, maba oga habaryartii dhibka ay ku soo dirto, dahabshiiloow iga lacag 2 week ka dib ayaan ku siini ama markaan ayuutada qaato!! Now tell me, this guy can't stop receiving the bill every month from Sweden, if habaryartiis stops the bill, he will threaten her that he will tarhiib into the ocean, so to keep him in place, she has to send that bill, waa hostage crisis. The stories do vary but most of them tend to be waan dhimanaa hadii kale ........, geed dushiis aan saaranahahey daad aa na qaadey is another guy I heard him talking one to to adeerkii in Australia, bal beentiisa fiiriya geed dushiisa uu daadkii ka korey taleefanna wuu ku hadlooyaa. marka cayaarta naga daaya, saying that, masaakiinta ha la caawiyo iyo cidii wax baraneyso.
  19. I welcome any foreigners handing over state assets, so what is your point yaa Xaaji Xeyraan. Now answer the question, why are you creating 3 topics of the SAME issue?
  20. This is a good news for Somaliland indeed. I welcome it Plus, you already posted this in another 2 threads, this is your third thread on the same issue, are your threads lacking any response heer waxaad mareysaa aad adiga un isku jawaaabto, xaalku ma sahlana wallee, anyway, I am here for you and can comment your threads ee wax dhiba ha u arkin hana nagu badin threadyada, one is enough to talk about the issue
  21. Meelaha qaraxyada bambaano laga maqlay ayaa waxaa ka mid ah Isgoyska Ex Koontarool Afgooye, Suuqa Beerta ee nawaaxiga Jaamacadaha oo fariisin ku lahaayeen AMISOM, Seybiyaano, Isgoyska Banaadir, nawaaxiga Saldhiga Waabari qeybo ka mid ah wadada Maka Al-Mukarama, Xamar weyne iyo Xamar Jajab oo fiidkii caawa dhowr qarax laga maqlay. Sidoo kale waxaa qaraxyo laga maqlay xaafado ka tirsan Wardhiigley, gaar ahaan halka lagu magacaabo Cali Kamiin. Most of the mentioned places there is where PM Saacid was walking down by foot last night, Tarzan and Wasiirka isgaarsiinta were with him to prove that Xamar amnigeeda in la isku halleen karo.
  22. ^^ Che is asking you how far, meaning are you sure this is not the disputed region, in the Eastern Sanaag and the likes etc. Norf, are you involved with this company drilling
  23. The Iranians are coming too, and the Nepalese in the coming days(check the UN website for land grabbing), welcome everyone, ka faa'iideesta intaan isku jeedno anaga oon is xasdeeno is cuneeno sidii dhurwaa batraamey, I welcome all countries of the world to come, come on Bhutan, Western Samoa, Tahiti, Paraguay, Ivory Coast, Mongolia, New Zealand, and Antarctica.
  24. Anigu wax aan diidayo maba jiraan, hadana waxad tiri reer Shaam waxba nooma gala, marka ma Persian baad tahey oo boqorkii Qeysar baad gabadh ka guursateen, aan qumaati kaaga faa'iideestee si mubaasharatan wax iigu sheeg niyahow, adigu yaad tahey horta, qabiilna kuma warsan waayo anigu wax qabiil la dhaho ma aqaano, nin Ruush ayaan iska ahey oo reer Dagestaan ah.