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Everything posted by nuune

  1. Hiiraan Radio Top Video Iminkane Waa Hargeysa Dad Weynaha Ku Dhaqan Waqooyiga Somaliya Ayaa Luuqadii Somaliya Kasii Lumeysan Adeeg sigeeda Waxaa Ayaan Daro Ah In Dad Yowga Ku Dhaqan Halka Aay Af Somali Kushegii Waayeen Talefanka Aay Wataan Nambarkiisa Intaa Waxaa Sii Dher Nin U Dhashay Wadanka Suriya Oo Gabar Somaliyad Ah Qabo Ayaa Af Somali Ku Sheegay Nambar Telfoonkiisa Waliba Nin Carabka Ahaay Oo Gabadha Kaqabay Ayeeyba Shaxaadayaan Ileeen Ceeb Looma Dhinto Daawasho Wacan Waxaanu Idiin Hayna Video Badan Oo Ku Saabsan Arimaha Bulshada Like And Share This Page We Have Mor Funn And Dimoment Just wondering, qofka erayadaas aan madoobeeyay adeegsanaayo ayaaba dad kale ku tilmaamayo in Af Soomaalku ka lumey
  2. ^^ ever being on that monster with cross wind landing, just beautiful. That is St.Martiinees Norf, Alpha is not going to provide any info about this, he has no clue of what is happening there at the airport, JB ayaba dhaamo oo sometimes some ministers kula shiro, Alpha doesn't even know what Terminal is tot he public, or Runway to planes, he thinks the runway is for herding elephants.
  3. The girl with the laptop on the left hand side, I know her in real life, she is not someone who will undergo a second knife in a lifetime only to end up in a nightclub!
  4. A brother state next to your own, elaborate that please, who is your brother, Puntland, Benadir, Jubbas & Gedo, Bay & Bakool, or they are all your brothers, or one of them is only your brother! We need some honest answers from you as you said something logic, that is "my brother next to my state"
  5. Let me make it easy for you, why do you care about Somalia! I want an honest answer from you so that the readers you mentioned can read some honest answer from you.
  6. But how can you expect replies while you are talking to yourself, replying to yourself, debating yourself, and worst of all, talking about NOTHING!
  7. For a full half day, nobody replied to your topic, now you pumped it up in order to get some replied, very sad!
  8. Convince me please, no need to quote me useless articles from mad people. I want you to use your own words and own brain(even if you have got the size of a peanut brain), use it, no quotes, nothing, just convince me why God does not EXIST.
  9. You have missed a lot sxb, missed the crazy and classic life of 70s, 80s, marka lama yaabayo, you can still catch up, just ask me and I can arrange you to go back to those times. At least some people waxaa fiineyd in markii la dhalaayey booskooda ukkun la dhalo, u ain't included in that list, reason being, your recent Library Project which proves that you are better than ukkun!
  10. ^^ in 1978 your parents maba aysan is shukaansan xataa let alone getting married!
  11. ^^ He was born in 1987. and you were born in 1989, both of you were children when BIG events took place in the motherland, and today, both of you demonstrate lack of knowledge in today's Somali Politics, at least, due to big events taking place while you were sucking hooyo caanaheed!
  12. Johny B, that comment of yours demonstrates that God did not even put the size of a peanut brain in your head
  13. Waxaa kaloo qodobada ku jira in Ciidamada la dagaalamay Axmed Madoobe iyo saraakiisha laga qeyb geliyo maamulka , Gartey, on another note, is the dowlada admitting that ciidanka dowlada iney ka dagaalameen Kismaayo, then why did they said many times garabyada ku dagaalamaya Kismaayo ha joojiyaan dagaalada while in fact it was them fighting, wallaahi aniga waan yaabanahey. waxaa kaloo arrinta ugu adag ka taagan tahay aqoonsiga Maamulka , then this, ehehe, horta dadka articleska qoro waxee qoraan ma akhriyaan miyaa, oo hadii ay dowlada codsatey in ciidankii ku dagaalkamay kismaayo lagu daro maamulka then why ay u aqoonsan la'yihiin, hadii aadba codsatey in ciidan lagu daro maamulka Kismaayo it is an automatic recognition, mise qof daroogeesan oo cabsan ayaa waxan qorey
  14. lool Tallaabo, this is my favourite country as I have being there 4 times in the past 30 years, the most recent trip was 1993gii. MMA, linekaas ay fureen waxaaba ka sii cajiibsan midka Indonesia la tagaayo(to get their visa is like looking for a single hair inside a computer), kadib looga sii gudbaayo East Timor, maalin dhaweed ka maqley Nairobi, illaa 10 kun ay diyaar la yihiin by arranging them to bring to Indonesia alone, other maryooleey ayaa ku sugooyo East Timor oo lacag intaas oo kale dhan ka sii qaadanaayo, most of them been loo sheegaa oo waxaa lagu tuuraa Fiji iyo FarankaNasia
  15. Adigu hada khaladkaagu waxaa weeye, qowmiyad dhan ayaad budhcad badeed ku tilmaantey, intaa un weeye waxa aan ka hadleenay, sheekada partly, iyo state men, xaqiiqda, iyo benefit local economy iyo waxaas gadaal bey ka yimaadeen. Hade halkaa ha inoo joogto kol hadii uu warku dhinacna ka foolaneyn, ma war unbaa la rimanaan!
  16. Then the state if they in fact tolerate partly that doesn't mean the whole region as a pirate, the state can mean few ministers who sometimes deal with those who got the ransom, niyahow Wiil Cusub, waa ku sidee, sxb
  17. Waxa aad ka hadleyso anigu garan maayo, Golden Rules maxey ah ar bal tan daya, hana waalin dee, duf ku bax
  18. UBBO maxaa la dhahaa, ma waxaad ula jeedaa ubbada wax lagu shubto, ubbo waa weel laga sameeyay geed, oo sida xeerada camal geed laga sameeyey, inaar, ubbo hadeysan waxaas aan sheegay aheyn dee adaa cirka roob ku og,
  19. ^^ inaar, you do understand that Lamu & Malindi belongs to Garissa, even though they are claimed by some Laangaabs of Barwaneese Swahili. I think HAATU is referring to River fishing, is that even possible, fishing for yixaas, I know Yixaas meat is tasty and delicious, but I haven't heard anyone from that region fishing for Yixaas or Kadabshiir
  20. Wiil Cusub, you are calling everyone from that region a Pirate, Caruurta, Cirroolayaasha, Caamada, Ciidanka, Ceesaamaha, the fact few men are involved in piracy or human trafficking translates to you that everyone is involved, that is what we are talking about, you need to stop putting a whole community into one basket!
  21. Wiil Cusub, Xaaji Xeyraan can use that term, but not you, Xaajiga means no bad intention at all even when he uses it, in fact, he says clan enclave most of the time and avoids that word, but you, insisting on the name calling, I guess that is not what a grown up man does, calling or labeling whole clans for such derogatory names, do you know that piracy has being reduced by 70% this year alone, NATO did prevent only 5%, they do nothing anyway, they are busy with business using their factorized canned fishing ships, the rest of 65% of the job was done by the Punt Marines, marka give credit to them, sxb, waana iska caadi raali galintu ceeb ma ahan hadaad xaal ku dareysana waa abshir.
  22. ^^ Most of them end up working for UN agencies in Nairobi and Dadaab, as this is the most lucrative job in that part of the world, there is no future for them in going back the counties they grew up, waa sad situation and hopeless. If HAATU is not bothering going back there and setting up some sort of business that the community can benefit from, what hope do those graduates have in Nairobi, the mention of Garissa, Ijaara, Kullan, Sarrif, Wajer, Biya-Madoow, Bannaaneey, Mandera are all hell to be avoided, the bread and basked is in Nairobi for them. When is that going to change, depends on the useless politicians from the region, they need to have a facilitating system that welcomes and opens doors for the graduates, they need to attract the graduates so that they can invest their expertise to do more for the region. The link HAATU mentioned says that a new business approval takes 13 days to process or set up, why 13 days, I believe the 13 days approval is done when some bribery money is given to the local office that handles registration of businesses. Garissa needs to be the forefront of everything, it is the gateway to to Nairobi, to Mombasa, to Somalia, to Ethiopia, it is strategically located, with its resources such as the River, and recently the oil discovery outside Garissa, they can become a FREE-ZONE, where trade and everything takes place.
  23. ^^ What do you suggest Mr Yoniz, I do agree everything you said there, well, this organization is supported and funded by USAID, can we say it is a well spent money, no.
  24. ^^ All I read was that at the age of 4, that both of them in sakiin lala dhacey, articleka dhanba waxaan u wada akhrin waayey waa baangad baa nalala dhacey anagoo yaryar, hadee hooyadii dhashey unbaa la dhacdey iyo aabihii soo ma ahan, in ay articles ka dhac qeyliyaan ma ahan but it is good cause in laga hadlo falalka Faraaciinta, walaw uuba Fircoon qudhiisa uu anaga naga bartey falkan oo ay ku aheyd Masar dhaqan cusub oo laga soo import-gareeyay Soomaaliya.