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Somaliland sends them and later catches them...
By Associated Press, Updated: Tuesday, February 19, 9:12 AM MOGADISHU, Somalia — A U.S. congressman visited Somalia’s capital on Tuesday, the first visit in years by a member of Congress to what until recently was considered one of the world’s most dangerous cities. Keith Ellison, a Democrat from Minnesota, said his visit to Mogadishu fulfills a request from his constituents with ties to Somalia. Minnesota has one of the largest populations of Somali-Americans in the U.S. Ellison, the first Muslim elected to Congress, noted that the U.S. government recently recognized the Somali government for the first time since the country fell into anarchy in 1991. President Barack Obama’s administration formally recognized the Somali government on Jan. 17. “I told my constituency I would come here and work for the United States and Somalia relationship, and I am doing that in today’s visit,” Ellison told a news conference in Mogadishu. Ellison was greeted by Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud. The president said that Ellison’s visit was a big day for Somalia. Mogadishu has experienced about 18 months of relative peace, after the August 2011 ouster of the Islamic extremists of al-Shabab from the capital by African Union forces. Ellison said his meetings with Somali officials would focus on financial remittances most often sent by Somalis in the U.S. back to family members in Somalia. Such remittances have become harder to make over fears that people sending money could be accused of aiding a terrorist organization such as al-Shabab. Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
Tallaabo;918349 wrote: Not everyone in our Somali community is as innocent as you Mr Haatu. Waxa ninka dhibaya waxa Morgan dhiba. He is probably one of those who had it so good but who fled without their shoes when the residents of Burco said enough is enough. Perpetrators of crimes like these should be brought to justice if the Somali people are to move on from those dark days. Right thing to do but let it started in the house. Burco seeking justice while it shed blood in LA and Buhodle, it's this world's irony!
Report of the Secretary-General on Somalia I. Introduction 1. The present report is submitted pursuant to paragraph 29 of Security Council resolution 2010 (2011), in which the Council requested me to report on all aspects of the resolution every four months. The report provides an update on major developments that occurred in Somalia on the three major tracks of the United Nations approach — (i) political; (ii) security; and (iii) humanitarian, recovery and development, and human rights — in the period from 16 August 2012 to 15 January 2013. In pursuance of the implementation of resolution 2067 (2012), it also provides options and recommendations for the future United Nations presence in Somalia. II. Political and security developments Security situation 11. The security situation remained unpredictable in Mogadishu. While the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) and the Somali National Security Forces maintained their hold on the city, Al-Shabaab attacks occurred frequently, including targeted killings and hand grenade attacks, with an increase in outlying districts. While there were fewer incidents of the use of improvised explosive devices, periodic suicide attacks, such as those carried out on 12 September against the Jazeera Hotel while President Mohamud was present, and at the Village Restaurant on 20 September, demonstrated the group’s persistent infiltration of the city. Increasing abuses by undisciplined elements within the Somali Government forces against civilians and each other reflected the lack of a centralized command. This indirect threat left a United Nations employee wounded by a stray bullet from a likely intra-militia clash in October. 12. In southern Somalia, the capture of Marka (Shabelle Hoose) and Kismaayo (Juba Hoose) by AMISOM and the Somali National Security Forces were the most significant territorial gains during the reporting period. These increased the pressure on Al-Shabaab and reduced its income sources. However, the withdrawal of Al-Shabaab from Kismaayo left a political vacuum in the city, leading to the reignition of complex clan dynamics. Guerrilla and terrorist tactics were frequently used in the recovered areas, including weekly in Baidoa (Bay) and Kismaayo and almost daily in the Afgooye and Merka areas. Al-Shabaab killed a United Nations employee on 27 August in Marka and issued threats against and harassed other aid workers in southern Somalia. Continued abuses by undisciplined elements of theGovernment forces in Shabelle Hoose were reported. During the night of 11 January and on 12 January, the French military launched a failed operation to rescue a French hostage held by Al-Shabaab in Bulomarer, resulting in the death of two French soldiers and reportedly of 17 Al-Shabaab militants and eight civilians. 13. In central Somalia, AMISOM and Government forces took over Jowhar, the capital of Shabelle Dhexe, in early December. Local antipathy to Al-Shabaab meant that Shabelle Dhexe suffered relatively few attacks. Attacks also decreased in Beledweyne (Hiraan), though they still occurred weekly, and there were continued reports of harassment of civilians and aid agencies in southern Hiraan. Al-Shabaab kept a low profile in Galguduud. Recurring clashes between clan militias in Beledweyne sometimes disrupted aid activities, as did infighting among factions of Ahlu Sunna wal Jama in Galguduud. 14. Al-Shabaab became more active in Puntland from late November onwards, undertaking several attacks. Killings and arrests of suspects, discoveries of ordnance and continued reports of troop movements demonstrated the insurgents’ enduring presence in the region and neighbouring Galmudug. Puntland and Galmudug also suffered from crime that, in Puntland, was partly linked to undisciplined troops brought in to fight the insurgents. 15. While local elections in “Somaliland” resulted in multiple incidents of civil disturbance and politically motivated violence, the dispute over Sool, Sanag and Cayn remained the main destabilizing factor in “Somaliland”. Despite the August peace agreement with a former leader of Sool, Sanag and Cayn, Suleiman Haglatosiye, ambushes, shootings and attacks involving improvised explosive devices continued to occur in the disputed area of “Khatumo”. Related tensions with Puntland also spiked periodically. Read More
source of fadhi kudirir miyaa Moogow? Safe trip to Kismanyo..
Real president's meeting..
Short clip.. one of SOL took over the meeting!
Taleexi;914517 wrote: Siyaasaddu waa dhi-lo.
Madaxwayne La Moodo Inuu Liqay Cajalad Qudha. “Madaxwaynaha waxaanu ugu taag laanahay hadal” waa weedhaha ugu waawayn ee ay nin la jira iyo mid ka jiraba ku dhaliilaan Madaxwayne Siilaanyo. Ka dib duufaanadii is huwanaa ee siyaasadeed ee xaga arimaha gudaha iyo dhirbaaxooyinkii diblomaasiyadeed ee is daba socday ee ku habsaday dalkeena mudo yar oo gaaban gudahood, iyo kala hadalkii uu ka muuqday qarboqarbaha iyo bisayl la'aantu ee ay kaga jawaabeen matalayaasha xukuumadu ayaa dadku u hanqal taagayeen bal waxa duqa reerka u wayni ku dhawaaqo. Waxay u dhag taagayeen dadku caam ahaan, iyo waxgaradkuba gaar ahaan, inay ka maqlaan duqa khudabad ku xididaysan waaqaca, cabiraysa waayaha, ku salaysan waayo aragnimo. Waxay sugayeen khudbad dhayda nabarada qoyan, khudbad garawshiyo ka muuqdo, khudbad inta ay si isdabataal u tiriso mashaakilka yaal, hadana ka daba gaysa mid walba xalkeedii. Waxay sugayeen khudbad ay maqalkeeda ka dib hoydaan iyagoo ay ka buuxdo quluubtooda kalsooni baahsan oo ay ku qabaan khibrada iyo xirfada naakhuudaha isteerinka u haya markabka ay saaranyihiin ee aan calankiisa maraakiibta kale xaqiiqsanayn. Waxay sugayeen khudabad laga dheehanayo inay ka soo burqantay duq ay maalmuhu taba bareen yaqaanana sida looga dabaasho badwaynta ay dabaylaha xoogi lihi ku kacsan yihiin ee mawjaduhu dhawaq dheer isku dharbaaxayaan. Waxay sugayeen maqalka khudabad u cadaysa jihada loo wado daahana si aan cad lahayn uga qaadaysa masiirkooda iyo kan ubadkooda iyo kan ubadka ubadkooda. Maxuuse la shir yimi duqii reerka u waynaa: Mushaharkii waanu kordhinay Nabadu waa muhiim Somaliland waa qaran Macdan baanu soo saarnay Iyo qaar kaloo u eeg Dayaxaanu dhinaca ina soo xigta rinjiyaynay kana taagnay calankeenii. Iyo faan aan daruuri ahayn. Waa yaabe hadaba duqu ma cajalad kaliyuu liqay Mise waxay inta ku meersani ku seexisaa dhulkii waa daadax Oo waxay u soo qoraan uunbuu inoo akhriyaa isagoo dirqi ku arkaya Isku soo xooriyoo Duqu sanadkiiba marbuu hadlaa markaana waxaad ku murmaysaa toloow ma tii sanadkii horuu TV gu dib inoogu shiday? Muxiyadiin Haybe UK muxiyadiinhaybe@gmail.com
hargeysa,(lasanod Online)- Shacabka iyo Siyaasiyiinta maamulka Somaliland ayaa si weyn u hadal haya go’aankii kasoo baxay dowlada Ingiriiska ee muwaadiniinteeda ugu baaqay inay kasoo baxaan gobalada maamulkaasi ka arrimiyo, Ingiriiska ayaa sheegay inay heleen xog sheegaya in khatar ay ku sugan yihiin ajaanibta ku sugan gobollada waqooyi ee Somalia Shalay ayey bilaabeen qaar badan oo kamid ah Ajaanibtii ku sugneyd magaalooyinka waaweyn ee maamulkaas inay halkaas ka baxaan, halka qaar kalena isu diyaarinayaan inay dhawaan ka baxaan deegaanada Somaliland. Shacabka ayaa si weyn isu weydiinaya waxa keenay isbedalada xoogan ee dhanka siyaasada ah ee reer Galbeedka oo ku aadan Somaliland, waxaana hada soo ifbaxaya shaki ay qaar badan shacabku ka qabaan, kaalinta ay dawlada Jabuuti ku leedahay baaqii ugu danbeeyey ee kasoo baxay dhanka Dowlada Ingiriiska. READ
^^ :D I know truth hurts ya old man. I am not a man who believes the Ali Dhuuxe's famouse lines "Waa Lagu Digtaa Ruux Haduu Kuu Darraan jiraye Waar Dayaay Waakaa Wadaadkii sii Sabayshadaye".. What is left with that project now is to brug as usual..
Orphans protesting against their mother queen, dramatic development indeed. It hurts but true - what goes around comes around. “The Chickens Come Home To Roost” Malcolm X
The point isn't if he sleeps alot or not, but the if he is actual doing his job as defined in the constitution or if Xasan is the sole power(dictator) and seems AA pointed out the man is there just for the sake of name nothing else.
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Ahmed Diiriye lives a house where the owner was killed and burried in the premises of the house! Nice try JB. more than half million of people fled from Mogadishu and their properties were looted and if that is what Garoowe Odayaal said to get those properties back, I don't see where that comes to politics unless you also are worried about properties you occupied in.. Oba, awoowe, don't make it as easy as there is a solid law and order in Mogadishu where anyone can come and get hisher property back. It wasn't long ago one PM from Gedo was killed just because he asked for his property back. Also there are many incidents where those who wanted their properties back encountered death, injury or threats.. So it's simplistic and unfair to say, we can our property so as everyone. You're either neive about reality on the ground or you're fooling us..
Somalia;905696 wrote: Ina adeer waan kaa qaadey salaanta. Maanta waa maalin mudan oo runta haddii la isu sheego ah maalin taariikhii ah. Waxaan rumeesanahay in midnimada soomaaliyeed iyo sii ahaan tan Khaatumo in aad loogu shaqeeyo oo aan is raacno. Anaga oo ah reer Khaatumo waa in aan arimaha bulshada xoog uu saarnaa, ina adeer, hambalyo hambalyo.
Until the Dadab refugee camps are dismantled and people relocated to their home towns, this exodus move is nothing but short lived. Dabad is the largest refugee camp in the world, over half million somalis lived there in the past 20+ years..
Somalia's Foreign minister Marwo Fawziya arrives in the United Kingdom
A_Khadar replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
I like XX when he says he isn't clanist! SPOT on awoowe.. Marwada hala dhaafo, I agree with XX as longs she is doing when she sworn for, Somali unity babe..
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