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Everything posted by A_Khadar
These are nice words! soomaalaay garwaaqsada bal gudoonsha xaajadan gungumaanku taagnahay labo gebi dhexyaaloo kaxidhiidhsan gudahoo inay gooni daaqaan goobaaye weligood geedkii berdaha iyo goonyihii taleex iyo guryihii darwiishkiyo gobanimo udirirkii gabigeed aduunyada guurtidii isaga timi markii ay gorfeeyeen khaatumo go,aansade
Hargaysa: Siilanyu a weak SNM leader in complicated times...
A_Khadar replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
General Duke;897877 wrote: Thanks for the compliments lads. it's important to focus on the issue at hand. Warlord Siilanyu's handling of this so called election has led to the deaths and maiming of civilians. That is terrible.. Indeed heart breaking! -
Waa halkii gabaygii, waad gees martay hadalkii awoowe.. My point is again, hadalka prof. Galeydh maaha sidaad u dhigtay oo waad kala shaxaadey ee bal horta qoateka sidii u soo qor. Waa khalad misqoeting xaga qoraalka. Secondly, dadka reer Waqooyi waa wada hadli karaa wax badan baa ka dhaxeeya oo waa dad soomaaliyeed ee laakiin waxa taa ka horaysaa cajalad idinka dhex qalinaysa oo idin madax martay oo goosi la yidhaahdo. Afkiina wax kale kasoo bixi maayaan: Waan go'aanayaa, dowlad baanu nahay, waa nala ictiraafay, qaran baan nahay baaaaaaaaac buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuc waa waaliyaha faraha badan mid ka mida oo idinku u wada dhacday alle ha idinka caafiyo..
Abwaan no dacaayad iyo mucaaradnimo yet. The Gurgurtee name is known and called by everyone to the president so as the president himself denoted. That is just his nickname. We are society of nicknames, Afweyne, Ali naafto, yey etc.. But honestly the man mishaps and missteps right now but totally agreed with you to give him the benefit of a doubt..
Awoowe NG, there is this thing called interpersonal communication which says, every human has double personality, one privetely and one publicly. So I think you discovered that personality where you and everyone have at least two personalities.
I don't travel a lot, but when I do, I often meet with people, old/young and men/women. I always enjoy meeting them though some are better than others.. So XX relax man and have some talks like you do here with other Somalis while traveling, it helps your trip to be short and also joyable.. I hope you didn't discriminate him because of his dialect sounded like Koofurian!
Xaaji Xunjuf;897740 wrote: Cali khalifs words were loud and clear Lets quote the professor on what he said : Somaliland waa la yaqaana beelaha wada dega meeshaas, hadii ay isu imaanayaan oo wax wada samaysanayaan oo reer woqoyi nimo wax ku wada raadsanayaan u malayn mayo inay isku diidayaan awoowe, you're so selective and you left some of the words out.. Ku dar dee the qoote from the prof "oo aan somaliya la kala gooyneyn".. Isn't that what the whole issue between SL vs Khatumo all about? Of course, I am saying you dadka waqooyi degaa waa isu imaan karaa for everything but no "Kala go".. Hear that loud and clear again...
Osman hassan gone mad now compares occupied O'gaden region with Khatumo
A_Khadar replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
I bet you didn't read the entire post except first line, yet at least you're good.. Now you expecting A&T and other O come out and denounce Osman's comparison. He is right if he said the two places are occupied. Don't see where he is gone mad from that. You should applause the man that he elevated your status up by comparing you with the Tegrey/Amhara empires! NG will be cool with him now, no fuss from him this time.. -
Sakiin looma darsan, laakiin shiriif ahmed waa loo darsaday.. Gurguurtee too much qabyaalada iyo power hunger baa ka muuqda..
SNM wants to re-write the bad history of theirs yet no actual change cause they are still dancing for what they want to change. Queen's orphans, please..
Xaaji Xunjuf;897498 wrote: Yes he said the professor knows whats goin on. Cidla laga heley progessorka koonfurianska isku qabtay XX you also have the same issue your cousin is suffering? He indicated that he is very hopeful about Somalia's future and hinted your clan to stop isolating themselves.
Carafaat;897446 wrote: Did I hear Dr.Ali Khaliif say "Waqooyi" must come together? You're unable to understand the simple sentense of Somalia.. Listen again and again if your comprehension is this challenged..
Lol@ this topic. I am not sure why Brits wanted to bumb those who lab danced for them?
In this interview, Dr. Galaydh touched on many issues from Mogadishu, Jubaland, SL, PL, AS, and Khatumo. Very interesting interviewed.. Interview Audio
You guys talking about Oromos handed to Ethiops, but you forgot that Somalis were handed to Ethios in many times.. If the boss orders, no one can refuse his demands. Forget about obligations, moral, justice and what not.
XX, isku dirku ma halkaasuu kaa marayaan.. Again that gabay refers nothing but the distance of these clans nothing more nothing else.. But agian, it's all your people politician to normal ones who dispice konfurian and has so many different names.. come again waryaa.. to back to the topic, change the course if you want the HAG and successionists to be in good terms..
Wadani;895882 wrote: A_Khadar, when faysal said that he meant wiilka kilinka shanaad, not actual ethiopia as in tigray and amxaar. Wax fahan. Lol.. Kilinka shaanaad ppl are somalis. The man talked about Amxaaro and ormos.
Xaaji Xunjuf;895878 wrote: You're poets in Buhoodle proudly compose poems that they will never wed their daughters to the sons of HAG. even with that, which I don't personally support, but that man's poem was meant the distance and neighborhood point since he singled out speciif sub clan who live far in heart of Keynya and who neighbor with Booran. But I guess you can to twist it as it fits for your point..
Wadani;895866 wrote: Any somalilander who claims to be the orphan of the queen is a vile and ignoble being, and does not represent the proud people of the republic of Somaliland. And our love affair with HAG is nothing new, we've had a political and military alliance since the 80's. Wadani, you can try changing the course now, but many bad history was documented. I mentioned one, not mention XX's daily konfurian terms as they are aliens. Wiilka Koofur waxaa iiga dhow midka ethiopianka ahna was another history just to mention few.. So I am suggesting the best way to make this new love to work which is apology first for what went wrong!
Xaaji Xunjuf;895863 wrote: A khadar be one with the HAG but I never call them wan-la-weyn..
Secessionists’ new love affair with HAG is the latest superstition’s suggestion after all other attempts returned NULL including claiming Queen’s orphans... If you want this to work, secessionists need to apology for calling “********” for HAG. Wish you luck!
Islii and Superpower koox maxaa kala heysto
A_Khadar replied to Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar's topic in General
Alle ha ka kiciyo hadaysan tiisa gelin..