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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. what is the point of this thread. unless it is an official meeting, all leaders meet in international events which this is.
  2. what is the point of this thread. unless it is an official meeting, all leaders meet in international events which this is.
  3. ^^^^ Dee they are only there to share the pirate booty
  4. entrance KONIS STADIUM
  5. ^^^^ Show adigu weligaa meel aan magaalo aheeyn maanan ku ciyaarin. I am all to used to it. Gaarisa has pretty much the same terrain.
  6. imaginary global terrorists Hah. Talk about pathetic. somali fighters Load of rubbish. Most of them are foreigners and dissalusioned kids.
  7. ^^^^^ I can understand what's wrong with Somaliland, but what's wrong with a united Somalia??? Or do you want to be another unrecognised seccestionist entity?
  8. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: halkee ku xanuuntay ?? ,,, JB, halkaa iyo halkaa iyo weliba halkaas ugu daran. Walaalow wax daaba ma ii haysaa?
  9. ^^^^^ true say instead support the all inclusive SOMALI GOVERNMENT.
  10. "Ninkii dhoof ku yimaado geeridu dhibeysaa!!" Kashafa & co, your khawaarij brethren are dying and loosing ground fast. Walaalow geeridu ka waran??
  11. ^^^^Oodweyne ask the TRUE natives of Sool who they favour, Somalia or Somaliland.
  12. He is not far from the truth. They have achieved victory in the sense of withstanding a coup. They have spread government influence through Ahlu Sunna and government forces in Beledweyne. You must remember, this government was intended to be a government that brings peace through negotiation. Thats why they lost so much ground in the first stages of the coup. They did not even have proper forces of their own, they relied on former MMI troops for protection who fought for individuals not a country. But now they for the first time have full direct control over Beledweyne and advancing, full indirect control over South Gaalkacyo and Galguduud plus have re-established Xooga Dalka Soomaaliyeed, with trained military and navy personnel equipped with military hardware. So in essence for a government that was intended to be a negotiation government to achieve all that which is outside it's original mandate is success.
  13. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Thats what the news states saxib, whats your take? no it doesn't. it says the ethiopian forces are 10-15 km from Beledweyne, but government forces on their own took over by force. Stop being a hater.
  14. I heard the other day a strange conversation between too khamra cab in southall London. The both entered the maqaayad and sat down with a cuppa. Both are known in This part of London to drink alcohol. After a while one of them goes "war ninyahow beryahan dambe waxaan ku fikiraaye in diinta islaamka aan ka baxo" Markaas ayuu kan kale gacanta madaxa saartey oo yiri "laa ilaaha illallaahu!! War ninyahow maxaa tiri! Diinta islaamka baan ka bixi aa!" Kolkaas ay dadka maqaayada ku jirey dheheen "maxaa ka qaylin? Labadiina khamra baaba isla cabtiin?" He then goes "anniga khamra waan cabaa laakiin diinta islaamka ma ka bixin. Maanta wixii ka dambeeya ninkan ma la socon dooni". Kolkaasey dadkii oo maqaayada ku jirey qosol la dhaceen. very funny
  15. Listen Oromali, i've got no problems with the oromo as long as they don't attack native somali towns such as Negele, Harar and Dire Daba. Secaond of all ONLF are busily engaged with the occupiers so stand reassured. REMEMBER --- KEEP OUT OF SOMALI TOWNS. STICK WITH THE OROMO TOWNS. PS: i noticed their is a sizeable Oromo population in Harar and Dire Daba plus other SOMALI towns, do the oromos claim them???
  16. ^^^ they are khawaarij because they are takfiiris but not to the same extent as Al-Shabaab. Plus it is a well known fact that all takfiiris are khawaarij. We just have to look back at the history of Islam specifically at the Khalifite of Cali (radiullaahu canhu). The group that were against him and that killed him and Cuthmaan (radiullaahu canhu), called all their opponents including the living companions at that time time "murtads". Hence the scholars of Islam recognised the takfiiris as Khawaarij. Look at the the xadiith that was narated by (i think Muxammad Bin Salamah/ Abu Muusaa Al-Ashcari) that said " I was on day sitting inside a mosque (i think it was the mosque of Madinah) when i saw a group of men sitting in a circle with a pot and stones in the middle. One of them would throw a rock into the pot and order the others to say Astaakhfurullaah a 100 times. Then Subxaanallaah then so forth. Just as they were doing that a companion walked in (either Muxammad Bin Salamah/ Abu Muusaa Al-Ashcari). He just stood at the doorway and observed them. He did not say anything because he was not sure about the ruling of what they were doing. So he went to Ibn Mascuud (radiullaahu canhu). He explained to him what he saw. Ibn Mascuud (radiullaahu canhu) replied what did u say. He said i didn't say anything because i wasn't sure about it. So him and Ibn Mascuud went back to the Mosque. Ibn Mascuud (radiullaahu canhu) scattered their stones and told them - the prophets utensils are still with us and u do this? The narrator of this xadiith went on to by allah, I saw the same men fighting and making takfiir on the companions of allaah in the time of Cali (radiullaahu canhu). So this goes to shows takfiiris are Khawaarij.
  17. Congrats to the reer waqooyi for their far sightedness and peace loving nature at that time. The only major blunder was going against and undoing the work of their forefathers and liberators.
  18. Give it up Meiji. These khawaarij can create as many fake administrations as they can, but the LEGITIMATE government of the SOMALI people has finalised security plans, established an inclusive security council and now is in full swing. Beledweyne is proof of this. Ahlu Sunna (Government allies) have captured strategic towns in Hiiraan & Galguduud. Buulo Burde is next Insha'allah. Things are looking good for this LEGITIMATE SOMALI government so stop the hating brother.
  19. u mean the ehem in hargeisa maybe JB nive land feature is a clue for those that don't understand me.
  20. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: Show, odayga JB xanaaq ayuu la fuurey. weligaaba xanaaqsanow.