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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. come on. There is no way 2 mil can build that.
  2. Haye Paragon waa balan . I'll mail you the keys. Enjoy. Just make sure you change the bed sheets after your done, eeerrr, i mean mop the kitchen floor when your done PS: Make sure no one follows you. I'll get a bad name if they find out what i do there
  3. Paragon, i made an offer for you and The siren. and btw, it still stands. Check it out in the poetry section, your dirty poem. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
  4. wow wow wooooow!!!! What a thread. Nice poem too Paragon. PS: Paragon & The_Siren, if you two are really interested in getting to work, my house needs plumbing plus I'll be away on holiday so i Need two really trusted plumbers. Interested? If yes the keys will be under the mat. Enjoy yourselfs and make yourselfs at home. After finishing with the kitchen, i lost the remote in the coach, would you two also mind getting it out for me?
  5. Haatu


    I absolutely love NCIS. Can't wait for season 6 to come out.
  6. why doesn't he ever give the source?
  7. I think I have the solution. Let us have a blend of Federalism and Centralism. I will explain what I mean. First of all, Puntland is too powerful for this strategy. It is shaped as an independent country. It needs to become a region that does not have regions within it, whilst at the same time having the same powers as a federal region. The country should be split into federal regions with EQUAL opportunities. Mogadishu will not choose the governors of the regions (which shall be made up of districts), but the people residing in those regions will through local elections (doorashooyinka deegaanka) throughout the whole country. The regions governors will have a regional assembly which shall decide how to spend its budget. They will be given a budget big enough to pay the salaries of the civil servants (e.g police, teachers) by the central government. It will also have control over the regional police force. It will be in charge of building new roads, schools and hospitals etc. Tax shall be collected throughout the whole country which will be given to the central government. All revenues from ports, airports, oil etc, shall be given to the central government. With this money the government will decide a budget for itself and FAIR budgets for every single region. The government will be in charge of national defence and overseeing the work of the regions. The National Assembly (Golaha Shacbiga) in Mogadishu shall include MPs that are voted from their constituencies nationwide in general elections. The central Impartial government will hold the power to veto any of the actions of the regional assemblies if it deems them unfit, only after voting on the matter. It will also hold the power to make new national laws and every region will have to follow them or else face consequences. If a region fails to follow any of the laws passed by the National assembly and refuses to acknowledge them, the National Assembly will have the right, after a unanimous vote, to disband that regional assembly and call for fresh elections in that region. This will ensure the rights of the people to choose their own leaders, and also make sure the country has a far system of governance regardless of clan lines.
  8. Haatu

    PIC of the day

    ^^^^^love the facial expressions
  9. Originally posted by sool_boy: firstly , how many states so called govmnt cantrol?and how many al shabab cantrol? secondly ,instead of going to hiiraan , why not they going to jowhar who are stone throw from sharifs hide-out(aka villa uganda)lol. they are just going where ethiopians go . Hiiraan is much more strategically important than Sh/Dhexe because of buundada Buulo Burde which connects North & South.
  10. The warlords now take their orders from the government. Your forgetting it was not general Mukhtaar who set out to liberate Hiiraan, but was appointed by the government. As for the checkpoints, have you heard anything suggesting that the government troops in Beledweyn are robbing the people of their money on the roads. Your mind is still set in the era of the lawless 90s when there was no government. But now, there is a functioning government although not completely inclusive and powerful, it is still a government.
  11. Dowlada Mareykanka oo taageero Military u sameyneysa Somalia Dowladda Maraykanka oo shaacisay inay taageero Milliteri oo dheeraad ah siinayaan Dowladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya si ay isaga difaacdo Kooxaha Mukhaawamadda ee ka soo horjeeda Jiritaankeeda. Kaaliyaha Xoghayaha Arrimaha Dibedda ee dalka Maraykanka ugu qaabilsan Arrimaha Qaaradda Afrika, John Karson, ayaa hadalkaasi Saxaafadda ugu sheegay magaalladda Washington, wuxuuna tilmaamay inay Dowladiisa sida ugu dhaqsaha badan Taageero Milliter oo dheeraad ah u soo gudbin doonaan Dowladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya si ay ugu adeegsato Soo-celinta Degaanaanshaha dalka Soomaaliya. Kaaliyaha waxa uu carrabka ku dhuftay inay Dowladiisa taageero buuxda siinayaan DFKMGS, Ururka Midowga Afrika iyo Hawlgalka Ciiddamadda Nabad-ilaalinta Afrikaanka ee AMISOM, isla markaana ay culayska saari doonaan sidii Ammaanka loogu soo celin lahaa Goballadda Koonfurta dalka Soomaaliya. Mar wax laga weydiiyey Kulanka lagu wado inay Madaxweynaha Dowladda KMG ah ee Somaaliya , Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed iyo Xoghayaha Arrimaha Dibedda ee dalka Maraykanka maalinta Arbacadda ee soo socta ku yeeshaan magaalladda Nairobi, waxa uu carrabka ku dhuftay inuu Kulankaasi yahay mid muhiim ah oo ay Dowladda Maraykanka ka dhegeysan doonto Madaxweyne Shariif qaabka ay Dowladiisa qorsheynayso si Nabad iyo deganaansho loogu soo celiyo dalka Soomaaliya. “Waxaan Madaxweyne Shariif siinaynaa Fursadiisa Koowaad, si aan uga maqalno rajadda ku aadan Nabadda Soomaaliya, waxaana u aragnaa inuu Kulankaasi yahay mid muhiim u ah dalka Soomaaliya” ayuu yiri Kaaliyaha Xoghayaha Arrimaha dibedda ee dalka Maraykana ugu qaabilsan arrimaha Qaaradda Afrika, John Carson. Dhinaca kale, Kaaliyaha waxa uu mar kale ugu baaqay Dowladda Eritrea inay joojiso Taageeradda Milliteri iyo dhaqaale ee ay u gudbinayso Kooxaha ka soo horjeeda DFKMGS, wuxuuna si cad carrabka ugu dhuftay inay Dowladda Eritrea joojiso taageeradda ay siinayso waxa uu ugu yeeray Qas-wadayaasha ku sugan dalka Soomaaliya. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, Dowladda Maraykanka ayaa u muuqata inay kordhinayso Taageeradda Milliteri ee ay ugu yaboohayso DFKMGS, Ururka Midowga Afrika iyo Ciiddamadda AMISOM, iyadoo ay Dowladda Maraykanka horey ugu deeqday Dowladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya Saanad Milliteri oo culayskeedu dhamaa 40-tan, taasi oo ay Ciiddamadda Dowladdsa KMG ah ee Soomaaliya iyo kuwa AMISOM u adeegsanayaan dagaalladda sii socda ee ay kula jiraan Kooxaha Mukhaawamadda
  12. Warlords or not the most important thing right now is to liberate the country from these monsters. Impunity shall be addressed when there is peace and the nation is ready for it. General Mukhtaar is a general in Xooga Dalka Soomaaliyeed and a military man. Plus in the face of the enemy he does not replace is uniform with a jilbaab and indha-shareer like your leaders. His masculinity is not in question but i have doubts for ina Godane
  13. Siyaasadii Mukhtaar Roobow Abuu Mansuur oo laga tabay Gobolada Bay iyo Bakool Dadweynaha ku dhaqan Bay iyo Bakool ayaa tabay Afhayeenkii hore ee Xarakatu Shabaabil Mufsidiin Abuu Mansuur kadib dhibaatooyin joogta ah oo rukun ka noqday goboladaas sidii Mr.Abuu Mansuur xilka looga qaaday. Xarakatu Shabaabil Mufsidiin ayaa gabi ahaanba badashay siyaasadii dabacsanayd ee Abuu Mansuur ka waday goboladiisa iyo maamuladii uu ka tagay. Mr.Abuu Mansuur ayaa mudadii uu awooda ku lahaa gobolada Bay iyo Bakool hormarin jiray masaalixda shacabka ku dhaqan goboladaas, asagoo talada ka qeyb galiyay dadka deegaanka, ogolaadayna howlgalida Hay'adaha Samafalka. Waxaa xusid mudan in Mudadii Abuu Mansuur talada gacanta ku hayay aan wax dhibaataa lagula kicin dadka deegaanka, dadkuna dareemi jireen jawi ay ku dheehan tahay farxad iyo nabad, arrimahaas ayaa si toosa uga hor imaanayay siyaasada madaxda xarakada ee Axmed Godane iyo Fuaad Shongole oo ayagu ka soo jeeda Gobolo nabdoon ayna dhibayso nabada gobolada kale. Axmed Godane iyo Fuaad Shongole ayaa Bay iyo Bakool ku soo rogay siyaasad ka baxsan bani'aadanimada, waxaana si joogta ah ay uga wadaan dil bareer ah, jirdil, dhac iyo falal kale oo fool xun. Dhalinyaro badan ayaa noloshooda ku waayay kadib markii loo jeedshay eedaymo ay ka mid tahay u jaajuusida dowlada Islaamiga Somaliya. Sidoo kale Hay'adihii samafalka ayaa banaanka loo baxshay, waxaana la bahdilay Odayaal dhaqameedkii deegaanka oo laga dhigay dad aan talo iyo sharafba lahayn. Qaar kamid ah dadka deegaanka oo ay noo suura gashay in aan si hoose u waraysano ayaa noo sheegay in ay cadaab galeen sidii Abuu Mansuur loo rafacay. Guud ahaan xaalada bani'aadanimo ee labadaas gobol ka jirta ayaa aad u liidata, waxaana laga cabsi qabaa in ay dhacdo hadii aan laga soo gaarin gaajadii bilowgii sagaashameeyadii. Abuu Mansuur ayaa horay loo shaaciyay in uu noqday ku xigeenka Axmed Godane inkastoo aysan jirin cid si rasmi ah u xaqiijisay, waxaase la rumaysanyahay in uu yahay nin ay ka qaalib noqdeen Godane iyo Shongole una muuqda mid aan wax ka qaban karin dhibka lagu hayo reer tolkiis. Booska Afhayeenimada Xarakatu Shabaabil Mufsidiin ee Abuu Mansuur laga qaaday waxaa iminka ku fadhiya Cali Dheere oo ah nin aan xisaabtameyn oon garaneyn masaalixda dadkiisa iyo gobolkiisa, waana nooca ay ka faaidaystaan Godane iyo Shongole, haday dhacdo in Afhayeen Cali Dheere isku dayo ka shaqeynta masaalixda dadkiisa waxaan shaki ku jirin in uu marayo wadadii Abuu Mansuur. Tafatiraha Miisaanka.
  14. A proof that the Shariif administration is doing something about the precarious security situation in the country no matter how much it's critics deny it.
  15. Originally posted by General Duke: a which is one third of SOMALI surface land If that is the case then why so stingy with the oil claiming it belongs to the people of puntland, when in reality it belongs to Somalis like quoted here?
  16. Ciidamo fara badan oo uu horkacayo Jen. Mukhtaar oo soo dhaafay deegaanka Yasooman oo 40Km dhanka bari ka xigta Buulo Burde, kuna soo dhow Halgan. (31-07-2009) Ciidamo fara badan oo uu horkacayo Jen Mukhtaar Xuseen Afrxa oo dhowaan dowlada u xil-saartay howl galo laga fulinayo Gobolka Hiiraa si gacanta dowladda loogu soo celiyo ayaa Xalay soo dhaafay deegaanka Yasooman oo qiyaastii 40Km dhanka bari ka xigta Magaalada Buulo Burde oo ciidamadu ay ku wajahan yihiin. Ciidamadan oo ku hubeysan gaadiidka dagaalka iyo qoryo casri ah oo ah kuwa lagu rakibo gaadiidka dagaalka balse ay u isticmaalayaan qaab efendari ahaan ayaa xalay waxaa ay ku hakadeen deegaankaas,iyagoo saanadooda wata. Jen. Mukhtaar oo dib u habeyn ku sameeyay ciidamada dowladda oo qaarkood lagu soo tababaray Itoobiya ayaa waxaa kaloo ciidamadaasi qeyb ka ah kuwii maxkamadaha ee ka tirsanaa maamulkii maxkamadaha ee bur buray,kuwaasoo haatan u xuub siibtey ciidan dowladeed. Ma cada ciidamadan inay weerar ku yihiin Buulo Burde ,hase ahaatee qorshayaasha ugu weyn ee Saraakiisha dowladda ee ku sugan B/weyn damacsan yihiin ayaa qeyb ka ah in gacanta lagu dhigo Buulo Burde oo ay ku qul qulayaan gurmadyo ka tirsan kooxaha mucaaradka si ay u difaacdaan deegaankaas. Qorshayaasha dagaal ee la dajiyay ayaa waxaa uu yahay mid dagaalka la doonayo in qaab istiraatiijiyadeed loo galo,waxaana suura gal ah in weeraro laba jiho ka imaanaya lagu soo qaado Buulo Burde, sida aan ka helnay sarkaal dowladda ka tirsan. Magaalada Buulo Burde ayaa waxaa xoog badan ku jooga Xarakatu Al-Shabab oo si weyn u doonaya in ay magaaladaasi difaacdaan, iyagoo beryihii ugu dambeeyey halkaasi ku daabulayey gawaari dagaal iyo maleeshiyaad fara badan oo laga keenay gobollada ay maamulaan. Ciidamadaan dowladda ku abtirsada ee ku soo qulqulaya Buulo burde ayaan hore looga baran dagaal fool ka fool ah oo ay la galaan Xoogagga Alshabab oo iyagu dagaallada u gala si aan kala har lahayn, lama ogaan karo sida ay xaaladdu noqon doonto marka foodda leys daro. Dalkanews.com Muqdisho
  17. Originally posted by General Duke: Most Somali's want a better environment than the one they have been in the past 20 years, they could care less who the President is. The problem is that it is his friends and those who he used to claim leadership off that are the most hostile to him. Now if it's true and Walid Abdalla has turned on him then there is something about this Sharif hotel that changes his friends into foes, what is it? As i have said before, give the guy at least one year then make judgements. It is hard enough that he is the leader of the worlds most failed state, but with opponents like Al-shabaab, he has his work cut out for him. Already we are starting to see signs of progress, Beledweyne is secured, most of Galguduud. Xamar is going to be secured with the arrival of the new security committee. Remember how just one tank and two armoured personnel carriers secured Mogadishu in just two hours. So things aren't looking bad. JUST GIVE HIM TILL THE END OF THE YEAR.
  18. Originally posted by Fu-Fu: somali pirates chilling http://thelede.blogs .nytimes.com/2009/04 /13/a-somali-pirates -home-movie/ walaahi video iska duubeen baaba igu daran nice song in the background
  19. One top priority for the North East administration should be a new terminal building. Just look at the state of it.
  20. Originally posted by NGONGE: All depends on the outcome of the meeting really. She can't possibly offer him any troops, so what exactly can she do? Money? What else?
  21. ^^^ talk about it. Just as they wanted.