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Posts posted by Arafaat

  1. 2 hours ago, Duufaan said:

    Soomaalida cadaalad mataqaan ama SNM ha ahaadeen ama koofur. Even Ethiopia and Kenya use the last population survey to distribute and locate resources. That system will not work in Somalia because the major tribe in the city will take it all.

    Don’t say that, Somali traditional governance was based on equity, inclusiveness and consensus seeking. What we are seeing here is individuals abusing a novice system of governance without the right systems of accountability in place, that has no base whatsoever in Somali traditions and governance. 

  2. 23 hours ago, Duufaan said:

    No one asked if it was fair for Somalia to get 5206 out of the 1 million people.  I see our pro-colonial people fight nothing again to come first. It is not the queen, is not fair. Out of 350, SNM will take 300 and give 50 the rest. And they will tell us loudly that it is fair. As I mentioned here before Hargeysa rapid population growth has to do with urbanization and immigration. The birth rate is around 2.8 close to Jabuuti 2.5. Between the two rivers, it is 6%. End of the day it is about the population and no one is going back to the 1960's  numbers





    Riyadh: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has decided to allow 79,237 people from India, to perform Haj this year.


    Nigeria has been allotted 43,008 pilgrims, Afghanistan has been allotted 13,582, and Turkey has been 37,770 pilgrims, this year. UK, USA, and France have been respectively allotted a quota of 12,348, 9,504, and 9,268.

    So majority of VISAs will be going to the inter-riverine communities? 😂 

  3. 12 minutes ago, Tallaabo said:

    Saaxiib you are deluded. This is just one more reason Somaliland should do absolutely anything to dissociate itself from that failed entity. 

    dissociation iminka ayee jirtaaba, ileyn markii horeba Somaliland wexe taagneed shaqo kuma lihi Somalia oo arintan iminka laga hadliyo macaa keentay sawmaha. 

    marka iminka sii cadhoono, ama kasii fogaano Kadibna maxaa isbadaliya? Dantaadi sidee ku gaarisaa? Bal siyadad iyo fikir keen?

  4. 1 hour ago, Dhagax-Tuur said:

    We are hoping for a changed man through his actions, for the country's sake. 

    Then focus your ‘constructive’ feedback on the qualifications of said appointee’s and if they have capacities to handle such responsibilities. 

    Critiquing only the clan composition won’t lead to appointments of more qualified people. 

  5. 19 minutes ago, Dhagax-Tuur said:

    As of now,  hsm appointees are all 'tolka'  exception being he fellow from Koonfur Galbeed.  Some are apparently his kin. 

    Hopefully,  this isn't the new HSM.

    😂 it’s been only a day and just 3 appointments. Give the guy a break, give him at least 2 years before criticising.  


    16 minutes ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

    Imagine if these 16 selected Gedo seats were discounted. Most went to Deni. 

    Won’t they vote for Farmaajo in final round?

  7. 51 minutes ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

    Money sways, saaxiib. Xildhibaannada Reer KG wey jala jabeen, each for their own interests. I think Farmaajo did not pay wixii laga sugaaye, I don't know whether it was arrogance or kalsooni weyn inay ka ahayd. He gambled badly, but he still has a chance to pay now. 

    Weren’t mobile phones banned in the venue, makes payment more challenging 😂 

  8. 32 minutes ago, galbeedi said:

    So far no deal between Farmaajo and Lhayre. Sharif went to Hassan . Most likely the final contest could be between Hassan Sheikh and Dani

    Naah, think more like Kheyre and Farmaajo in final with Kheyre winning.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Che -Guevara said:

    They didn't meet the threshold of moving to the second round. I think Sharif will back Farmaajo.

    What is the threshold for second round? 

  10. 2 minutes ago, Che -Guevara said:

    It's Kheyr and Farmaajo vs HSM and Deni.

    How about Sheick Shariif, Abdishakuur and Cosoble? Don’t count out the underdogs they might surprise at the end. 

  11. 6 hours ago, baala xoofto said:

    Idiris' final remarks included two topics of great interest to Somaliland and Somalilanders. That is 'Search for Recognition' and 'Youth Migration/Tahriib'. His comments strikes a accord with me. I have the same world view as the old guard. 

    Recognition is not everything. Just look at our neighborhood? You have failed and close to failed states all around us. That tells you a seat at the UN doesn't mean much. And that is where Mujaahid Businessman Idiris wants to try to convey to the Somalilanders. 

    Somalilanders instead should focus on development and making friends with like minded countries and states that have mutual interest. If we can get along and make business with another country, we will find ways to achieve that. Simple.

    The other issue regarding Tahriib is also an issue that is in the blood and bone of Somalilanders. Our country has history in Tahriib. Our nomads travelled the world over, they were the first to go cross the seven seas on top of the famous British Steam Ships - at one point the super power of the seas during the Industrial era. Our nomads at one stage made up of second biggest ethnicity in British Docklands and Shipyards working both as sailors and Stevedoring services. 

    We have established communities in the traditional sea-fearing ports of the world including Wales and England as well as Bombay and beyond. 

    So Tahriib is not something new, it is a passage. We should welcome it and let the youth suffer and survive and learn at the same time. That is way our forefathers did it. 

    Mass migration is different from individual or small scale regular migration. And it’s caused by different factors but the overall main pull factor is political and economic conditions that are not favourable and appear to be further deteriorating.

  12. 33 minutes ago, Khadafi said:

    I am sorry to burst your ability to conventrate your analysys on the  three city tribal seperatist republic, call Somaliland call it Isa-@@k land, what ever you want but for the most Somali people your issue is a non-issue. A deadly insurgency is going in southern Somalia where a fragile federal government is starting to make it its baby steps. Facts on the table is that it is recognised.  Weak as it maybe, and lacks the security that Somaliland has an undeniable fact is that with recognition comes dictations on the internal affairs of a countrey. I dont know if can get rid of yourself with propoganda or sixirka of the SNM but as a person who knows what goes on in the federal government of Somalia, its a well known secret that hotell bills that Muuse Biixi sleeps in when he pays a visit to Addis, or the donations to Somalia that should go to to north is approved and stamped by Mogadishu. Thats the reality.  The hey day when the north could point the finger and say to the world  "hey, we have security while the south is it chaos" is gone. The FGS, weather I like it, or not is a fully recognised state. What made the leaders in three city- somaliland project go nuts is how they were delegated to to be informal maamul goboleed.  Forget the pr-campaign, the truth is that leaders of Hargeysaa met evert month the FGS and deliver the bills in secret while other bantunistans do not.  You might be a kid fed by hatred but belive, thousands of Somalis from Somaliland are in mogadishu doing buisness.   Its been 30 years of zombie minded saar beating of "aqoonsi" but the upper class knows thats gone. That project failed. What they now want is power sharing agreement.  Somalis will be Somalis.  Analyze your habits, your whole analysis on the elections came down to Khayre forbidding Dubai.  As Somali nationalist or Somali-land nationalist your concern should have been why on hell is Dubai trying buy up all ports in Africa? From Massawa to Assab to even foes in Puntland?  Why? To keep black somalis down.  Even the somaliland parliament understood this. 

    Your getting sidetracked, the topic is the Presidential candidates and where they stand on issues and it’s only natural for anyone,  weather a community, clan, city, region or country to ask themselves where candidates stand on issues, and point made here is that Kheyre hasn’t achieved much on the issue of Somaliland even though he is now making promises. 

    I think that judging candidates on their track records and where they stand on issues is quite healthy, and maybe something one should discuss more often.