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Posts posted by Arafaat

  1. Allah ha u naxariisto masakiinta meesha ku dhimatay.

    I think this is an unfortunate and unintended incident and not as politically charge as it might seem. Cause this isn’t the first time that similar incidents have occurred around fededal officials visiting regional states. it seems there is a lack of structural and clear lines of communication and coordination between the two layers.

    These recurring misunderstandings can be easly solved if federal government would have  a low key official in each state, finetuning communication and logistical arrangements between federal government and regions. Call it regional representative, commissioner, logistical officer, or whatever but there needs to be a clear entry point responsible for fine tuning and smoothing communication and coordination of logistics and those sort of things with regional officials. 

    Preferably someone with excellent social and communication skills, who is familiar with locality, with a modest posture and doesn’t feel urges to asserting authority, status or power but employs DIPLOMACY to get things done. 

  2. 6 hours ago, Dalmar1 said:

    Horta Niyahow what region do you hail from, is it gedo, SL Lascanood/Borama or puntland?

    I mean this is the 3rd time you have been on my back talking about Affairs such as Mogadishu and its Community you have no business to, waa iga talo waryaa shaqo yeelo and mind your business in whatever godforsaken region you come from.

    Mogadishu and its affairs are for its Community alone.

    Don’t take it personal, but as this is a discussion forum its purpose is to debate one another, even disagree or disquify each other’s statements and positions.

    And on that note,  I don’t have an issue if one associates clans with specific urban settlement, but in your statements you equate repeatedly clans to specific urban settlements and that’s what I have an issue with and find malignant. Contrary to some pastoral and rural grazing lands, A city is its people and not the same or equivalent to clans.

    This kind of thinking in classifications and making the wrong equations is what often leads to depersonalisation,dehumanisation and basically denying and trampling on peoples basic rights and human existence.


  3. 5 hours ago, Dalmar1 said:

    Its against this site's Platform to name Clans so in that sense, Yes Reer Mogadishu waa qabiil, just as you are reer Bosaso.


    If we are talking native clan communities, in my book native reer Xamar are those mixed communities from Shibis, Shangaani iyo Hamarweyne, the inland Banadiri, Afgooye and those from close by Balcad environs.

    Natives from Mudug and Galgaduud are neither part of those communities nor close to those communities neither in geographical proximity, culture, values or norms. irrelevant how many guns or force one can apply, as guns and force can easily turn sides, but culture and value don’t. 

  4. Fitnah ayaa wakhtigaas dhacday, Madaxweynihii ayaa la dilay, taasna waxa usii dheereed afgambi, iyo Raisal Wasaare, Gudoomiyaha Baarlamanka iyo madaxdii kale xabsi lagu  xidho. Ta ugu daran wexe eheed umadii oo badankooda waxaas oo fitnah sacabka u tumiyaa oo soo dhaweeniya. Madaxda wa loo duceeya ama laga duceystaa, laakinse Somali albaabka fitnaha ayee isku fureen oo kursi fadhisiyeen oo ila maantada inkaarta gudaha kursi ugu fadhida. 

  5. Two questions come to mind;

    Does Somalia have relations with Palestina?

    If not, how wise would it be to develop relations with only one of the two countries engaged in a conflict?

    After all you are getting yourself involved in conflicts that you can’t comprehend and that potentially could backfire. And Somalia has a long and bad experience with this, very recently with the Gulf, but also during the Cold War and also in Africa, it was getting involved and choosing sides in conflicts and wars. 

  6. It’s sign of maturity to develop foreign relationships based on national interest raising it above the partisan politics, immature favouritism or the narrow interest of few individuals. Each country pursues foreign policy based on securing its national interest and its goals, It’s a universally accepted right of each state. 

    Lets hope one can continue to develop mature and balanced relationships based on interest, diplomacy, informed negotiations and compromise without the childish tit for tat with other countries, e.g. Ethiopia, Kenya, UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iran, Turkey, EU, US, China, Russia and whomever. 


  7. 7 hours ago, Samafal said:

    All opposition parties in every country say certain things that they think the government of the day have done wrong and when they get into government themselves try to improve or discontinue with those policies. It is normal. He inherited a mess from Farmajo whereby these boys were lied to and have been kept in foreign country for many years against their will so it is no brainer that he wants them back in the best way possible. I personally think they need counselling for months before they are deployed in any missions so that that they do not desert their barracks.   

    It goes against basic civility and morality for any leader, let alone a former President, to criticise his successor or for a sitting one to criticise his predecessor. It sets a bad example specially as predecessors form a moral authority, are emulated by and set the bar for both succeeding leaders, their subordinates and bigger public. And for a successor it can work as a boomerang, how you treat your predecessors will also set the bar for how you and your legacy will be treated when you are gone. It just leads to moral and ethical decay and degeneration, and undermines compassion and cooperation. 

    P.S. I am not talking about HSM or Farmaajo perse, but in general why it wouldn’t be appropriate. 

  8. 2 hours ago, baala xoofto said:


    Good points. I don't know why this thread morphed itself into a comparison one. It was supposed to be about the history that was deliberately omitted from the history books by the Afwayne regime. 

    Anyway, I don't agree that Somaliland anywhere inhospitable than any other place. For example, if French made Djibouti work as a colony, anyone could have made Somaliland a colony either. Also Somaliland terrain and climate is very much the same as Eritrea where the Italians colonised just like Somalia. 

    So your theory doesn't hold water from that angle. 

    The only reasonable theory is that, the Somaliland clans were farsighted and were more than aware of the global affairs and what not.

    For example, the last ruler of Adal State "Sharmarke Ali Saleh" of Zeila had political/security & trade relationship with the United Kingdom Administration in Aden (South Yemen). This included the exchange of Ambassador/

    I guess this is not a debate about history, but rather an attempt to substantiate your theory of clan exceptionalism. Which is okey, and quite common as well, every Somali clan thinks they are exceptional. 

  9. 4 hours ago, baala xoofto said:

    These two photos of Mogadishu and Berbera are from 18th century.






    On that note, in antiquities for centuries until the 19th century, the trading centre of the world was the Indian Ocean area with a thriving trade between a chain of coastal cities, like Aden, Berbera, Calcutta, Zanzibar, Mogadishu, Mombasa. 

    Long-distance trade in dhows made it a dynamic zone of interaction between peoples, cultures, and civilizations stretching from Southeast Asia to East and South East Africa and East Mediterranean in the West in prehistoric and early historic periods. Cities and states on the Indian Ocean rim focused on connecting both the sea and the land. In fact Berbera was once the site of an annual trade fair, It was the largest of its kind in the region. Traders from as far as Ethiopia and even India would congregate here in their thousands.

    Guess what happened with that trade? And guess where the trade moved to? The region can restore that trade and connection again,  once more become to become the economic and trade centre of the world, if we can only start to look beyond the current trivial discourse. 


  10. 3 hours ago, baala xoofto said:

    You are implying that Mogadishu was any better than Berbera as a town before the Italians arrived. Which is completely not true. It was possible that Berbera had more population and better economy than any other Somali city during those times. 

    In fact, according to the records, Berbera was a cosmopolitan town with diverse ethnic population from Arabia, Ethiopia and India and even had a sizeable Jewish community. In terms of Somali clan make up, it was probably one of the first multi-clan cities. For example @maakhiri1clan was a visible trading people in Berbera.

    Therefore, if the critera was:

    1. strategic importance, Berbera wins

    2. Economy/trading importance, Berbera wins

    Unlike Somalis from South Somalia which even before the 1991 were more like local native mentality with no interest in what is happening in the outside world - the Somalis from Somaliland were always interested in global affairs. Even before the British came, there were two explorers that were sent from London 1. John Hanning Speke  and 2. Richard Burton. 

    If you read the notes and reports they sent back to London about their encounters while travelling in Somaliland, you will understand that the nomads had good idea about what was going on in the world affairs. John Speke for example noted how some of the nomads asked him about the wars in Europe. 

    These reports about the locals who were awake and had global knowledge must have prompted the Empire to go the negotiations route for a win-win relationship. 



    First of all, nobody is implying that one is better then the other, that kind of chauvinistic thinking has no place in serious political and historical  discussions. If it was soccer on the other hand or any other form of recreational sports, I would have stood beside you in the soccer stadium cheering for the home team, and believing they are better then the opponents, which was also kinda true with Hargeisa and Toghdheer teams being the best teams. 

    Second, Nobody is doubting the importance and economic value Berbera, as Berbera was the main reason for Britains presence in the region. But when it comes to history, you can’t compare the behaviour of one (Italians) in a particular geography(South-Somalia, more fertile land, rivers, perfectly suited for agriculture, different economy), with a different climate (Indian ocean climate, nice and tropical, more rainfall) and context (Italy having no other colonies except for Somalia and Eritrea). In 1930, there were already more then 30.000 Italians living in Somalia, not only in Mogadishu but throughout in Marka, Kismayo, Baidoa, Jowhar and across the agricultural areas of the riverine Jubba and Shebelle valleys  wherrw they set-up large agricultural plantations.

    Now how can you compare that with the behaviour of another(the British) in a region (Somaliland, with nomadic peoples, and pastoral economy), in a geography (mountainous, difficult to access in those years before you had large vehicles), with a climate (Red sea, arid and dry climate, limited rainfall) that is inhospitable for Europeans, and context where the British already have large and historical presence in the region with Egypt, Sudan, Yemen and have colonised already 25% of the earths surface where half of the earths population live in. The British presence in Somaliland had no time more then 500 British citizens in the country, mostly consisting of soldiers and administrative officials, compare that with 30.000 Italians who were running farms, hotels and business in the country. 

    Based on all that I don’t think you can compare or conclude that one peoples is better then the other, or one colonial power was better then the other, as context determines the behaviour of peoples. 


  11. 13 hours ago, baala xoofto said:

    If @maakhiri1is not being dishonest, he will agree with me that, Somaliland people never had any restrictions on their liberity under British Protection. Somalilanders travelled the world over, attended schools in London, India, Kenya, South Africa the Arabian peninsula with no restrictions. 

    Somalilanders owned houses in UK. Owned farming lands in Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. We had our own passports that was issued in Somaliland and accepted all over the world. 

    So this colonialism that was subjected to South Somalia is something foreign to us. 

     The day we asked to get our independence back, the UK Gov't proposed to give us 10 years of State Building before indepdence. We said No!. 

    Can you imagine South Somalia saying "No" to Italy? Unthinkable. 

    The only reason why South Somalia got its independence is due to the British Administration that took charge of Mogadishu allowed you. I know a lot South Somalia (Mostly D-clan) wanted the British Administration to return Somalia back to Italian rule. Give credit where credit is due. 

    You are comparing two completely different geographies that couldn’t have been more different. do you think the British would have acted the same if Somaliland had the same climate as Somalia, floating rivers, fertile lands, developed coastal cities. Belief me they would have come with more then the 500 soldiers they would have come with tens of thousands, settled there permanently and definitely abused the population just as they have in Kenya, Zimbabwe, India and every other place they deemed worth of real colonisation.



  12. 18 hours ago, Dalmar1 said:



    Lol,  so now after peddling fake news and lies, they are calling names insults and whataboutism, SMH!

    Yes it's true anyone not from Mudug to S/hoose has no business talking about Mogadishu's Affairs, so fadlan focus on your regions instead of salivating our Deegaans.

    Dalmar, Mogadishu naga daa warkeeda waan hayaa, ee iga waran xaalka Dhuusamareeb, Guriceel, Matabaan iyo Ceel Dheere. Give us update on those localities. 


  13. 2 hours ago, Dalmar1 said:

    Lol keep telling yourselves deluded lies that everything was safe under the failed dictator farmaajo. 

    Niyahow waa iga talo focus on your own region instead on other man's region, Mogadishu rag baa uu fadhiyo and its only them Reer Mogadishu that can speak for Mogadishu.

    When u see a Somali overly claiming a region, you know they are definitely not from there. Wouldn’t be surprise if our friend here is actually from Mudug or Galgaduud. 😂 

  14. On 7/3/2022 at 5:04 AM, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:


    This is one understandable, having a personal medical doctor you can trust. Not everything has to be done 4.5. Let the President be treated by his nephew and let him bring his personal cook and driver, I don’t have an issue with that as they are working with his own personal domain and not part of making national policies. 

  15. He did a lot of good work, nobody can deny that and you are right there are those with other motives in personally attacking him.

    And maybe I am missing something, but what I still don’t understand is, why the federal government(irrelevant which department is involved in the process)  hasn’t submitted the annual financial statements to Parliament to settle and account for the previous years?

    This is one of the main and basic fundament in the business and cycle of governance and clearly mandated by the constitution in so many articles. Same as you have an annual budget for every institution and the government as whole, which is approved by Parliament you have  at the same time an annual financial report that goes to Parliament. If It was submitted and Parliament rejected for political reasons you could have a point that it was politically motivated, but not submitting at all! Not for one year but four consecutive years? At least that’s what I heard the MPs say, including the Senate chair. 

    And mind you that this budget and Financial report is a common government effort, I am sure there are many figures and branches involved and decisions could have come from elsewhere. 

  16. 5 hours ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

    Kowda Luulyo wanaagsan mar kale, maryooleey. Here is the video, this time someone posted it on Youtube:

    Dignitaries present included madaxweynaha Suudaan xilligaas.

    What’s the bandwagon written the Eritrean community depicting a snake eating a bird at 6:00min? 

  17. Your call to priorities the issue urgently is justified and I don’t think anyone can disagree with that. And your analysis is not wrong perse, as it’s incomplete.  The issue is not only political and religious in nature, as you are pointing out here. But its contains as much socio, cultural and economic underlying factors, which I won’t go in to. But discounting one dimension could easily undermine your direction of thinking and proposed solution, as has happened with previous ‘simple’ solutions and fixes, such as e.g. federalism, foreign troops, weapons support, and creation of half a dozen different military units operating independently from one another. 

    But you are right that the problem needs to urgently be prioritised, discussed and fully understood, as one can’t simply ignore it anymore. Its the big elephant in the room, and he has grown over the years to become a giant mammoth. 

    P.S. Ironically it’s mainly international academics thinking and writing on the issue and different underlying factors. Very little is coming out of the Somalis corners in terms of thinking. Wonder why that is? 

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