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Everything posted by maakhiri1

  1. Ninkan Martida ah inagu soo kordhey, Shaqo meesha u yimi, ha la iska dhaafo, waa la akhristaa, waxa u yimi huuhaa iyo in uu helo umad badan oo illey oo kale ah, ama sida iLLey U fekerta, iyo fekerka dadka in shaki geliyo, wax ka bedelo fekerka , ama sidey rabaan wax u sheegto, buu rabey, laakin mar mar baa isaga laftiisa, daaqad fekerka Tigreega, iyo waxa ay rabaan laga ogaadaa, wax badan baa laga dhuuxi karaa, Cadowggaag in aad ogaatid sida u fekeraayo. Waa nin aad loo carbiyey.
  2. Somali Ambassador in UAE should be fired too, he seem to be sleeping on the wheel, with NO forewarninging to Prime Minister Khayre.
  3. You should go Hargaisa and help draft rebuttal documents, gloves are off!
  4. As said in the other thread, this is still the beginning , more to come. UAE will crumple under pressure, come thru main door or walk away!
  5. That is not fair Statement, many get to know or first time heard of Somalis because of him. He is world star and achieved Big
  6. what is the thing in men's neck? headphone? Amazing!
  7. Waa gartey saaxib, Iga kaftan bay ahayd anigaba, nobody can know everyone. But many say this speech from him, when he stopped to run for president, in last presidential election, is the reason, Farmaajo was elected, Still hard to say Farmaajo is kii KHAYR ka qabay, but this could be why Ethiopian backed candidates lost
  8. Zakariye geesinimadiisa iyo wadaninimadiisa ma shaki baa kaaga jira, oo Somali oo dhan ay u ogsoontahay. mise reerka uu ka dhashay baa. caad kaa saari, Walaalka Somali ga ah libintiisa waa loo qiraa.
  9. Why Tuur was exiled for many years if he was the founder? and returned only as bed-ridden in 2003 and died few months later, is this part of re-writing history? . Further, in April 1994, the first head of state of the self-proclaimed republic, Abdirahman Ahmed Ali, currently president of the Somali National Movement, declared his opposition to secession during a press conference in the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa ( Reuters 30 Apr. 1994). He added that "the path followed by the Somali people in the north and south of the country to resolve the Somali crisis has not achieved the desired results" ( AP 29 Apr. 1994). The current president of Somaliland, Mohammed Egal, described Ahmed Ali as a traitor ( AFP 29 Apr. 1994); he had said that the people of the north did not want to [translation] "put their fate in the hands of a central power in Mogadishu" (Marchés tropicaux 28 Jan. 1994, 163
  10. UAE needs SOMALIS, it is about time we look for another business partner, not this country that is violating the sovereignty of our country.
  11. Regardless of how many Sirs, Olympic medals, did he forget he is SOMALI? of course SOMALIS are being discriminated everywhere, and the answer is being united , and helping Mother nation!
  12. waw, UAE leaders must be shitting on pants now
  13. Ducaale being just fanatic, . Suldaanka on the other hand, is pragmatic.Hopefully it will never come to SRI LANKA/Tamil style, Union, or no Union, the end goal is what is good for the people, not what is good for clannish ego.
  14. lol @ DIGGING,,I didn't dig and spent anything, but my connections. This was part of the writing to DP world and UAE. LEGALITY is very clear , even to most SLers who can read law.
  15. The General Assembly adopted resolution 1803 (XVII) on the “Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources” on 14 December 1962 by 87 votes in favour to 2 against, with 12 abstentions. The resolution had resulted from the General Assembly’s focus on, firstly, the promotion and financing of economic development in under-developed countries and, secondly, in connection with the right of peoples to self-determination in the draft international covenants on human rights. In 1952, the General Assembly requested the Commission on Human Rights to prepare recommendations concerning international respect for the right of peoples to self-determination. The Commission on Human Rights recommended the establishment of a commission to conduct a full survey of the right of peoples and nations to permanent sovereignty over their natural wealth and resources, having noted that this right formed a “basic constituent of the right to self-determination”. In accordance with this recommendation, the General Assembly established the United Nations Commission on Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources on 12 December 1958 under resolution 1314 (XIII). In 1961, this Commission adopted a draft resolution outlining principles concerning permanent sovereignty over natural resources. Following consideration of this draft resolution by the Economic and Social Council and the Second Committee of the General Assembly, the General Assembly adopted resolution 1803 (XVII). Resolution 1803 (XVII) provides that States and international organizations shall strictly and conscientiously respect the sovereignty of peoples and nations over their natural wealth and resources in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and the principles contained in the resolution. These principles are set out in eight articles concerning, inter alia, the exploration, development and disposition of natural resources, nationalization and expropriation, foreign investment, the sharing of profits, and other related issues.
  16. very wierd, Tigray must be very desperate to bring eunuch as Prime Minister.
  17. 100% agree with you DP world is not about business, There was a article in the magazine posted by SULDAANKA, they found two things, 1- DP world, claiming, the port Doraleh is at full capacity, and diverting shipment to DUBAI, they take 100% duty at DUBAI 2-Declined or slowed down or diverted big shipping companies that wanted to USE Port of Doraleh, and offered UAE ports!!! They want to stop the CHINESE, and SLers see short term gain, maybe recognition, maybe development,
  18. Very true, influence takes time, they want buy everything now! They will be black sheep.
  19. Very bizzare, did he just woke up from another planet? What a delusional! He think he can buy everyone.
  20. They offer here to let go first week, as long as she wraps her with SL flag, and denounces union, of course she refused as still incarcerated.
  21. I think the tiny desert country is biting off more than they can chew, UAE corruption everywhere , SENAGAL< ALGERIA< ETHIOPIA< DJIBOUTI< YEMEN< SOMALIA< PAKISTAN< LIBYA<QATAR<USA. and more!