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Everything posted by Khayr

  1. Modern Norm # 4 - Men and women are equality. Gender equality all the way. This Norm is ingrained in the average persons thinking. It has become axiomatic. Ofcourse, no one mentions how gender equality and capitalism go hand in hand. After all, you can't mortgage a two garage home and finance that new car with only hubbies income. So the wife must become equal and she too must work and pay for half the mortgage and finance her own car - right?
  2. <cite> @Naxar Nugaaleed said:</cite> I think the only way to find out is to actually go there lol So then until you can give us first hand reports, you should reserve your negative comments and judgementss. In other words, nagaa aamuus!
  3. <cite> @DoctorKenney said:</cite> This is a 29 year old guy who has 9 children? Are you kidding me?? That illogical information should discredit the author and make this entire article null and voide. Yet it doesn't because afte all in a world of "no judgements", negative judgements driven by sentimentality, seem to over ride logical and critical analysis.
  4. <cite> @Che -Guevara said:</cite> Freedom from state sponsored violence, Really? How so? Do you mean the Yankee way (refer to Michael Brown) or the other Yankee way of Wherein Americans are free from "state sponsored violence" but the rest of the world isn't freed from their (read Amerrican) sponsored violence against everyone else (sorry but who has the largest army/weapons).
  5. Modern Norm #3 - No judgement at all on what someone else does or says. We don't judge people - right? Is there a Cavaet here for some things or some groups of people?
  6. Modern Norm #2 - Capitalism is the best system i.e. Making money to live a better life (regardless of who or what is in your way. After all, Natural Selection is all sbout survival of the fittest)
  7. So I wanted to get some of your opinions on what some of you see and/or consider to be Modern Norms. Here goes the first one: Modern Norm #1 - Going to University/College guarantees employment
  8. <cite> @Allyourbase said:</cite> The religion of peace, lol Here, try this. Go to Google image search and type in 'religion of peace', tell me what you see So is Google Images your worldview picture? Is it your reference point?
  9. I just want to clarify that my previous post was in response to Xabad or Offbase's comment on if you don't support ISI then you are not supporting shariah nor its implementation. The premise being that ISIS islam is an accurate reflection of the Islamic Paradigm and the only one. A corrupted premise that draws the conclusion that Secularism is better and more "peaceful" than Islam.
  10. I just wanted to make a point of clarification and contrast here: Just as there are different forms of governments in the Secular world (President and Senate (U.S.), Prime Minister and Parliment (England and most of Common Wealth); Monarchy (King or Queen by heriditary line); Communism and Dictatorship (see Sisi and most IMF run countries), so to does Islam have a comprehnsive system of governance. One that has its roots on the multipile schools of Jurisprudence/Fiqh. So you can have an Islamically governed region that applies Maliki Fiqh and another that applies Shafi fiqh. There maybe some extremes but extremes are not the norm because after all they are extremes and because they are extremes they are exceptions to the rule. Exceptions that people use (see Mainstream media) to put fear in peoples hearts. It is an appeal to emotion that wins most fickle hearts and the majority are indeed fickle. Why else would they announce the new Pope making a call to some no name ammericaan journalist's family. He never called one Palestinine when Palestinine blood has been flowing like a river (see Gaza August 2014).
  11. Xabad said: sharia calls for three choices to be offered to infidels, to convert, to pay jizya or be killed There is no forced conversion to Islam. There is compliance with the Shariah much like what Secular societies ask of you - abiding by the law. Here are diametrically opposite rules of Secularism: - Leave God in your homes. Religious expression must be limited and when it poses a threat (see France) then ban it all together. - If you don't adhere to Secular principles, then you must be exiled or jailed. - If you speak out against Secularism, you will be automatically discredited and we will enforce an economic embargo on you (you won't get that promotion that you were dreaming about nor that hot water that you wanted).
  12. Waryee, iisko caaqli maanahin. Markaa niimanka haadhlayaan caaruurto wii aamuusan. (For offbase) Now what would be the english equivalent of what I just said to him?
  13. <cite> @Tallaabo said:</cite> You can't dodge a valid question. If you are so in love with the "righeous caliphate" being established in the Middle East, why don't you join them and leave the decedent, failed, and dying western lifestyle you are currently enjoying for the heathens like Xabad? Don't you realise that no one will stop you at the airport if you decide to leave the western world for good? Tu Quoqoe at its best. Your logical fallacy that because CidSultan disagrees makes him a hyprocigr - is total bs. Unlike yourself, waving the "Pink" flag of Islam and havingn an attachment to the deen only in certain convienant personal matters. Cidan doesn't have to leave or go anywhere. Infact, why don't you go join your awliya al shayateen since your views parallel theirs. Go join the estrogen parade since you are pro-gay. Go join the military since you are so anti-muslim resistance. Why don't you join BBC or Fox news, since you think like them and speak like them. And finally.... Go kick rocks!
  14. <cite> @Naxar Nugaaleed said:</cite> Just an FYI, Saudi Arabia has spent billions of dollars in radicalizing Islam and spreading it's Wahhabi ideology all over the Muslim world. They are are probably responsible for all these terrorist movements from al Qaeda, al shabaabs, Taliban, bako harams, Isis,al nusra and the rest. Thanks so much for the update Channel 4 and CNN. The world is much more informed now and more dictator money in suitcases is on its way along with somem fighter jets and drones.
  15. It is like the deception of the devil is all over these two groups and they all claim to be from the same Ummah yet they are both dhalimuun (wrong doers) to the Ummah at large. اللهم ارِن الحق حقً و ارزقنَ اِتِبعهُ وارِن البطل بطِلً وارزقنَ اِجتِنٰبهُ Oh Allah, show us what the truth is and bless us with following it and show us what evil really is and make us stay away from it and reject it. Ameen
  16. <cite> @Alpha Blondy said:</cite> this is PC gone mad. the man ought to employ whoever he wants. why politicise something so simple. Waryaa, Shiib deh oh buskaa xaagadhembey fariiso, oromo yaaho This guy got caught for being simply an honest racist. Most white people would have hypocritically smiled in your face and told you that you are just not comptent enough and do not meet their "barista" standards of pouring a coffee into a cup or reading the instructions on the coffee bags. He got burnt for saying what was in his heart. I would take that kind of racism over the white lies of the cadaan and their pseudo liberal racial equality. At least with one, there would be no blurred lines.
  17. I think it is a real shame and a sign of ahl al jahnam to hide being named after the best of اللهs creation, Muhammed صل اللهً عليهِ وسلم. I don't cheer for people that change their name into something nonmuslim and alien. I don't care for any Mos.
  18. وَيَقُولُ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا لَوْلَا أُنزِلَ عَلَيْهِ آيَةٌ مِّن رَّبِّهِ قُلْ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يُضِلُّ مَن يَشَاءُ وَيَهْدِي إِلَيْهِ مَنْ أَنَابَ The Unbelievers say: "Why is not a sign sent down to him from his Lord?" Say: "Truly Allah leaveth, to stray, whom He will; But He guideth to Himself those who turn to Him in penitence, الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَتَطْمَئِنُّ قُلُوبُهُم بِذِكْرِ اللَّهِ أَلَا بِذِكْرِ اللَّهِ تَطْمَئِنُّ الْقُلُوبُ "Those who believe, and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah: for without doubt in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction.
  19. Khayr

    Fardawsa Abdi

    Masha Allah, her recovery is a testament to perservance and having a strong will power.
  20. <cite> @xabad said:</cite> I support israel, so should you. So on one hand you want to make a case against "Child Marriage" but are completely ok with "Child slaughtering"..
  21. You have already manipulated things with that wildly provactive title. It is like saying your carpet stinks, now let us discuss why it could smell good. For any outsider, the image of a stinky carpet becomes embedded. With that image, all logical arguments immediately cease and the logical fallacy of appeal to association and appeal to emotion wins. I mean Tallabo and Xabad are just two sides to the same crooked coin. A bunch of con artists posing as sincere nomads.
  22. What does the Adhan represent for muslims? The Adhan shows the majesty and beauty of Islam. It examples strength and eloquance.
  23. <cite> @Holac said:</cite> Look at what a Jihadi did in Bosaaso yesterday. We must fight the terrorists and stop our kids from being misled to spread violence. The Jihadis go back to their home countries and create worst trouble. It is a beast you can't control. You sound like Bush and Bama. Their solution being preemptive slaughtering of muslims. Btw, F.A.W. talks way too much. He is not a wise politician at all.
  24. <cite> @Tallaabo said:</cite> It must be very humiliating to find out your "caliph" is after all a Mosad secret agent :-D Sorry lad this is what usually happens to the seeflabood simpletons. Making a mockery of another muslim is a sign of nifaq. You may not agree with him but you need not act like an Asss towards him.