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Posts posted by cadnaan1

  1. 18 minutes ago, Tallaabo said:

    The government of Somaliland made an excellent decision not to export livestock to Saudi Arabia this year. In every hajj season, Somaliland sends millions of animals to Saudi Arabia for slaughter as part of the hajj ritual. No country in the world can fill the giant shortfall in the supply chain which will soon emerge when Somaliland is no longer sending livestock. The hajj ritual of millions of pilgrims many of whom paid their life's savings to fulfill their religious duties will be in jeopardy and Saudi Arabia's reputation will be on the line. The political fallout for the Saudi regime for a chaotic or failed hajj season will be huge, so Somaliland should keep its feet firmly on the ground and just watch what happens. 

    Don't forget that xoolaha ugu badan ee laga dhoofiyo Berbera waxaa laga keenaa deegaanka Somalida ee Ethiopia.

    I'm sure ganacsatada inay boosaaso ka dhoofin doonaa xoolaha.

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  2. 6 hours ago, gooni said:

    Afartii bilood oo ay u bixiyeen caga bararka oo dadku ku noolaa qolofta mooska iyo qaraha, waliba qofkii heli karay wakhtigaas,  dambigeedii luquntay ugu jirtaa ilaa yumu-diin.

    Tan daarta waxay muujinaysaa in nabad iyo nolol muqdisho ka bilaabatay, dhisidda dalkuna waa ka baraka badan tahay dal shisheeye dhisidiis.


    Cagabararka had nothing to do with Cali Mahdi iyo ceydiid cagabararka waxaa sabab u ahaa reer Gedo  oo beerihii iyo bakaartii reer Bay& Bakool bililiqaystay.

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  3. 2 hours ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

    Haddee run ka tahay kuwa waxa xasuuqaayo waxee si toos ah u weerari karaan Xarardheere ay Barbaarta heystaan toban iyo dhowr sano.

    Waxaa sidoo kale arkaaye Muuse Suudi iyo xulufadiisa shir warbaahin qabtay, lehna dad gobolka Shabeellaha Dhexe ka soo jeedo ayaa lagu xasuuqay. Tolka Muuse Suudi lama dhaafin miyaa xataa?

    Shiidle reer jowhar ayaa ka mid ahaa dadka la xasuuqay.

  4. 19 hours ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

    Waa ayaandarro iyo masiibo weyn. Waxaa ka masuul ah Xaaf iyo wixii taageersan. Iyagaa baraha bulshada ka waday inay Soomaalida iska hor keenaan, inay Reer Mudug ku kacaan Reer Koonfur Galbeed ku ganacsada Mudug. Wadaadkii Ahlusunna wuu hadlay oo cambaareeyey inteenan dhicin masiibadaan, laakiin Xaaf jaadkiisa ayuu iska cunaayey, hadduuna soo baruurugay.

    Reer Koonfur Galbeed waxaa ka codsanaayaa inaynan ka bilaabin aano qabiil gobollada Koonfur Galbeed iyo Jubbooyinka, inkastoo aaba ogahay inaynan ahayn reero qabyaalad. Dadka ganacsiga ku leh deegaanadaas intee saan ku sii jiri lahaayeen ha iskaga noqdaan deegaanadooda nimceysan. Barbaarta inkaarta qabtay deegaanada Koonfur Galbeed badankooda waa laga saaray ee ha iskaga noqdaan.

    Ninkii maalin dhaweyd qarxin rabay suufiyada guuriceel waxaa kasoo waday ceelbuur oo baabuurkiisa kusoo qaaday oday reer guuriceel ah oo la shaqeeya shabaabka laakiin waxaa la sheegay wiilka kaliya qabiilkiisa odayga lama sheegin.

  5. On 5/31/2019 at 6:00 AM, Old_Observer said:

    Is it you or me that has bought into cheap propaganda?

    You want me to check History, look what I found.: Aren't they the only ones who fought to the end against Italy from all Italian Somalia?

    Italians were so scared even after all that carpet bombing from ships and some of the Puntland fighters have gone to Ethiopia, the Italians afraid of being ambushed and their soldiers killed one at a time, they brought Africans from Eritrea to do the checking. Italy did not open office or position governors or soldiers in Puntland. Find me any place in Africa or Asia where the colonizer recieves taxes from remote location and cannot have offices and administrators in villages or districts.


    SSDF: short Mengistu was an enemy to them, while Mengistu went to such great length to beg and bring Aidiid from India.

    Every man can fight when has objective or interest worth dying for. What is the strategic interest of Puntland in these border areas? As Eritrea fortune depended on Afar and Tigray so does Somaliland's future relies on Puntland.


    Ninkan reerka MJ Gabar ayuu ka qabaa aan u malaynayaa amaantooda heer wuxuu gaaray xitaa uu taariikh been ah u sameeyo 

    Xagee talyaani Kula dagaaleen taarikhda lama hayo, actually the opposite ayey sameeyeen oo markii talyaaniga uu kasoo dagi waayey magaaloyinka marka iyo warsheekh wuxuu kasoo dagay Bandar qaasim aka boosaaso.



    Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Somaliland Cabdiraxmaan Saylici, waxaa uu 10kii bishan April, ka dhagax-dhigay magaalada Berbera warshed uu sheegay in ay sifeynayso shidaalka qaydhin oo Somaliland la keeni doono.

    Saylici iyo mas'uuliyiintii kale ee la socdayba waxay ku tilmaameen mashruucan, kii ugu ballaadhnaa ee abid laga fuliyo Somaliland.

    Shirkadda mashruucan ballaadhan fulineysa oo la yidhaahdo "Singapore New Silk Energy PTE LTD" ayaa cimrigoodu uu dhan yahay hal sano, iyadoo laga aas-aasay dalka Singapore bishii March ee 2018kii.

    Lama yaqaanno meel ay shirkaddani horey shaqo uga soo qabatay.
    Wasaaradda horumarinta maalgashiga Somaliland, ayaa sannadkii hore heshiis hal bilyan oo doollar ah la gashay baanki ay sheegtay in laga leeyahay dalka China, balse markii dambe noqday Bangi aan jirin.

  7. 1 hour ago, Tallaabo said:

    I agree that was a terrible policy made by ignorant folks. Personally I am against anything which makes people's lives anymore difficult whatever the reason. Anyway, free movement of people within the Somali territories in the Horn of Africa should be guaranteed without the unnecessary requirement of passports, visas, etc. Somali people can hardly travel outside the Horn of Africa, so it is ridiculous to make travel within their territory another hurdle which consumes, money time, and energy. 

    I m surprised it took them whole year to see the problem, Garowe airport oo suuq la' aan heysay ayey suuq u yeeleen.

  8. 2 hours ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

    This is a result of a long sessions of marqaamid. Nothing new. When the wretched secessionists realized finally it ain't working and more pressure from Soomaali citizens in Hargeysa, markaas ayee garteen dhabta waxee tahay.

    They reason for the reversing their decision was based on economic reason the passenger numbers in Hargeisa airport went down drastically 4 airlines moved to Garowe and also Ethiopian airline direct flight to muqdisho also had effect on Hargeisa airport oo transit badan ayey Heli jireen markii hore oo raaci jiray Ethiopian airline.

  9. Marka aad wadanka gudihiisa Ku dhex safrayso passport uma baahnid taasi ayey maamulka Hargeisa diidanaayeen ayaga oo Ku qasbayey dadka u dhoifaya xamar ama ka imaanaya inad haystaan passport.

    But it backfired them oo shirkadihii diyaaradaha Garowe ayey u wareegsadeen ganacsigoodi Hargeisana suuq xumo ayaa Ku dhacday.

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