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Everything posted by warsamaale

  1. I disagree, arabs claim descent through ishmael son of abraham but its fake and one of many fraudulent claims Arab make to make themselves look grand, they even claim the jewish temple and being descended from canaanites and jebusites.
  2. I heard that too, but i think its an excuse. they want a unitary centralized state ala SB, make no mistake. anyways in my opinion we should have whatever federal form we can afford now. when the state is stable and secure and the dangers like AS have passed away we can return and change the formula but right now is not the time for heavens sake
  3. ABRAHAM was a jew and thus his correct name would be Avram. to the poster, you can be original and authentic by naming somali names.
  4. Horta why are HAG dead set against federalism ?? is it advantageous to SAHAL and thus unacceptable or are they they just harkening back nostalgically to the days of central rule and want to reconstitute it ??
  5. Xamar is a de facto HAG city anyway, it should be taken as a given that won't change anytime soon or indefinitely. every clan should concentrate on building their city, end of story.
  6. Consensus is slowly building, the election of Hassan was a bad mistake.
  7. Ah, you the mean the leaders of the free world.
  8. HAG is a big umbrella term, you mean he is unuka ? who are this smaller clan and what letter of SAHAL are they ?
  9. xaaji what are the respective clans of the protagonists bal ? thanks in advance
  10. what is next alpha, stone the xamaris like the south africans ? :confused:
  11. boorso ama boorsad but shandad is used also, i don't know why c&b doesn't understand it.
  12. as i told xunduf before the secessionists are even lazier than the pirates, both these useless clans sit all day drinking tea and backbiting other clans and contributing nothing of value. the much derided HAG meanwhile are the most hardworking productive and prosperous of the somali clans. hence the rush to xamar
  13. am just exercising my freedom of speech, what is your problem ?
  14. for the record it was for haatu, but who is thomas ?? you have too many code words lad, operatives just need to read the boards the don't have to be memebers.
  15. that is quite a statement. anything to prove your argument, sometimes people think their view are the facts of religion.
  16. that is BS, no way arabs can match the wits of those crafty european jews -- the ones that make israel what it is. the differences in ability are comparable to those between blacks and europeans. this has nothing to do with any shortcoming particular to arabs, ma garatay.
  17. calm down, this was destroyed during the war against AS, it was not done by the ordinary people.
  18. if 22 yrs without a government did not help your cause for Independence, then how now when the FGS is getting stronger by the day. PL & JL don't want to be autonomous states and your understanding of federalism is very crude.
  19. The reason your against federalism is it will leave no cover for those seeking outright independence, the IC and most somalis see it as the least worst option for now.
  20. +1, totally agree with you tutu. i have always said Somalia does not have a clan problem per se but a temperament problem. a Somali man never grows up essentially but is perpetually in an infant like state until he dies. if you read the ancient descriptions of the Somali peninsula they talk of land inhabited by a rowdy, unruly band of barbarians who especially quarrelsome.
  21. could you decode for those clan illiterates like me what L is ?