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Everything posted by warsamaale

  1. Naija dance music has been growing on me of late, its getting lots of airplay everywhere, this one's catchy.
  2. what wrong with orgi ??? you mean billy goat?
  3. who takes the guardian seriously really ? :cool:, only loony leftists
  4. Fair enough, lets call them wuxuush.
  5. how is it confusing ?? its an apt name for those who agitate for political islam.
  6. islamists, extremists, fundamentalists they can be called whatever you want but the fruit shall remain the same. violence ad infinitum is the modus operandi
  7. whats your point captain obvious ?? every ali, ahmad and shirwac knows it, thats why we are in this state.
  8. Xaaji Xunjuf;963675 wrote: ^^ People will continue to talk about the 90s only when the people of Somalia start reconciliation start talking about the past start forgiving each other you cant build a nation base upon lies deception and distrusts. Somalis just want to move on and do not want to talk about the past, you guys are like the Arabs , Arabs love not to talk about their problems they believe if they stop talking about it , it will go away. Well it will not go away it will hunt you until you embrace and try to give it a place for you to move on. phew! huh, what are you then ?? are you not somali yourself ? keep repeating the same crap every other post xaaji habaaro.
  9. we are not here to relive the 90's folks, all am saying short of disintegrating the nation all options should be considered.
  10. he is editor of wardheer or was, so he is very informed more so than the people on the ground. so what are you talking about ??
  11. warsamaale


    right now my favorite food is ugali, sukuma and fish plus a nice side dish of fruit salad, and a glass of mango juice. heavy stuff.
  12. your woefully uninformed, please refrain from topics you have no knowledge of. SMH, you know what arabs say garoodi, laa aclam nisful cilm
  13. even he is from bartamaha, he is an obstacle right now. i have a bad feeling about this guy each day goes by. we are cursed with bad leadership walee.:mad:
  14. xaaji there is a reason hateful and provocative speech is banned around the world, some old sick and twisted old farts somaalida dan ma matalaan ma garatay, infact they are infecting the young generation. we should all be responsible with our words and actions, wasalaam.
  15. yeah but what was your niya ? inamal acmaalu bi - niyaati, clearly your trying to provoke some clan brouhaha, somaha :cool:
  16. xaaji no need for isku ***, plz take this down. you know the deen is against that