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Everything posted by galbeedi

  1. Subhana Allah, They did destroy prophet Yoonis's tomb two years ago in Syria . They are erasing the history of the Muslim nation. It did start with their founder C/wahaab who destroyed Umar ibn al-kadaab' brother's tomb over two hundred years ago.
  2. The double standard in the media is sickening. In Brussels it was 24/7 for days. The media wiped the fear among the people which shut down a whole Belgium country. The resilience of the Turkish people is unparalleled. within 24 hours of the attack ,the airport resumed it services , while Brussels airport was closed for two weeks .
  3. Waar ninkan madaxweynaha sheeganaya tolow yaa wax u sheega. Muqdisho waxay noqotay meeshhii lagu gumaadayey wax garadka Soomaalida. Waar haddaad caqli leedahay, waxaad tidhaa : Waar yaa Soomaaliyaay oo ii gargaara. waar yaa Soomaaliyaay oo cadawga wax igala qabta. Waan ka dheregsanahay in kuwan dadka leynayaa ay gawracayaan cid alla cida kaa soo horjeeda ama diidan waxa socda. It is hard for me to say the President is ordering the murder of prominent and patriotic Somalis. I can not believe that in good consistence, but I do believe those who wish to continue their agenda under this government are eliminating those who would oppose them. Anyone who opposes the direction of this government are eliminated by the so called al-shabaab, why?. What is your answer . Your fellow Mogadishu entourage can not crack this enigma , so seek other Somalis who are not your own kin. Your close clan members have failed , so please change direction or give up power.
  4. This is the elimination of the Somali intelligentsia. The best and the brightest among the people are killed. They were targeted for what they stood for. By now we all know that Al-shabaab is contracted by foreign enemies. In three deadly attacks that took place in prominent hotels, the victims were searched by professional killers in their rooms. It took more than 12 hours to end the siege of Ambassador Hotel after the bombing. Reliable people told us that the after the bombing the bullet stopped almost three hours before it started again. "Allah Ha u Naxariiste" Mr. Mahamuud Guure and C/laahi Kabowytne were searched by the killers after they initially wounded. Then they were shot in the head. The same thing did happen to General Dhagabdan. Infiltrator within the Somali security services usually go to these hotels after the initial blast and then go to the rooms of the victims to kill their targets. This city is infested by hundreds of mercenaries and rented killers. Last week I did talk to a reliable witness who visited the city. I will write his encounters in the coming days. Aan ooye abaaka ii xidh. By the way, the regional governments of Puntland and Soomaaliland should be saved at any cost from these mercenaries or there won't be any where to set foot in the land of Somalia.
  5. The idea of going back to " shir beeleed" is non starter. Puntland has already moved from that process when they established regional parliament and executive government with president and vice president. The second step should be political parties and straightening of the public institutions. You can not revert back to " shir Beeleed". In Somaliland during Cigaal sdministration, in 2000 , many prominent people like Saleebaan Gaal was agitating for " shir beeleed" , but Cigaal rejected and even used force to disperse the so called " shir". Then he moved swiftly and implemented political party. Mr Galan should clearly state his intentions. He can not rewrite the system but, he can push for reforms, like electing the governors and mayors and other internal issues that could lead them gaining power in the next election. There are issues that the reer Bari would like to be addressed, For example, The reer Bari do not like the free loaders from the " Sool" region who do not contribute any thing to the system while they are also unable to bring their region under the Puntland administration, yet they hold some of the highest positions of the government like vice president and interior minister. They know that these Grad community officials tipping the balance of power during elections. there are always agitations before election in Puntland. In late 2013, C/raxman Faroole tried to prolong his term by talking about political parties without building the ground work ahead of the deadline. Finally , the Reer Bari must bring a credible candidate who is willing to win without the gun, and I hope the should win this time around.
  6. Two years ago an Ethiopian intelligence officer and his driver was detained in Gabiley . they were crisscrossing the land without any notice They were carrying a gun but not any official identity card other than the driving license. After their brief detention they were released.. After the incident, the Ethiopian government demanded the sacking of the mayor and the governor which the Somaliland government did so quitely . So these news of foreign troops coming to Somalialnd town and taking with them the offending journalist does not surprise me. It is news for those who bury their head in the sand. International rules pertain Through nation state only, how else can a bureaucrat in Jigjiga could single handily close a satellite television without due course. Ones again it is a reflection time for those who think.
  7. Abaaraha 2001 dii wakhtigii dawladaii C/qaasim ee Carta, Djibouti lagu soo dhisay , ayaa waxaan wada joogaynay magaala ku taal koonfurta galbeed ee Maraykank koox aad u badan oo reer Puntalnd ahaa oo Bariga iyo Qardho ka soo jeeda. Wakhtigaas , C/qaasim iyo Cali Khaliif ayaa waxay isku dayeen in ay C/laahi Yuusuf (AHN) ay afgambiyaan iyagoo adeegsanaya Kornayl Jaamac Cali Jaamac oo ku Barbaaray Marka iyo Koonfurta Soomaaliya. C/laahi Gaalkacayo ayuu isku diyaariyey intii uu shirku ka socday Garoowe, markay dhmaysteena ee ay gebagebaysteen ayuu ku soo dhaqaaqay oo hal maalin ku kala diray. Kornayl Jaaamacna Bari ayuu u cararay ka dibna doon ka raacay oo Muqdishu iyo dhankii laga soo abaabulay dib ugu noqday. Sidoo kale waxa uu kala diray koox uu wato nin Moxamed Aadan la yidhaahdo oo isku dayey in uu isbaaro dhigto Garoowe meel u dhaq. Markuu C/laahi xagaa iyo Bari u dhaqaaqay, ayaan waxaan waeydiiyey Reer Barigii, " waar maxaad damacsan tihiin odaygii askariga ahaa wuu idinku soo dhaqaaqaye?". waxay yidhaahdeen , " Reer Mudugu dagaalka hal dhinac keliya ayuunbuu ka yaqaanaa oo kaasina waa aan isdilo, laakiin dagaalku 11 xeeladood ayuu leeyahay". Reer Barigu xaga muaamarada khatar ayey ku yihiin. Ceebise waxay ka dhacday markii nimankii Reer Boqor ahaa ay isbaaro dhigteeen Qardho iyo meelo u dhaw , anagoo la kaftamaynana waxaan ku nidhi , "waar isbaaro reer boqor laguma ogayne waa sidee". Calaa kuli xaal C/laahi isbaaradiina wuu jiidhay Boosaasana caleemo qoyan ayaa lagu soo dhaweeyey. Waxooga ka dib ayaa magaalda waxa noogu yimi jeneraal Cadde Muuse oo dhalintii magaalada joogtay Canada uga yeedheen. Markaan arkay wajigiisa ,waxa uu iila eekaa Oday daalay , warkuu hadlayna codkii reer Bariga malahayn. Anigoo kartidiisa quudhsanaya , hoos waxaan isu idhi " Waar reer Barigu wax Boowe leh oo reer bari run ah miyey dhulka ka waayeen". Ninkii Cadde Muuse ahaa ee maskiinka u ekaa dalkii ayuu tagay, muddo yarna ciidan beeleed xoog leh ayuu urursaday. C/laahi Yuusuf oo isagu isha mar walba ku hayey kursiga saree Sooomaaliya ,isla markaana diidan dagaal daba dheeraada , heshiis ayuu la galay Cadde Muuse , colaadiina waxay labadooduba u bedeleen Guul Wadareer ( win win situation). Reer Barigu kursigii Puntland bay ku fadhiisteen in cimaamadu si xun uga dhacdana way ka bedbaadeen, C/laahina kurisii Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya ayuu ku fadhiistay. Aniga iyo rag aan ku jiray wakhtigaa waxaanu aad u taagersanayn mashruuca TNG da ee C/laahi looga takhalusayey, anagoo u arkaynay in hadii isaga loo dhameeyo in kuwa dagaal oogayaasha ee Muqdisha jooga ay wiiqmayaan. Hase yeeshee markii C/laahi la wareegay Garoowe muujiyeyna awood military iyo mid dawladeed oo diidan tafaraaruq Puntland ku dhaca , isaga ayaanu taageernay. Markii lana yidhi " waar saw idinkii taageerayey mashruuca Carta maxaa iska kiin bedelay ?, waxaa ku jawaabanay, " Waxaanu diidanahay in sida Muqdisho ay dhawr dagaal ooge Puntland ka soo baxaan oo midna Garoowe fadhiisto , midna Bari iyo Boosaaso, Waxaanu u arkaynay C/laahi Yusuf oo gebi ahaanba Puntland la wareega in ay yaraynayso kala jajabka , isla markaana fududaynayso dawlad Soomaaliyeed oo la hello". Hadaba Reer Barigan cusub ee maanta isa soo hubeeyey ee dagaalka diyaarka u ahi , ma ahan Reer Barigii hore ee Cadde Muuse. Kuwani waa Reer Barigii runta ahaa ee u badnaa degaanda gobolka Bari. Waa niman guuxayey sanadihii la soo dhaafay. Hadaba maxay ka cabanayaan ?, ma dhaqaale darro ayey ka cabanayaan?, ma maamul xumo ayey ka cabnayaan ? mise awood siyaasadeed bay rabaan?. Mararka qaarkoodna waxaad moodaa in ay Somaalinimada ugu dhaw yihiin dadka kale ee reer Puntland, mise waa qorshe laga soo istaadhay Muqdisho iyo Damujadiid. 1- Reer Barigan dhaqaale xumo ma hayso. Dadka reer bariga guud ahaan iyo reer Boosaaso gaar ahaan waa dadka ugu taajirsan Puntland. labaatankii sano ee u dambeeyey waxay u kala baayac mushtarayeen dhaman goblada dhexe , Galagaduud, Hiiraan iyo Soomaaliland. Boosaaso oo magaaalo yar ahayd 1991, maanta waa magaalooyinka ugu waa weyn dhulka Soomaalida. Waxay Faa'iido badan ka heleen abuuristii 1998 ee maamulka Puntland iyo nabadii nidaamku keenay dhawr iyo tobankii sano ee la so dhaafay. Sidoo kale dhaqaalaha ugu badan ee la galiyey kaabayaasha dhaqaalahu waxay galeen Boosaaso iyo degaankaas. Hadday airport tahay iyo hadii ay tahay adeega dekadaba. markaas , lama odhan karo arrintu waa mid dhaqaale. 2-Dekada Boosaaso iyo dadka degaanka. Beryahan waxaa dhulka Soomaalida ku soo batay dadka degan magaalooyinka ay dekaduhu ka dhisan yihin oo mar walba ku dooda in ayagu ay leeyihiin dekada iyo waxii dhaqaale ah ee ka yimaada. Dekadaha iyo airporradu waa hanti maguurta ah oo dadka iyo dalku leeyahay. Dhamaantood waxa dhisay dhaqaale shisheeye ugu deeqay qaranka Soomaaliyeed. Haba yaraatee ma jirto mid qabaa'ilka degaanku dhisteen. Hase ahaatee waxay xaq u leeyihiin in adeega dekeda ( port services) iyo maaraynteeda dadka degaanka maamulaan, gaar ahaan maamulka degmada (local port authority).Waxii cashuuraad ah ee ka yimaada badeecadaha iyo qalabka dalka soo gala waxa leh qaranka, waxayna ka mid noqonayaan dakhliga qaranka ee dalka loogu adeegayo. Dekada iyo degaankeedu waxay abuureen maal qabeen badan oo reer bari ah. 3-Reer Bariga iyo soo celinta qaranka. anigu nimaan ahay aad ayaan u jecelahay markaan maqlo reer bariga oo leh Soomalia in ay hagaagto ayaan rabnaa . Waxaad moodaa in ay gebi ahaanba diidan yihiin isbahaysiga beeled iyo mid degaaneedba. Sidoo kale waxay dumistii qaranku ku eedaynayaan beelaha kale ee Puntland. Arintaasi waa mid xaqiiqda ka fog. Reer barigu qeyb weyn ayey ka qaateen jabhadii SSDF iyo guud ahaan abuuristii Puntland. Waxaan odhan karaa marka laga reebo C/laahi Yusuf, ninka kale ee ugu caansanaa jabhadii SSDF ee waxa la odhan jiray Khaliif Sheekh Maxamuud oo ka soo jeeda magaalada Qandalla ee gobolka bari. Anigoo dugsiga dhigta ayaanu habeenkii qarsoodi u dhagaysan jirnay. Qurbaha markaan imid ayaan cabaarahii 1999, dhagaystay gabayadii uu ka sii dayn jiray radio Kulmis. Waxaan odhan karaa waxaa uu ahaa ninka kiciyey ee dhiirigaliyey qabaa'ilka Soomaaliyeed in ay ka horyimaadaan dawladii Siyaad Barre. Cajaladaas markaan dhagaystay , waxaan ku tilmaamay boropagaandadii ugu weynayd ee dad lagu kiciyo ( public incitement ). sidaa darteed anigu maqabo reer barigu in ay ka maqnaayeen abaabulkii reer Puntland ee wiiqida xukunkii Siyaad barre. Reer waqooyiga ama SNM markuu kicinayey midhahan ayuu tiriyey. In kastoo Cabdi Iidaan iyo rag kale u jawaabeen, haddanaa Khallif wuu ku guulaystay ujeedadii uu uga dan lahaa oo ahayd kicinta qabaa'ilka. Iidoor marduuf qaada helay waa majnuun falane Hilib maraq leh iyo roodhigey miisanahayaan Macnaha dowladnimo leedahayba uma muraadaane Caynaanshe meeshii la dhigay haadku malafleeye Mudafkiisu waa kii dugaag maalin weyn cunaye Maskaxdiisii waa tii tukaha looga dhigay miile Nabadbay macaansanahayaan wawse maan li'iye Wallee ama magaalada Berbera dhiiggu mulacyeeye Ama sida mawaashiga ratiga mayr lagu saarye. Reer kuunfurka iyo USC na dhulka ayuu galiyey isagoo ku eedaeeyey dad aan muraad ka lahayn ama aan diyaar u ahayn isbedel. Hawiye meel uu joogaba dagaal weyska maanacaye Maankaba ka jare raganimaan meel ka soo geliye Maaraha Siyaad baa ka dhigay maata caanalehe Abgaal oo mihiigaan ka badan jaraha loo miiqye Mudanihii Gabayruu ka diley oo mar soo baxa'e Waxay talo ku goosteen inay moxogga diidhaane Habargidirta mudugjoota ee maashu wada soocday Ee layska maamulanahayoo deyrka lagu meershey Ee sida halah maydabta ah layska maalaayo Iyaba mahadhada waa qabaan ceeb muggooda ahe Murursade iyo Cayr iyo haddii Sacad la miireystay Marna iney maya oran kareyn kama maleeneynin. 4-Reer Bariga dhafoorka ayaa laga taabtay. Maadaama Boosaaso tahay xuduntii dhaqaalaha ee Puntland , maamulka dawlada iyo dhaqaaluhuba halkaas ayey u badan yihiin, sidaa darteed dad badan oo awood siyaasadeed iyo mid dhaqaalaba doonaya ayaa jooga. Dadkaas oo ka kala yimid degaanada Puntland. Sidoo kale madaama ay tahay meesha keli ah ee baaxad weyn leh islamarkaana fududeyn karta in argagixiso ku dhuuman karto, awood military iyo mid boolisba waa ay joogaan. Reer Barigu waxay ka cabanayaan in dadka awooda sugida amaanka gacanta ku haya in aysan ka mid ahayn. Sidoo kale waxay ku celceliyaan in musharixiin ka soo jeeda bariga loo diiday in ay galaan Garoowe wakhtigii C/raxmaan Faroole. Hase yeeshee, Faroole , waxa uu xataa horjoogsaday C/weli oo Raiisul Wasaare ahaa jiray in uu ka ololeeyo bariga iskuna dayeyin uu xoog uga soo saaro , taas oo markii dambe la xaliyey. Waxaan odhan karaa reer barigu dhawr dhacdooyin oo dhaqanka Soomaalida looga yaqaano dhafoor taabasho ama xiniinyo taabasho ayey aad uga xanaaqeen, taas oo keenaysa arrimaha la yidhaahdo, "rag ciil , cadaab buu ka doortaa". 5-Mashruuca balaadhinta fawdada Soomaaliya. Kooxo badan oo ay ka mid yihiin quwado shisheeye iyo kuwa sokeeye ayaa raba in ay balaadhiyaan fawdada ka jirta koonfurta Soomaaliya oo ay keenaan degaanda nabada ah sida Puntland oo kale. Dhawr billod ka hor , dhawr boqol oo wiil oo Al-shabaab ah ayaa habeen madow laga soo dejiyey xeebaha Puntland si fawdadu u fido, hase yeeshee ma suurta gelin. Waxayse arrintaas keentay in Ciidankii Puntland ku soo ururo Mudug iyo Nugaal si ay dagaalkaas ugu guulaysto. Taasi waxay fursad abaabul siisay C/samad Galan --abaanduulaha reer bariga-- in uu isku diyaariyo degaanda bariga. Kuwa diidan in ay Soomaalidu waxoogaa neefsato, arrimahan oo kale way soo dhaweynayaan. 6- ReerBarigu kursiga miyey rabaan?. Karaanda iyo dhafoor taabashda ay ka xanaaqeen ka sakow, reer barigu waa beelaha ugu balaadhan Puntalnd . Waxaan odhan karaa reer barigu waxay aaminsan yihiin in xukunka Puntland ee sidii hagbada (Shalagada) marba reer qaadanayo, imikana wakhtigodii la gaahday. Waynu wada ogsoon nahay tartankii adkaa ee dhex maray Faroole iyo C/weli in uu ahaa mid adag oo hal cod lagu kla badiyey , sidaa darteed reer barigu waa n ay si weyn isu soo abaabulaan. haday rabaan hagbada in ay markooda qaataan. Waxaase laga yaabaa, Mr. Galan in uu rabo sidii Cadde muuse in uu awood militari la yimaado kadibna miiska fadhiisto. Arrintani waxay si fiican ugu xalismi lahayd C/weli Gaas oo kursiga sare ee Soomaaliya isu diyaariya, reer barigana kursiga ku wareejiya. Hadaba si nabada Puntland u sii waarto waa i reer barigu hagbada markooda qataan oo xukumka Puntland markooda qabtaan. Xalka ayaa ku jira in mucaaradka alabaabka lagu faru. Gebagebadii, siyaasiyiinta Puntland waa kuwa waayo aragnimom u leh in ay xaliyaan hawshan cusub, iyagoo aynu ognahay in ay ka soo talaabeen hawlo kuwan ka adag kana balaadhan.
  8. "as for the topic ethiopia is a collective danger to all somalis but due to our internal strife and our unwillingess to create a common ground " Waar xaajigu war fiican buu sheegayaa maantee.
  9. Things will not be the same in the future, so let everyone record these atrocities. Collect the names of the victims , the time of death and all the circumstances that followed. record them from Galmudug, Hiiraan, Gaashaamo and very other place. Do we only have to publicize the crimes committed by the wrong tribe?., this is a war crime taking place in these regions. We hope someone would take this challenge and bring the killers to justice.
  10. This Eritreans are really tough people. They are just three million people and Ethiopia could not break them for the last 15 years. His country is under huge embargo, yet he survived. Marka aan leenhay ha la isku tashado , xigmad weyn baa ka dambeysa. An organized state could not be defeated easily. When the Islamic courts were attacking Baidoa, I told some of those poor sympathizers that it will take less than seven days to break their line. A Somali state with less than 10,000 soldiers could have kept them months to reach the capital. Even barely organized Somalialnd could do big damages if Ethiopia tries to invade, but the landers are psychologically weak and consider Ethiopia a giant. It is all about your attitude. Fourthy million Oromos subdued by few million Tigre. Waxaan ku tilmaanay gumaysigan aad khatarta u haysataan: Curyaan orodka lalayo cidii aanay gaadhan. Suugaanta Soomaalida waxa la yidhaa waa ma dhacdo. LIke " when the hell freezes over". Sidaa ayuu ragii la yaqaanay ku tilmaamay gumaysi madow oo laga cawdo.
  11. Muuse Biixi durba waxaad moodaa nin kalsooni badani ku jirto siduu u hadlayo. If chairman Cirro does not start heavy lifting this Kulmiye coalition could win easily. I never seen Cirro criticize the government openly. When Siilaanyo was trying to unseat Rayaalle, he organized every Cali and Cumar who was disgruntled, he raised money and he constantly criticized the government. Mr. Cirro does not seem to be a tough opposition. Tollow ma Ahmed Siilaanyaa u ballan qaaday in uu hoosta uga gargaaro . Ninkan kurbaba ma hayso. Haduu nala tashan lahaa waan u gargaari lahayn.
  12. Since it is Ramadan , I do not have enough time and energy to deeply analyze his winning strategy, so, the time has come to conclude the strategy questions and proceed to the issues of character. Strategy # 5 , who did you reached so far?. As a chairman of the " Wakiilada", you did not reach out other communities when you were setting up parliamentary committees. People are aware that almost 65% of the committee chairs are from your community. You might not like the opposition or others, but show leadership and inclusive strategy. There is a perception that a single group of community are acting as a large tent party. The people are much smarter than we think, so start reaching out. Strategy # 6, the vice presidential candidate. The Wadani party has an able vice presidential candidate by the name of Ahmed Muumin Seed. This man was one of the early founders of Wadani party. He opened the first office in Borama and he endured through thick and thin. He was a tough and out spoken opposition who was in the front lines to expose the misdeeds of the ruling party. Among the Awdalites that joined different parties, he is the strongest. Even when Suldaan Wabar was agitating at the border, he did not panic and did not call any names to those who were accused of insurgency. As a experienced politician , he said the Wabar issues were the symptoms of the policies implemented by the Siilaanyo government., and he called for negotiations. Now, in the media we see a lot of people from the diaspora who are suddenly running for the vice president. It is really a disgrace for these Awdalites who think they can start from the top of the party without lifting any thing. If they are eager of leading some thing , let them challenge Cirro himself and seek the top post or help those who were in the trenches for the last five years. Mr Cirro must stop playing these chicken games by inviting every Cali and Cumar from the diaspora to seek for the vice president. If you mess with these issues, you will lose. Pitching different groups will eventually divide the Awdal community and you will pay a high price for that. In conclusion , do not wreck the boat. " Kuwan reer Awdal ah ee maalin walba leh ku xigeen baan u sharaxanahay leh, waxaan leeyahay dadka ka fadhiista" Strategy # 7, the diaspora. learn from the Siiilaanyo group who mobilized a large number of the diaspora and asked them to donate and participate the election at home. By going home directly, They could monitor the election and mobilize people to the polling stations . On the other hand , be ware of the looser from the diaspora who have done or achieved nothing in their life time, yet want to be on the for front line of the caravan. Character matters. As I stated in my last report, he must change his personal character in order to attract people and show strong leadership. The major character weaknesses that may undermine his campaign are are already apparent for those who follow the chairman. 1- A dull or cool as a cucumber. Mr. C/raxman Cirro is a soft spoken former ambassador who served the Somali state in the late eighties. probably , because of his former job as a diplomat, he always speaks diplomatically which is a good trait in times of crises. He is also described as cool . While all these are good qualities, a strong leader must show commanding voice while addressing the audience.. . As Donald Trumo said " he has a law energy" . Ahmed Siilanyo too is a law energy person, but he could be forgiven because of his age and health, but why would a man who is just sixty years old act like someone who has no stamina at all. He does not warm up the room or command the audience when he engages. He does not show interest in people or eagerness to attract to his cause. Muuse Biixi might have a lot of weaknesses, but when he speaks , he seem to be confident and strong. In Somalialnd, , it has been always difficult to find moderate leaders in terms out their speeches. Xaaji Cabdi Waraabe , oo ka hadlaya Cigaal and Rayaale, ayaa yidhi , " MIdna naga aamus baan ku kari weyney, kanina dadka lahadal ayaan ka weyney". 2- It is the people who vote . He is out of the touch of the common people. Just like the former leaders of the Somali transitional leaders, he is out of the land flying around the world. Just like Siilaanyo, he does not explain his foreign missions in an open forum other than say ," we have achieved for what we traveled for". He seems to be in constant networking of outsiders and others while neglecting the locals. Markaad kaadiriinta waydiiso, " waar ninkani maxaa loo arki laayahay oo uu dadka wax ula qaybsan laayahay, waa maxay derbigan ku gadaaman iyo daciifnimada ka muuqaata? Waxay kuugu jawaabayaan , " waar ninkani meel walba iyo hawl kasta hoostu ayuu ka soo xidhay oo si aydaan fahmayn ayuu u shaqeeyaa, wax walbana waa u diyaar". Well, under ground networking might help you gain few big fat cats, but the larger public is looking for a leader who will speak for them and explain his agenda for the future. So far I had never seen him address a big crowd people in an open field. Mr Cirro, it is the people who you must convince not the donors. in conclusion warmth, energy and strong command of the audience is prerequisite to win people's hearts.
  13. galbeedi

    Ramazan Karem

    Ramadan Kariim to all SOLers .
  14. Well, we have been saying this for a long time. A rag time militia will not survive in the wilderness of Shabeele and the south without constant stream of both military and financial aid. If there is a will, there must be a way. where is the intelligence? Dawlada iyo Damujadiid ha iska raaxaystaan, Shabaana hawshiisa ha wato.
  15. Deeq, brother you are wrong. It was the other way around. Amisom and company were trying to destabilize Puntland, but the people of Puntland fought courageously and eliminated the threat, For now, Al-shabaab became an instrument used to destroy political rivalries.
  16. Of course ideology might be among the top guys , but the foot soldiers are paid by Al-shabaab system. $30, 50, or $100 dollar is a big salary. Many of them are asked to do minimal tasks like info gathering and transporting weapons to targeted places. Money is delivered through their cell phones. They might not even know the target. Suicide bombers are mostly mentally challenged or brain washed kids. Somalis are not that complicated on these issues. They get paid and they do the job they are asked. It is all about money. Only a well financed group managed by outside intelligence could only procure laptops, cars and other expensive equipment and launch one after another every week or month. It is not few or couple of cells,. They may own hundreds of save houses for operational purposes. You need a well paid security officers to follow each lead, not these incompetent boys in Mogadishu. The intelligence agency chief is a thirty years old man from who never worked in any police, security or intelligence service. he can go as far as his can reach, but eventually his incompetence will catch up to him. It reminds me of when Siyaad Barre made his Son in-law Morgan a general, while he was in his late twenties. The state department released it's terrorism report country by country and stated: “Somalia lacks the funding and capacity to investigate and prosecute incidents of terrorism financing,” the State Department observed in its country-by-country report on terrorist activities last year. “The judicial system remained weak and underdeveloped, suffering from minimal inter-agency coordination and a lack of capacity and technical expertise,” the report added in its generally negative assessment of Somalia's own ability to combat Al-Shabaab. “Ministries responsible for drafting and submitting legislation to Parliament lacked the capacity to draft comprehensive counter-terrorism laws,” the US stated. When we say Hassan Sheikh must go, it is all about competence and backbone. He works overtime when he needs to replace a prime minister, and will not stop until he reaches his goal. How many people have to die because of their incompetence. more than seven or eight similar bombs have taken place in the last seven months. People , let's just demand change of leadership or keep going to these constant funerals.
  17. You right. At least they do not blow you off. In Hargeisa , they say " Siyaasad looma dhinto", We shall see next year if they have learned anything. I am one of those who think that the last election in Hargeisa was the one conceded by Rayaale. Habruhu so far did not conduct fair election.
  18. If he remained and opposed " culusow" inside the parliament, he could have been a good alternative rather jump ship. deep down he knows.
  19. This city is full criminals and terrorists. people with weapons and bombs are captured daily in large numbers. It is not one or two cells hiding, it is whole sectors of the city. AS I said before, you need different kind of security officials not " ciyaalka xaafada". Some hotels are never attacked while others are targeted consistently. waar meeshaan maxaa ka socda?.
  20. The Latest political speculation from Hargeisa is all about prof. Ahmed Samatar. Last week , as he landed at Hargeisa, he declared his intention of joining one of the political parties in Somaliland. By now, the good professor has realized that the keys to lead one of the parties is almost slim. About a month or so ago, he was offered the helms of the the UCID party which is on the process of becoming a fringe party. Almost Everyone knows the political dysfunction of UCID and it's unending quarrel between chairman Faysal Waraabe and Jamaal Cali Husein. On this disagreement , Faysal is the guilty part who changed his support about the candidacy of Jamal, which in turn made that party the laughing stock of the people. Since UCID is dead, the only two options are the two remaining parties. When Samatar went to Somalilnd for the second time in 2014, there were a lot of tensions among those who thought to be the inheritors of the party. Muuse Biixi was expecting Siilaanyo to fulfill the promises he made in 2010. Ahmed Siilaanyo said , if I was elected, I will transfer the party ( markani waa markaygii, adigana waa marka xiga). Some of the wise politicians of West Hargeisa objected the idea of Muuse becoming the candidate of the party. They knew that this man neither had the temperament, the history or the character to lead Somaliland. In order to stop him achieving that goal, they recruited an experienced diplomat by the name of Mohamed Biixi Yoonis-- the chair of Darfur's United Nations mission in Sudan. It was during this fiasco that Prof. Samatar decided to not only join the Kulmiye party, but to take over the leadership from his quarreling nephews. Ahmed Siilaanyo being an astute politician told him : "Anigu arrintaa aad wado waan kugu raacsanahay, laakiin abtiyaasha ayaa xisbigan isku haystee iyaga la soo heshii, hadday kaaga hadhaan anigu diyaar baan kuu ahay in aan ku taageero". The good prof. did not know that the most famous word his maternal cousins always use in any political argument is that ( " Kaadi baan usoo cabnay ") . He did not know that Muuse could never even think about running for high office without Ahmed Siilaanyo falsely telling him about succeeding him after the end of his term. Also, Prof. Samatar knew that in order to win the contest , he must be prepared for tough fight including insults and confrontation with opposition political machine. We all knew that he would not stand his ground under constant smear of the Hargeisa campaign( Marka dhawr jeer la caayo wuu soo carari lahaa). That does not mean Ahmed Samatar is not tough. He is one of toughest Somali professors who would not give a damn to anyone, but the Hargeisa contest is a different tough. " Habraha hadaadan qorshahooda aqoon iskama dhicin kartid, jiilka iska dhicin karaaye isaga oo kale ma aha". Prof. Samatar has seen how his cousins became not only oligarchs and warlords, but out right anarchists in order to gain power, so he went back to his comfortable home in America. It could have been the perfect time to either lead or join the ticket. For the next year and half, a lot has happened. The unelectable Muuse Biixi threatened the old man Siilaanyo whose heath was deteriorating by launching petrol bombing at nights in Hargeisa for weeks. Siilaanyo did not want to preside any semblance of tribal civil war or any uncertainty during his term. He neither have time nor physical energy to confront Biixi and company, so he finally gave in to the demands. Ina Biixi became the candidate, but we all know that no one in their right mind will give the future to this man. Samater to the rescue. There were some speculation that Muuse is trying to unseat C/raxman Zaylici and replace him with Ahmed Samatar. That is the worst scenario for all involved, because Zaylici has campaigned and won to be number two rather seek the big job and replace Ahmed Siilaanyo. He has won fair and square and for prof. Samatar, to come all the way from America and take the seat from someone who had fought hard would be disrespectful and cheap move from his side. Do not even think about it. It is also questionable for a renown prof. like Samatar to join the party of the former army captain Muuse Biihi. Throughout the years Samatar spoke in great length about the leadership or lack of it about army officers who have neither the education nor the democratic credentials needed to compromise for the greater good. If your main issue is, " they are my cousins and I will join them for better or worse", then I have nothing to argue with your moves. You told us through your political and cultural conferences that tribal loyalties are nothing more than lost cause for those who could not achieve success in their endeavors. One thing I learn by watching politicians and public figures is that usually they do not believe what they preach. Talking about justice means acting justly toward others; unity means reaching out those who hold different view than yours. " Nin baa waxaa la yidhi marba doon degaysaa ayuu xamaantiisa saartaa". I do not believe Samatar can rescue a party that does not have any new ideas to reduce unemployment , crate jobs or instill harmony among people. There are three or four reasons that Kulmiye wil fail regardless of who joins. 1- Change means democracy. The biggest weapons citizens have against unresponsive and corrupt system of government is to vote them out. Renewal is always better, it is also a barrier against those who wrongly think to own the government that should be serving the interest of the people. 2- Somalis are not wired or organized for enduring legacy. Somali Political parties are only means to gain power and are discarded after the end is achieved. UDUB , a political party Egal nurtured to eventually reach Boosaaso and Baidoa , was destroyed by Rayaalle and company after they lost the election. They never tried to revitalize this giant of a party that had the majority of the parliament. Rayaale kept hiding in Paris and watched from the distance as his party disintegrated. Now the same fate is waiting Kulmiye. Almost all of the founders and those who campaigned for the last election are no where to be seen. less than 10% of the cabinet are from the party. Ahmed Siilaanyo used Kulmiye to gain to the top job and moved on. There is no one single heavy weight politician that is standing beside Muuse Biixi. There is no one from Awdal, Berebera, Burco, Sanaag or Laascaanood. The only thing that keeps some members is the government purse that is keeping them in line. 3-Neither Muuse Biixi nor C/raxman Zaylici have charisma or open personality that can attract people. Both have underlying temper issues that could explode any time. They might even clash before the campaign begins and spend a lot of time and resource to keep them together. 4-This government was the luckiest in the last twenty years. The livestock ban from the Saudis that crippled the economy for decades, was lifted in 2010, bringing hundred of millions of needed cash. donations were received from Arabs, EU, UK and others, yet that money did not go to badly needed infrastructure of public service sectors like water, health and rural development. Hargeisa itself does not have enough water before you even mention small towns and rural people. The only thing to show for it is high rise buildings and big villas in Hargeisa( Booli qaran) as was in Somalia in the eighties. 5- When their term ends, they had served seven years which is a term and half. It is unthinkable to let one African party to rule 12 consecutive years and expect things to remain open and transparent. Finally , I would like to advice prof. Samatar to stay away from joining anyone of the political parties. Remember , if you join your anarchist cousins , you will be aggravating the issue and helping unrepentant former officer to dream the unattainable goal of a just leader. On the other hand, if you join the party of change Wadani, you could be helping democracy and the change people are yearning. By joining Wadani, a political party that is not controlled by your kinship, you will be reaching out to others and promoting diversity. Either way, you could lose the admiration and the support these Landers are giving you these days. If you abandon your maternal cousins and join Wadani, they will screen murder until cows come home, while the Wadani supporters and especially Awdalites who prefer the change would be shocked to see your subordination of lowly officer like Ina Biixi. In order to keep your aura of invincibility and public support, stay way from these political battles and help the contesting parties to respect the rules of the game and play a fair. Encourage a healthy contest If you travel that slippery slope, you will lose. The people are seeking change and anyone who stands in their way will be swept. Also remember, the gloves will be coming of from our side if you enable the anarchists.
  21. Barwaaqo, mararka qaarkood far waa weyn baan u baahanahay si aan u famo waxaad ujeedo.
  22. Before we continue on the wining strategy, let me clarify few misconceptions. Most of you know that I have a love -hate relationship with the so called landers especially the Hargeisa crowd. If you put aside tribal emotions , I am like any civilized Somali who wishes everyone peace and good health. Well, some people are already saying quietly that , if you are unionist what is the point of arguing who should be leading the Somalialnd enclave, after all, aren't they all the same in terms of this project?. Well, that is really a good question , but it could more complicated than that. During Daahir Rayaall's reign, the separatists were at the height of their power and and were pushing for recognition. In 2007, through Haabsade, they took over Laascaanood city of Sool. It was the first time since it's foundation a militia occupied that town. Rayyaale refused any bilateral meeting with the Somali federal government. He arrested those who participated the Somali peace talks, and built an army that is meant to defend his agenda. As soon as he was elected , Siilaanyo changed and reversed all those policies. He initiated cooperation and other bi-lateral talks, although non of them produced any results. Because of his health issues Siilaanyo was unable to achieve his original plan. Even while when he was the SNM leader , Ahmed Siilaanyo wrote a political letter emphasizing his future plans of united Somalia. If there was any group that could achieve and push for unity , it is ether east or west Burco guys. While the majority of Awdalites are pro union , their politicians are as separatist as those of Hargeisa west. Muuse Biixi and his people do not have neither the history nor the qualifications to maneuver the future. Those who live west of Hargeisa do not have any relationship with most of the Landers let alone other Somalis outside Somaliland. Few years ago a friend from south Somalia who visited Hargeisa told me : " waar nimanka Hargeisa iyo galbeedkeeda degani waligood lama macaamilin shicibka Soomaaliyeed ee koonfurta iyo badhtamaha jooga, aqoonba uma lahaa reerka "D block" iyo beelaha USC, kuwa kale ha kuu dambeeyaane", " waa niman aan wax xuduud ah la wadaagin Soomaalida iyo qabaailka kala duwan, waxaan ka ahayn dhibaatooyinkii dagaalka sokeeye aragtidoodu ma dhaafsana". They also have anarchist tendencies. During Rayaalle's reign this group were agitating for power and were willing to spill blood to achieve it. A criminal network associated with that group , set a road block between Dilla town and Gebilay, they stopped a bus carrying passengers and singled out those from certain Awdal sub clans, and took them to the bush. They cut their throats and kept the dead body. The so called army begged them at least to release the body. It was one of those actions that created Awdal State and mobilized the diaspora. Some of those they murdered were their own maternal cousins. Even today , some of their prominent Suldaans were encouraging to loot and raid polling stations for fear of loosing the vote. If you have anarchists in the south like " Reer Galgaduud", well, we have anarchists in Somaliland in the West of Hargeisa. Last year a group of people affiliated with Muuse Biixi used petrol bombs to scare Siilaanyo and company to gain the chairmanship of the Kulmiye party. Some people will say , " you Awdalites have lost only four people in that incident and may be another three some where, don't you guys know hundreds of people die in Somali tribal conflicts every year?". When Awdal State was active in the diaspora during Somali election of 2012, the AWdal delegation met with President Shariif Ahmed and asked support for their cause. During the discussions, one of the guys told The Shariif about the killing of innocent travelers in Awdal and, how the killers were still at large. Shariif Ahmed laughed of and said " Afartoo qofle maa la idinka dilay, Adeerayaaloow meeshan habeenkii Konton aa ku dhimata qof isweydiinaysana ma laha , ee waxaan idin dhihi lahaa Qaldaamiintaan Hargeisa Joogta iskala heshiiya noo". Well, to that I will say , no innocent life should be killed , period. Even today the murder rate of Awdal is probably one or two a year. I will explain why i another thread. Sidoo kale xadaaradaha iyo Diinta suuban ayaa nagu soo horaeysay oo dhiiga dadka in la baneysto waa nagu xaaraan. So in order to make a big leap, a quarreling " Reer Galbeed" whether they are in Hargeisa or Boorama would not resolve the out standing issues of union . Now everyone including the good people of Somaliland have realized that the separation project is dead and everyone is looking an Honorable exit of this quagmire. I understand the security situation in Mogadishu and the constant presence of corrupt African troops in south will not only complicate future talks , but it may postpone any meaningful rapprochement indeterminately. As we speak no sane Somalilander will even think to join a Somalia dominated by neighbors. Before any major union talks, the foreign forces in the south must leave the country. Of course, Somalialnd has to bow down sometimes to the Ethiopian power to survive, but, at least the people are in their own land to exercise free expression of their idea. " Waa dhul shido Shisheeye oo toos ahi ka Maqan tahay". For the typical separatist, regardless of what is going on in the world , every thing is as they suppose to be. Maandeeq is thriving and there is no need to think of the future, yet sometimes , there is strange calm before the storm. In Khaatumo region , Cali Khaliif is maneuvering back and forth. So far success and unity among his people are elusive, but if he keeps trying , he may find his gold mind in one of these days. Another leader may take the helm and gain support. They may not have the necessary resources , but they have both human resource and a massive open plains to plot and organize. It is one of those movements waiting fertile ground. There are unusual noises coming from the mountains of Sanaag these days. Sanaag is by far the largest province in Somalia, it has the Golis range mountains, agricultural plains, and long Red Sea coast. So far the communities co-exit peacefully despite their differences in their outlook of the future. Many of the Sanaag Bari residents are highly connected to the Puntland project. 20% of the residents of Boosaaso are from Sanaag. Because of their geographical location, It is the easiest region to organize an insurgency to establish a tribal homeland like any other. Unless meaningful change comes in the coming years, expect full fledged insurgency. Despite the agitations of the diaspora , there is no credible threat from Awdal in Somalilnd, so the main problems that could engulf the region are from the east. In the light these movements, the status qua will not last. Now those of us who wish a peaceful Somali union must also choose sides for the future of the Somali republic including our people who reside on the north side of the republic. On that note, I believe C/raxman Cirro and company would be much better in terms of future negotiations and righting many wrongs that have taken place in Somalia since the independence. In Somaliland no political party is immune of the entrenched tribal loyalty while seeking for power, yet if the leaders are visionary, they could make their party national or a big umbrella that can accommodate a diverse group of people. The West Burco cumming is one of the largest in Somaliland. Other than Awdal region and Sool, they reside, in Hargeisa, Berbera, Togdheer and Sanaag. They have tribal borders from so many other Somalis. In the hawd region of Zone five , they have huge presence. During the British mandate and early years of independence , they were the early pioneers of many firsts. They produced some of the most famous Somalis of education, culture and politics. I believe that they have both the land mass, connection and historical background to bring Somalilnd to a new future of prosperity and union to Somalia. Here are the many firsts from this community: 1-Mohamed Naxar, the first chairman SNL and one of it's founders. 2-Xaaji Yusuf Xaaji Aadan ( 1914-2005), The first founder of Somali politica aprty in Somaliland and pioneer of Somali education. He composed the Somali national anthem ( qolabaa calankeedu waa cayne , inagana kenu waa cirkoo kale e). He left behind a large family , among them is Fowsiya Xaaji aadan the former Somali foriegn minister and one of the founders of the Hargeisa University. 2- Major General Mohamed Caynaanshe, the second highest army leader in 1969 who were in line to succeed Siyaad Barre as the military chief. Later was executed by Biad barre along with Gabayre andC/qaadir Dheel. 3-Husein Mohamed Tanzani, he was one of the first Somalis to graduate from Harvard University, one of the early founders of ( Akadaamiyada cilmiga iyo dhaqanka Soomaaliyeed) of many education institutes and pioneer and culture and politics. If you want to see him in action , please check the Waaberi tour of Lagos in 1977, he is the man not only introducing the singers, but also translating the lyrics and those who composed. It is a classic. 4- Sayid Ahmed Sheekh Muuse, the first ever Somali to graduate from Azhar university and the first founder of Islam oriented political party " the Somali HisbuAllah party. 5-Mohamuud Ahmed Ali, the fist founder of Somali education, and is called the father of Somali education. 6-C/laahi qarshi, co-founded and sang the Somali national anthem. Pioneer of of Somali culture and music. 7- Cali Sugule ( Dun Carbeed), one of the greatest composers of modern Somali folklore. Among his famous lyrics: Af qalaad aqoontu miyaa , Afrikaay Hurudooy the famous Gesiga dhilkisa geerida dishaay geeshka ha ba'o, sang by Hibo nuura and Saleebaan Tubeec. 8-A/raxmaan Tuur, the first President of Somalilnd. 9-Sheekh Mustafe Haaruun, a well known Islamic scholar. 10- Ali A/raxman, the first ever Somali pilot. 11- Colonel Hassan Kayd, the coup leader of 1961. There are many more, but let us leave it there for now. No wonder they are called the lions . Other than one or two, most of these were past of Somali history. Despite their pioneering achievements, they were not successful politically. People like Warrand Cadde , who follows the money, probably has undermined their commitment for party politics and honor, yet , if there is anyone to bridge the gab between Somalia and Soomaaliland , it is this group. They can calm the waters in Sanaag and find modern solutions for this out dated problems. Any way, before we spend a lot of ink about ( Biciidkaan Dilli Doono)future political configurations, or what this or that group could achieve , there is election to be won first. let us go back to the strategy....... stay tuned to part 3..... to be continued.
  23. I the summer of 2015, elders from Hargeisa and Burco visited Borama. The only people they have met were Awdal elders and some of the local Suldans. They were envoys on behalf of Wadani party and it's Chairman C/raxman Ciiro. They solicited the support of the Awdal community in general through the elders. At that time a lot problems were engulfing Awdal region including the Wabar movement, the Siimoodi mountain looting of Siilaanyo and company and other undercurrents. One of the elders from Hargeisa said: " Waar niman yahaw wakhtigii Rayaalle madaxweynaha ahaa taageero buuxda ayaan idinla la garab joogsanay, idinkana maanta , tii mid la mid ah ayaan idiinka fadhinaa" . Suldaan Saleebaan , who is among the oldest Awdal Suldaans said to the envoys: " Will baa aabihii ku yidhi, Aabo dayrtan soo socota in aan guursadaan rabaa" , odaygii baa ugu jawaabay, " Aabo hadii dayrta barwaaqo timaado oo xooluhu dhalaan, waad guursan aniguna waan ku labayn, haddiise ay xaaladu akaato oo abaaro yimaadaan, iska daa in aad guursatee Hooyadaa ayaa khatar ku jirta ( waan furi)". Ma jecleyn hal haysyadan haweenks lagu dulmayo in aan soo xigto, laakiin ogsoonaada odaygani waa sideetan jir ku dhawaad dhaqankii hore ayuuna ka tarjumaya. He basically meant that if things got for the better, we will all get what we we want including supporting the party, but if bad events continue to engulf us all , we might not even survive let alone share a political party. As we speak things are calm and the wind of change is blowing across the land. In Somaliland, the Presidential system gives the leader an unlimited powers to set his own agenda. In fact , you could say that he has quasi dictatorial powers to hire and fire as he wishes, yet he was unable to push the necessary reforms to make the government institutions accountable and transparent. He could start small steps like electing city councilman in designated wards and zones (xaafadaha laga soo doorto) , while the mayor must be elected city wide. Otherwise you will have the same shenanigans and squabbles that undermine their effectiveness. The person is not elected by the ward or zone he resides, but he gets votes from the whole city by his own tribe who could vote from east, west, north and between to elect their own. As such , he is not accountable to the citizen. This is not a civic election as it should be. It does not need a rocket science to figure out this , all you need is to demarcate the city by a well know boundaries. Do the same formula for the parliament by dividing the provinces into districts. You can not continue to have someone cast a ballot from Zaylac to Dilla to elect these members. Under Siilaanyo, everything is fragmented and tribal loyalties and nepotism have thrived. People are more polarized than ever before. The one good thing that Siilaanyo did was his decision not to run another term. It may be small step in the developed world, but in this region of the horn of Africa and the Red Sea, it is a big step in the right direction. No one is stepping aside regardless of the circumstances including Hassan Sheikh Mohamuud who neither reformed the electoral system nor brought real meaningful security. Indeed we must welcome the departure of Siilaanyo, and the time has come to get someone who speaks for himself for better or worse. "Odaygana hantaaq intaas ayaa ugu filane meelahaa ku xanaaneeya". For the last two weeks, chairman C/raxman Cirro, spent in Washington, Minneapolis, Ottawa and Toronto as the host of his party in North America. He was welcomed at the state capitol in St. Paul , MN and greeted in the chambers of the Canadian parliament. As a customary , he also met certain officials from the state department and U.S congress. Outside observers point out that chairman Cirro presented himself not only a calm and well respected leader , but also a leader in waiting. Having said that, being cool and collected might not be enough to win elections in Somaliland. In order to win, he must change both his character and the overall strategy to win the next election. Before we examine his character, let us first indulge the strategy needed to build a coalition and win the election. Strategy # 1, Awdal. So far he has extensive support in Awdal. Yes, he is gaining support from different sectors and communities, yes he is the preferred candidate among the people, but that does not mean it could remain static. If he does not take concrete steps , that support could change or evaporate any time. So far I did not see within the Wadani party many Awdalite political heavy weights. He did not gain anyone from the members of the " Wakiilada" from Awdal, despite their displeasure with Siilaanyo government . I understand that throughout the years, the current government was using the public purse to reward and punish friends and enemies which makes it difficult for people to openly oppose it, but , I believe a lot could have been done to attract able members. In his latest visit to North America, the Awdal diaspora members of the Wadani party have shown their strength both in Minneapolis and Ottawa. In both cities , they presented a well organized inclusive party that is looking to the future. Part of the success was the segment of the Awdal community that has shown the vocal support of the party , are among the best educated, urban and sophisticated community. The vice Presidential candidate Mr. Ahmed M. Seed who was born and bred in Borama, hails from that community, yet that is not enough to win in the election. Mr. Cirro must cast a wider net to gain as much as possible of Awdal residents, while keeping the strong support base that founded the party. Regardless of what people say about the number of eligible voters in Somaliland, the fact is the official number never have been that huge. The average vote for the last four elections never passed around six hundred thousand people. In some cases, almost less than the 50% of those who registered voted. In the last presidential elections , there were a lot of fraud especially in Togdheer , home province of Ahmed Siilaayo. In 2010 , only 538,246 people voted. More than a million were registered. There is a huge difference between eligible voters and registered voters who were given voting cards just few months before the election. Looking these data, if mobilized and fraud is minimized , Awdal could easily reach hundred thousand voters or 20% to 23% of the vote. Include that the Awdalites who reside Hargeisa and other places. Add that to your supporters in Hargeisa, Sanaag, Burco and your home base of Berbers , you could win easily. Appointing few so called advisers of education or similar portfolio would not cut it. The Awdal people are sick and tired of couple of tokens used in their name. If this party want the support of Awdal people , it must show a real agenda and a platform of development, political reform and clear picture that contrasts the old policy of the Siilaanyo government. The Awdal contingent must be the forefront of the election and party platform. Campaign managers and party bosses must be added. I know that the " reer galbeed" are not overly ambitious or vocal , but in order to make them an integral part of this party, concrete steps must be taken. The party must openly state their stand on the crucial life changing developments which include the building of local ports of Lughaya or Zaylac. So far nothing tangible have been heard from the leader of the party. . To achieve these Awdal targeted changes , Cirro and company must think outside the box , so does the Awdal people.The so called Awdal politicians must come to the for front and help bring the change people every where are yearning for. So far his actions regarding Awdalites is merely tentative. Maybe he feels little bit guilty by the way he undermined both Rayaalle and the Udub party . Everyone would have preferred a full blooded UDUB leader either from Sanaag or Togdheer, especially the honorable bearded guys but, sometimes you must accept the hand that has been dealt to you and move on. He is the best option in the field. The man of change , who could have done well for all concerned , is Jamaal Cali Xuseen, but it seems that he have to wait for now. Strategy # 2 , bring back Boobe Yusuf and companyd . Boobe Yusuf was among those humiliated by Siilaanyo through his nepotism and family run television and the ministry of information. Boobe thought that being appointed a minister of the government meant having authority among his subordinates and managers. Having served the nepotism infested Somali government, he should have known better. He fired one of those boys who lived in the kitchens of the palace, only to be told to rescind his decision. When he was called at the palace , the loser he fired was already sitting in the couch. Since Boobe is a principled guy, he stood his ground and made the firing official. Siilaanyo accepted the firing but , he hired back the guilty man as his spokesman. Boobe resigned before he was fired by Siilaany. .Folks that is the moral foundation of the Siilaanyo government. Boobe was one of the prominent members of Kulmiye who joined the party. Last month Siilaanyo added him among a bogus listed of so called " Ictiraaf Raadin' committee, and subsequently, Boobe resigned from the Wadani party accusing them of incompetence and mismanagement. If it were up to me, I would have kept Boobe no matter what. He is one of those guys that should be on your side when you are going to battle. He is not only a principled guy, but he is the last intellectual and artist among the Habro. He is the conscience of what those people stand for. Regardless of what happened , go and get him aboard. also, bring aboard those who were unjustly pushed out from the corrupt Kulmiye party when Muuse Biixi was crowned without contest. Among them is Mohamed Bihi Yoonis . strategy # 3, reconcile with Faysal Waraabe. No matter what they say , personally I always liked Faysal Waraabe. He may speak in hyperbole sometimes, but he is not Munaafaq". Siilaanyo and Rayaale would have clashed long time ago without him being a neutral party. People may say that he lost the election twice but, the fact is he was not expected to win either one of them. A sitting president and a guy who lost with few votes were battling for the last one. certainly he could have won this one if he was allowed to contest with his party intact. C/raxman Cirro must remember that he run and won the seat as Ucid and through that party, he became the speaker. The Wadani party was the incarnation of Faysal's UCID party. Hirsi and company destroyed both UCID and UDUB. How else can one explain a party like UDUb who has 38 seats in the parliament as we speak , had suddenly made to disappear from the map. You may open new parties, but a party that has the majority of the parliament can not just disband and fold. That is the legacy of buying and selling the parliament and all rule of law by Siilaanyo and company. Chairman Cirro must swallow his pride and reconcile with his old friend Faysal Waraabe. On the other hand , if Jamal Ali and company could not muster a wining strategy , they must try to build a winning coalition with Wadani. A show of force from the east to west will eliminate all the false ambitions Siilaanyo and company put in the head of Muuse Biihi. Strategy # 4, Show new vision and future. . Some among the Duriyada will always be recycling and keeping alive the SNM movement and their sacrifices. Of course they can have that part of history , but also they must be told that the world have moved and the events of thirty years ago is part of history . In order to build a modern institution, better economy and inclusive and lasting peace a new model must incorporated as you have shown in your Minneapolis event. The most prominent community in Sannag have came out in show of force for the first time in the history of Somaliland. They live in Laasqoray, Badhan, Hadaaftimo, Dhahar and Ceerigaabo. They must be accommodated and shown the respect and honor they deserve , before they embark a separate agenda. You must show people that Muuse Biixi should not be allowed to finish the disastrous second term of Siilaanyo. You must say loudly that democracy , rule of law and communal harmony will be endangered if we all allow Ahmed Siilanyo to hand pick a loose cannon like Muuse Biihi. You must tell the world that the government is not a tribal rotation ( ma aha Hagbad marba Nin Qaato"). In the last election, people voted with their emotions and chose to revive the past by electing Siilaanyo, now the time has come to look for the future and forget about Siilaanyo and those he surrounded himself including Muuse biihi. This election must be between the continued policy of Siilaanyo or a new beginning. Strategy #5, the diaspora factor..........continued...... part 2
  24. Imisaan ka digaynay oon lahayn waar ajaanibka guurkooda ha ku degegina. Tani waa ciyaare wa ka daran ayey la kulmayaan.
  25. He really spoke more about the threat coming from the disgruntled diaspora youth. Their technological know how is creating danger to the country. Just few months ago a local Somali organization hosted some scholars about the future of the diaspora and it's contributions. one of the professors addressed the threat of religious extremism and how today's' Ulema contributed to the internal conflict. Suddenly , a young man in his late twenties wearing a white " Khamiis" jumbed and said , " sidee nin koodh iyo karabaat xidhani uu diinta uga hadli karaa", we all looked at him and I said to myself ," waar ma xagkirayaashii ayaa godka inoogu soo galay". I thought this one could be a future extremist. It is winter and he is wearing light khamiis.