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Everything posted by galbeedi

  1. Che, this new document just released by the Kenyan media from the IGAD meeting in Mogadishu last week, also shows certain pattern from Kenyans. They seem to be pushing both business and political agendas to extract from this Somali amateurs. You can not enter trade or visa accords with other nations without studying the impact in your economy and people. As the article points, Kenya had exports 15.2 Billion Shillings of goods to Somalia in 2015. 95% of that export is from Mirra Khat. You can not agree on any trade liberalization on this huge deficit. SH15.2 Billion deadly drugs. No wonder that is why they pushing free visa and other schemes. The Somali state shall not , I repeat shall not enter any agreements of any kind until all foreign troops from the neighboring countries withdraw from Somalia or until a government elected by the people directly.
  2. Mr.Maakhiri , you got a point about president Hassan sheekh taking advantage on the issue, and I just saw his latest update on the matter. On that part , it looks like electioneering. What I am referring is that certain people want to put on this solely on the prime minister and former minister C/shakur. At the time of the signing of memorandum , Somalia was very venerable state in terms of transitional government. In 2009, Shariif Ahmed just took over From C/laahi Yusuf and was seeking some legitimacy in the eyes of the regional governments. of course mistakes did happen. If we really want to investigate the whole issue of Kenyan involvement of Somalia, then we must look the whole package of Jubba invasion and the original idea of creating a buffer zone between Somalia and Kenya. The consolation for me is that regardless of the condition of our country, Somalia for the first time in 25 years, is challenging the neighboring country openly without fear in international courts. Also, our government is learning that you can be a friend to someone without sacrificing your national principle. If the court rules for the status quo of MOA, then that will be bad for those involved.
  3. Exactly. In the real world the fine print is important. That is why people bring their lawyers when doing important transactions. I heard that the document signed first by minister C/shakur was drafted by Kenyan lawyers.
  4. Guuni, hawsha waxa soo dedajiyey calaamadaynta iyo dib u cusboonaysiinta shariga badaha oo sodonkii sanaba dib loo eego ayaa ku soo beegantay. Kii hore waxa la saxiixay 1979, kan Soomaalida iyo Kenyaatugu ku heshiiyeen in laga wada hadlo waxa uu ahaa 2009. Ma jirto haba yaraatee dhul la siiyey Kenyaatiga ee waxa ay sameeyeen heshiiskii ayey dhinac kale u duween ayagoo ka faa'iidaysanaya Soomaalida liidata. The way I see , it is electioneering. If you carefully read the memorandum, it only mentions the submission grants to one another outside the exclusive zone of 200 nautical miles. "Memorandum of understanding between the government of the Republic of Kenya and the Transitional Federal Government of the Somali Republic, to grant each other no objection in respect of submissions on the outer limits of the continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles to the commission". It is clear that Kenya used this " MOA" to maneuver and used to grant exploration rights to foreign companies in the disputed area while Somalia was weak. By deploying troops to Kismaayo and Jubba , they wished to ignore the issue and never expected a Somali state was bold enough to challenge. The bold moves by the diaspora and the Somali parliament to bring the issue to the forefront should be applauded by all Somalis. Finally , it was former foreign minister Dr. C/raxman Baile who was outraged and sent the issue to the court after Kenya refused or missed to show up at the arbitration meeting. Also , remember, Kenya is not saying that the sea is their, they are arguing that ;" we should resolve the issue through the conflict resolution forums rather than the international court".
  5. I do believe that the Kenyans will lose this one. Their president and vice president and their government in an earlier case refused to cooperate with this court. For the first time we also clearly understood that what prime minister Ina C/Rashiid and former minister C/shakuur did was sign a memorandum of understanding to resolve the issue through United Nation's conflict resolution. They should not have done that, but to be fair, that did not mean they gave away the Somali sea.
  6. Of course she hates Obama. Rather than prepare for her retirement after eight years of her presidency, she has to fight and campaign at seventy years old. She thinks that he stole her rightful seat. the truth is she is the most qualified person for the job. For her to win they have to expose Trump's taxes and all other misdeeds that is overlooked by the media.
  7. He says the time of Ahmara domination is over. He clearly explains that the time of one ethnic group ( Ahmara) and one church rule is over. He says after hundred years of Ahmara domination , the Somalis still kept their culture and language Of course he is supporting the Tigray alliance that helped create the Ethnic nations. This man might be tough and merciless on Somalis in both sides of the border, but he is a decisive leader . If this Mogadishu chaos does not stop next year, Mr. Cabdi Cumar should send his tough Liyu police in Mogadishu and crush Al-shabaab and those who are nurturing in Mogadishu. This might seem far fetched , but rather than keep deploying Ugandan , Burundi or Ethiopian forces, I would welcome a tough Somali soldiers from the Somali state of Ethiopia.
  8. Che, the Ethiopian problem is getting worse by the day. I was checking a Tigray online website and they are mad as hell about the ethnic cleansing of Tigray people from Ahmara region. Tens of Thousands of Tigray people fled to their ethnic region after they were targeted by the locals. The Somali Killil sent a delegation and donations to the displaced people. It might seem crazy but we Somalis should support the Tigray against the Ahmara. The 20 million or so Ahmaras are not interested about Oromo rights or democracy, they want to dominate and bring back the old Ethiopia using the large Oromo. population. While the neighboring Oromos are familiar people with the Somalis , there are tens of millions of Oromo who are either animist or Ahmara like culture. The Ahmara would never have accepted the ethnic zones which made the Somali region much better than the last hundred years of Ahmara rule. we must help the Tigray crush the despotic Ahmaras and keep the Somali killil in the hands of Somalis.
  9. Last week , before the health issues of Ms Clinton became public, I was chatting with a co-worker who is an evangelical nut case and he seemed to know ahead of time about the subject. He said that Trump will not be allowed to be president by the powers that be , and Hillary Clinton might not make in November, 08, due to health issues. I try to avoid his conspiracy conversation, but once a while I try to inquire his crazy theories, so I said " hey Rick what are you alluding?" he said Obama will rule a third term, and if people protested, there will be a marshal law. Go figure.
  10. Malister, it is good news for Somalia. I also welcome the way the security of the city is handled. It seems your boss is finally listening our advice. Anyway, it is not over. do not go back to the usual complacency. By the way, did the Kenyan boy changed his mind about allowing Somali leaders to fly directly from Mogadishu to Nairobi after under going vigorous security check up?. It is unacceptable for our prime minister to be security checked twice to visit Kenya. The Qat fiasco just showed us how many cards we Somalis have to play against our rivals.
  11. The best defense in an offensive move. We should demand that a referendum should be held in NFD and Somali Galbeed, and by the way please keep the Khat out of the country. Somali president requested Uhuru of Kenya to allow Somali Prime minister , ministers and leaders to fly directly from Mogadishu to Nairobi without stopping Wajeer, but the Kenyan leader refused. Now , Mr. Hassan get some backbone and keep the khat out
  12. In badan baan difaacayey Faisal Waraabe aniga oo ku tuhmayey, kana urinayey sharci doon iyo dimoqraadiyad. Waxaan ku tilmaami jiray nin aan munaafaq ahayn oo qalbigiisa waxa ku jira cabiraya sax iyo qalad. Dad badan oo aqli iyo aqoon u Saaxiib ah ayaa waxay dhawr jeer igu yidhaahdeen , " Waar waa nin waalan oo weliba siyaasada xisbiyada dilaalnimo uga jira", hase ahaatee waan iska dhega tiray anigoo u cudur daaraya. Waxaa la yidhi haddii ummadu jamaacadeedu wax isku raacdo , iyagoo tilmaamaya xaalad ama qof waa in aad tixgelisaa waxaa dadku isku raacay , ileen waxbaa ka jira. Waalida iyo madax faluuqnimada Faysal lagu sheegayao , waa mid ku saabsan hab dhaqankiisa, hase ahaatee waxaan is weydiiyey, siday ku dhacday in hogaamiye xisbi u ololeeyo guuldarada iyo burburinta xisbigiisa?. Arrimahaas waxaan weydiiyey dad u dhuun daloola siyaasada iyo ganacsiga siyaasadeed ee Hargeisa ka socda. Ka dibna waxa ii soo baxay dhawr arrimood. 1- Faysal dib uguma guulatsan doono tartan xisbi iyo mid siyaasadeed labadaba. Wakhtigan la joogo Faysal waxa uu ku qanacay in aanu tartan siyaasadeed oo dambe ku guulaysan doonin. Haddii uu UCID ka tagana ma jirto cid kale oo ku soo darsanaysa xisbigooda. Dhawr jeer oo la isku dayey in wax lagu darsado UDUB iyo qaar kale , waxay yidhaahdeen Faysal na soo geli maayo. Waxay u eegtahay in reer UCID ka tashdeen oo aanu hadda wax talo ah ku lahayn waxa uu xisbigaasi hiigsanayo. Sidoo kale , dhib mooyaane in aanu wax dheef ah ku soo kordhinayn wakhtiga xaadirka. Halkii la rabay in uu siyaasada ka fadhiisto oo uu jiilka cusub talada u daayo, sidii " dictators" kii Africa ayuu soo taagan yahay. Isagu war iskama hayo , laakiin siyaasad way uga dhmaatay. 2- Kooxda Siilaanyo oo jebisay dhulkana Jiiday. Kooxdan Hargeisa ka talisa ayaa waxay ku qanceen in Faysal guuldaraystay meelna gaadhayn sidaa darteed , waxay garteen in hadda waxii ka dambeeya loo adeegsado in uu afhayeen u noqdo , islamarkaana laga qeyb geliyo ajendaha ay wadaan . kulanada wasiirada iyo xukuumadana uu dhex carraro. Sidoo kale soo dhaweynta Faysal xukuumada uga mid noqday waxay beeshiisa ku sii dhaweynaysaa xagga qawlaysatada ku bahoowday boobka maamulka iyo maalka. 3- Ka ganacsiga siyaasada iyo mashruuc ( contact) lagu soo siiyey in UCID uu kala diro. Sanadkan bilowgiisii Faysal waxa uu tagay Djibouti , halkaas oo ay ku casuumeen maalqabeeno ka soo jeda galbeedka Hargeisa oo rabba in Muuse Biixi madaxweyne noqdo. Kooxdan oo uu hogaaminayo Maxamed Aw Sacaaid iyo koox kale oo Jabuuti awood ku leh, waxay Faysal ku war geliyeen in uu sameeyo dhawr arrimood , islamarkaana si fiican jeebka loogu buuxin doono. Nin xog ogaal ah waxa uu igu yidhi , lacag gaahdaysa $300,000 oo maraykan ah ayaa badhna loo soo dhiibay qeybna loo balan qaaday, waxana lagu yidhi: Waa marka koowwade waa in aad taageertaa Muuse Biixi, kana qeyb qaadataa ololaha loogu jiro doorashadiisa, islamarkaana aad garab istaagtaa isaga iyo xukuumada. Tan labaad waa in aad burburisaa xisbiga UCID oo aad horjoogsataa in Jamaal Cali Xuseen tartan la galo Muuse Biixi. Madaama ay labadan nin isku beel ka soo wada jeedaan , Faysal waxa laga codsaday amaba lagu amray in Jamaal aanu cod ka jiidan Ina Biixi. Si uu qorshahaas u fuliyo Faysal markiiba waxa uu ku dhawaaqay in Jamaal aanu musharax ahayn oo aanu gole dhexe cod ka helin, taas oo markiiba muran gelisay musharaxnimadii Jamaal, markii damana maxakamad la isla tegay. Cid kasta way ogayd in Jamaal sharci ku joogo , UCID na uu ka soo gudbiyey xaalad addag, laakiin waxay ahayd mashruuc Faysal ugu adeegayo dadkii soo kiraystay ee mashruuca u so dhiibay. Arrimahani waxa ay igu qanciyeen in Faysal uu yahay nin khabiir ku ah been guurka iyo khiyaamada . Halkaa kuma joogine waxa uu ka mid noqday oo uu ku milmay xisbiga Kulmiye, isagoo fulinaya ajendahooda siyaasadeed . Waxa uu ka hadlayaa oo uu goob joog ka yahay madal kasta oo ay ka hadlayaan. Talaabo kasta oo ay qaadaana waxa uu leeyahay waa sax. Madaama uu ku milmay xisbigaa , waxa ku haboonayd in uu iskaga biiro oo uu munaafaqada iyo dhibaatada ka daayo Jamaal iyo UCID. In badan baa waxaan odhan jiray munaafaq ma ahan ee qalbigiisuu ka hadlay, waxaase ii soo baxday in uu yahay masiibo biyo hoostood ku shaqeeya. Waxaan mararka qaarkood is idhaahdaa , malaha Waxaa laga yaabaa colaad uu u qabo C/raxman Cirro iyo xisbigiisa in uu u xukuumada ugu dhawaanayo. Taasi hadday jirto xisbigiisa ayuu kor u qaadi lahaa ee ma dumiyeen. Soomaalidu waxay tidhahdaa " Sagaaro Xaar muuqda ayaey aastaa". In badan waxa uu ku doodi jiray in dawladnimo meesha ka baxday uu uu nidaamkani isu bedelay mid qabiil, islaarkaana musuqmaasuq hadheeyey wax walba. Goormaa ugu dambeysay nidaamka oo uu dhaliilo ama farto ku fiiqo qaladaadka u soo muuqanaya sida buuraha. Marmarka qaarkood waxaad isleedahay meeshan miyaanu jirin cid mucaarad ah oo wax toosisa fartana ku fiiqda nidaamkan musuqu hadheeyey. Nin waxgarad ah ayaa maalin dhawayd waxa uu farta ku fiiqay sida aanay xataa u jirin wax " ministry protocols" oo la raacaa xataa in aanu jirin, oo wasaaradaha shaaha lagu cabo lana sugo mashuurcyada NGO ga. Airporka Hargiesa afartii billodd ee la soo dhaafay waxa isku bedelay saddex wasiir. Dikreeto madaxweyne ayaa lagu bedelay ayaad maqlaysaa, laakiin cidina ma sheegayso sobota boqol maalmood gudahood saddex wasiir looga qaaday shaqada. Faysal iyo cid mucaarad ah oo ka hadlaysanaa ma jirto. Ninkasta oo la keeno waxa uu markiiba madaxa isla galayaan dad uu meesha dhigtay wasiirkii hore ee Duulista Maxamuud Xaashi oo imikana madaxtooyada maamula. Dadkaasi waxay gacanta ku hayaan $50 oo laga qaado dadka garoonka ka dhoofaya iyo lacagta laga qaado kuwa soo degeya. Raggan hantidan faraha ku haya waxa ka mid ah :Agaasimaha maamulka waaxda lacagta, agaasimaha waaxda paratakoolka, maamule ku xigeenka airporka iyo taiyaha saldhiga poliska madaarka Hargiesa. Dhmaantood waxa keenay wasiirka hore ee duulista. Wasiirkii dadkaas iyo musuqooda frageliya ama isku daya in uu qeyb ka qaato boobka , Ina Xaashi oo madaxtooyada jooga ayaa hore ka eryeya. waa taas ta keentay in afar billood saddex wasiir shaqada laga eryo. Ma raacyaan sharciga qoran. Allaha ha u naxariistee Cigaal ayaa dejiyey sharci aad u hore marsan oo qeexayaa awoodaha iyo maamulka oo aad ka heli kartaan haddaaad akhrido sharciga madaniga ee Duulista somaliland ( Somaliland civil aviation bill). Waxaan garan waayey in la ina maaweelinayo oo waxani dhamaan heshiis lagu wada yahay ka mucaarad ilaa kuwa wax maamulayo, iyo in ay waxani karti daro ka tahay. Waxaa maalin walba soo muuqanaya Soomaali meel kasta oo ay joogto in ay maamul iyo nidaam dhinac iska dhigeen. Nin baa waxa uu yidhi : xafiis baan maalin walba ku kalahaa anigoo raba in aan wax sharci ah oo aan xaq u leeyahay in aan ka soo dhmaysto, maalin walba ama soo noqo ayaa la igu yidhaahdaa ama hebel majoogo, maalintii dambe ayaa waxaan u tagay nin garanaya agaasimahan i daaliyey. Markii aanu israacnay ee xafiiskii galnay, ee loo sheegay waxa aan u socdo, ayaa waxa uu yidhi ," oo kumaan garanayn e maxaad iskugu kay sheegi weyday". Ma maqashay gadhba gadh baa la tusaa. Sideetamaadkii shacabku si ay uga dabaashaan o ay hawlahooda u fushadaan , waxa ay abuureen hab cusub . Marka qofku yidhaahdo , " waar waxaas baan ubaahanahay, si dawladiina meel aan u maro garan maayee maxaan yeelaa?", dadku waxay odhan jireen , " waar waa dheg weyne ha dhagaysan ee halkaa mar oo waxaaga dhameyso". Waxan maanta hargiesa ka socdaa ma ahan waxii sideetamaadkii Soomaaliya ka jiray ee wax waxii dhacayey 1989/90 markii qaranku dumayey. Isma lahayn sodon sano ku dhawaad waxii Soomaali dumiyey ayaa dib loo soo cimaamadi oo la isku boobi. Aan ooye albaabka ii xidha.
  13. Mooge, people like you who are on the ground living inside the daily reality of Somalia should be listened. I used to be vocal critic of the federalism, but it is the only hope for local people to develop and build their local economy. By the way it is " Xagaagii Borama".
  14. You can not fool people at this day and age. If you keep profiteering from the public purse and government positions to enrich your kin people will rise. In Laascaanood The governor is from Hargeisa and the police chief is from Burco , which means the locals are occupied, yet for decades Siilaanyo was telling people that the main reason SNM was fighting was " they were dominated by people from Kismaayo and Garbahaarey in their own land". This is square one . Folks get ready for Somalialnd to be divided in ten or twelve small counties. If people were not happy about the way southern federal states were set up, get ready when Somaliland dissolves. Some folks in Hargeisa are already complaining about been land locked . Uma malaynayo in ay Soomaaliland Ahmed Siilaanyo ka dambaynayso. In this part of the Horn of Africa , the next leader is always worse than his predecessor.
  15. It may seem harsh, but a lot is going on in Somalia. Al-shabaab took over Marka easily, they are in Afgooye, Hiiraan and Bay. Their financiers want to expand to more places. Puntland should take tough measures until the election is over. Imagine two trucks filled with bombs travelling in day light. The next one could be worse. Until the threat level goes down , I support the measure.
  16. Oodweyne , this Hargeisa guys are welcome to live and vote in Lughaya. They to annex to Hargeisa rather be part of Awdal. I do not know where this argument of " Hargeisa is land locked " came from. Che, he was always a lose cannon. That arrogant Proff. Samatar brought him in Borama and made look like a legitimate leader. Any way he is done like a dinner. Let him join his campaign manager Suldan Sabays
  17. Mooge, these are members of the Wakiilada . they are doing their duty to voice the concern of the people they represent. They are trying to teach the Hargeisa outlaws how constitution and rule of law works. Regardless of what everyone says , justice is on the Awdal side. Unlike most Somalis , we rarely transgress or take other peoples land or property. Also, I am 100% sure that we are going to win because the righteous always wins. Reer Hargeisa hawlo adag bay faraha la galeen. Shirkii ugu dambeeyey ee xisbiyada oo C/rahman Zaylici gudoominayey waxa lagu heshiiyey in dadka la diwaan geliyo laakiiin marka hore Gobolkooda la raacaiyo. Waran cadde good joog buu ahaa isagaan yidhi go'aan baan ka soo saarayaa. Calaakuli xaal Muuse iyo waxa la socda way khasaareen. Suldaano dagaal oogayaal ah ayy dabin ku riday. Mar dhaw haddii hawshu xmaato wadada Djibouti dadka degaanka ayaa xidhaya. wAxaan rajaynayaa in ay isdaba qabtaan.
  18. Ooweyne, our friend Saalax may hate Siilaanyo and company but on this one he is on the spot. They did this in the summer of 2009. In order to put a wedge between Dahir Rayaale and Gabiley Community, Ina Biixi and some Kulmiye members instigated the " Ceel Berdaale" conflict. When they ould not get their way, the put road blocks and masackered the four Awdal travelers. That conflict and the animosity it created helped Kulmiye win 90% of the Gabilry vote. It is connected to the election . It is the same evil strategy the neoconservatives use in the west be targeting and bad mouthing Muslims.
  19. Malister, this is how series problems are tackled. Serious issue need serious solutions. Trade , money and politivs take the back seat when it comes to security. We shall see how long Puntland could resist . If I were the federal government , I would have implemented color coded threat levels. Green, means the nations fine and well blue , means there are insecure issues brown means alert of the security apparatus yellow means we are in danger . so, random checks , rotating army check points and the loss of civil rights. Red means the whole nation is in grave danger, including members of parliament, minister, leaders and the Somali people in general. In that case , Movements of people and vehicles will be banned ( Bando wax la yidhaahdo ma maqashay), The curfew will start 2pm during the day and will end 8am in the morning. Every house in Mogadishu will be inspected, and foreign armies and spies will stay in doors. This will go on until relative brown or blue color level is achieved. The reason you could not control is because this is a government run by local family masquerading as national government. Iska casheeye , dadkana u sheega in Muqdisho barwaaqo tahay.
  20. Saalax you are correct. How about Mexicans voting for Trump. This snake is carried by certain stooges , but I can assure Reer Awdal will not be fooled. Before, 80% of them were expected to vote for Wadani , now it could it be over nineties if Jamaal Cali and UCID become irrelevant. Oodweyne, I respect your wisdom and the call for cooler heads to prevail. It is useless to fight for few barren villages. You always have strong arguments although sometimes you keep trying to preserve the party line . One thing that I would take from your response is that the expectations and the arithmetic should converge in the same direction. You said: And that in turn will tell you how clannish society – like Somalis in general – this kind of “social goods” (or basic political requirement) can’t be done unless there is a strong and prior “social-contract” that can withstand any “arithmetical revelation” of the kind a national census would bound to produce within a clannish society, like ours in the Somali peninsula. That is a good promoter if we start working on that direction without excuses. Most people believe this is a ploy to create issues and register illegal residents and inflate the numbers in order to steal elections. I can assure you we will not stand if this snake Biixi tries to steal both land and elections. They might be our maternal cousins , but they are outlaws and warlords. " Abtigaa lama gawraco", but they did. I think the best revenge is to defeat them in this election.
  21. Waxaan ku raacsanahay Maakhir, Soomaalidu aad ayey iskugu dayataa. Goboladan galbeedka Canada, tirada Cadnaan1 shhegay 87% mid u dhaw ama ka sareysa , ayaa shaqaysa. Wax caydh la yidhaahdo lama siiyo dadka shaqaysan kara. Haddii bil ama laba qofka la caawiyo waa laga goyaa oo waa in uu shaqo raadado. Ingriisku duni saddexaad weeye.
  22. Tilamook, when I see this poems and how you guys are familiar with the beat, I realize you guys are in a different league than most of us.
  23. For 25 years, Somalialnd failed to establish government institutions and the rule of law. Of course the region is peaceful compared to south central Somalia and despite corrupt politicians, communal harmony exists between the people. Men and women of good will among the religious leaders, business community, civil society and elders are constantly watching the excess and transgressions of the politicians and interest groups. Without these noble people's mediation , civil and communal conflict would have happened long time ago. No one is denying the tangible achievements the people of Somalialnd have made for the last 25 years, but if you look closely, especially for the last six years, the government institutions have been replaced by tribal arrangements, delaying tactics and putting aside the rule of law for another day. They refused or failed to implement the rules of law and build any credible institutions. No single issue have been resolved through proper channels , whether it's parliament , courts or cabinet. While everyone was preoccupied with negotiating between Cali khaliif faction of Khaatumo and Somaliland, the Hargeisa oligarchs were plotting against the peaceful people of Awdal. Early last week Siilaanyo and company visited Borama to discuss the so called ( Saami Qaybsi) proportional presentation of the parliament It has been since 1997, that these oligarchs were resisting to implement a rule of law based representation of the parliament. In 2005, then president Rayaale forced the people to accept a temporary arrangement for now while promising future elections based on districts and the number of registered residents. Last year , Siilaanyo delegated the issue to a bogus institution called " The academy of peace and development" to find a way to implement a new formula for parliamentary elections. After one year of useless research ,or I should say chewing "Khat"--how else would you describe the incompetence---they decided to pass the issue to the three political parties. Rather than research different scenario's of equal representation, based on sound numbers and rule of law , the false academy , spent another day with the political parties and together decided to bring the issue to the senile president who could not even decide where or when to go places. " Waxaan isla garanay in aan dib madaxweynaha ugu celino". The incompetent tribal counsel decided to keep the status quo. It is the typical work of tribal arrangement system where the interest of the tribe is put ahead of the rule of law or the people in general. One asks , why this family is refusing to build institutions and implement government based on rule of law than tribal arrangements?. In tribal arrangements, progress is slow and the status quo is maintained. Housing disputes, thefts, assaults, and all other crimes are resolved through tribal arrangements , not through courts or legal means. Police will arrest someone after you paid him to do so, and will be released after he pays another one. The same goes with the government. People would shoot polling stations and commit armed mischief , yet after tribal arrangements , they are released. The tribal consensus in the parliament and other issues are to keep the status quo for now. No voting takes place and the members parliament may have political names of the parties, but they never vote through party line nor in the principle of loyal opposition. The largest tribal cover up in history of the Somali people. I wrote this issue before, but the organized online propagandists for Somaliland buried their head in the sand. Back in 2010, a colleague of mine who was involved in the NGO's and through his line of work met president Siilanyo at the palace. He told me that the man he met had no any expression in his face and other than greetings said nothing , he added that the man was in some series health issues. Then , in 2011, a visit to Djibouti, in the middle of the meeting , Ahmed Siilaanyo just closed his eyes and went in to sleep. His handlers immediately stooped the meeting and rushed him in to a private room. That was when Some businessmen in Djibouti asked C/raxman Cirro to seek the leadership of UCID party, since Siilaanyo is in weak state of mind. Now , you were probably wondering why am I mentioning this today?. Well, there is another fact about the state of the old man that is covered by all concerned. Last week when he arrived in Borama to discuss ( Saami Qaybsi ) the parliament representation formula and the reopening of polling station in districts that were already voted in Lughaya, one man who was present , told us the news that I and many others already knew. He said, " during the meeting, a heated back and forth debate has taken place between the elders and two of his ministers, while Ahmed Siilaanyo just sat there with his dark glasses", he continued, " after an hour of talk and no agreements in sight, one of the ministers asked Siilaanyo ( Madaxweyne shirka inoo soo xidh") to close the meeting". He pulled a letter from his pocket and said " Thanks everyone , I will make a decision and will let you know on the parliament issue and the so called reopening of polling in Lughaya". Two words and that was it. He said," now we all know Siilaanyo is not the one who decides these issues, and is only a figure head taken to places by not elected aides. How did everyone agreed on this cover up. Opposition leaders, members of parliament and the media. I can not explain other than say it is a family and SNM affair of cover up. The man said that he knew his condition was not that good before, but now everyone knows that Ahmed Siilanyo does not run Somaliland . He just signs papers arranged by others. The latest news is that there are three groups running the tribal arrangement system of Somaliland. First group are mostly women led by the wife and her aides including the in-laws. The second group is the east Burco crowd , who after the departure of Hirsi Xaaaji Hassan relegated to the second tier, but still has some powers to fire and hire as they wish. The third group is Muuse Biixi and the Hargeisa oligarchs who are literally sitting at the table. Hirsi gaab rightly thought that Biixi was not good enough to manage Somaliland, so he brought some educated people and others, but was finally defeated by the ladies and the rich oligarchs. After realizing that Siilaanyo is a dead man walking , Muuse Biixi decided to enter the rooms were decisions are made and take part of the internal tribal arrangements. . He was encouraged to take the power early before the nominal elections even takes place. Each one is bringing his own puppets in the system regardless of duplication, incompetence or government effectiveness. As we speak , there are more than 60 ministers, deputy minters and state minters in the system with nothing to manage or administer.. It just bribing and buying people through bogus appointments. Another 50 or so who were fired as ministers are rooming in Hargeisa hotels seeking positions. folks, we do not make up this stuff. To be sure, the latest shuffle of the interior minister is number four after, Gaboose, Duur, Waran cadde and Faratoon . In Awdal, people expect this oligarchs in Hargeisa to keep the status quo and do not do any harm. The people are following their tribal movements especially in Lughaya where West Hargeisa anarchists were agitating for a while. They tried to create conflicts as soon as Siilaanyo was elected, but at the time, he rejected their anarchy for fear of being destabilized before he even finished his first year. Now that Siilaanyo is in decline both in health and government control , Ina Biixi and his allies decided to push their tribal interest at the forefront. They brought back Nuux Tani, the disgraced former army commander, accused of aiding those who attached the sleeping villagers in Seemaal , and at the same time, they appointed his cousin to be the governor of Awdal region. As we speak the new interior minister from Sool region, announced six area around Lughaya to be reopened for vote for the next election without making a decision. These villages belong to Awdal as always, and when polling stations opened, some anarchists shot the polling stations and stole the computers. They were arrested, but as usual they were released through tribal arrangements. Just like in conflicts in Ethiopia were ethnic groups fight boundaries, the ethnic groups belonging to Hargeisa community want to take a village of less than hundred people from Awdal to Hargeisa, because they are different ethnic group than the majority of the inhabitants of Lughaya district. In a nut shell that is the realty of Somali tribal issues of 21st century. The local people voted already in Lughaya district and the anarchists have one counsel among the 17 district counsel members, but now they want to carve these villages to Hargeisa and create conflict with Awdal and coastal people. Personally, I do not see any advantage of controlling a couple of villages in a barren land with starving resident. These are the same area that had drought and other issues last year. When I did ask people " why do the Hargeisa anarchists keep pushing this issue every election cycle while refusing to take part in the registration process ?, Some people believe that a lucrative NGO contract is being arranged by some Hargeisa oligarchs and they could not get this without the consent of the Lughaya residents , so they trying to curve out these villages to Hargeisa region and cash in . Well, the problem is the Awdal people are awake today and can not be robbed at day light. I do belive the Hargeisa oligrachs will pay a heavy price this time around. This plots from the Hargeisa oligarchs might eventually unite the Awdal people and take the necessary steps to protect their land. Polling in Awdal was closed months ago, but to keep the conflicts and satisfy the anarchists, another second polling will take place with people coming from Hargeisa and other places. Also, a warning should be given to the new rented stooge from Sool , who as the newly appointed interior minister, proclaimed that he is working to figure out which region these villages belong. Well, Mr. Fartoon, Awdal boundaries are well known, so be careful how you thread. Warancade may have been corrupt, but everyone knew that he would never have pushed this illogical issue pushed by anarchists , and that is probably one of the main reasons they replaced him. On the east, in Sool region , despite the talk of peace and power sharing , the scope of the movements are narrow and short sided. Reliable people told me that despite the smoke screen, the whole things is nothing more than the east Burco guys trying to reconcile with their neighbors before Siilaanyo leaves office. We hear a lot about power sharing and the vacating of government positions, but in reality , these communities would never do that. Rather than replace the fat cats , they targeted Cali Warancade , the only minister with some powers to challenge the family coalition and oligarchs in Hargeisa. " Ragga laga rabo in ay kuraasta ka kacaani waa la garanayaa ee yaan qiiq a isku qarin". Of course we can not ignore the overtures coming from Cali khaliif and some Khaatumo community members to change strategy and make peace with Somaliland. Also, we can not ignore the moves that Ahmed Samatar and company are making to Sool in order to bring Cali Khalif on their side, which is why Biixi is going to Buuhoodle. Some Awdalites assured me that the days of C/raxman Zaylici as vice presidential candidate are over, and will be replaced by Ahmed Samatar himself. Samatar and Zaylici are cousins , and can not occupy two top positions without excluding other Awdalites. Also, Zaylici could not defend Ina Biixi from the direct assaults coming from Awdal community, so they want Ahmed Samatar to lead the charge. I always believed that Somaliland was a tribal arrangement were the northerners found consensus, peace and harmony among themselves until Somali state comes back. When you compare the calamities that did happen or happening in south central Somalia, that arrangement have succeeded it's purpose of temporary peace and development . So, on that note, until a government based on rule of law emerges , or the eventual union of Somalia, which ever comes first, let us keep the peace and the arrangement for now. Having said that , the best option for a real government administration to emerge in Somaliland can only happen after the " Habro" are replaced from the leadership. I do believe the SNM community do not have the temperament to build institutions and rule of law, because , many , even among the lay people will tell you " Adeer Sharcigu waa waxaan ka soo dagaalanay". If they apply the rule of law they may lose the tribal arrangement system.
  24. MMA, waan ku salaamay, That was just a figurative statement. Hungry and unemployed youth are every where. They could be from Bay or Beledweyne and they are the most venerable.