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Everything posted by Tallaabo

  1. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-22080224 RIP
  2. All that water should be collected in reservoirs before it gets drained into the sea.
  3. I thought this thread was all about Tacsi/R.I.P for Alpha's scripts which would then be deactivated. What is happening Alpha, they are all alive and going strong?:confused:
  4. I just want to get there but let me ask you a question. In Jannah, if a man will have a houseful of xuural cayns what will the females get to satisfy their carnal desires?
  5. Siilaanyo must declare wednesday next week a national holiday to honour Baroness Thatcher.
  6. Abtigiis;936283 wrote: :D NG, caruurta baratay sida loo akhriyo SOLna sidee laga yeeli. My son asks me these days you are not opening the "camelthreads..whatever!" to quote him? We share the computer at times...markaa wuu nacay meeshan i mashquulisa!! :D Gheele iyo rag baa ii muqda ee aan salaamo asxaabta. Abtigiis you should celebrate your children’s coming of age and their new ability to read SOL. Just like a parent in the West teaches his or her progeny how to wear a condom or use the morning-after bill, you should explain to your kids what the terms HAG, defeated lot, looters inc, etc mean when they see it here and then ask you about their meaning. Just like sex, SOL is for all generations;)
  7. Xaaji Xunjuf;935369 wrote: All have different interests different aspirations it would be impossible to pick a leader from their midst the closest SNM USC SPM came was the communique they agreed on 1989 You are right. A good example was Cali Mahdi crowning himself the "president" without anyone's support exept from his clan.
  8. Wiil Cusub;935573 wrote: Their was pig ideological rift between SNM and other Somali insurgent groups, they ware from one dictator to another one (kut ka qax oo qanjo u guur). I couldn't see any difference between Siyaad, Yey iyo Aidid. All those groups was one-man-show while SNM was open platform where majority rules. I thing ideology was bigger obstacle than tribal diffrence. True and that is what I heard before. Our people had no appetite for more tyranny.
  9. Faafan;935882 wrote: LOL Waxba yayna cuqdad ku dilin Sayidka seeftissa Ingriis iyo wixii la socday umbay qaaday...waa ninkii africa oogu horeeyay ee diyaarad lagu weeraro.....a true legend, feared and respected. Waar isaga mooyee cid kale oo ay seefi qaaday majirto. The dude messed with the wrong people and suffered its harsh consequences. The war planes were brought into Somaliland at our request. Just like Yay used the Ethiopian tanks to subjugate Xamar, the Duriyadda folks used Britain's flying machines to make the old man and his gang run for their dear lives:)
  10. Xiinoow my Tol do not need to learn about historical figures who were at best of no concern to them and at worst treated as criminals.
  11. Please add few of your many scripts to this thread so we can give them a decent farewell and at last achieve a sense of peace and quite in SOL;)
  12. Ngonge, Baroness Thatcher was a tough lady and the British people North and South will mourn her loss.
  13. The drive thru pranks are funny and original.
  14. *Blessed;935424 wrote: :D Iska daaya Alpha, waa lagu cadho burburaa on a bad day, he's a good sport in that sense. Yes if Alpha leaves SOL along with his many scripts, this place will be a cyber ghost town:D
  15. Ma safaaradaad kala wareegtay. You know the Americans are talking to Kim Jong-Un via the Chinese. So can I be the China man here?
  16. ^ The Jubbaland conferences are still going on. So be patient:)
  17. In June last year I decided to register myself with this forum after reading other member's posts for a while and realised that the online reputation of the great nation of Somaliland needed protecting. My request was rejected outright because of my email which is SOMALILAND@HOTMAIL.COM. I was incensed and smelt an insidious conspiracy against the great nation. Later that day after calming down with the aid of three mugs of xawaash tea, I sent an email to the piratelander who until June last year owned this website. The email was a Trojan horse and upon him clicking it, I took full control of his machine, his passwords, everything really and then flooded his hard drive with child porn. Then I called the police and his home was raided and computer confiscated for evidence. So dear SOLers Libaax-Sankataabte was from June last year just one of my many user names:cool:
  18. Maayarkii Hargeysa oo ku Geeriyooday Isbitaal ku Yaalla Imaaraadka Carabta iyo Siilaanyo oo Guddi u Magacaabay Aaskiisa Axad, Abriil 07, 2013 (HOL) — Gudoomiyihii golaha deegaanka Hargeysa, isla markaana ahaa Maayarkii Hargeysa Eng:Yusuf Warsame Siciid ayaa saaka ku geeriyooday wadanka imaaraadka Carabta oo uu muddo ku xanuunsanayay. Madaxweynaha Somaliland, Mudane, Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo), ayaa tacsi u diray, Golaha Degaanka Hargeysa, Ehelkii, Qaraabadii, Asxaabtii, iyo Dhamaan Shacbiga Reer Somaliland, ee uu ka baxay ALLE ha u naxariistee Maayarkii Caasimada Hargeysa MARXUUM, ENG. YUUSUF WARSAME SICIID oo ku geeriyooday Cusbitaal ku yaal Imaaraadka Carabta Saaka Subaximadii hore. Madaxweynuhu waxa uu Marxuumka ku tilmaamay muwaadin jecel dalkiisa iyo horumarka ummaddiisa, mudo dheerna u soo shaqaynaayey sidii uu ugu tari lahaa dadkiisa iyo dalkiisaba. ALLE ha u naxariistee Doorashadii Golaha deegaanka ka dib waxaa loo doortay Maayarka Caasimada Hargeysa si uu aqoontiisa iyo kartidiisa ugu horumariyo caasimada Hargeysa, inkastoo intii loo doortay Maayarka Caasimada ka dib uu la soo dersay Xanuunkan uu haatan u geeriyooday Marxuumku. “Madaxwaynuhu waxa uu ILLAAHAY uga baryayaa Marxuumkaa inuu naxariistii Janno ka waraabiyo, Qoyskii, Eheladii, Qaraabadii, Asxaabtii Golihii Degaanka Hargeysa ee uu maayarka u ahaa, iyo Dhamaan Shacbiga Reer Somaliland ee uu ka baxayna Samir iyo Imaan ka siiyo”ayaa lagu yidhi war-saxaafadeed ka soo baxay madaxtooyadda. Sidoo kale, Madaxweynaha Somaliland Mudane, Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Silaanyo) waxa uu Digreeto Madaxweyne oo Sumadeedu tahay JSL/M/MG/083-1696/042013 ku magacaabay Gudi qaban-qaabo oo u xilsaaran Aaska Marxuumkaasi, Gudidaas oo ka kooban 15 Xubnood. Waxaana guddidaasi gudoomiye looga dhigay Wasiirka Wasaaradda Arrimaha Gudaha, Wasiirka Wasaaradda Diinta iyo Awqaafta, Wasiirka Wasaaradda Waxbarashadda, Wasiirka Wasaaradda Dhalinyarada, Ciyaaraha iyo Dhaqanka, Wasiirka Wasaaradda Kalluumaysigga iyo Khayraadka Badda, Wasiir Ku-xigeenka Wasaarrada Warfaafinta, Dh. Iyo Wacyigelinta, Taliyaha Ciidanka Booliiska, Maayar Ku-xigeenka Caasimadda Hargeysa, Xoghayaha D/Hoose ee Caasimadda Hargeysa, Guddoomiyaha Xafiiska Xildhiidhka Golayaasha ee Madaxtooyadda, Xildhibaan Axmed Cabdi Kijaandhe, Xildhibaan Maxamuud Axmed Oobsiiye, Mudane, Maxamed Baarjeex, Mudane, Cali Cumar Xasan Guuleed, Marwo, Aamina Yusuf Aar. Alla ha u naxariisto Maayarkii magaaladda Hargeysa Marxum Yuusuf Warsame Siciid oo muddo dhawr bilood ah hayey xilkaasi, waxaanu ahaa khabiir aqoon badan u leh qurxinta iyo qaabeynta magaalooyinka, waxaanu ka soo shaqeeyey Soomaaliya, Jabuuti iyo dalal reer Yurub ah. Maayarka ayaa ka soo baxay xisbiga taladda haya ee KULMIYE, waxanay aad u taageereen soo bixitaankiisa, isla markaana ku guulaystay maayarnimada, haseyeeshee isagoon aan wali shaqadii si rasmi ah u bilaabin ayaa xanuunkan uu u geeriyooday ku dhacay, waxaanu muddo ku jiray cisbitaal ku yaala magaaladda Dubia ee imaaraadka Carabta. Gudoomiyaha xisbiga Wadani, gudomiyaha xisbiga UCID iyo goleyaasha deegaanada magaalooyinka Somaliland, ayaa tacsi u diray marxumka , iyagoo ilaahay u baryey inuu janaddii fardawsa ka waraabiyo. Barkhad-Ladiif M. Cumar, Hiiraan Online barkhadladiif@hiiraan.com Hargeysa, Somaliland
  19. Alpha Blondy;935367 wrote: the mayor of Hargeisa died this morning in Dubai. INAALILAAHI WAA INAA ILAYHI RAAJICUUN. Alle ha u naxariisto marxuunka samir iyo imaanna haka siiyo ehelkiisa. Amin
  20. Haatu;935176 wrote: In pure defiance I will post here. Do post version 2.0 of your Alpha thread;)
  21. Whatever happened in the former republic is QADAR ALLE. However, I can't help but imagine what would have happened or what would SL and Somalia be like today if the SNM, SSDF, USC, and the other repel groups who fought Siyaad Barre negotiated with each other and joined forces, chosen a leader from among their ranks who would also be the next president after the overthrow of Siyaad, coordinated their attacks, and formed a transitional government and constitution for post Siyaad Somalia before waging the war. I think Somaliland could have escaped the devastation and Mogadisho and Southern Somalia would not have gone through the massacres of 1991.
  22. Wow I like this statue. It is so similar to Saddam's one in Baghdad!! It is such a good candidate for a toppling frenzy;)