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Everything posted by Maqane

  1. ^ Caps Off : what happened that day, it is a was very much.. ee... aa... i don't know what could i call it.. Caps On : I SEE ANGLES COME TO THE SATDAUIM, AN IMMEDIATELY I SEE ANGLES COME TO THE SATDAUIM He is surely in a difficult position and the problem is everywhere now!
  2. Saff, is your PM open inaar & may i pm you? I need your help. Thanks
  3. 5 new African languages - Somali, Hausa, Yoruba, Igbo and Zulu -have just been launched on Google Translate!!
  4. Sawirka 2aad waxaad mooddaa iney ku soo duufi rabto. Maseer iyo dumar maxaa kala heysta!
  5. Dibudhiska iyo ilaalinta Taallooyonkii hore aad beey lamahuraan ugu yihiin xusuusta iyo taariiqda ay lahayd Magaala madaxda. Waxaan rajayn in lagu guuleeysto qorshahan.
  6. Tarzan wuxuu mudanyahay in la gudoomiyo billadda horumarka. Balse waxaan ku raacsanayn su'aashii la waydiiyey ee qusaysey dibu dhiska degmooyinka sidii uu uga warceliyey. Wuxuu yiri 'degmo kasta baan maalgeliyey balse maalgelin waxba ma tarayso haddii aysan qorshe u dagan laheyn. Waa inuu kormeeraa uuna la xisaabtamaa dadka uu u xilsaaray mashruucaas, haddii ay dadkaas shaqadooda ka soo bixinna uu ku badalaa kuwa ku hoboon. Mida kale Tarzan aad buu 60% u yaqaanaa bulsho dhaqameedka Soomaalida, marka shaqadan wuu ku haboonyahay balse waxaan ka bartay waraysiga inuu weli 40% uusan garanin qaabka uu ula dhaqami lahaa bulshada siduu isbedel ugu sameeyo. Xoog wax laguma maquuniyo ee waa inuu wax u sheegaa bulshada sida ay wax ugu habootahay markaas wuxuu ka heli karaa kalsooni iyo wada shaqeyn. Soomaalida halkaa ku nool oo nolosha laqabsatay aad beey u adagtahay ineey ciyoow isbedel sameeyaan, waxaa loo baahanyahay dulqaad fara badan. Falladiisii ugu dambeysay baa iga qoslisiisay Godoomiyihii ugu horreeyey oo aan liiska taariqda horumarsyaasha ku daro buu noqon haddii uu sidan ku sii socdo uuna ka soo baxo intii aan horay u soo sheegay. @Malistar Waad ku mahadsantahay waraysiga muuqaalka ah aad nala wadaagtay.
  7. Was a nice choice ^ *Blessed! Gabadhu waa heesaa cod macaan leh. Mahadsanid for the lyrics.
  8. ^ He didn't ask from which block :rolleyes:
  9. magicbird;989369 wrote: Haha like we're going to take the narrative of a white man that doesn't even clean his butt. When I say cadaans are najjas, I mean it, so next time you shake his hand, you better wash it seven times.
  10. The coat of Arms of Tanzania. Which one is Tallaabo like?
  11. Kaluun was a fish out of water, admin could gave it the time to think but thy silenced it because it was a reform activist . RIP kaluun yare
  12. Ow lawd! Too easy to follow, Haatu i think i can give you Afsoomaali grammar course 'The OLD edition'. :cool:
  13. 6 tweens .. what a trend! Desperate faaraxis.
  14. Arabic is always beautiful when written in classic but it's surely a nitemare to study *too much decoration*
  15. ^ BBC target audiences/listeners in Africa are/were mostly based in Somalia or Somali spoken regions that's why it's also broadcasted in Afsoomaali since 1957. But that doesn't stop Somali language being the 3rd 2nd 4th African language spoken in Africa because this proves that Somalis were always civilized people. img src: PS: Keep rating and keep the 'afka hooyo' alive :cool: :
  16. ^^ Great news, glad you have found them. thanks for the update. *Mogadishu used to be a wonderful place. I hope one day the old Mogadishu will come back and the old international students and their teachers will come together and share their stories.
  17. Oz, check the sticky (first post) admin announcement in the General section.
  18. "Haa saxiiboow, markee soo furaanaa sugaa!" Wiilka yar dareemihii beey ka qaadatay islaanta. :D
  19. @magicbird Ameen walaal, I'll look 'em for you and will let you know.
  20. Great article! thanks for sharing Marksman
  21. Here 're some suggestions concerning the upgrade; Important - Disable friendly redirection pages [reason: annoying] - Disable topic title change [reason: majority don't change their thread title and most of the Nomads think before they post, another reason is, a user may misuse the option by constantly changing the topic title to annoy others as such incident already happened before] - Not all Nomads (guests/members) speak or understand the English language so consider adding the Somali language pack {even though it's not available at the moment, you could start localization project so we or other Somali Nomad speakers can contribute to it } and setting it as the default would be great but because of the site being "Somaliaonline" it won't be a good combination but by adding language select option to the top/visible place and add it to the members profile so that other nomads can select their default/preferred language if needed. Optional - Replace the rep (star icon) with thumps up/like and change 'Rep Power' to likes. - Update the default "FAQ" list and make it more realistic. i.e, list only the most asked questions on Sol, other VIQ's and keep it short - Add 'Show latest started threads to 'memberaction_dropdown ' so you don't need to visit the user's profile to perform that action. That's all for now, I may PM you other personal suggestions concerning the site/community. Wish you all the best in upgrading the script and thanks for making teh mobile version available.
  22. Safani, do you own the picture or you found it somewhere?