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Everything posted by DoctorKenney

  1. xabad;945988 wrote: how about being non aligned and looking out for ones interests regardless. think about that MM. I don't know what's with Somalis and this mentality that we need to align ourselves with other countries to "protect" us. It's ridiculous Somalia can take care of itself, is it too much to ask that we're a non-aligned neutral nation that trades with the rest of the world and generally remains indifferent to issues that don't affect us?
  2. If the stop & frisk procedures are ineffective as you say, then I take back everything I said about advocating it. But something definitely needs to be done. The crime rates are not "low" and we need short-term solutions as well as long-term.
  3. Blackflash;945494 wrote: My apologies. I misunderstood the context of your post. The motivation behind that reply was to show that Brampton has similar if not higher rates of crime in comparison to Toronto and how forthcoming/trusting their respective constituents are during investigations. I know about the vast disparities between American and Canadian crime rates. I remember conducting research on homicide rates of major North American cities for a high school project and being shocked at the war-zone-like figures of cities like Detroit and Chicago. Even your safer cities (Seattle, San Diego, Boston etc.) would be considered hell-holes in Canada. P.S Toronto had 54 homicides last year, not roughly 80:p Its incredible to me how low the crime rates are in Toronto. Even cities such as Edmonton have a low crime rate compared to some American cities. Its a war-zone and I honestly don't know of any solution to keep this problem in check. Everything Safferz proposes is long-term solutions to present problems. Some of these inner-city thugs really do need to be locked up and done away with. They make life unbearable for the rest of the population. Living in Toronto is a blessing, that's for sure.
  4. Blackflash;945437 wrote: Nope. Brampton has by far the highest petty crime rates out of any city in the GTA. Also, the neighborhood I live in has 6-7 shootings in an average year with 2-3 resulting in deaths. Heck, my little brother and several dozen teens had to witness a homicide at the rec centre two years ago. Don't let the relative low crime rate of Peel region fool you. I'll look for an article I read in the past which had the disaggregated crime rates all 3 Peel Municipalities. If I remember correctly, Brampton accounted for a disproportionate amount of crime in the region. "Out of any region in the GTA" Bro, Toronto has the type of crime rate that would make the Mayor of any American city absolutely ecstatic. Brampton has "2-3 deaths" in an entire YEAR. Toronto has roughly 80 homicides, whereas Chicago has over 500 homicides even though both cities are the same size. You don't live in the United States, you haven't seen the types of people that exist here. The types of crime we have here. Any visit to a city like Chicago or Detroit would totally flip your entire opinion and you'll realize that most of these violent crimes are committed by these types of men. Young black men who feel like they have something to prove. This is a fact, and I'm honest enough to admit it even though I myself am a young Black man.
  5. Wadani;945427 wrote: I understand where ur coming from, but without addressing the root causes these band aid solutions will fix nothing, and may even exacerbate the crime problem as the young black men begin rage out against society even more in their indignation. But addressing the root causes are all long-term solutions to this problem. Long-term solutions take years, even decades to sort out. In the mean-time what should be done? I've seen too many young Black (and Somali) men behave like thugs when they had no reason to. And I see no reason for these men to change their behavior, at least within the near future.
  6. Blackflash;945423 wrote: I guess not looking away in fear is classified as 'furtive movement'. Peel police seems to be the most professional police force I've encountered yet. The residents of Peel region seem to trust them, which could explain why they typically have 90+% closure rates on homicides. Maybe it's because Brampton and Mississauga have extremely low crime rates? For once sir, put yourself in the position of living in a large American city with a high crime rate, and you'll see what we're talking about.
  7. Wadani;945418 wrote: DoctorKenney, I was consistenly searched and frisked, at times agressively so, by police officers in my own neighbourhood. All of these times I was dressed 'normally' and engaging in non-suspicious and non-threatening activies. I was harassed while playing basketball, on my way to visit neighbours, on the way to the store and even one time as I was about to get into a friends car on my way to the masjid. loool. Wallahi I can't even count the number of times I've been stopped and frisked by cops while growing up. Numerous times I put them in their place, with some seeming somewhat apologetic and remorseful while others just became more obstinate and hateful. Wadani, yours is an extreme example. But in certain sections of NYC, Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta and Los Angeles, would you support stops & frisks? I mean, these are the type of men who make entire sections of a city a no-go zone. It's disgraceful, we shouldn't be living like this.
  8. Lol I completely agree with Chimera. Too many times in my life I had to escort female relatives and friends home because of these punks and thugs. Safferz, I'm sure you can agree that young black men who fit this profile commit disproportionately more crime than their white or Asian counterparts. I've encountered police many times in my life, and never was I stopped and frisked because I behave (and dress) in a certain way. And you make it look like every single black man in NYC is searched, when its probably the same young men who are stopped and searched multiple times in one year. Safferz, I'm sure you--living in the United States--have seen and met these types of men, and you would agree that they're mostly intolerable thugs. I mean, what else should be done with them??
  9. Tallaabo;945216 wrote: You are looking at the sharia through the lenses of the western Islamaphobes. And to understand the reduced share of women's inheritance and their role in the judicial system, you should first understand the patriarchal system in Muslim families and the economic system in a Islamic society. Unlike the non-Muslim societies, Islam places all the financial responsibilities in a family unit squarely on the shoulders of the husband. Also it is the husband who should pay out compensation to the wife if the marriage fails (provided it is the man's fault). If the breakdown of a marriage is the woman's fault, then she pays nothing. It is also men who should provide for their elderly parents and other needy relatives and pay take on other societal duties such as communal compensations etc. So you just can not take isolated bits from here and there and tell this is what the sharia says. The sharia law is a comprehensive legal system and should be taken as whole. Just like rape cases, four witnesses are also required for murder and other crimes in order to proof guilt beyond doubt. You're forgetting to mention that the 4 witnesses is required to prove adultery, not rape. To Marksman: If you think it honest that you gain your critiques of Shariah Law on Anti-Islamic websites, and then try to pass them off as legitimate arguments--shows you are either slow-witted or you're deliberately dishonest. You just took something that has nothing to do with Islam and you tried to pass it off as fact. Every single one of these arguments were posed on Anti-Islamic sites, and every single one of them were refuted numerous times. But you want to repeat the same tired arguments. My suggestion is: If you don't understand something, it's best to consult the scholars instead of amateurs.
  10. xabad;945138 wrote: The only problem for you Dr Kenny is the hallowed, utopian version of sharia so beloved by Muslims is just a figment of their imagination and has no basis in reality. how can you ascertain Omar bin Khattab's time was wonderful, since you are not present. Even a dark history can be whitewashed and people indoctrinated like we see DPRK. The premise of sharia is fundamentally flawed as Muslims in their minds assume supermen will apply it and all will be wonderful. Sharia is a cruel, absurd and regressive system that i would not wish upon anyone. How can I ascertain Khattab's time was wonderful? Well, there's numerous first-hand accounts of people who lived back then, who enjoyed the degree of justice and prosperity which existed back then. People enjoyed prosperity during the reign of Harun Al-Rashid, during the reign of the Muslims in Spain, and even during the early Ottoman Caliphate...Islam has a long and rich history, and if you think you can point to the actions of a few thugs in Afghanistan and Somalia and think that this is "Shariah Law", then you're mistaken. Shariah has worked before, it can work again. If you think the premise of Shariah is flawed, then so is the premise of any other secular institution as it replaces the rule of God with the rule of men, and it gives sovereignty to legislators instead of sovereignty to God. These examples you cite point to dictatorships. The Taliban was a dictatorship, Amir Godane of Somalia is nothing more than a dictator. And of course people's rights are going to be violated. I would want there to be an Constitutional Islamic Republic in the Muslim world, where there would exist a more just and fair government. But these men in Afghanistan didn't apply Shariah correctly, so it's an irrelevant point.
  11. xabad;944982 wrote: Yeah, sodomizing little boys and sharia go hand in hand together. you believe those hypocrite taliban pakhtuns. When most people say they want "Sharia Law"...they have the administration of Omar ibn Khattab in mind. They don't want the Taliban's Administration. And who wouldn't want to be ruled by a government similar to Omar ibn Khattab's? This is such common sense logic I'm surprised you missed it.
  12. This is a very interesting video! This man takes a photo of himself every single day for 12.5 years. Watch him age throughout the years. Really gives you a perspective on how short our life is, and how youth fades so quickly.
  13. What an interesting thread. I'm gonna have to show this to some of my friends in the near future. Somalia has a bright future. As long as our people have the right mindset, we can achieve anything. Adam, do you feel more optimistic about Somalia's future since you originally wrote this post 2 years ago? A lot has changed in the last 2 years.
  14. There's a young Somali man, in his early 20's who willingly converted to Christianity. This man lives in Minnesota and had his Christian friends and classmates convert him. So yes, Somali Christians do exist. Now which Somali-American in his right mind would willingly convert to Christianity, especially since it's obvious how silly and illogical that religion shocls me. But this is a big world. We have Somali Atheists, Somali homosexuals, Somali crack-addicts. Why are we shocked at the existence of Somali Christians?
  15. Timur;943713 wrote: Are we talking about the same USA that backed communist Ethiopia against Somalia in the '77 war? Somalis must have amnesia, because Washington doesn't give a crap about you. Well this is why Somalis should use American power to their advantage without giving up their principles. The Al-Saud Family in Riyadh is a master of that
  16. xabad;943742 wrote: What stuff ? wife battering or the apostasy ? Both, of course. Wife battering is bad but apostasy is much worse
  17. Boondheere;940871 wrote: Maash allah. Is that bed where he use to sleep first time whit hes 9 years child wife Aisha. Maasha allah. ^^ I'm really sick of your crap. I've paid attention to your posts on this forum, and I'm gonna confidently say that you are either a troll, or you're not a Muslim. There is no tolerance here for insulting our Prophet (saw)
  18. It's almost as if Apophis enjoys acting like a clown. What's wrong with him wallahi
  19. Just who in their right mind would support elopement? Secret marriages will never be real marriages. They're not really a married couple
  20. Prosperity comes from production, jobs, low crime rates and a higher standard of living. Only a fool actually thinks the Presidential palace matters. Dr Osman we don't need people like you in Somalia
  21. I'm not sure if you're trolling us or you're actually being serious here....
  22. *ANWAR*;938754 wrote: ''Our competition isn't with each other, it's with foreigners'' I do not think Dr_Osman understand this sentence Dr Osman has this poisonous mentality which too many people have nowadays. I would be just as happy if Bosaso or Hargeisa or Kismayo or Beledweyne were prosperous. It doesn't make a difference to me, and it shouldn't make a difference to anyone else either.
  23. Dr Osman what's wrong with you, always posting photos of different Somali towns and making them compete with each other. Our competition isn't with each other, it's with foreigners. I don't see Chinese men competing on whether Shanghai, Beijing, Wuhon or Guangzhou is a better city. They compete with other countries Audubilah have some self-respect
  24. Safferz Tax Day Theory makes a whole lot of sense to me. I know a lot of Americans are resentful over the current system. That seems to be the most plausible theory
  25. Wallahi Guantanamo Bay is one of the biggest disgraces in American history, along with the Jim Crow laws, Japanese internment camps, and slavery. I don't know why more people aren't putting pressure on the Federal Government to close this prison Obama and George W Bush should be in prison.