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Everything posted by Miyir

  1. waw the heat must got him couldn't keep low profile, now Jawaari officially outed himself as centralist. lets begin the game Centralist Vs federalist
  2. one thing stands out is over eagerness to accommodate the separatist movements in the north and desire to crash Kismaayo group whatever it takes.
  3. lol no wonder Hurdaaye sleeps working hours! :cool:
  4. At present, there are several steps still to be taken if the multinational force is to come into being. Firstly, AMISOM and the chiefs of Ethiopia’s and the S.F.G.’s defense forces have to work out the “modalities and operationalization” of the force. The plan must then be approved by the Western powers that bankroll AMISOM. Finally, the plan must be implemented in the face of Kenya’s and Jubbaland’s opposition. Each of those steps is fraught with difficulties. What the composition of the force would be is unspecified. On August 6, Uganda’s New Vision newspaper reported that it would be an Ethiopian Defense Forces, Somali National Army, and K.D.F. operation, which, if that were to be the case, would place the conflict directly at the heart of its proposed resolution. As for the Western “donor”-powers, a closed source reports that Great Britain, which has taken the lead role among the “donor”-powers, is pressing the S.F.G. to stop opposing the Jubbaland administration and to concentrate instead on speeding a permanent constitution for Somalia, revealing a divergence between the “donor”-powers and the T.C.C. (Uganda). That neither Kenya nor the Jubbaland administration seems ready to concede to Uganda and the S.F.G. makes it likely that the deadlock will persist. The S.F.G. scored a diplomatic victory, but the costs of turning it into a decisive change in the balance of power appear to be prohibitive. The S.F.G. would need greater support by more external actors to make the T.C.C. decision stick. It should always be remembered that the conflict in Kismayo is likely to decide what kind of political organization – centralized federalism (S.F.G.) or decentralized federalism (Jubbaland) – Somalia will have, if any. The parties to the conflict have lost sight of its importance and are engaged in “rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.” Report Drafted By: Dr. Michael A. Weinstein, Professor of Political Science, Purdue University in Chicago weinstem@purdue.edu ©2013 All rights reserved. Users may download and print extracts of content from this article for their own personal and non-commercial use only. Rebublication or redistribution of this report, including by framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Garowe Online.
  5. Khayr;973819 wrote: Yes and yes. So when shall we come by and put a steel collar on you. I have plenty of hard labor for you to do. Thanks for seeking out someone to make you a slave. I presume your somewhere outside Somalia where the majority is non Muslim? would you mind if they made you and your family, wife slaves in 2013? would you protest or accept if your owner sleeps with your sister,wife,mother and daughter as he wishes because his religion says so? sure he will clothe, house and feed you and play nice all time. Somali says dad waa weyn hadal kaftan ayuu ku dhameeystaa, got the joke but answer sincerely the question!
  6. i traveled by road what I saw is far from 55 million. somaliland+puntland = 3.5 million south= 4.5 million the rest 2.5 million
  7. alharam=qoslaaye&gang same thing or work together no one is being fooled anymore.
  8. its sign of hopelessness pulling out after 22 years or the beginning of the end of Qoslaaye & gang and return alharam in Mogadishu. some of you may think this is impossible but the way things are going its inevitable outcome and soon IC will be doing deals with alharam in mogadishu like taliban, time will tell
  9. Carafaat;973176 wrote: As one can read most of these changes are minor textual, semantics and clarifications of interpretations. In order to make the document more coherent, this was implemented by a committe which was agreed upon by the stakeholders. Faroole was part of the stakeholders but is trying to ceate distraction from own opposition. are you really that dense?
  10. we will see where it will lead? the Qoslaaye and gang failed most appointments and seem clueless, unprepared what locals want. I hope it doesn't lead a new war like Shabeele in recent days.
  11. Huge difference between what Xoosh says(changed only 3)and what Puntland says(change is more then 30) me think is centralist VS Federalist war.
  12. hypocrisy at work here, Qoslaaye is not same man who went to Kampala and give the victory speech? what has changed?
  13. its about Qoslaaye and Gang more then anything, they run the country right? they ended up laughing stock serves them right. no one is going to buy your crocodile tears and last your only fooling yourself no one else ok? yaa little carafaat.
  14. Qoslaaye and gang got played again, he is out of his depth, they got what they wanted, Qoslaaye signed to their mission to keep AMISOM mission as its(cow cash) out of UN hands in return one paragraph that is almost impossible to implant with out troops on the ground.
  15. Tallaabo;971903 wrote: I support Cabdi Raxmaad Faroole for bringing the so called Federal government to account. If there is an agreement signed between the state of Puntland and the administration in Mogadishu, then that agreement should be followed to the letter, no ifs and no buts. Until the Somalis learn how to follow rules and regulations, they will always be in chaos. If Mogadishu does not like the agreements they signed, they should lobby Puntland to agree to the amendment of those documents but the Mogadishu administration should not behave like an imperial power. Something i noticed about all Somalis, they will agree things they don't want or belief for the sake of agreeing and later backtrack:mad: very childish behavior for grown men and women, no wonder no one in IC takes seriously Somali's politicians words. the support was there for SFG in every corner when Qoslaaye and gang was elected, it was only for them to lose and how fast they did lose everyone who supported them? the current policies of SFG is misguided and clannish politics that divides already fractured society by civil war and famine, the blame lies with SFG.
  16. Who are they? I checked and found nothing! no website or anything work related they have done before. the only thing you will get with this name is signing contract with SFG.
  17. What is the solution? those of you who are close to the ground? any hope for Qoslaaye and Gang to change direction?
  18. Qoslaaye and Gang as I pointed out day One is nothing but a incompetent keystone politicians with tribal mentality=disaster waiting to happen. giving the security to alharam dude? what next?
  19. lol now Habros are Kurds? what next?
  20. Xaaji Xunjuf;970497 wrote: ^^ if one sides violates the agreement than there is nothing that was agreed on, no one is threatening the UN flights they will just not be welcomed in Somaliland. But lets see how this goes i am expecting the Somaliland information minister or the Somaliland trade minister to come up with a statement in the next 24 hours. Clock ticking:mad:
  21. Odey;970573 wrote: You have a problem with this? And for your information, he is the most succesful leader out there, who never killed anyone, left behind a huge legacy and succesfully transformed the country. The fact that the current Government can enjoy this level of support internationally is in no small a part due to his hard work. Are you simply scared that he will make Puntland as succesfull, thereby overshadowing your dear SL?. Hmmm i wonder lol :cool:
  22. Nuune wax buu ogyahay. Cambuulo if this is true get out before the place explodes! http://www.shacabkamedia.com/warka/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2659:fadeexad-muqdisho-ka-taagandhurwaa-hilib-ma-lagu-aamin-karaasarkaalkan-alshabaab-ka-tirsanaa-oo-taliyaha-nabad-sugida-ee-gbanaadir-loo-magacabaay&catid=1:warka-gudaha&Itemid=3