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Everything posted by Miyir

  1. the damage is already done whether what ET or the spy agency said is true or not. the message people got from this is we Somalis cannot be trusted to finish projects that is funded others for our benefit without stealing.
  2. Cambuulo iyo bun;978231 wrote: LOL tarzan said the truth however aad ayuu uu fudud yahay he shouldnt have said so infront of cadaanka wee nala yaabayaan :eek: :cool:
  3. Tallaabo;978382 wrote: You either have zero knowledge about Somaliland or you are sadly blinded by tribalism and hatred. What is happening in Buuhoodle (not Laascaanood) is not about Siyaad Barre's war, not about clan animosity, not even about clans, not about water wells and geel, not about marfish politics of the kind you indulge in, but it is about nation building, national politics, secession vs union, power sharing, and other worthwhile disputes. lol yeah rite :cool: add going to the Moon too, what a delusion
  4. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/09/19/us-somalia-central-bank-idUSBRE98I0CX20130919 is this another way of admitting the theft?
  5. Che -Guevara;978201 wrote: God bless my people " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> Reconciliation needed before everything else! Tarzan a loose canon lol:cool: if you don't agree just keep quit or wait your turn and make your case. simply be polite
  6. Baydhabo folks miscalculated and sided with qoslaaye centralist agent against federalist groups, they find marginalised and used, lets hope a solution
  7. http://shabelle.net/?p=3609 “The sponsors of this scandal who happen to be most powerful individuals in the government namely the president whose company Alkheyraat is stake holder in Favori and the prime minister’s wife Honorable Asha who got Lions share from the $1.8 million Dollar premium bribe paid by the Turkish company are relentlessly bullying me and my colleagues to kick out SKA the western company currently managing Mogadishu airport and enforce airport’s immediate hand over to Favori on September the 15th ignoring the fact that SKA has 10 agreement with Somali government and hugely invested the airport.“ True?
  8. malistar2012;977293 wrote: Does this mean no more protest outside in the cold in Brusell ? You missed the point, President reduced to one of the factions attending foreign meeting for Somalia aid, that is where Qoslaaye and Gang failed the country and the people.
  9. Ethiopian suspends flights to Somaliland region Post a reply Postby Somali-Ethio » Yesterday, 06:24 The Ethiopian Airlines has suspended its flights to Hargeisa and Berbera in northern Somalia due to poor infrastructure. The airliner was using a runway in the coastal town of Berbera until two weeks ago when Somaliland regional administration reopened the Hargeisa airport after minor upgrades. At first Ethiopian said the upgrade met its objective but after further studies it has discovered that Hargeisa airport does not meet her safety standards due to poor tarmac runway. It insisted on resuming its Berbera route until the airport in Hargeisa was probably completed but the aviation minister, who was trying to safe his own face after the failure of the upgrade, insisted on them to use Hargeisa. Ethiopian said it would not risk its multi-millionaire aircraft nor the safety of its passengers. The two could not reach an agree and as a result, Ethiopian has stopped its flights to Somaliland. The airport has been going under maintenance for almost a year and the upgrade money was donated by the government of Kuwait. Majority of the funds were locally reported to have been stolen by corrupted officials linked to President Ahmed Silanyo and his immediate family. The airport is now basically useless and many passengers are stranded in Hargeisa. Because of this mess made by the corrupted regional officials in Hargeisa, many passengers missed their flights meaning many missed their university enrollments, schools and their jobs back in the Diaspora. Video: Angry and stranded people in Hargeisa gather outside the Safeway Travel Agency that handles tickets for Ethiopian. Ethiopian should immediately contact this stranded passengers and refund their tickets and explain to these people that the mess came from the office of Mohamud Hashi Abdi and the corrupted Silanyo. Ethiopian is by no means not responsible for this drama. Heads must roll, keystone politicians taking everyone for ride must be stoped, 10 million and what?
  10. Wadani;976979 wrote: Ah, therein lies your problem.So according to your warped logic Austrians aren't German since they aren't from Germany. How do u manage to write about such abstractions as subjective reasoning, yet not grasp the obvious and glaring differences between ethnicity and nationality. Pay close attention: A Somali from Somalia is both a 'Somali' (ethnic identity) and a 'Somalian' (National identity). A Bantu, Reer Xamar or Baajuun and various other minorities are not 'Somali' but are definitely 'Somalian' A Somali from Somaliland is a 'Somali' but not a 'Somalian', but instead a 'Somalilander'. A Somali from Djibouti is a 'Somali' but not a 'Somalian', but instead a 'Djiboutian'. Same with folks from *Og@dania and NFD, they are 'Somali's' but aren't 'Somalians', since they aren't citizens of Somalia. What I don't get is why people like you dont cast doubts and aspersions on the Soomaalinimo of NFD'ers, Djiboutians and Og@danians but strip Somalilanders of this same identity though they aren't unique in not being citizens of Somalia. Worst mumbo-jumbo explanation of anything I ever read:confused: Give me Garoodi any day he makes more sense:cool: Somalis not Somalian:mad:
  11. GAROODI;976186 wrote: Marbles this, mad man that...coming from people who just yesterday supported a former Alshabab Ethiopian born resident to take with the help of Kenyans somali territory only to swallow their own words later is very rich. Call me what you may I don't really care, considering that's the last card you have against me considering you have nothing else use it el desperado. The truth is pirates seem to produce these sort of politicians if you can even call them that. No charisma, no objective, no idea, no strategy. Their entire philosophy is based on we are baxbaxland. We control 2.5 regions in Somalia are not capable of securing our seas from piracy or even holding land we are claiming. We have no history as a former independent state but were always part of Somalia but we should be given special treatment because we are baxbaxland is not going to cut it. Federalism you say? Clan federalism will never be accepted in Somalia they should form a state with galmudug if they are genuine about federalism. You cant even hold an election what right do you have to demand without first meeting your obligations. The man is using his last desperate strategy of isolation to see what he can get from hag. Other then entertaining international supporters of the notion for dialogue I assure you hag do not care and would prefer this lot to stay in permanent isolation as expressed on this forum by hag and on hag websites. What farole and Others excel in is one thing destroying their own people and making them hated across the entire somali speaking people. Adding fuel to the fire one might say and this is always to the benefit of others. Proof in point forget hag your own people don't want anything to do with you or am I mistaken??? relax & seriously chill out:cool:
  12. Tallaabo;976165 wrote: Summary of his policies: Puntland will have the right to determine its internal and external policies Puntland should have a say in the affairs of all the other federal states Puntland should be consulted by the federal government about every little thing Puntland should a say about the appointment of every federal minister and prime minister Puntland should set the internal and external policies of the federal government and never the other way round. Puntland will have all its resources to itself but should have a share of the federal government revenues Puntland should be the temple where every federal government official pays homage to and takes orders religiously Puntland should make the federal government and all the other federal states in its image, just like the Christian creation doctorine really;) I really like Faroole, he is a capable politician lol :cool:
  13. Cambuulo iyo bun;975924 wrote: Bro im i not somali? I got the right to work in my own country :cool: :cool: go back where you come from!
  14. somalis of the yesteryear not the new breed. I read once the profit Somalis used the make the cinnamon trade was 3000% not bad business.
  15. Haatu;975150 wrote: Ceegaag = to be filled up to the rim. e.g. "Boqorkii talo ayaa ku ceegaagtay" The king was filled with ideas. Boqorkii talo ayaa ku ceegaagtay = more like confused or can't make up his mind or overwhelmed
  16. Coofle;975215 wrote: Waaq = Micnaha ay dadka qaar sheegaan ee waa Ilaah soomaalidu caabudi jirtay (wal ciyaadu bilaah) Islaamnimada kahor ma laha caddayn adag....tusaalaha ay adeegsada waxa ugu caansan,,,,Caabudwaaq iyo ceelwaaq Waaq = common meaning, denoting a sound , especially that of birds, that is why in songs they used the word Waaq-la'a,,Examples (Walee Waaqlaan u baxayoo, cidlaan heehaabayaa) Walee Waaqlaan u baxayoo, cidlaan heehaabayaa = ilaah baryaan ubaxay, waana wareersanahay wali (saan u malaynayo) Waaq waxaa u ku qoran yahay ilaah ahaan Kutubo baddan sidda quraan-ka. Waaq = supreme God Ancient Egyptians dynasty 6 and 12 worshipped Waaq as the supreme God of Gods
  17. Cambuulo iyo bun;975246 wrote: Hassan sheikh and Madoobe got exactly what they wanted,a win win situation. well done by both sides. must be joking mr cambuulo?
  18. or forced to sign after all these drama:mad: Qoslaaye and Gang could have done one year ago.
  19. wishing speed recovery for the brave young lady! you little pricks stop the nonsense and blaming victims because she says something that make you insecure. :cool:
  20. Carafaat;974641 wrote: There will be a compromise, it will be only a matter of time for one to agree on the details. Wakhtigii Hutu iyo Tutsi mentality Somali oo dhan la hariyeen wee dhamatay. Dib dambena ma aqbalino ina magaca, sharafta iyo nabada Somaliyeed la haraan. Sidaas ula socda. wishful thinking, do our leaders have in them? no such thing as win win for Somalis.
  21. Qoslaaye and Gang perfected the art of making demands when living in house of cards, for them simple title name such as president equals authority and power. for them Somalia is not that hell hole suffering 2o+ yrs of death and destruction.
  22. lol @carafaat:cool: i like you better now. what next
  23. very health young men, I wish them best. looks we backtracked since Qoslaaye and Gang showed up.