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Posts posted by Illyria

  1. Habasha laying claim to Jibouti.

    According to this declassified CIA document, #Djibouti served as #Ethiopia's principal outlet to the sea while still under French colonial rule, and it regarded this French colony as its integral part.

    Ethiopia first gained direct access to the sea when it forcibly annexed #Eritrea in 1952, but this privilege ended when Eritrea gained independence in 1991.





  2. Someone commented in the tweet Somalis are replacing Indians in neighbourhoods in Nairobi. I am not very familiar with Kenya, but I am hearing Somalis are making commendable strides in the business sector, and are replacing Indians at a fast pace! One of my classmates at Uni in East Anglia, whose family had businesses in Nairobi, said as much, and they have since relocated back to India. His parents lament how good life was in Kenya, and how terrible Bangalore is. 

  3. 3 hours ago, Tallaabo said:

    I am sure we would all be better off if the tyrant and his fellow crooks were removed before the bloodbath in Laascaanood.


    1 hour ago, Tallaabo said:

    The day after Goojacadde was the perfect time to dump him, but Somaliland isn't a proper democracy where failure is punished and success is rewarded.

    And your solution is bombarding them to submission ala Goojacadde style, eh? An absolute dayouth bundled in an uncouth state of being!

    Get off your bloody Eiffel tower, and spare a thought for the vulnerable locals, who have had enough of your bloodthirsty malfeasance. The best option is to wait Bixiye out for a year, or even two, and then ensure his likes never rise to the throne. Bloody dad qalato all round!

  4. 8 hours ago, Tallaabo said:

    If Xasan asked me what he should do, I would tell him to send one of those Turkish drones to neutralise Muuse Bixiye.

    Advocating for more violence? What is wrong with you? Have not enough innocent people died of unnecessary violence in the past 50 years? And you are still hungry for more?  Or is violence your only solution to all problems?

  5. Time for you to find another hobby other than trolling genuine Somalis going about their business.

    Our Somali brothers are buying the whole of Parklands. They buy a piece of land plus whatever is there in cash, in dollars, then within 5 months, a 10+ storey building is up, within a year, it is full of fellow Somalis & families! Starts immediately you branch into Forest Road.


  6. 2 hours ago, Arafaat said:

    Not sure why facts are being distorted, but Tanzania has dedicated dry port area for goods destined to Zambia, and did not give away land for Zambia to develop as it sees fit, but uses Tanzanian Ports. 

    Similar area has been developed in Berbera for goods destined to Ethiopia and much larger then 20 hectares with tax free storage, production for much longer period. 



    PRESIDENT Dr Samia Suluhu Hassan has revealed that the decision by Tanzania to allocate a 20-hectare-land at Kwala Dry P ...


    • Does Zambia claim Tanzania as a region of its own land?
    • How much land of Tanzania does Zambia occupy?
    • How many times have the two gone to war over said land?


  7. Faysal Roble's analyses of the situation in Habasha is worthy of reading.



    State Decay: The case of Ethiopia and the Somali demand for self-determination

    Over the spoils of the decaying state are three forces competing to shape Ethiopian political narrative.

    • The first group calls for a central government that seeks to remove Article 39 that guaranteed the right of nations and nationalities for self-determination from the 1995 FDRE Constitution.
    • The other group, from the newly formed opposition political party Sidama Federalist Party (SFP), to the oldest ones Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC), as well as armed groups such as the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA), Gambella Liberation Front (GLF),
    • The third group largely comes from hitherto colonized peoples the ‘periphery’ such as the Somalis, Afaris, and the Sidama, among dozens of other nations, whose core beliefs in the right to self determination is sacrosanct, and seem to settle for either complete independence or a functioning multinational democratic federal system.

  8. On 2/1/2024 at 2:14 PM, Arafaat said:

    ...many believed waging a war against Ethiopia will lead to the unity of the Somali people and on the contrary the opposite happened and it led to disintegration.

    Point of historical correction: To be fair, we won the military encounters on the battle fields, but failed at politics and diplomatic bouts in foreign capitals. Consider reading Erich Honecker's & Fidel Castro's memoirs about the 1977 war, and how Warsaw favoured Ethiopia, which was on its knees, with Mingistu agreeing to Siyad's demands, and with divisions of Somali armies stationed some 60 miles outside of Adis awaiting the western front to collapse. As a young lad, I had the pleasure of meeting with one of Siyad's legal team luminaries round that time.

  9. On 2/2/2024 at 7:02 AM, Arafaat said:

    The assertion of Yufle ayaa joognaa, arming ciidamo madani (clan militias) and heshiis Ethiopia will be Somalilands survival, does reek of a past history in 1989s after the former regime lost control in much of the North, started arming clan militias, government army retreating to a few bases in the North and entering in to agreement with a even more desperate Derg regime in Ethiopia that was also on the brink of collapse. 

    Now I am not equating Somaliland government to the former regime, but one has to admit that some of the recent actions and politics remind of those failed actions of a regime that has lost all touch with political realities.  

    Xaaji, if one is really serieus about Somaliland, shouldn’t the priority and focus be on engaging with SSC-Khaatuma, working on reconciliation and the release of the prisoners? Instead spending all that energy on holding on to power and delaying elections, entertaining Abiy’s dreamed Red Sea and entertaining clan based defences of the state? 

    You are asking rational, hard questions demanding rumination, but XX is not the type capable of absorbing them, let alone offer answers, and you may have to wait till a worthy secessionist have risen to the stage.

  10. Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed is at war with the Amhara and Oromo and he is beating the drums for a new war with Eritrea. He is talking publicly about Ethiopia’s greatness by taking a seaport by force of arms.


    Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed is at war with the Amhara and Oromo and he is beating the drums for a new war with Eritrea. He is...


    The ongoing military engagement of the ENDF against the Amhara Fano militia and the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) in Oromia, and the failures of its attempts to achieve battlefield victory, indicate that the ENDF today is less of an army and more of a gathering of conscripts in uniform.

    According to sources of the Ethiopian government, Isaias has intensified that support. Now that his anti-Tigrayan alliance with Abiy is officially broken, he is also engaged in political rhetoric that emphasizes the incapability of Abiy’s regime to govern Ethiopia.

    As well as responding defensively to whatever might come from Ethiopia, it is also possible that Isaias may opt for a pre-emptive attack, anticipating a war that he sees as inevitable, or escalate the conflict in Amhara region.


  11. Instead of these kids, who look like they are on a day trip for their first trip abroad, where are the seasoned Somali diplomats? This old man and his kids are ruining what is left of the nation's image.

  12. 3 hours ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

    If you ask him who was Maxamuud Xarbi, a prominent ultra-Soomaaliweyn leader that led the struggles of Jabuuti gobonnimo from Xamar, he night draw a blank face. Dugsiga Maxamuud Xarbi ayaa ilaa iyo hadda Xamar ku yaalo.

    Not only that, but M Xarbi was imprisoned, exiled, and eventually died whilst still fighting for Jibouti's independence, and its eventual union of Somalia. It was claimed he was assassinated. Not only Jibouti, but Somalia too. I now have greater respect for you knowing that you actually knew about Xarbi's role. Well done, mate!