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Posts posted by Illyria

  1. Allah ayaan ka beryey in uu maalin aan fogayn i kaa horkeeno, inta aanan dhiman, si aad u dhadhamiso xannuunka reer Sool ay dareemeen bilahaas. Inta ka horaysa, iska faataa dhuglee. Waa wacad Alle!





    Documentary: Loss of life and living at the start of SSC-Khatumo liberation struggle.


  2. 17 hours ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

    Rayaalen was 8 years from 2002 until 2010 just to corrrecr you.   

    I am aware of the transitional year post ina Cigaal passing, and was only accounting for his full term.

    17 hours ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

    As for talaabo we  are against putting journalist in jail I have never condoned that but it happend through out the decades. 

    In other words, more concerned about journalists being arrested than massacres and atrocities being dispensed. Got it.

  3. 1 hour ago, Che -Guevara said:

    And this is airline that Sland get shares from


    The airline is not wholly owned by Ethiopia with two of the largest shareholders, majority stakeholders, being !sraelites. It is managed and run by an !sraeli company.

  4. 9 minutes ago, Tallaabo said:

    You failed to mention the witch hunt of journalists, the jailing of anyone who criticises him, his unelected gangster criminal sons using state resources to terrorise citizens, the killing of protesters, the harassment of private businesses for shares and cuts, etc, etc. It is not the term extension XX keeps talking about, all the previous presidents had extentions and we had no problems at all, but it is the sheer monstrosity of this arsonist tyrant which is new to us.

    As concerning as all of those are, destabilising the whole region, killing and uprooting its people cause far more injury than any.

    O' I am familiar with said transgressions, atrocities and even more, but did not want to go down that rabbit hole. I have got family members who could not visit home, and had to relocate their businesses from Hargeysa 'cos of Bixiye and his family.

    • Cigaal: 1993 – 2002 (9 yrs till his passing)
    • Riyaale: 2003 – 2010 (7 yrs)
    • Silanyo: 2010 – 2017 (7 yrs)
    • Bixiye: 2017 – 2024) (7 yrs, and to be determined).
    • Lower House of Reps: last elected in 2005 squatting in their seats for 16 years, till 2021.
    • Upper House (Guurti): Never elected (From 1993 - present with S Gaal being its Chair since 2004 (20 yrs).

  5. 1 hour ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

    and where did awdal say that they wont participate in the elections? waxad jeceshihid adigu iyo waxa realitygu wa different 

    There is a conflict brewing, and reer Awdal have been arming themselves to defend themselves from marauding Bixiye militias. Do you think they are interested in pseudo elections? I'll let Galbeedi speak to that.

    1 hour ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

     you talked only about  , mental ilness u didnt answer the question why he is a tyran or isnt a tyrant thatst the question

    the country was in civil war because a terrorist group invaded laascanood 

    I am dying here trying to reason with you, mate. All right, let me try as if you were a six-year old: SL was stable. Bixiye came along. Invaded Sool. Shelled mercilessly the city of Las Anod for 8 months massacring thousands most of whom women, elderly and children. Forced more than  300,000 people flee their homes. On other fronts, he started conflicts amongst communities starting with GXJS pitched against H Awal, then H Jeclo, and then turned State weapons on GXJS. Engulfed the whole region in war.

    Now, let me repeat: what is the textbook definition of a tyrant? " a ruler who has unlimited power over the state / people, and uses it unfairly and cruelly".

    by all definitions, in any right-thinking minds, Bixiye is the terrorist tyrant!

    I give up!

  6. 52 minutes ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

    he is right though  if u say xariiq yar oo isticmaar dhigay xuduud ma noqonayso,.,

    I do not know si aan wax kuugu sheego. Neither of you could be right in a million years. Please repeat after me: "dhul Somali (from Dirir Dhabe to Zeylac to Ras Casayr to Ras Kambooni) vs Dhul qarmiyada kale (anything beyond Somali peninsula borders). For the last time on this question, is that clear?

    53 minutes ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

    then if u say xuduuda somaliyeed hala difaaco which were also made by gaalo isnt that contradiction mise waxad leedahay xuduuda somaliyeed waxa sameeyeey soomaali hahaah

    Far from contradiction. Let me explain: Natural lands inhabited by Somalis are formed and shaped by Somalis well before European vagabonds arrived. When we say defend Somali borders, we are talking about the Somali peninsula incl. lands we have lost, and still under occupation. And to liberate occupied lands, first we MUST keep Somali lands in our possession intact, namely Somali republic, and then work towards liberating occupied Somali lands, namely S Galbeed & NFD. How many times I am to repeat that: we do not recognise colonial borders of the Somali lands of all.

    Bloody hell, it is like talking to a f@cking tree.

  7. 1 hour ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

    u also called him a tyrant what makes him a tyrant

    Could you read what you wrote out loud, and process one statement after the other, I know it is very difficult for you, but try. Mind you, people with your mental state are advised to record what they say, and re-listen at a later time alone, in a dark corner, and away from other right-thinking people, lest snuffed.

    You said :

    1 hour ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

    One doesnt become a tyrant because they extended their terms

    Then you said:

    1 hour ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

     the country was in war  over a year, wa xalaaad deg deg ah 

    F@cking genius! Why was the country in a civil war? The textbook definition of a tyrant is " a ruler who has unlimited power over the state / people, and uses it unfairly and cruelly". 

  8. 22 hours ago, Arafaat said:

    It doesn’t look like elections are taking place anytime soon. The electoral law adopted should have been signed by now, but clearly one isn’t ready to do so. 

    With now Awdal out in the wind, elections are highly unlikely. If only the regions of W Galbeed & Togdheer participate in the elections, then Wadani stands no chance in hell.

  9. 1 hour ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

    He is right u cant say i am opposed to colonial borders and at the same time say xuduuudihi somaliya lugu so xadgudbay ahhaa ama xuduudaha somaliyeed

    As usual, you are conflating two distinctly different arguments:

    • Dhulka Somali ee xorta ah (Somali Republic), and
    • Dhulka Somali ee gumaysigu bixiyey (S Galbeed & NFD) ee weli maqan. Let it be, I who, reminds you, tens of thousands of young men, many of your own kin and kith, perished trying for its liberation.

    You and the two fellows speaking fail to comprehend the difference, but if you paused for a second before agaping your gobs, you would have been much  the wiser. Alas, wisdom and logical thought are ONLY granted by Allah.

    Yet, the first fellow makes a valid point, inadvertently I might add, which negates his initial statement, and the ones made afterwards, which he did not intend to; he said "awood loo hayana dhulkaa laga xoreeyo". We are now struggling to defend the Republic, let alone liberate occupied Somali lands. Core of his argument is "Why do not we liberate occupied Muslim lands instead of discussing defense of free Somali lands? ". Not much thinking going on in warped secessionist minds!

    Again, wisdom is ONLY granted by Allah to the few.

  10. 8 hours ago, maakhiri1 said:

    °°meeshu qurux badanaa

    Heart-breaking, the tragedy and scars of war are very evident, and painted on the faces of the people, young and old. At minute 2800, the young tour guide lady was reduced to tears by the sad state of the orphans.

    This region looks a lot like eastern part of Sanaag. Despite our differences, people of the Horn are the same. The landscape, cities, countryside, and the people are no different from what one might see in any region in the Somali peninsula.

    I like this vloggers, as he comes across as down to earth, even when disappointed for not seeing / meeting the virgin guards, and his final message is heart warming.

    • Like 1

  11. Xamza is sharper, to the point, and more articulate than Xasan, after all, as the PM, he is the sole undertaker, and it is his responsibility to engage in, and discharge all matters related to the Executive branch.

    This donkey warden is out of order. Some wise person needs to sit him down, tear up his passport to never travel, keep him away from mosques to never make stupid speeches, and ban him from the microphone to never speak rubbish.

    • Like 1

  12. 1 hour ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

    Soomaali Xabashi kama adkaan, but dhabarjabinta Ruushka iyo xirtiisa shuuciga. Plus the betrayal of Jimmy Carter, the Christian religious who secretly sided with his fellow Christian Xabashi, albeit being communist regime.


    1 hour ago, maakhiri1 said:

    We won,  fair and square, historically and it was as all of th World news, till motherfu$cker Russians, Cubans n Yemenis  came to help them 

    War is fought at three fronts: a) Battle on the battlefields, b) Politics in corridors of power, and c) Diplomacy in foreign capitals.

    Of the three, we excelled in (a), but lost (b) & (c); is that a win? Did either of you read Erich Honecker's & Fidel Castro's memoirs about reconciliation of the Ethiopia-Somalia conflict?

  13. 7 minutes ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

    oof wareen is in hargeisa if he has the balls he should come to hargeisa instead of hiding in the bush 

    What are you smoking, child? We are familiar with your rhetoric, and shall put anything you utter down to "hadaaq dhallaameed". 

  14. 1 hour ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

    imikabaan ugu dhownahay Bal cidi wax na yeeli karta wa ayo ma ninka kaaaraha ugaandheeska ku jira

    No need for anyone else to be involved, as we commissioned SSC-Khatumo to tame Bixiye, and keep him in his cage. GXJS will do the rest from the political angle, and reer Awdal shall hold their grounds.

    1 hour ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

    how could awdal state even work in a federal somalia its one region  one region cant be a federal state other wise hiiraan ba noqon laha

    There is precedence with GalMudug, and the same applies to SSC-Khatumo, and Awdal.

    37 minutes ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:


    Maangaab maangaab dhalay iga dheh!


  15. Somaliland is on the verge of returning to political violence.
    The Ga’an Libah militia leader who spoke to Bakayle online media several weeks ago said he was betrayed. He argued that disbanding his militia was wrong because the President was not ready to honour the deal. He threatened that his militias would regroup and fight the government if the President failed to honour the deal.