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Everything posted by Wadani

  1. Che -Guevara;969322 wrote: The number seems so arbitrary. Wadani did a kitchen table survey. Yea, let's focus on a number deliberately used for hyperbolic effect to demonstrate the widespread ignorance of Somalis on the topic and sidestep entirely the very crux of the issue; fabrication of national history. Good job Che.
  2. Gaaroodi hawsha halkaa ka sii wad. There are a lot of people browing this topic and God knows they need to be re-educated since 95% of Somalis r ignorant of the real history, thanks to the fantastical tales of the partners in crime Idaajaa and Aw Jaamac.
  3. Gaaroodi nimankan si fiican baad u edbisay wallee. The revisionist fairy tales of the kacaan which they shamelessly peddled as authentic history has been exposed. Neo-D@@roodism is on it's death bed.
  4. Wadani


    Haatu;968374 wrote: Sxb, don't hate based on hearsay and rumours. Listen to the brother and tell me if he says anything unfair. Actually I know them intimately. Do I seem like a simpleton who would form a strong opinion based on hearsay and rumours? Anyway, seems like you've bought into their cult. I don't blame you since ur still quite young and impressionable. You'll visit this page in a few years and be like 'what was I thinking?' lol.
  5. Wadani


    SalafiPublications. Smdh.
  6. GAROODI;968323 wrote: Yemeni traders first brought diracs to Djibouti then from there it reached SOMALILAND and through popular culture it reach the rest of Somalis. The material was Yemeni and the product itself was Yemeni. somali cultural clothing looks nothing like Dirac the Dirac was for special ceremonies wedding etc. Qaadka came from Yemen as well along with the macawis for men, half our language, religion and even poetry and music like the oud. ] Waar ninyahow magaca Soomaali noo daa cabiidyahow maskaxda laga gumaystay.
  7. warsamaale;968190 wrote: i don't trust both factions meeting in turkey, one is for disintegration of the country and the other faction for clan endless clan anarchy, dawladnimo iyo caqligeeda maba gaarin labaduba. Somaliland doesn't know about governance eh? lool. Dadkani horta miyay is dhagaystaan, illeen xitaa hadaad been sheegayso been run u eeg baa la sheegaaye.
  8. ole-maasai;968074 wrote: Hadii ay Hagoogteedaa garabka saaran, madax saaran lahayd, waabaay kasii fiicnaan lahayd Waa runtaa.
  9. Waa gabadh nafteeda iyo dhaqankeeda ku kalsoon. The last of a dying breed.
  10. Saalax;967917 wrote: That is because Omar Mukhtaar's long struggle was more genuine. Sayid was involved in too much inter clan fights and raids. I believe there's more to it than that.
  11. He is well known around the Muslim world, but the Sayid is not. I wonder why.
  12. Apophis;966937 wrote: You're an irrational hypocrite sxb, like all liberals. If 51.7% of Egyptian people voted for an Islamic party then democratic principles dictate that such a party holds mandate and should rule accordingly. They should govern the country according to their manifesto. If 51.7% of Egyptians voted for a liberal party you wouldn't be here disparaging them and supporting such party to be overthrown. This is why you, and anyone who supports this takeover, is an irrational hypocrite. +1.
  13. GaroweGal;965946 wrote: Some of the Somali people have been marrying outside the race for years both in Somalia and outside Somalia, I don't believe its a controversial subject I think 'some' of us are more self-hating than others and believe marrying outside the race is some sort of a privilege and something to be admired when in fact its far from it. I have been raised in the west and I could never see myself with an ajanabi unfortunately I can't say the same for many of our 'righteous' sisters, and it is always a white convert never a Nigerian convert. Perhaps we greatly admire the white skin. I no longer think the Somali race is a PROUD race. mashaAllah walaalo, may Allah bless u my proud Somali sister.
  14. Mad_Mullah;965921 wrote: Maybe I'm with the more intellectual educated Somalis and not the ones that used to live in the bushes in Hiiraan. Yes being colour struck is very intellectual of them indeed.
  15. Mad_Mullah;965874 wrote: Marrying a non-Somali is no problem as long as they are lighter skinned than the Somalis. So Palestinian/Turk = OK. Nigerian = NOT. Filipino = 50/50. Ur around some strange Somalis. Among true Somalis ajanabi is ajanabi.
  16. GAROODI;965330 wrote: ^^^ che is an anomaly isn't he. No one ever knows what he talking about except him. Let me open my Che dictionary. According to the che dictionary of attempted sentences the above means "I don't really know what to say" lol looool
  17. warsamaale;964851 wrote: so gays who have kids by surrogates are ok then ? Being gay isn't ok to begin with.
  18. warsamaale;964824 wrote: is it only for procreation ?? No, but it's a fundamental part no doubt.
  19. Leezu;964485 wrote: Why are so many native Somali companies, especially hotels and restaurants named in foreign names? Are the people living in the capital that small minded that they can't come up with a native Somali name for the companies? Like Al-Fajri School, Al-Huda Hotel, Al-this and Al-that. Since when was "Al-" part of the Somali language? For those who will say that Arabic is Somalia's second language, well it is the second language only because we are part of the Arab League and they teach Arabic in school. Arabic needs to stay in the Qu'ran, mosques, dugsis or other religious elements in Somali community and not wander of into company, street or city names or anything else. We already lost a big part of our language and we rarely use native names anymore. People need to be educated that we are not Arabs and Arabic is not our language, culture and is only part of our religion. +1000
  20. Tallaabo;964655 wrote: Gay parents have 'healthier and less argumentative children' http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2336889/Gay-parents-healthier-children-better-self-esteem.html Aryee, ma cilaawi baad tahay ninyahow. Is caddee baan ku idhi. Waxan oo miidhan baa Soomaali iyo waliba durriyad nala sheeganaya. Smdh.
  21. Mad_Mullah;964358 wrote: Khatumo Tribes and OG have always been friends and allies, this since the Sayyid's times. Not true Mad Mullah. Yes, they were on more cordial terms when compared to their wholly antagonistic relationsip with the durriyad clans, but by no means were they in a perpetual state of peace. Laba qabiil oo Soomaaliiyeed oo ood wadaag ah oh aan colaadi ama utun hore dhex yiilin sheeko iyo shaahid lama hayo.
  22. Tallaabo;964353 wrote: Soomaalinimada ceebteedu waa dadka sheegta Self-hate has to be the worst possible disease one can be inflicted with. It's a chronic ilness with no cure (since changing ethnicity is an impossibility) that unleashes perpetual torrents of physchological torture every minute of every hour.
  23. Gheelle.T;964345 wrote: Kelligii Muslim. Waa wareerka ummadda haysata maanta. Kan oo kale oo baadiye ka yimi oo hal Kitaab soo akhristay, aa ummad u ah indho. looooool. Waa runtaa, haddase filinkaasi waa iska soo gabogaboobayaa. Soomaalidu iyo wadaadaddan waalwaalani sii fiican ayay hadda isku barteen.