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Everything posted by Abdul

  1. Wrong title---Its your folks who called for peace and its a good move as long as they agree to move their militia back to where they came from.
  2. They trying very hard to deflect the attention from their embarrassment.
  3. walaalkis;793790 wrote: These people need support, if,they want to govern thier state why is anyone against it. There is puntland,somaliland,galmudug and khaatumo state. InshaAlah they will get all the support they need and Khatumo is moving forward.
  4. President Guelle tried many times to help Somalia and Somalis should thank him for that.
  5. First they send a junior diplomat from British embassy in Addis ababa to meet with him in Hargaysa and ask him to attend the meeting and when he shows up,they tell him shut up and listen.It cant get worse than this for them.
  6. A_Khadar;793680 wrote: NG, did Siilanyo speak in the conference? Or hs president, Sh. Sharif, spoke on behalf of all Somalis? If that it's the later one, as Xiin said, there is no any further explaination needed. Everything is clearer than a day light. Somalia is one and has only one President and one PM. This conference has shown to the world and confirmed that Somalia is indeed one country.
  7. Looooool,the old man was not allowed to speak.
  8. Both puntland and Somaliland were mentioned regarding prisons for the pirates.
  9. nuune;793619 wrote: ^^ Xiin , the first part was the speech of world leaders the second half of the shir was held in private with Somali leaders(not the breakfast session) just right after lunch break, Siilaanyo was not in this privately held conference attended by Turkish, Djibouti, Ugandan, Kenyan, Ethiopian, AU, UN, and EU representatives, the third part of the conference as of now was concluded by Mr Abdiwali with Cameron and Ban Ki Moon with Press Conference. Mr Cameroon made a quick decision right after the start of the conference and made only selected leaders to speak for their respective nations! Good decision by prime minister Cameron.
  10. Caano_Geel;792969 wrote: Somaliland guulayso weligaa. And you are against Khatumo supporters holding similar demos???
  11. rudy-Diiriye;792706 wrote: Yo...af soomaliga ma ku bra adiga? Its on the house. u cant be that. 'hookeriska' is a somali word?lol.
  12. General Duke;792749 wrote: Siilanyu came to him in London, while he went to meet Sharif in Mogadishu. That is the difference lads... They sent a junior diplomat from their embassy in Addis ababa to meet with him in Hargaysa.
  13. The good news is that the city was taken without a fight thus sparing the people death and destruction.
  14. The Fever of the London meeting .......... ''Alt ernatively, if Somalis collectively agree on a solution of two viable states, their decision would have to be respected'. This will not happen under any circumstance.
  15. The Hermet;792220 wrote: I dont know what your defintion of HUGE is but...that looks like a few villagers, and dusty ones at that. :cool: Why dont you get a life,brother???
  16. Eritrean government doesnt any solution for somali problems.They just want their proxy war with Ethiopia to continue in Somalia and they dont care how many people die in the process.
  17. Caano_Geel;792357 wrote: Walaal nabaddu way macaan tahay, ee gogosha nabadeed ee Madaxweynuhu idiin fidiyay aqbala, wax walba wada hadal baa lagu dhamayn karaa. He is your 'president' and not ours,saaxib.
  18. Mintid Farayar;792157 wrote: Carafaat, You're out of touch with the Conference's objectives. The Somalis (all of them) are just window dressing. The Conference is for outside stake-holders to come to a unified plan/compromise on how to deal with the Somali situation (piracy, terrorism, endemic famines, etc.,). Somalis will be allowed to give 2 to 3 speeches(maybe, if the British are generous) and then handed a pre-agreed resolution to sign or follow. We'll see how it turns out in a few days... Exactly.
  19. Somalia;792189 wrote: The people that were forgotten were forgotten for a reason. The very reason why Somalia is in this mess 21 years and counting.
  20. This must be a Nigerian con-artist sending the email .
  21. Che -Guevara;791955 wrote: This is the same Jeelle that watched Xamar carpet-bombed by Ethiopians...? Somalis are nutcases. He would rather have Ethiopians carpet-bomb Xamar than have a stable and functioning government.