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Everything posted by Wiilo

  1. Loooooooooooooool, UAE, yeah,hmmmmmmmmmmmm i wonder do they have armies?...............Lol Go figure
  2. "We are morally obliged to exhaust every option before we rush to war". Sxb, Why didn't u guys (America)do that before engaging war with Iraq?..And ....where was this Moral obligation before?............ Go figure
  3. WOOOOOOOOW, Khayr, what are u trying to say, u know waxa layirahdo? waxaa layirahdaa "Shaydhaan" waxaas, but there is no such thing of "Mood" U can't get annoyed by Ayat or Hadith....I don't know if u trying to say something else....but not that. unless u'r totally don't want to hear "Ayat" or "Hadith" which then is "Dambi".........Well, this is how i tought................. Wabillahi Towfiiq:
  4. "waxaa umaleenayay in aad xertiisa aad ka mid tahay" waxaad ka wadaa sxb, aniga waan kuu sheegay warkayga.............Garab iyo aniga Dagaal ready............Lol Go figure
  5. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>Qac qaac sxb, aniga waan iskaga filanahay Garab.......Dadka uu Xaaranta ku heysto waa raula iyo asxaabteenta...........>>>>>>>>>> Go figure
  6. >>>>>>>Gaduudoow Gaaboow Goobo Kuusow<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>Garab Tuujiye>>>>>>>>>>>>> Looooooooooooooool Go figure
  7. What better ways??? Well, u good question, but Jumatatu said whatever i want to say exactly................. Wabillaahi Towfiiq:
  8. Wiilo


    "like they did last year, and with the lakers" is that supposed to piss me off, or "Kuxumayn" :rolleyes: aniga, i like the Pistons, but the Heat is not the Heat of last yr, may be should beat the Pistons this yr, well, walaalo u will never know. Lol Go figure
  9. Yeah, were are u guys..........Lol raaxeysta sxbayaalllllllllllll Go figure
  10. Wiilo

    Habaarka Gaalada

    Garab sxb adiga gabar shiinees ah yaa kuugu aaminaayo, yaaqayoo, nin fiicanaa gabar la siistaa sxb.......... waraa waxaad Tuujiso illaahay kuu ma salho maku dhaahaa sxb Go figure
  11. raula walaalo i got over it already, ok :confused: Go figure
  12. Nur walaal the topic is decieving 'cause it says Ramadan Quiz, and all over second sxb you posted some Somali politics, so what is the deal? :confused: Dadkii oo dhanna waxay danaynaayaa wixii aad qortay instead of the Remadan Quiz kii so, please ka dhabay Topic ka fadlan walaal............ Go figure
  13. like raula says nuune is :confused: Nerd,and Geek, in another words, he is compu freak, so if you problem is related to compu just ask nuune, and if is is related to some Bf/Gf just ask the "Professor" Qac qaac, & if it is related to family just ask the ever :cool: "Xog'Ogaal" the one and only Garab-Tuujiye and finally, if ur problem is related to Some classmates or some Collage freaks....just as raula 'cause she is the Biggest freak in the whole compuss, u know those freaks who rinks and partyyzzzzzzzzzzz a lot, yep those kind freakzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Lol Go figure
  14. where are the Red Soxs's fans? Congratulations to u all the Bostanians.......... and Good luck the rest of the series......... Go figure
  15. Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh, that was very funny sis, i like the pictures..........Lol Go figure
  16. Libaax-Sankataabte sxb i agree with u, yeah, there are other ways of diarming the clans/Sub-clans in Somalia...........Well, now so many ppl are happy the fact that there is a new Somali government, so there's absolutly 50% of chance to diarm the So called clans in Somalia now, then ever......... Illaahi Qayr haka dhigo;;;;;;;;;;; Wabillaahi Towfiiq:
  17. Waraa Garab sxb ani waaba yaabee Tanyaaniga maa joogtaa.........Maxaa waaye Aftalyaanigaan aad nagu wado........................Odal cajuus ah aa moodaa................oo fa-dhiidh ah..Lol Waraada ma aragteen Garab Tuujiye Sawirkii Profile ka ku jiro......Shaydaan aa moodaa...Fiiriya kuligiin.....waa ka nexaysiin...Lol Go figure
  18. Waraa Garab sxb intaa ilkaheyga waxka sheegtay aa idheheesaa nuune iska celi miyaa.....waraa sxb nuune waxba ima dhihin ok.........ninka Ramadanka gudahiisa wax "Tuujinta" ku jiro waa adiga ok sxb wareerka joohi........"Goowsaha" hakaa Jajabaanee. nuune u sheeg ninkaan raaxeyso ku dheh..Sanbuuska ha kuugu dago saxb...Biyo qabowna ha isku cabin haddii kale ilkaha "Duqoobay" aa kaa jajabaayaan.........Lol Go figure
  19. Hay, that is a lot sxb we cann't read all this Lol Go figure
  20. Thanks gacalka Garab Tuujiye................Lol Don't worry if fell, i will beat the crap out the professor in her little lecture class.......Lol Go figure
  21. Wiilo


    Qac qaac sxb it is ok, u don't have to like them ok...............lol Even if u hate them it is still ok............ Go figure
  22. Looooooooooooooooooooooool nuune sxb Go figure
  23. Garab Tuujiye sxb I agree with u, haa waa run dad badan aa moodo in ay Soomaalinimada tahay dambi.. Loooooooool Go figure
  24. Waraa xaasid, adigaa sida shaqo ku bilaaway yaa markii lagu keenay dhulkaan, iyo wherever u are. Nagatag marnee, 8:ooam to 2:00 or 2:30pm, waraa anaga Muslin aan nahay salaadaan dukanaynaa, ka dibna as usual sideed saac iyo bar waa la seexdaa ok..............Lol Aniga ma kuu dooran leheen Wasiirka Shaqada....'cause xaasid aa tahay nadhaaf..... dhibkaada...........Looooooooooooooooooool Go figure
  25. So sis what are u saying? To be honest, i don't like Psy, and i don't see myself working as a social-worker...........lol Go figure