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Everything posted by Wiilo

  1. >>>>>>>Ok, how should I say this, well, here goes, I walk to school every day, (back & fourth) sometimes i really don't know if the City-Bus (Transportation) is working or not.("Cause I told U I walk to school) So back to the topic, Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm Again it is not my problem.. ."cause iam not kinda of ppl who are "sophisticated" (Meaning Drive Cars) so for this reason, i think i safe some money and best of all, it is exercise for me to walk very day.........Lol Those of U who drive (Sophisticated) well i don't know what to say to u......but sorry that the gas price are rising........Well, u can blame on Bush........ his obsession of "War" and his mentality of "Defensiviness" the so called "Homeland Security".......Lol Go figure
  2. Ani waabe yaabi Garab Tuujiye maxaa foojada maa laku furtaa usu........Yaa, wareer aa jiraa..Lol waraa kac iska celi, kuwaan facawaaye......La fiiriso....Foorjeey.....Fursad hasiin........Faraha utaag.....Faryarta.....U fiiq Ku fariiso......Feeraha ka cakis......Lol Go figure
  3. Shoobaro sxb, Ku soo darnoo sawirka Garab Tuujiye, iyo Feebaro hala arkee siday u egyihiin ayagana..........Lol Go figure
  4. Originally posted by Krupt33: TO ALL THE SOMALIS LIVING IN MINNASOTA "NOT TO EXCLUDE ANYONE". BUT WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING TO SUPPORT YOUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS THAT ARE ON STRIKE AT TELEPLAN. SINCE 80% OF THE EMPLOYEES AT TELEPLAN ARE SOMALIS AND THE STORY HAVE BEEN ON THE HEADLINES FOR THE PAST COUPLE OF DAYS. FOR MY SELF I WENT AND STOOD ON THE PICKED LINES FOR A WHOLE DAY AND WHEN TO COUPLE OF THEIR MEETINGS. THANK YOU FOR YOU TIME.......... Who are we supposed to be supporting again? Are u saying that bunch of Somalis walked out of thier jobs, and we have to support them...Lol Why I say? Y..... It is really funny that Somalis are waiting our support, while we cann't even support ourselves, at least, i cann't........Huhhhhhhhh, Lol To the banners: "what should I write on the banner?" This is what u r gonna write on, I Somalis (firs banner) Right Strike is (second banner) Work no me today (third banner) Right have me (fourth banner) Go figure
  5. It is not only "A recipe for disaster"! but it also a recipe for Devastation, Disaster, Destruction, Disturbance, Dissention, Dissolution, Depression, Depreciation, Deportation, Demoralization, demolition. Defamation, Decomposition, Destitution, Despondent, Desperation, Detonation, Diminish, Disdain, Dishonor, Disillution, Disgrace, Dishearten, Disfigure, Disgust, Dismay, Disintegration, Disinherit, Dismember, Disparage, Dispel, Dispirited, Distrupt, Distroy, Derogatory, And any other "D" word u can think of.... Lol :mad: :mad: Go figure
  6. Palestinian students and the violations on freedom of movement Physicians for Human Rights-Israel (Oct 28, 2004) Ibrahim Jabarin, a 31 years old pharmacist from the West Bank village of Tuqu`, turned to Physicians for Human Rights-Israel in regards to advocating his exit to Sweden, after he received his third scholarship to study abroad. In the past he missed two scholarships to study because he was “blocked†from exiting the West Bank by the Israeli GSS. Following a high court petition filed by PHR-Israel to the Israeli court with Adv. Andrey Rosenthal, regarding his case, the State’s attorneys agreed to allow him to leave for his studies on the condition that he will not return to the occupied territories for the next two years. On the advice of the association, Mr. Jabarin refused to accept this illogical demand and the court was asked to decide on the issue. On 14 October 2004, the state agreed to allow him to leave without any conditions, before the High Court decided on the case. Physicians for Human Rights-Israel struggles to make the various authorities let Palestinian medical professionals travel for the purpose of studying and receiving professional training abroad. As part of the closure policy placed on the occupied territories, Israel tends to block Palestinian students from leaving in order to study, under the pretense of security problems or due to a total block on people leaving. Jabain’s case is just one of dozens of cases of Palestinian students who turn to Physicians for Human Rights-Israel. Many of them study in foreign universities, and when they arrive for a visit during the summer vacation they find themselves being forced to struggle with the army authorities in order to return to the institution where they study. The latest movement restrictions placed on the Gaza Strip in the past several months included orders to not allow any men from the ages of 16-35 to leave the Gaza Strip. This age category includes hundreds of students amongst them dozens who study various medical fields. For example, al-Quds University in Abu Dis was forced to find other options for its students from Gaza, whether by sending teachers to them or by using video conferencing. Since there are no university hospitals in Gaza, the students are forced to do the hands-on training at hospitals that are not affiliated with universities. The West Bank students’ situation is not much better, since they must pass through two security checks- once by the Israeli GSS and then a second time by the Jordanian intelligence, which has begun to ask from every Palestinian requesting to enter into Jordan to produce an “integrity†certificate from the Jordanian Interior Ministry before they leave the West Bank. The case of Ibrahim Jabarin is just one example of many of the way Israel, as an occupying power, ignores the basic rights of the residents of the occupied Palestinian territories. Limiting the freedom of movement of Palestinian in the occupied territories, and especially from young students looking to acquire education abroad due to a lack in educational institutions and the inability to reach distant medical centers in their own land, is another way of paralyzing the Palestinian society and preventing its development. The Palestinian health care system is thus especially liable to become stagnant and unable to develop. Without connection with the rest of the world and without the ability to learn and receive training, no health system can function and grow. Wabillaahi Towfiiq:
  7. Well, LuCkY STaRR, Good topic, and good question, iam also registered this year, and i really don't know how is like, but, we will see, iam also in a mood of not voting at all, 'cause i think that both Bush & Kerry waa isku mid, waxba ma kala wudana (Jug-Jug meeshaadi Joog)waa marki loo fiiriyo "Their Policy Towards Islam" marka aniga ma u maleynayo inaan vote di doono, balse walaalaheyn kuwii horay to vote day, haddii ay inoo sheegaa how is like, waa heer sare. Thanks again sista.........Lol Wabillaahi Towfiiq:
  8. sxb, marka hore, thankz, marka xigana, maxaa inkaarta sxb............Lol Sanbuuskii aan meel aan geeyo la'ahay,sxb Besbaaso maa iigu daree.....Lol waa basbees ku margo. :mad: Go figure
  9. Yeah, bottom line, who cares, but, when u are watching TV,(of course, when u don't have Cable that is) like me, lately, specially, when iam watching "Sports", every ten mniutes, there is a commercial (Political one) of course, :mad: u can flip the channel, but u cann't do that all the time. :mad: well, Shoobaro sxb, i hate it so bad...Lol :mad: Go figure
  10. Waraa jiree wiilashii yaa heystaa ani waaba yaabe, maxaa Sanbuus Cunow maa wali lagu jiraa, wareer waayi, wabaari namacu.........yaa, maxaa jiraa..Lol www.whereshortpeoplemeet.com Go figure
  11. Saaxiib, marka hore thanks, marka xigana, where is Besbaaso picture keedi.......Lol "]www.wheretheshortpeoplemeet.com[/url] Go figure
  12. Of course, for those of u live in the U.S, that is, do u guys sick and tired of these "stubid" commercials, or political Ads, :mad: where the canidates say Iam somethin and something (u know where they say their names) then say I approve this massage, :mad: to be honest Iam sick and tired of those Ads :mad: and i cann't waite until all the election ends..........It is just how I feel about those commercials........Lol :mad: :mad: Go figure
  13. Well, my dear, Arafat and his Palestinian Libration Organiztion (PLO) didn't do that much ever since they got there, (Power) why can we see Palestinian State that totaly and complately independent from Isreal? Since signing the Olso accords on September 13, 1993, Arafat and the Plo have done little to show that they are ready to rule or have the desire to engage in electoral politics. Democratic Palestinian State in Gaza and the West Bank is essential to peace and stability in the area, but u cann't have that until u have an excellent leaders who are willing to lead their people (Palestinians) to free from occupation. What seems important here in the Palestinian case is to begin an electoral process that allows for widespread representation, not a winner take-all system. To give chance to other leaders who are willing (may be) can change the long running struggle and the devastation of Palestine people. Well, we shall see how things progress in the coming years......... http://www.iap.org/index2.html Wabillaahi Towfiiq:
  14. Holly craaaaaaaam, that was the best pict of u Huhhhhhhhhhhhh, woooooooooooow, where u in somewhere.............refugee camps.........Lol Shoobaro.........sxb............Lol Hadda aan wax cunay waxaad rabtaa inaad iga keento cuntada miyaa.......Lol But shoobaro, where are raula's pict, and Besbaaso come on i want see their pict too...........Lol www.wheretheshortpeoplemeet.com Go figure
  15. oh my god shoobaro.....you computer hacker....how did you get that picture.lol....acuudu bilaahi...and I thought the government documents were much saver than that.... :rolleyes: intaa u tagay aaba waxaa dhahay wuu iga dhumay si oo la iigu badalo mid ka fiican.... ( mid jilbahayga loo jeedo... instead of my feet.).....and now here it is..... :eek: Shoobaro sirraa isoo gaartay nooh. waxaa maqlay adiga picture ID mahaysatid, maxaa yeelay markii oo lagaa qaadi rabay sawir... camera kasto way jabtay (calaashaan foolxumo... yur...) bidaartaadana dadkayba cawiree, nalalkii baabah, wayba ja-jabeen... . what on earth is up with that....lol Raula, iyaah, waaba hadleebo. adiga sawirkaaga waxaa ladhahay... intaa dhererki ka badatay..aa xataa madaxaaga dheer yahay...then the only thing visible on there is...indhahaaga ilaa ilkahaaga kore kaliya .....yaasiinka Go figure
  16. <<<< raula & besbaaso, u two have a problem with shortness........well, u would have seen me. Aniga gaabnidii intay iga badatahay aa waxaa ii malaysaa in aan Dhulka ku dhaganhay... on my picture ID, you can see my feet.....Lol Dhulkaaba ka soo dhashay.....Lol kiinii gaaban aniga ha ila soo xiriiro.....Addresska www.wheretheshortpeoplemeet.com or Sol. go figure
  17. Oooooh, tell me about it, i had last week, and it was should i say "Hell" well, Alhamdullil-Laah, iam done. I will pray to Allaah to eas those Exams for u insha Allaah.......It will be a cake on ice insha Allaah again..........Lol Wabillaahi Towfiiq:
  18. Ooooooh, Jizaakal Allaah yaa uqti, may i say i love u for this, walaal Allaah ajir iyo hasanaad hakaa siiyo, aad iyo aad ayaan u rabay in aan helo, Thankz.. Wabillaahi Towfiiq:
  19. That is a good question, "World Series" i gues the only world they know is thier country, and the only thing we can say is that they are arrogant ppl. Hasna walaal, iam not going to be supprised if they elect Bush again, 'cause American ppl are bunch of arrogant ppl. Bush is also an arrogant man, and they want his arrogant *** in the white House, i can assure u they will reelect him come Nove 2......we will see.....Lol By the way guys, of course for those of u live in the U.S, that is, do u guys sick and tired of these ****** commercials, or political Ads, where the canidates say Iam somethin and something (u know where they say their names) then say I approve this massage, to be honest Iam sick and tired of those Ads :mad: and i cann't waite until all the election ends..........It is just how I feel about those commercials........Lol :mad: :mad: Go figure
  20. Kerry to win huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Lol Go figure
  21. Wiilo


    >>>>Game of the week, the Vikis Vs. the Giants>> The vikis want beat the Giants so bad, 'cause they beat and killed their chance of going to the Super Bolw..........watch & enjoy the game...Lol Go figure
  22. Wiilo


    And the answer is..............................! Go figure
  23. Congratulations to the Red Soxs, it has been eighty-six years,and now they are the World Series Champions, so congrats to the Red Soxs and their Fans................Lol Manny is ur MVP: Go figure