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Everything posted by Abdi2005

  1. Stop talking rubbish and come to your sens, al-caskari didnt have any offspring its know fact, its only shia who believe that al-caskari had a son and it also ends with him according to them. There is no record of this yaxya in arab history its big baloney made by arab wannabees like you. And you are delusional if think you maryooley are more arab than the arabs themselves.
  2. Originally posted by Sharif_seylaci: cali maxammed maxamoud xusseyn madani xassan cilmi imaan cigaal xildied samatar cabdalle siciid ismacil jibriel xusseyn abokor SAcad muse zybeyr AWAL Sh IsxaaqBin Amed Bin Maxamed Bin Xuseen Binu Cali Binu Xamsatul Mud-har Bin Cabdillaahi Bin Ayuub Binu Muxamad Binu Qaasim Binu Axmed Binu Cali Binu Ciisa Binu Yaxyaa Binu Maxamad al Mahdi Binu Xasan -al-Caskari Bin Cali-al-Naqiyi Binu Muxamad al taqiyi Bin Cali al ridaa Binu Muusal Kaadim Bin Jacfar a Saadiq Bin Muxamad al Baaqir Bin cali zeynal-caabidiin Bin Xuseyn Bin Cali ibni abi Daalib Ibn Cabdil-Mudalib Ibnu Haashim ibn cabdal manaf ibn Qusai.ibn kilab ibn murra ibn ka.aab ibn luuaye.ibn ghaleb ibn qureesh so thats my family tree sh isxaaq counts 26 2 iman hussein right i count 2 sh isxaaq 22 my mum counts 2 sh ciisa ibn axmed 12 so that means some ppl are laan gaan some ppl are not the jounry about grandfather is wel documented as wel as the salatawaats he taught uss and his childeren This must be the funniest family tree, it is with out doubt fake one. Number one Al-mahdi according to ahlul-sunnah will come in the future and al-caskari didt leave any offsprings let alone a son according to reliable history. And if you are into khurafats and fairy tales of shiism even then you also fail the test, because according to them al-mahdi didnt have any offspring's because he went in ghaybah when he was child and he is still alive. So your howl family tree is big fairy tale and if you presented this family to the Arabs they would laugh at you. Their is no single arab claiming to be descendent's through al-caskari or al-mahdi but you maryooleys of all people claim to be descendents through non existing lines lool, what a shame.
  3. It seems many people know little about the city Galgacyo, its a city which is divided and as Shekh Dahir Aweys said they want to establish islamic courts in south Galkacyo an area of the city which is lawless and beyond the control of Puntland administration. So i dont see any reason why Cadde or any one ells should object to the Islamic courts moving to that part of the city. It seems to me all the fuse from puntlands administration is based on their fear of having a powerful enemy on their door step. Inshallah it will be better future for south Galkacyo under islamic administration compared to how it is now.
  4. Originally posted by M.M.: quote: There are many intelligent people from Puntland who can take over from C/yusuf and make a better job. Abdi, meeshu ma boqortooyo reer puntland aa? Lool, no. But todays government is based on clan structure so if the president is removed its must be given to some one from the same clan otherwise you will have the president and priminister from the same clan.
  5. Originally posted by General Duke: The old guard need to all go. I am tired of their rubish.But a smooth transfer of power is needed. The question is who will replace them? There are many intelligent people from Puntland who can take over from C/yusuf and make a better job.
  6. Warar goor dhoweyd aanu ka helnay xaruntii hore ee Villa Somalia oo ay 16-kii sano ee ugu dambeysay gacanta ku hayeen maleeshiyooyin ka amar qaadan jiray isbaheysigii SNA ayaa maanta si nabdoon loogu wareejiyay golaha maxkamadaha islaamiga ee Muqdisho. Wareejinta Villa Somalia ayaa ka dambeysay kadib wadahalo xiriir ah oo maalmihii tegay u soconayay mas'uuliyiinta isbaheysiga SNA iyo kuwo ka tirsan maxkamadaha midoobay ee Muqdisho, waxaan galabta lagu guuleystay in hubkii iyo furayaashii Villada ay wareejiyaan taageerayaasha wasiirka arrimaha gudaha ahna ra'iisal wasaare kuxigeenka dowladda Xuseen Max'ed Faarax Ceydiid, waxayna wararka qaar sheegayaan in Xuseen Ceydiid uu la socdo la wareegida Villada ee maxkamadaha. Ku dhowaad 10 ka tirsan gaadiidka Tiknikada ee maxkadaha ayaa galabta galay gudaha Madaxtooyada iyadoo aysan jirin cid ka hor timid, waxaana sidoo kale wararka tilmaamayaan in inta badan hubkii ku jiray Bakhaarada Villa Somalia horey loola sii baxay. Si rasmi ah looma shaacin tirada gaadiidka lagala wareegay taageerayaasha isbaheysiga, waxaase xaruntaasi dhex yiilay hub faro badan oo ay ka mid ahaayeen gaadiid Beebe-yaal ay Xuseen Ceydiid uu sanadihii 1998-di kala wareegay ciidadii Oromada ahaa ee Muqdisho yimid iyo weliba Tikniko dagaal oo aad u tiro badan. www.harardhere.com
  7. Originally posted by Animal Farm: Abdi2005 those are amazing pictures, the colour setting is truely remarkable, are they photoshoped? I dont know what you mean with photoshoped, its 100% original i have only scaled down the size.
  8. Date: January 2006 Photographer: Me Place: Sweden
  9. Du you have some background information about them?
  10. Mas'uuliyiinta Maxaakimta iyo Cabdalla Mubaarak oo soo tukaday Salaadda Jimcaha. Prof.Maxamed Cali, Cabdalla Mubaarak iyo Sheekh Shariif iyo Dr. Maxamed Cali Ibraahim(midig) Dadweynaha oo iskugu hambalyeynaya Furitaanka Garoonka Muqdisho. Cabdalla Mubaarak oo Noqday Mas'uulkii ugu horeeyay ee kasoo degay Muqdisho Airport 11-sano kadib. Dr.Dahir Maxamuud Geelle oo ah Afhayeenka Wafdiga iyo Mas'uuliyiin kale oo kusugan Gudaha Garoonka Muqdisho Air. Sheekh Shariif oo gudaha Garoonka ugu hadlaya Saxaafadda.
  11. Mudanayaal ka tirsan midowga maxaakiimta oo gudaha garoonka ku tukaday SALAATUL SHUKRI ku aadan furitanka garoonka diyaarada ee muqdisho oo 14sano aan wax diyaarad ah ku soo dagin kana duulin.
  12. Originally posted by Maf Kees: I can't believe this. In night vision everybody looks white skinned, no matter how black you are. This kid is Somali. He could even be dhuxul black and most Somalis have caucasian facial features anyway . This is a joke! This is very true and with night vision a somali will look like arab, i have personaly filmed with nigh vision mode and have seen the effect.
  13. Can some one who have TV-card in his PC and Al-jazeera in the satellite receiver please record the discussion for us. "Waxaa maalinta berri ah oo Isniin ah ka furmi doona caasimadda wadanka Qatar ee Doha barnaamij dood ah oo ku saaban wadciga siyaasadeed ee dalka Soomaaliya oo uu soo qabanqaabiyay Telefishinka afka dheer ee afka Carbeed ee laga daawado suxuunta Qamar Sinaaciga Iyadoo dhinac maxkamadaha uu matalayo Dr. Maxamed ibraahim ... >>> Onkod
  14. Ethiopians are there because of c/yusuf so making statment against ethiopians is making against C/yusuf. I used to support him before but now seeing the love relation between him and Mele Zenawi its clear the man is or on his way to became the biggest sellout in somali history, we will see in near future how long the man wants to go in his mission to rule southern somalia with the help of his ethiopian masters like he did in northeast somalia in 2002, inshallah this time it will not be another 2002 in puntland.
  15. Ethiopians are there because of c/yusuf so making statment against ethiopians is making against C/yusuf. I used to support him before but now seeing the love relation between him and Mele Zenawi its clear the man is or on his way to became the biggest sellout in somali history, we will see in near future how long the man wants to go in his mission to rule southern somalia with the help of his ethiopian masters like he did in northeast somalia in 2002, inshallah this time it will not be another 2002 in puntland.
  16. Originally posted by Fyr: quote:Their is already thousands of brothers who are prepared for ethopian and the the islamic union are mobilizing more people. Ethopians will get a big lessen if they come beyond baydhabo. Correct me if I’m wrong, isn’t baydhabo part of Somalia? Or is that you just forgot to put on your Somaliweyn cloak when you wrote it? Typical walaweyn mentality. bystander today, your brother by tomorrow. Afcourse its part of somalia, but their is no oppositions from the tribes who live in Bay and Bakol most of their leaders are behind the Ethiopian daba dhilif C/yusuf.
  17. Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne: If the rest of my people don't join me in defense of our weak nation, I will go for the fight against the whole of Ethiopia and show my manhood with great military skills. And at the end of the day, somebody will be the gun, the humiliated one! Their is already thousands of brothers who are prepared for ethopian and the the islamic union are mobilizing more people. Ethopians will get a big lessen if they come beyond baydhabo.
  18. Originally posted by Xarago: quote:Originally posted by General Duke: A/qaybdeed, should hand over his guns to the courts to spare any blood shed. Whats the point of fighting? His clan has a court it is Alfurqan... Why should he do that? In his time he refused to hand it over to Aydeed Sr. and I dont think he is willing to hand it over to the Courts either. The Al-Furqaan Court is only a diversion just like those in Dayniile, Balaad, Jowhaar. The core of command of the courts is with Goobale, Delaf, Indha-Caade, Awys et al. The relations between this individuals is sub-clan of which Qeybdiid is not a member thus reluctant to hand over his weapons to a court (Al-Furqaan) which they superficialy created to expand their dominance. On the other hand it is emerging that Abukar Cadani a financial backer of the ICU is infuriarated by the attack on Qeybdiid questioining its motive. ICU or even its core fighters that derive from the same clan as Qeybdiid who were powerful and skilful enough to chase out Qanyare, Caalin, Sudi et al are not really capable of military confronting Qeybdiid. They fear if that was to happen they will loose over 50% of its gains. Now it is up to them whether to handle this diplomatically or risk the consequneces. On the other hand Qeybdiid could be skillful enough and declare himself and his troops part of the Natinal Army of Somalia who take instructions from the TFG. Thus making him nominally the TFG force in Mogadishu which will give him the immunity of the cease-fire deal reached in Khartoum between the TFG and ICU, I pressume. The face value if ICU miltary power will diminish if they put Qeybdiid in a position to merge with the TFG. I think you have wrong information, qeybdid have nothing to confront against the courts he is militarily weaker then Maxamed Dheere and Qanyare.
  19. Originally posted by BlueEpocha: ABDI do you really think pointing the finger to innocent people is going to help...I mean a man IS innocent until proven guilty...so I really don't think circling individuals just based on the way they look is right I did not claim he was the killer but a possible suspect, if you check the pictures you will see that my claim is well founded and as i said before Allahu aclam.
  20. After going thru some pictures my eyes coughed one particular guy looking very suspicious to me, he is the only man in the crowd hiding his face, hes eyes is faced towards the slayed cameraman few minutes before his death. Wallahu Aclam(Only Allah knows)