Chocolate and Honey

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Everything posted by Chocolate and Honey

  1. @ FatB the Maslow hierarchy of human needs wasn't made for a HR courses they are exactly what they are called; human needs. And incase you didn't know a wife is a human being and has a need to be what she can be thus the relevance of self actualization here. The Maslow Hierarchy Marar badan baan damcay inaan ku support gareeyo but you two are holding the fort and putting these men to shame! The Zack's last comment cleared everything off the table when he uttered this: Ain't nobody stopping them if they wanna be successful but things u mentioned are more of a dream than reality. Coming from Africa with 4 kids won't help one achieve that dream either or would it? Xaasidnimo wey dhaaftey sidan. :mad: Now watch him come in here and say "you missed the point" The whole idea of women actually wanting to have careers for their own benefit is actually an alien concept to our men.I once had that same very conversation with a man who believed that if the man can provide for the family, the woman HAS to stay home. And when I told him that even if he wins the lottery, I'd still want to teach,volunteer, mentor or something, he said it is a clear "disobedience" to which I replied " hold up! were you looking for an obedient woman? Obedient to whom?" Needless to say he got what was coming to him. I know of many divorces due this whole f-ed up idea of shipping women from Africa to breed and stay home. Imagine how hard it is to keep an eye on your wife 24/7 so that she doesn't assimilate to the same very culture she lives in! "wey halaabee kuma lahoo" alaab miyaa mise human beings?
  2. Juxa, Gabdha ha ka waalin. In this day and age, you need an emergency money should things go down South. Marka ask for as much as you can get out of him. Meher caday iyo wax u dhow maba la i maqashiiyo. Ms. Moons, First of all congrats! And yes, the meher is whatever you ask for. Plan a beautiful wedding but don't go bankrupt.
  3. Mar hadey soddonka canka darto sideetanka waxba ugama harin ee ha iska khaatumeestaan faraha ka qaada hana ku karaama seegina. Ps: Soddon jir aan la guursan waa sagaaro kildhi shaaha duur cidla ah ku karsaneysa, miyaa la arki, waa maya, hadii la arkana waa mid ka soo dhacdey meeraha Cirjiidh. Pss: in soddon jir iyo sagaashan jir wax farqi ah aysan u dhaxeenin xisaabtaa kaaga markhaati ah, adigaba isku dhufo xiriirka ka dhaxeeya. Psss: Soddon jir guursatey nin ma aysan guursanin ee waxey guursatey gidaar kaas oy kolba kanoonigeeda ku garaaci illaa geesuhu tifmaan. Pssss: Soddon jir subax kugu soo kallahdey haku karaama seegin. Nuune maxa jira ma soo wadaa waalida? 30 iyo 80 maxaa isku keenay? Mideeda kale men marry at age so why not women too? Also have you seen 30 year old women lately?? I think you're imagining dadki hore oo isku dhex yaaci jiray. Wallahi all the 30 year olds that I know look more fabulous than a lot of 20 year olds.
  4. And lastly, 30 yr gabadh jirta oo single ah wax ka qaldan malaha haddii aysan aroosin. Aroos lagu degdegona waan ognahay results-ka ka soo baxo Maxaa waaye 30ka la isku xuuxinayo? 30 is the new 20 ma maqlin? Also, whether you are 30 or 50 marriage is predestined. It is not something you rush into because an imaginary clock is ticking.
  5. I hope you had a good one too Ibti. Juxa, cilaan ma saarto. I am allergic to the thing. Hope your exams went well. I'm getting the winter blues lately.
  6. LOL@ Aaliyyah! She probably edited because she didnt want to promote mixed weddings. Aaliyyah it is ok. I like mixed weddings; otherwise, the whole thing becomes sort of a 'get together' where people sit and gossip.
  7. How so? Please elaborate more on the relevance of the ethnicity of the accused in the eyes of the law? I don't know why their 'Somaliness' would matters in the court. In the court of law, one's origin, culture, ethnicity, sex and race shouldn't matter. That's how the law is written and upheld. Is male pimp less or more guilty than a female pimp? Is Mexican, Asian, Jamaican or black/white gang/drug dealer less guilty than Somali one? As much I abhor the alleged crime, we shouldn't try to convict or execute them before we get the whole story. Let them have their day in court. No matter what you or a report dragging the Somali name in the mud thinks, I'm sure the larger Somali community welcome these thugs behind bars, that's after giving them their day in court. Before you jump down my throat, read where the conversation between Xiin and me was going. We werent talking about courts. We were talking about the title of my post and why I chose to attach the name Somali. Calm down!
  8. Congrats to them. May Allah reward them with Jana and forgiveness.
  9. Jimca Wanaagsan! Hello Juxa. Feel better Ibti.
  10. Dadyowga kaleba intaa waxbay bi’iyaane, lamana magac dhebo …inta danbiga gashay baa garsoorka lala tiigsadaa…ma fahamtay? I have yet to hear or read a report on ‘Swede’ crimes up in Duluth, or a ‘German’ violent racism in St. Cloud …no Norwegian or Finish crimes are reported. It’s either Black violence in North Minn., Hmongs in East St. Paul, or Somalis everywhere in the state I guess you're just noticing the disaprity between whites and nonwhites when it comes to the media. White people ma la kala saaro. But other minorities waa la kala saaraa wadanaka: Mexican burglar,Hmong drunk-driver, Somali gang, Black assailant. It may seem that we are being singled out and maybe we are for our differences but wouldn't you agree that some of it we brought it on ourselves? There is nothing more interesting(as far as America is concerned)than people who isolate themselves. Look at what the media does to the Mormons, a very Christian group.
  11. Xiin, I understand inaad ka gubaneysid the media thing. But I promise you America is big on race. If you watch the news closely, you'll notice that RACE is ALWAYS mentioned and religion is mentioned second. It adds great value to know who is commiting crimes and in what community. Had this been another community's crimes, I would condemn it but ma ka guban laheen. I wouldnt lose sleep over it. And I wouldnt volunteer my precious time and energy to educate our youngesters. The Somaliness of the criminals is relevant because they're selling their own people; they know the language, the community, the neighborhoods and they have so much leverage. Less innocent youngesters would've fallen if the recruiter wasnt a somali person speaking their language, dressed in the same clothing, calling them abaayo. How do you not see the relevance? Everytime a boy is molested at Church, they always attach the religion, previous pedophile activity, other court rulings(even if it has nothing to do with the case)parents of other victims, etc. Also, anytime someone is robbed, raped, arrested, killed they mention the race and age of the accused. It is an American thing. It is a media thing. People in America love to put crimes in boxes. We can't protect the Somali name if we don't clean house. We will end up just like the black community always reactive, rarely proactive. We can say "muslim baan nahay. dhaqan waxaan uma lihin. Magaca ha naga haleeynina all we want. What matters is how proactive we get. How cooperative we become. We need to get off our high horses and check the reality of our situation.
  12. I just read this.He should not be out. you know who else is out? The youngest female(bibi)is out because she is pregnant. She should be locked up and she should give birth in jail and see how she likes her future home. Thats is justice!
  13. Xiin, I was responding to the issue of "coersion." I didnt infer anything from your post.I'm agreeing with the fact that there is corruption, racial profilling and mishandling of information on the law enforcement part. I'm arguing that in this case they're not wrong. I don't know why you would resent my use of Somali in the post. It is a bit strange to talk about a case say where all the suspects are white except for one black person without mentioning their race.
  14. C&H - what percentage would you put on the parents then? given that you said they did everything yet the children turn out to be monsters. Even Hitler had a mother. Lets us not harp on too much about the negatives as if thought they overshadow the positives. i am of the opinion that the so call deadbeat dads for a lack of a better word are tiny minority and fathers are very much interested in their children 's future. I would say this: the percentage of children who turned out horribly despite their parents' relentless effort and support is small. DEADBEAT DADS are NOT minority! No way!No how! Fathers like you are minority, the majority dhib bay u arkaan inay caruur dabo socdaan. Waa shaqo dumar ayey ku dhahayaan. It is a sad case wallahi. I agree with KK and Juxa.
  15. Sijui people are terrible people! Lol! I'm just kidding. I must admit though Sijui people don't put up with a lot of b.s that other Somalis put up with. For example, no qaaran money, no free food, no free housing even if you're their relatives by blood and they don't generally entertain their women's whims.
  16. Nonesense! There is no problem really. Farahs are everywhere.You don't need to find them they'll find you. End of story.
  17. I wouldn't say parents are to blame a100%. I personally know of parents who have done everything in their power to provide stable, secure and lovely home for their children yet the children grew up to be monsters. But as Juxa noted, dayac badan baa jiro in our community. We know how to parent but we don't know how to parent in this culture. I always make this disctinction with my students' parents. Older parents seem to live in a bubble and they're in denial about a lot of messed up things. Also, there is a lack of fathering in our community. There is less father figures and male role models. Everywhere you go(hospitals,schools, mosques, grocery stores, community centers)you'll mostly see a woman with children so much so that when you do see a couple with their children you take a notice. Also, we raise our sons differntly from our daughters. The boys have a license to do pretty much anything: sex, smoking, coming home at odd hours, partying. Do we encourage these filthy habits? Of course not. But what is our general response? " will waaye is ka daa." Sayid Mashallah. And good job on raising your kids well but our community does have a lot of deadbeat dads; and this fact doesnt have to discredit those fathers who are doing a swell job.
  18. The system has pitfalls and yes there is racial profiling. But with the sex trafficking case; the indictment is mostly spot on! If you personally know the 29 people who were indicted or their families, you'd know that they're known drug user/dealers. For instance, if you personally know Hamdi "boss lady" you would know that she used supply weed to high schoolers. You would also know that several families threatned to call the police on her if she doesn't stop. You would know that she housed run aways and sold them. I know because she picked up my friend's 15year old sister from school one day and she hasnt been home since. Also, if you know Ahmed "xamarawi" and his brother, you'd know that they drive the latest Luxury cars every couple of months. He lives in a luxurious Cando with his wife and children. None of them has more than high school education. None of them hold a steady job yet they're sporting brand name clothes, different luxury cars every day of the week. His wife also knows that he has a ring of 15-17 years old girls calling him every hour of the day but she chooses to ignore. This is not one of those cases where the MAN wansts to step on the neck of the black man(or in this case black women too). These people are menace to the community.
  19. The Somali Community in MN is handling this matter better than I thought. So far, no one tried to collect money for the sex traffickers and no one cried " waa reer hebel." Everyone's stunned. The neighborhood they used to sell and deal has a lot of police patrolling. All the people who are NOT schocked, try to understand that this sort of bust on a national level is new to us. Yes, there are prostitutes and pimps in our community, but raping little girls, trafficking minors accross states and threatning to kill their families is new to us. In Yemen and kenya, one can argue that circumstances force people's hands but here in America, there are millions of other liable options for these people but they chose to imitate the worst aspects of black culture by selling human beings.
  20. Unless we get to the bottom of this, we will be singing in a vacuum for a long time. It is essential that we address our social predicaments including but aint limited to; dysfunctional families in our midst, neglected children, fattening xaraam and ill-gained material wealth in our bellies. By all accounts, the core values of our social fabric are crumbling in front of our own eyes and, we are numb. Rest assured, nothing will change unless we, on individual level, reassess our deeds. Wixii intaa ka soo hadha waa shimbirayohow heesa, heesa heesa!, halkan soo fadhiista, kaalaya hortayda -------------------- I agree with you 100% There are a lot of factors that contribute to this problem. Also, we are very isolated community and we like to believe we are above certain crimes;therefore, just the dad in the vidio who said "muslim baan nahay waxaan ma naqaan." :mad: Che, I agree with you. The system will take care of these bunch. No where to hide now. But the question is will the probmlem in the community go away? T remember when this thing came out people were like Odyaashaan they are being blackmailed? Ha idinka saarto. Cawaale, Who are you talking to and why are you in a celebratory mode? Ha idinka saarto yaad ku leedahay? So dadkaan dadkaagi ma ahan? :confused: that is is my name walaalo, just take it out whole name all together. or better yet changed to Malis or even Bladland, Maryooley, etc anything but my name or Somalis Zayid boqorow, I'd like you to know that I tried changing the title but was told that only ADMIN can perform such task. I guess it is bigger than me now.
  21. I didnt want to write the full SOMALI because I don't want anyone who googles this shit to come right on here. I thought I was being clever, no? Mise sidi Xiin baad rabtaa in la qariyo foolxumadan?
  22. The justice system?? Kuwanoo kale, shoot them on the spot baan dhihi lahaa. Seriously where is Al-Shabaab when you need them? You know what else they found out? They used to sell these little girls to old, perverted Somali dudes who live in public housing high rises in south Minneapolis. Bal ilaahan kugu dhaarshee ma dadkaana wax nool ah? My heart sinks everytime I remember it!
  23. The Ahmed dude is married with daughters! My friend knows his wife!How disgusting is that?? Only very few are the age they claim to be, the rest are qowsaar iska dhiga gansters and pimps! Also, ALL OF THEM ARE DRUG DEALERS! Thats how they get the girls. The women recruit the girls, drug them up and make them hooked on drugs. Then, they sell them! They all deserved to be f-ing raped in jail!