Chocolate and Honey

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Everything posted by Chocolate and Honey

  1. Malika, This is the link to the breaking news
  2. Hello Folks. Have you girls heard of the Somali woman who starved her two kids to death? It is all over the news here. The man remarried in Africa iyo wax daran!
  3. Ahh the confusion of egalitarian approach! There are two established approaches to gender roles in marriages: Scenario A. Both man and woman work. Everything is split in the middle. He pays half of the rent, half of the electric bill, grocery bill....."blissful!" Scenario B. Traditional roles. The woman takes care of the house: the man brings the bread home. Done! Scenario C: Two people with decently functioning brain get together and plan their life. All craziness aside,most of marriages in our generation is neither egalitarian nor traditional because the women work but keep most of their money: the men earn the money but help around the house.
  4. Val, Gadaashaa Somali shops have advanced a bit. Flowery and silky waalaga ilbaxay. All kinds of skirts baa hada socdo. I just can't handle anything that big and fluffy. I'm sort of short so anything that big will make me look like umba lumba!
  5. Morning/Afternoon Folks! There is a bad bug going on and I think I've caught it. Headaches and achy bones. Bal idinka see tihiin? On another matter, a collegue of mine asked me to "edit" her disdertation draft for her and it is a mess. How do I gently tell her she needs a lot more than editing? White people are very sensitive in general.
  6. Why are they all hidious looking? Girl, too bad Somali shop owners havent caught up with technology yet or you would've had variety of options to choose from.
  7. KK, Well, I didnt say I will facilitate the peace talk. I merely offered my living room and some xalwo iyo buskut.
  8. so you agree that Juxa is violent reactionary person? Maya Maya! My point was Juxa doesnt like fake food. But nice try! Besides, didnt you get the memo? I joined Juxa's clan and now that she is my kin,I shall side with her on every issue, this I was told is the clan way.
  9. Cool! Bal ii soo gudbiya the list. KK, Maya Maya! I know for a fact that certain people(read Juxa)inay wajiga igaga dharbaaxayaan the fake stuff, marka I'm offering the real Xalwo and Buskut to end this sudden war that is breaking the toll family apart.
  10. Well, I'm willing to hold a peace talk and end this ugly war. I'm offering Shaah, xalwo and buskut.
  11. Morning/Afternoon peepz! dagaalka maxaa waaye bisinke?
  12. LOL@Ibti, We're not best friends. We were close friends in the past. Besides, I can't stop talking to people just because they struggle in one area of their personal lives. They're pretty educated and successfull girls.
  13. I knew you would! But it is the truth dear. No other area in Somali women's lives goes through so much turmoil. All they complain about is their men. Ibti, You get where I'm coming from Wallahi!If someone comes to me and tells me about a problem they're having, my first instinct is think of a solution. But the people I'm talking about are in the same situation every year yet in their minds, it is a new problem. WTF? I try to be sensitive and I show them the patterns. So i'm dealing with two sisters. One just got back with a man who beat her so bad and so hard that she couldnt see well for a while! The other sister is working things out with a man who left her for another woman. His other relationship just ended so he wants her back. But the funny thing is they're judging each other and having fights over who needs to do what. I told them they're both morons! And now they're mad at me. WTF?
  14. Bisinka! Ilaahay ha ku caafiyo walaalo.
  15. CL, Relationships. What else causes so much humiliation for Somali women?
  16. LOL@NG, thanks for the correction. I didnt know you became the spelling king. Ibti, How am I mean? Aniga, I rather find a solution than dwell on the problem.But some people are the opposite. Hadana waligaa ma aragtay someone who is making the f-ing same dumb decisions judge other people who are in their shoes? I can never be a couselor! I will slap someone on the face walahi.
  17. Hello! Bisinka! Whats with the terrible dreams? I had a terrible one as well: I kept running from these group of women who wanted to paraylze me and I ended up getting stabed by my friend. And we both had to scape. On another matter altogether, I am done giving advices to people, even good friends.!!
  18. Lol@NG. Ala muxuu dad qar ka tuuray! This is how you ask a favor(this is the American spelling,lol!)in e-mail; Hello! [ insert an enthusistic greeting here depending how well you know the person or how close). I have been meaning to get together(or if you dont know them well; e-mail you, phone you, etc with you and ask something of you. I have a situation or.... and I'm wondering if you're able to do a, b, or c for me. Thank you for your time. I appreciate it greatly. The trick is to never EVER say, " can you do me a favor" or " can you help me."
  19. Hello! I want to join Juxa's clan because she is so level headed that I am sold on the idea.Where do I sign? Hello Val.
  20. Hello Folks, This place is dying slow death! I think whoever invented The SIREN needs to bring her back! Have you ever noticed that when you cut the busy noise out of your life, you accomplis a lot?
  21. I am good Juxa. I hope you had a terrific EID. Never trust someone named JOY!
  22. Hello Folks. Whats the obsession with Malika? Hello Juxa.
  23. OH! Poor Val. I am sorry. It must be depressing. But just go out and have a fab time. And start it all over again tomorrow. Happy Eid. For some reason I'm as excited as a 6 years old Ciidan.
  24. What? Is it the same for us too?