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Everything posted by Adna

  1. salaams to all nomads wel i belive it's not a problem when you receiving free money from the government which some of us might have it....... just kidding so, i personaly i work 40 hr / week 8/day + 12 credit a simmester the good thing is i have tuition with my job so all what i bay is books and staff like that but there is alot of things that needs to take care like africa insurence so, sisters i think you don't have all that problems so, keep i shopping even my self i go to shopping marsha feilds every weekend so, keep it up bye peace and love
  2. salaama alaykum i belive personaly he is a hero tankale the whole point uu bush u baa'yay ama uu ilaa hada iraq utaba taagan yahay is to make a hole or tubo from there to here cuz of oil so, i beleve that is the buttom line i read from some where.... peace and love bye
  3. salaama calaykum to all sisters then my question is why we can't 4 get about the bast???? i met a women she told me her husband deid on 1990 then she was that time about her early 30,s and then she never marreid again!!!!!! then i saw a gril she told me that she had relation ship about 4 years then 4 some reason the end up broking up,,,,,, then the gril never made an other relation ship with a man cuz she said ther's no man would be like the first one so, i wonder why is that ???????????????
  4. salaams i personaly really hate younger men cuz i fell lke they don't have respect as older person would have, so this si what happen to me ones there was a guy who actualy came up askes me if we can go to gether you know what i mean right......... suddenlly i didn't meant but as question it came up and he told me that he was youn ger then me what are you waiting for i couldn't believe it but it happen,,,, i don't mind with aman about his 30,s in order to a younger bye peace and love
  5. salaama alaikum as sister said Amir ka was jafar and 51 asxaaba went to xabasha 10 were women and 41 were men then my question is:::: one of the asxaabada ayaa arin uu ka hadlay darteed 2 ayadood oo quraan ah ku soo dagtay saxaabiga magaciisa and aayadaha & sababaha? salaama alaykum peace and love
  6. Salaams I will go with the wariiri maxaa yeelay dibqalooc it will hurt alot man Diet coke or Diet pepsi
  7. Salaams sista buubto ur so right that is what i thought i shoul do beside big wedding travel and have cumra or hajj that si gonna be wondefull family,spendinf for whole alot of money aint ganna help you maxaa yeelay later on pple would say things aren't right to say dang she was ,,,, uknow what i mean and also danbina wuu kuu dheeryahay so taker easy and waalidka halaga duceysto ,,,, :cool: peace and love
  8. Salaams, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA,, maashaa alaah waad iga qoslisay i can't even stop wali you are really funy,let me go back to the topic, I will share this story, this guy we met in the net i kind like the way he wrto his massages he asked as politely my Email and i gave it to him as we kep in touch in email the next day he asked me my phone # i did too as we talked on the phone he sounded really nice guy to be honest with you i really liked his voice was soo good then he asked me to see each o ther and we both agreed to meet ,,,,,guess what he was not bad but the way uu u labisnaay ws realy discusting :rolleyes: and also i didn't hide my self i just stop by and said hey you nice to see you but after that night i never talked to him,,and i had my lesson mardanbe ruux haka baran in the net cuz u will never know ruuxa waxa uu yahay peace and love
  9. Salaams, I will choose ,,,,,,MOOS,,,,,, DHANGALOW,,,,OR,,, ISBAAN DHEYS,,, :eek: PEACE AND LOVE
  10. salaams brothers and sisters sister ,,,,i will go with (DHANAAN),,cuz macaan some times makes me through up ,,Specially with ou Liin dhanaan i will go crayzy,lol WINTER,,,,OR,,,,SUMMER PEACE AND LOVE
  11. Salaama alaikum's really funn about dooro,,,dooro,,,digaag leen u kasaa,,laakiin maalin waxaan xasuustaa (PALTALK) who ever knows that will get it what paltalk is and wiil aa wuxuu lasoo gala Hebel-dooro,,sowtii dadkii oo dhan qayliyeen aniga maalintaas baa iigu horeysay dooro in wax kale laga wado,,,peace :eek: :rolleyes:
  12. Adna


  13. hhahahahahaha ,,,,,,,first i didn't get what is all about but as read second time started loughung dat was good one :rolleyes: PEACE AND LOVE
  14. Salaama calaykum,,,, abdi nuur,,,,That was really fun and ur pic always make lough,,,plus,,,,ur post,,,waan dhiman rabaa qosol dartiis ,,,,,ahahhahahahahahah peace and love,,,,, :cool: :rolleyes: :eek:
  15. Salaama calaykum First of all Alxamdulilaah who created Cirka & Dhulka Then Biniiaadamka So,I beleave we do'nt have to campaline about how you look as long as you have what we call (LIXDA LIXAAD)Then go back to the topic I can say may self i'm very happy the way i look but do'want know what bugs me some times guess what May weight i'm way too lazyy doing some exercise cuz if i do maanta barito may whole body will be sorr ama jajab then i will keep starting and qiuiting :rolleyes: :eek: :cool: peace and Love
  16. salaama calaykum, You guys make me lough really hard WORK,,,,,,,OR,,,,,,,SLEEP MY SELF,,,,,,,,WORK,,,,,,,,,,, KEEP IT UP,,,,,, PEACE AND LOVE
  17. Adna

    Funny Pics

    Salama alaikum those pictures made me lough really hard . hahahaahha hhahhahaha hhhahaha peace an love :rolleyes: :cool:
  18. Salaama calaykum Firs of all we all agreed Dilka ciyaalka was wrong Idea but i beleave some of the kids hadaadan dilin they will never listen to you but some times you don't have to in aad disho Do you know what you can use What my parents used to do was (INDHI-GADUUDIS)malagu dilaayo laakiin digniin so,Now i hard worker but steel i don't beleave dil is not good solution, i know one kid who's in my family she really crazy waxaa waaye kindgarden you know mafariisanayso xataa then schoolka they gave report to her parents if they don't teach her how to behave she ain't gonna be first grater next fall so like that one needs peat up but my kid i will never peat up i will use (indho-gaduudis) and it's good lesson for the kid peace and love keep it up
  19. SalamaAlaikum my people. As i read so many of your ideas I decided to write my idea which is what i beleave about (date) First question Comes to my mind is Can we call a date when you invite some one to your house or your hoome.At the same time your trying to know the person better then you do.I beleave Dating is good thing when your purpose is to know the person,but not the way as many people do like going out movies and restaurants which i beleave it's bad way we can not call,cuz they are not trying to know each other but they are trying having fun,so i don't mind Dating but We don't have to take advantage of it think as posotive way not negative ,bye peace and Love
  20. :rolleyes: Salaama calaykum I really hate when it comes to citizeship because look this (kufaar)or who ever now they are trying to kill or dhameeyaan muslimiinta so,why don't leave it alone their citizenship, I never treid to get that stupid american dhasho because how can i dropp of my lovely somali dhalasho i would say when somalia get government the people who have an other citizen they can't be in baarlamaanka because they drop off their beautifull nationality bye Peace ANd love
  21. Hey guys we don't have any body from war dhiigler were you learned how to swim (joke)so,i'm nearby suuqa xoolihii hore ama shineemo Xaawa taako,Ama School fifteen may any where you know i'm there havin funn ari (qaloow)bye peace and love :rolleyes: :cool: