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Farmaajo is a failure. He should resign

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He has to try new strategy to solve these issues before he reigns. It is too early for that at the moment. He has a lot of tools to change course.

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I agree with you, he is failure. However, can you elaborate little more on how someone capable can replace him.


Yes, Farmaajo is failure and, he is from a failed nation, that is dam good at producing those kind of failed leadership.


What we need is not just changing leaders. This failed nation needs to change its mental framework. We have to change how we talk, think and definitely, how we behave.

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Aqoonyahankii,culimaddii iyo waxgaradkii ayaa dalkaa gabay. Runtaa isu sheegi waydeen oo waad isu garaabi waydeen! Talo waad keeni waydeen oo shisheeyaa idin adeegsadda.

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Somalis always rush to dismantle, this is not the time when the nation is in mourning and leaders need support to confront the evil of home grown terrorism. Hold your judgment and wait and see what Farmaajo and Khyre will do next. I believe this time could be a turning point to confront this evil by all Somalis.

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Peace Action,


We will all be waiting what kind of action this president takes after this tragedy. If he does the usual " Qawda maqashii" then we have to decide what actions Somalis need to do next.


everyone agrees this is the turning point.

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Allaha u naxariisto intii dhimatay


Mushkiladda soomaalida waxaa weeye waxaa kaliya, ay arki karaan waa waxa u muuqda markaas ay dolshaha qabow madaxa kore ka goosteen, halkaas yaa fikirkoodu ka bilowdaa kuna dhamaadaa.


Dad shacab sidaas u xasuuqaya u arxami maayaan hadhow, waana dawladda kaliya oo u arkaan inay shacabka kasban karto,inkastoo odoyaal qabiileedku codkii shacabka daba dhilif ka iibsadeen, waana sababta keentay in la xasuuqo ayadoon lakala saarin carruur ciroole iyo haween.


Hadduu tagana waa siday doonayeen madaxweyne aan soomaali ahayn noo imaan maayo.


system'keenu dawladnimo waa khalad waa qabiilaysi xataa haddaan dooranayno imaam madjid.


Baarlamaanku waa qabiil iyo 4.5, xukuumaddu waa la mid.


Ciidanka lagama keenin laas qoray iyo gaarisa waxay ka yimaadeen yaaqshid ceelbur iyo matabaan,iwm waana beel soocan badankoodu, markay mushaarka beesha caalamku soo daahisana qoryohooda waa iib sidoo kale waa in loo raadiyaa jeneraal ay isku reer yihiin oo hogaamiya.


Farmaajo ma geel baan raacsanay mise dad?

haddii geel la raaciyay waa inuu dhaafaa waa idinku raacsanahay


haddii dad la raaciyay waa inuu dad helaa caqli iyo damiir wax un uga noolyihiin.


goboladdii kale ciidankoodu kama badna ilaalinta madaxweynahooda iyo maslaxadda beesha ayagaaba toodii haysataa


ciidanka caadigga ah oo ku dhisnayn qabiil yaa layska ilaaliyaa shartiisa khayrkiisana laga faa'iidaystaa maxaad moodaa mid beel lagasoo ururiyay


ciiddan waa muhiimaxaase ugusii muhiimsan kuwa ayaga ilaaliya waxaana la oran jirin waagii hore boolis milatary iyo dabagalka ama hogaanka ciidanka iwm.


kuwa sirdoonka xaaskiisu ma ogaan jirin waagii hore iminkana islaanta shaaha iibisa bay ku shukaansadaan habeenka danbana madaxaa laga toogtaa.


Shacabku waa dawladda qaybteeda kowaad, hadday doonayaan inay dalkooda badbaadshaan way awoodaan, wayna soo sheegi karaan, dadka dhibka maleegaya ayagay la noolyihiin jasiirad fog kama yimaadaan.


Wixii aad qarsato way ku qarsadaan aakhirka ayagoo yaanyo gadanaya bay boqol boqol u dhiman


Dawlad qabyaalad lagu daciifiyay waxba uma qaban karto waa inay naftooda iyo hantidooda ilaashadaan waa waajib aan cid kale sarnayn.


malukulmowd fulay iyo geesi waa isugu mid tiisa cidina dhaafi mayso soomaalidu siday ku socoto ayagaa ka mas'uula cid kale eed kuma leh.


Codsigii ugu dambeeyay oo caalamka u dirsanay wuxuu noqday dawlad dooni mayno maydadkana hanaloo aaso awood aan ku aasno ma haynee!



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It is the time for action and make Alshabaab feel the pain.


The federal government need to construct rapidly within 30 days maximum, strong unit of 1000 personnel, drawn from the American trained elite units of Danab and PSF, plus personnel from the other regions including Xasilinta caasimada guys.


Young officers from these elite units should be promoted and given the opportunity to lead this mission. No more rotten Soviet era officers that are well over due their retirement.


The support of two Nato countries (America, Turkey) is the only one needed in this mission. One can facilitate transfer of the personnel from these elite units to this mission, and the other can provide rapid training and integration of these units. DO NOT involve this mission Amison or any other country. Command should stay with the president himself.


Their mission must be to attack Alshabaab bases and, inflict as much damage to them as possible. The two Shabelles should be priority number one, as the capital will never be secure without cleansing these two regions from the savages.


The problem here is there are no capable police forces that can take over liberated areas. It can be started with training 5000 federal police and four times more regional police in one year.

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the reason why is hard to stop these bombs the unprofessional security forces,,here is example video waxay qabteen nin is qarxin rabay the same day zoobe bomb and look how relaxed they are.


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Sheekada ciidankaan ciyaalka xaafadda ah masoconayso.


Sartu waxay ka quruntay markii ciidan hal isbaaro lagasoo qaaday layiri waxaad tihiin ciidan qaran oo Uganda iyo meelo kale tababar loogu qaaday. Kadibna dib loogu soo celiyey dagmadii ay isbaaradu u taalay, ayagoo aan lagu dhafin cidkale. Kuwii ahaa kaabo isbaaradana lagu taxay xidigo, oo layiri saraakiil ayaad tihiin.


Qofkii raba inuu noqdo askari ama boolis waa inuu kahowlgalaa, degmo ama gobol aan aheyn midka uu ku barbaaray. Hal unug oo isku reer ah waa inaysan jirin.


Hadaan lasixin qaladkii hore waxba toosi maayaan.

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“A second security official said explosives had been hidden under rice, sugar and other goods on the truck, which passed though a government-controlled checkpoint at Sinka Dheer, about four miles (7km) outside Mogadishu”


“Suspicious officers stopped the vehicle and briefly detained its driver. It is understood a local businessman and tribal leader vouched for the truck”


That Gadhcas guy and the Ganacsade crook should be lynched at KM4 square. The one they captured should also meet that same fate.


I remember not so long ago, similar lorry which security forces caught at Bosaso enterence checkpoint. It was carrying fruits and explosive barells. Luckily, there, they had strict routine of inspecting lorries.


What the guys at the checkpoint found was astonishing. Massive explosive barrels hidden under the juicy fruit shipment. The inspection and the detention happened just before getting calls from the shameful Gadhcas.


After busting the blot and, detaining that death laden lorry and its crew. Again, there was the brave faces of the Gadhcas, this time bleeding for the save return of the lorry and its crew to its honourable Ganacsade in Baladweyne.

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