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Farmaajo vs Ethiopia

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Rumor has it Ethiopians met Farmaajo in Baydhabo. As expected of Somali 'leaders' the Ethiopians thought their troops would welcome him at the airport with Somali and Ethiopian flags flying next to each other.


Farmaajo instructed no Ethiopians were to meet him at the airport. A meeting took place in Baydhabo. The Ethiopians wanted Farmaajo to visit Addis before London Conference. Farmaajo turneded down their offer.


Ethiopia enjoyed a complete monopoly over Somali affairs, specially, in Villa Somalia but their influence is being challenged.


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That is a good start but the Ethiopian regime will not let their quarter century old influence in Somalia end that easily.

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He should stick to his stand. I have zero knowledge of international diplomacy, but if you read few books or follow pronouncements from leaders after tense meeting between strategic rivals, you would learn few things. For twenty years, they keep telling us that they were helping us. Only a fool will accept that trap.


Mr. president , if you want some examples of the Ethiopian plot, here are some history lessons between Shariif Ahmed and Meles.


The most basic thing about diplomacy is that " they always say the opposite of what they want". Shariif Ahmed visiting Ethiopia immediately after he was selected in Djibouti. This was the man who was waging war against Ethiopia and the TNG government for three years, yet without any thoughts, he flew to Addis as oon as he got the blooded throne. They promised to help him defeat his former Friends of Al-shabaab and train his army. Without further discussions, he accepted the security recommendations of the Ethiopian government and proceeded.


Allah Ha u Naxariistee, a former Somali army colonel by the name of Colonel Cumar Hashi Aadan, who was a members of the Shariif Ahmed camp and subsequently became the interior minister of Somalia begun to follow up and implement what Shariif Ahmed agreed. While he was a power member of the Islamic courts, he went to Hiiraan and spoke publicly about his campaign to expel Ethiopia from Somalia, Xoghayaha arrimaha gudaha Isbaheysiga dib u xorreynta Soomaaliya Col. Cumar Xaashi Aadan ayaa meel fagaare ah kula hadlay dadka gobolka Hiiraan waxa uuna yidhi, "“Yeysan baqdin idin galin kuwa Itoobiyaanka idiin soo horkacaya, waxaan idiin sheegayaan in Itoobiya ay mar dhow dalka xoog looga saari doono, qofkii maanta ku shahiida sidii Xabashida loola diriri lahaana ma ahan qof qasaaray, waxaana idiin soo jeedinayaa aad meel kasta ku qarxisaan Itoobiyaanka“ ayuu yiri Col. Cumar Xaashi.


After spending one month in Ethiopia, he came back with a thousand men supposedly trained in Ethiopia and crossed back to Hiiraan procliaming that " the Jihaad now belongs to the Somali army". Here is the news of his arrival in Hiiraan with a thousand man army:


War goor dhoweyd naga soo gaaray Magaalada Baladweyne ee G/Hiiraan ayaa sheegaya in Wasiirka Amniga Qaranka Col. Cumar Xaashi Aadan oo ay la socdaan Ciidamo fara badan ay goor dhow uu soo gaaray Xarunta Gobolkaas, sidoo kale waxaa la sheegay uu la socdo Gudoomiyihii hore ee Gobolka Hiiraan Yuusuf Dabageed.


Waxaa kaloo lagu soo warramayaa in Col. Cumar Xaashi ay wehliyaan ciidamo fara badan oo gaaraya ilaa 1000 askari, kuwaasoo tababar ku soo qaatay gudaha Ethiopia, waxaana uu kala yimid deegaano ka mid ah ismaamulka soomaalida Ethiopia oo uu ka soo kicitimay.


That was June 2,2009. Within two weeks , Colonel Cumar Xaashi and his entourage was assassinated with one of the biggest truck bomb ever detonated in the history of Somalia. Al-shabaab might have claimed , but almost every person of knowledge , including former president C/qasim Salaad, said that the Beledweyne bomb was a foreign government bomb .


After the dust settled , colonel Hashi and forty others were murdered. Among those were:

1. xildhibaan Cumar Xaashi Aadan Wasiirkii Amniga Qaranka

2. Ambassador C/kariin Faarax Laqanyo

3. G/le sare Maxamed CAbdi Yarow (Shanle)

4. G/le sare Maxamed Barre Fiidow

5. G/le SAre Cumar Xasan Dhudi (Taliyaha Ciidanka ASlubta G/Hiiraan)

6. Col. Yuusuf Xuseen (Timacadde)

7. Nabadoon Faarax Cabdulle Fiidow

8. Nabadoon Xasan Biriqow

9. Nabadoon Xasan Cilmi Hurre (Dirir)

10. Nabadoon Axmed Carrabey

11. Nabnadoon Cilmi Shire

12. Abwaan Maxamed CAbdi Cibaar

13. Abwaan CAbdi-dhuux Guure CAli

14. GAnacsade Buulle Xaashi Aadan (Wasiirka Walaalkiis)

15. Eng. Cabdifitax Cali Xaydar


Iyo 23 ruux oo isugu jira Saraakiil iyo illaaladii Wasiirka.


Every Somali politician will tell you that Ethiopia wants a peaceful Somalia and it is willing to help you achieve that. Only a fool will think the diplomatic niceties are real.


Poor Shariif Ahmed. Kenya also trained 1500 sodiers and used that same force to take over Kismaayo and Jubba.


President Farmaajo should know that he has the support of the most important people in the region, which is the Somali people. Do not visit Ethiopia or those in the region, let them come to you. Let them put their cards openly.


" Nin ku dilay Hadh kuuma Jiido". the most important job is build the capacity of the Somali army and to keep the support of the people. Look the big picture.


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Farmaajo and his MP Khaire doing an excellent job so far, Hadaan SOMALI u CADAWGA u jeben, as usual, Geed buu xirey Ethiopia.


Ethiopia was betting one of their puppets to be elected, and could not believe Farmaajo won


Gabre, is even sacked, and even possibly imprisoned in Ethiopia, He failed big time. here, Gabre was fuming and cursing our President before he was deleted/and forced to suspend his account.


SOMALIA hanoo laato, ,CADOWGEEDUNA ha jabo.

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Muxuu yidhi doqonkii , " maxaad igaga faan faani sow beriba lumimaayo"


It is the new "Hajj" for the Somali leaders. As they say , "No guts, No glory"

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By the way, the Ethiopian ambassador that was supposedly given the end of the short stick happen to be an ethnic Somali. He is a distant cousin of the prime minister which means the Ethiopians are scared and want to keep their influence, so they sent a Somali guy.



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Gabre's twitter account was deactivated after writing Farmajo disrespected AMISOM, in particular, Ethiopians. It is my understanding he is being sent back to Ethiopia.



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itoobiya waxaa la xisaabtami kara umad isku duuban oo aragti wadaniyeed leh,shacabkaa taageersan macno samayn mayso federaal qabiilaysugu waa safaaraddaha itoobiya


6 madaxweyne oo kala hadaf iyo maamula, bay xiriir toos ah iyo mid dadbanba la leeyihiin, kay doonaan bay casuumaad u fidiyaan oo roog casn kusoo dhawaynayaan.


federaalka itoobiya qof ka socda markuu booqdo gobalada itoobiya madaxweynayaasha joogaa dhowr beri ka hor bay sii labistaan si ay u qaabilaan qofkaas federaalka dhexe ka yimid


maamulada soomaaliya madaxdoodana waxay usoo dhaweeyaan sida madaxda afrikaanka kale ilmo yaroo ubax haysta yaa garoonka kusii suga


markuu kusoo noqda tuuladiisiina wuxuu u sheegaa shacabkiisii inuu heshiis caalami ah lasoo galay itoobiya xiriirkuna sii kordhayo mana aqbali karno in cid kale soo fara galiso.


hadal badan barako ma leh markii lasoo koobo warka itoobiya xuduudku waa u furan yahay ciidamadeeda iyo shacabkoodaba madaxda soomaaliyana sida loo bahdilo khibrad ku filan waa haysataa.

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^Waa ku raacsanahay saaxib. Dad mideeysan baa Ethiopia iska dhicin kara.




By the way, the Ethiopian ambassador that was supposedly given the end of the short stick happen to be an ethnic Somali. He is a distant cousin of the prime minister which means the Ethiopians are scared and want to keep their influence, so they sent a Somali guy.


He deserve it, Marabida ayaa ka daran, Tigreega.


Maa ha soomali, Waa xoolo,These slaves after long abuse, are worse, Waa nooca Abdi Illey oo kale.


Shacab badan, gudaha SOMALIA iyo Killilka, ayaa indha sarcaad lagu siraa, Ethiopia ayaa khayr u wada somali, qaarna is hayn SOMALI dhexdeeda madaxa u rogtan, oo fahmi karin, I had to chase away this dude, SOMALI ethnic, Tigreega u shaqeeya from SOMALI gathering, cuz doQon kale baa SOMALI ahaan ku keenay, casumey, isna in uu na jaajuuso rabey, ogaade, Dareenka/guuxa SOMALI qurbaha.


Somali sir la'aan, bilaa dareen bay u badatey.

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Awoowe waa soomaalida dhexdeeda waxa laysu adeegsado tigreegu waa boqortooyo maskax laga dambeeyo wata


safiir ilaa ciidan waa dad dalkooda usoo shaqo tagay waxayna isu arkaan ajnabi u shaqeeya dadkii wadanka lahaa


soomaalidu waa dad casuumadaha jecel caalamkuna wuxuu go'aan ku gaaray inay casuumaan,marka abaartu dhacdana la tuugsi tago


Horumar waxaa lagu tiigsadaa isku tashi iyo shaqo wixii alle ku siiyo lagu qanco -Qadaa allah wa Qadarihi


si kasta hadaad u labisato ama shahaado aqooneed lasoo baxdo waxaa ku hor taal where you came from?


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