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Are the coastal Bajunis descendants of Chinese sailors?

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It's been 3,5 weeks. The wait is over.


Step 1: Register your kit – CHECK

Step 2: Successfully registered; track your kit to the lab – CHECK

Step 3: Sample received at the lab – CHECK

Step 4: DNA analysis – CHECK

Step 5: Computing - CHECK

Step 6: Results ready


Maakhiri how far along is your sample?

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I have received the kit, not one, but ordered two, with 20% discount, but not sent my saliva specimen yet. There is a problem, a legal problem, where I am , I have to fully disclosure my full health report to health and life insurer!!


I wish I knew this before I ordered the kit, or 23and advised me about this, It is a problematic, and no matter what is in the report, could discriminated against!!



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Yaab ahaa. Abtirsigii maa idinku filnaan waaye. Waaba sababta ee diinta Islaamka xoogga u saartay abtirsiga. Wareerkaan iyo waxaas uu yareeyaa, waana sababtee Reer Galbeedka dhii-en-ee iskaga qaadaan maadaama ay ogeyn meel ay ka soo jeedaan, xataa boqol sano ka hor. Magacyadooda abtirsigee dileen.


Tan labaad dadyowgaas iyo qowmiyahadaas (waa Berberka, kuwa ka mid Giriiga, kuwa Faraciinta ahaa, kuwa Nuubiyaanka ah iyo kuwa kale) waxaa aaminsanahay inay faracooda Geeska Afrika ka soo jeedaan, siiba meesha Soomaaliya ah maanta and not the other way around.


Anagaa kaga dhiig iyo dheecaan badan, marka anagee naga soo jeedaan ee ma'aha inay Soomaalida ka soo jeedaan iyaga. Meeshaa anaga ka nahnay dhiigga dheecaankiisa boqolkiiba toddobaatan ka badan, iyagaas labaatan iyo wax ka yar yihiin.


Sida kale la ogyahay Geeska Afrika waaba deegaanka aabaha aadanaha ka soo wada jeedaan.


Kuwaan shirkadaha ee dhii-en-ee'ga baaritaankiisa bixiyo markii hore kama qaadin dhiigga Soomaalida oo ma keydsiin, waana si dadban oo takoor ah. Marka kii Soomaaliga dhiigiisa ama dhiigeeda u dhiibto meel kale lagu sheegaa, asagoo ama iyadoo dhiigeeda ka fac weyn meesha lagu sheegaayo, ha ahaato Berberka ama Baantuuga. Marka waxba yaanan la iswareerin. Abtirkaaga lee baro, xataa haku ekaado dhowr boqol sano.


Oprah iyo wixii la mid ah wareersan ha ugu sheekeeyaan meeshaas iyo meeshaas ka soo jeedaa, laakiin Soomaalideena sheekadaan qooto qootada ah nama marsiinayaan.

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I have received the kit, not one, but ordered two, with 20% discount, but not sent my saliva specimen yet. There is a problem, a legal problem, where I am , I have to fully disclosure my full health report to health and life insurer!!


I wish I knew this before I ordered the kit, or 23and advised me about this, It is a problematic, and no matter what is in the report, could discriminated against!!


Che, Holac and Maakhiri my results came in yesterday!! :D


Maakhiri where do you live? For the people who had to choose ancestry + health when buying because ancestry alone wasn't available. For those people including me they ask you for your preferences before they download the results into your account. You can choose from ancestry or ancestry + health or both. Whatever results you pick that's what they are going to download in your account. For more information you can contact 23andme.


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East African - Maasai, Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea


Broadly Sub-Saharan African - Couldn't find out


North African - Palestinian, Bedouin, Mozabite, Egypt, Palestine, Morocco, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Jordan, Yemen, Kuwait, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates


Broadly European - Italy (Sardinia)


South Asian - India, Pakistan


What I found out was that most of my DNA relatives were from Wardheer. Which was no surprise since my roots lie there. What I didn't expect and surprised me was to find out that I had 2 distant relatives who are Italian.


There you have it i'm 99.4% African :D

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Sub-Saharan African - Sierra Leone, Luhya, Yoruba, Maasai, Biaka Pygmies, Mandenka, Bantu, Mbuti Pygmies, Ethiopia, Somalia, Ghana, Nigeria, San, Eritrea, Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Liberia


The above countries are further broken down under East African, West African, Central & South African. Basically they leave out everything that's 0% although you can optionally unfold your results so you can also take a look at your complete results with all of the zeros included.


Che can you take another look I updated my two initial posts. After taking another look I think your theory holds true except instead of bantu i'm 97.3% an ethnic Somali. What do you think of my result?

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Blue, I guess my question are ethnic Somalis a unique group or amalgamation of many groups that eventually became one group?


I know three people that did test, they are all a mix of Bantu, Middle Eastern and North African.


I might do 23 and me test and see their results.

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Blue, I guess my question are ethnic Somalis a unique group or amalgamation of many groups that eventually became one group?


I know three people that did test, they are all a mix of Bantu, Middle Eastern and North African.


I might do 23 and me test and see their results.


as more east African and Horn African people take DNA test you will hear less Middle east factor, the absence people from the Horn African DNA data forces them to match you the closest relative as they have more east African DNA in middle east then we do, North Africa DNA is just an extension of Horn Africa DNA nothing to be surprised.

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Blue, I guess my question are ethnic Somalis a unique group or amalgamation of many groups that eventually became one group?


I know three people that did test, they are all a mix of Bantu, Middle Eastern and North African.


I might do 23 and me test and see their results.


This might answer your question. I used a puntDNAL African only Admixture calculator on Gedmatch which only focuses on the African part of your DNA and this was the result. Google came to the recue I didn't know any of these places except Congo lol :)


Benue Congo - Origin of the Bantu people

Eastern HG - Eastern Hunter-Gatherers

Southern HG - Southern Hunter-Gatherers




Miyir, Che was right. My 23andme result was 50% speculative. My results changed when I uploaded my raw DNA on Gedmatch. Gedmatch goes deeper into your DNA and therefore gives you better accuracy. This was my result.



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Hmm! no surprise, no middle eastern grandma, maybe


Paternal DNA and Maternal is different, and ofcourse different lineage.


Since only boys can get Y chromosome, the North African gene, is Paternal, will only be found in Somali Males.



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Blue, You have San, Pygmy and Papuan. Your ancestors are busy hehe.


It makes more sense, I surprised initially when I saw no ME connection


Miyir. It's very complex, but it shows one thing there are no pure ethnicity,


Maakhiri, Did you send your kit?


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Maakhiri - Okay that might be it I didn't look from that perspective. Thanks for the valuable information :)


Che - Haha my ancestors are spread over the world. I have bantu in me too through West Africa lol. From seeing my result I believe we are an amalgamation of different groups who eventually settled in one place and became one group the Somali.


While I was google searching about the puntDNAL African only calculator I stumbled upon a genetics forum. There were 2 Somalis who had similar African only admixture results. By the way the creator of the puntDNAL calculator Abdullahi Warsame is also on that forum.


Here's the link:

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