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What did we tell you? Did I not say Faroole knows better!

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Mooshin ka dhan ah Xukuumada Soomaaliya ayaa ka socda magaalada Muqdisho, iyadoo shirar gaar gaar ah iyo xod xodasho badan ay ka dhex socoto Baarlamaanka gudihiisa, kaasoo lagu xoojinayo Mooshinka.


Sida ay sheegayaan wararka mooshinkan ayaa waxaa ilaa iyo hada saxiixay in ka badan 80-mudane, kuwaasoo awood u siineysa inay Gudoonka baarlamaanka horgeeyaan mooshin miisaankiisa culus yahay.


Qaar ka mid ah Hotelada Muqdisho ayaa ka socda shirarka looga arrinsanayo mooshinada, waxaana wararka qaar sheegayaan inuu bar bar socdo mooshin kale oo ka dhan ah Gudoonka Baarlamaanka.


Wararka qaar ayaa sheegaya in magaalada Nairobi ay si la mid ah uga socoto ololahan ka dhanka ah Xukuumada.


Mid ka mid ah Xildhibaanada baarlamaanka oo la hadlay ayaa sheegay in habeen iyo maalin hotelada ay ka socdaan shirar ku saabsan arrintan, isla markaana ay bar bar socoto balan qaadyo Xildhibaanada loo sameynayo, laguna soo jiidanayo.


Ololahan ka dhanka ah Xukuumada ayaa waxaa horboodaya Xildhibaano ku caan baxay abaabulka barnaamijyada mooshinada, waxaana arrintan ay noqotay durba hadal heynta ugu badan ee ka taagan magaalada.


War shalay si wada jir ah uga soo baxay Maamulada Puntland iyo Galmudug ayaa waxay kaga digeen mooshinadan oo si xowli ku socda, isla markaana ku baaqay in aan baarlamaanka laga dhex abuurin kala qeybsanaan.


Mooshinkan la wado ee qorshihiisa yahay in lagu rido Xukuumada uu hogaamiyo Ra’iisul Wasaaraha ayaa ku soo beegmeysa, iyadoo maalmihii u dambeeyay ay socdeen qorshayaal la doonay in isku shaandheyn loogu sameeyo Golaha Wasiirada, isla markaana la kordhiyo tirada Wasiirada.

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This is reporting the story of the vote of confidence against Shirdoon.


Faroole was ahead of everyone and knew what was happening in Mogadishu - the wicked agenda's of Culusow and Jawaari.


Shirdoon has done nothing wrong, in fact he showed a lot of patience and selfless sacrifice to keep the the SFG intact together specially during when he faced a lot of pressure both from his clansmen and on the other hand an open and public abuse of his executive powers by the President. Despite all that the Prime minister did not overreact and agreed with the President conclusively on every issue but the cracks come out because of three reasons, two of them relating to Jubbaland and the other related with Somaliland:


1) The PM disagreed with the Conference in Kismayo but in principle supports the formation of Jubbaland as the 3 states of Gedo and the two Jubbas. Jawari and the HAG of Culusow have other agenda's and are cooking up different structures that keep these regions apart.


2) Shirdoon did not like how the meeting with SL was organised and executed. Culusow planned this along with his close HAG and Damjadiid entourage without care and consideration of the PM's input while this was his job. The PM was further annoyed at how Galayr's plea and the 60 or so PMs who wanted to discuss was thrown out by the parliament.


3) Shirdoon having seen all these, he decided to take a less of role in most of the doings and specially decided to remain idle on the conference in Kismayo - This angered Culusow the most and his lack of actions as he wished the PM would kill the Kismayo process.


Culusow wanted to use the parliament motion pretext but Faroole cleverly jumped ahead and busted his motive. The President wanted to claim that there was no disagreement with his PM but its the parliament that decided to do this. What parliament? The one that did not allow to discuss the talks the government had with SL?


This is getting more interesting and the isbahaysi of the HAG, D&M and SL will take us back to the old days of 1991, of which Faroole had warned us off and that of which everybody predicted Culusow will take us back there.

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Sida ay sheegayaan wararka mooshinkan ayaa waxaa ilaa iyo hada saxiixay in ka badan 80-mudane, kuwaasoo awood u siineysa inay Gudoonka baarlamaanka horgeeyaan mooshin miisaankiisa culus yahay.

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So the nationalist Prime-Minister who in the past was demonised and degraded as a lackey has now become a misunderstood champion of the J-project and a potential martyr in the eyes of the same critics?


LOL, I give up, Somali politics is shady as hell.

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Chimera;949332 wrote:
So the nationalist Prime-Minister who in the past was demonised and degraded as a lackey has now become a misunderstood champion of the J-project and a potential martyr in the eyes of the same critics?


LOL, I give up, Somali politics is shady as hell.

I was wondering about the same. Yesterday he was spineless and today...

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Oodweyne, would appreciate the move though he would never admit it :D


This is a preemptive strike to contain the fall out if such a thing ever takes place.


I am conjecturing

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If Shirdoon is removed and then his successor is used to jeopardise the Somaliland-Somalia talks, there will surely be yet another motion to remove Shirdoon's successor. We have the numbers folks:cool:

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lol at this thread


No one is touching PM shirdoon , Faroole and Shariff zakiin are wasting their time . Pm Shirdon and the President are good friends and see everything clearly

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Chimera;949332 wrote:
So the nationalist Prime-Minister who in the past was demonised and degraded as a lackey has now become a misunderstood champion of the J-project and a potential martyr in the eyes of the same critics?


LOL, I give up, Somali politics is shady as hell.

We have disagreed with PM as much as we've disagreed with Culusow, we've never called for the PM to be removed as we don't also call for President to be impeached - we only disagree with his policies specially when it comes to Jubbaland.


But my question to you is, who wants the removal of the PM?

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But my question to you is, who wants the removal of the President?

Farole and Sharif Sakiin but they wont succeed , i guess it wont even pass Jawari

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Chimera;949332 wrote:
So the nationalist Prime-Minister who in the past was demonised and degraded as a lackey has now become a misunderstood champion of the J-project and a potential martyr in the eyes of the same critics?


LOL, I give up, Somali politics is shady as hell.

Something is rotten. :D

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