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Puntland Elders Request Occupier To Hand Back Properties

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Jacaylbaro;906298 wrote:
Politics gone wrong ,,,, Bacaaac indeed. There is a government in Xamar and everyone can claim his/her property back from those few criminals who used the civil war to occupy other's properties.


Shir Jaraa'id in Garowe does not give your stuff back ..... and from there it is clear it is pure politics.

lol...Malla yaabtay...for intaas oo wakhti ah la geliyo and dad la iskugu yeero nin leh Hotel-kaygii baa la haystaa oo mid laga hor dhistay. I understand inuu dareemi karo cabsi oo uu is leeyahay haddii aad tagto waa lagu ugaarsan balse anigu isaga haddii aan ahay oo hanti iga maqan tahay jidkaan ma mareen. Maxkamadda muu codsi u qorto bal halla arko waxay ka yiraahdaane. Madaxweynaha iyo PM-ka, Wasiirka arrimaha gudaha muu qoraal dacwo iyo ashtako ah u dhiibo. Ilaahay baa runta naga og iyo sida wax u jiraan. Soomaaliya dad waxaa xitaa la helayaa markii hore intay Minishiibiyo lacag siiyeen dad dhulkiis ka baaday oo iska dhigaya inay dhulkaas xalaal u leeyihiin, iyadoon la dafiri karin inay jiraan inkaar-qabeyaal badan oo dhul Islaameed iyaguna xilligii dagaallada boobay. Caddaaladdu waa midda Ilaahay, bal meeshii ay aakhiro ka galaan cadaab baan la arki doonaa.

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XX, haddii aan dad wax ka haysto amase leeyahay tabar aan dad wax ugu celiyo waan samayn lahaa ee naga daa bahashan aad nin nabadeed iska dhigayso. Dad Soomaaliyeed in dhiigooda la daadiyo ayaad meelahan ku soo xayeesiisaa markaas baad iska dhigaysaa nin hotel celintiis dan ka leh. Ummadda aad Kalshaale ku xasuuqayso iyo degaannada ku xeeran bal dhibka ka daaya.

XX rumayso ama ha rumaysan gurigii aan iska lahayn ee aan ku soo koray xitaa 1991 ma soo gaarin adigu war baad haysaa...Mid dadowna ma qabsan mana taageerayo in la qabsado.

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A_Khadar;906497 wrote:
Ahmed Diiriye lives a house where the owner was killed and burried in the premises of the house!


Nice try JB. more than half million of people fled from Mogadishu and their properties were looted and if that is what Garoowe Odayaal said to get those properties back, I don't see where that comes to politics unless you also are worried about properties you occupied in..


Oba, awoowe, don't make it as easy as there is a solid law and order in Mogadishu where anyone can come and get hisher property back. It wasn't long ago one PM from Gedo was killed just because he asked for his property back. Also there are many incidents where those who wanted their properties back encountered death, injury or threats.. So it's simplistic and unfair to say, we can our property so as everyone. You're either neive about reality on the ground or you're fooling us..

Awoowe i have not said its easy we're dealing with xaaramiyal here but personally i feel there is a difference in 2006 my family got threatened either pay 120 000 dollars or fight us bey shekadu mareyse and last month we got our house back and the person who was occupying the house is a immediate family member with one of the biggest somali warlords marka dee i feel there is isbedel gurigana ayeeydey baa lahayd.

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Apophis;906304 wrote:
Yeah you would say that wouldn't you ya JB. I lost property when the SNM militia invaded H-town and I haven't got nothing back!

I am sure that is not true. I never heard of illegally occupied properties in Hargeisa. The only problem in that city is greedy people encroaching into undeveloped privately owned land and that happens to everyone. But then again the courts in Hargeisa deal with such problems.

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I am not sure why everyone focuses on Mogadishu when it comes to looted properties. How many homes belonging to Puntland people have been taken over in Kismayo? My own grandmother has fought for 15 years over a bakaar that was stolen from her by someone else in Hargeisa and she finally got it back in 2008. Looted properties are not only a phenomenon in Xamar. If you truly have property that is yours in Xamar, go to that city and claim it. All we hear is whining and we don't see much action. Al-Shabab was even giving back properties to their rightful owners. For God sake, even Barre's daughter went to Xamar to claim back a property in Xamar and Al Shabab gave it back to her (and I am sure it was illegally obtained). This has been going on since 2006. It is now 2013. Go get what belongs to you. Or is it possible that those who are complaining don't have any property in Mogadishu and are just trying to disgrace the people of Mogadishu because of clan reasons?

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The F@qash looted hargeysa to and guess what they were wearing Somali national uniform and some were their allies militias tribally allied to the SNA were u living in hargeysa apophis if you have papers and some sort evidence i might get ur properties back.

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Abwaan;906519 wrote:
XX, haddii aan dad wax ka haysto amase leeyahay tabar aan dad wax ugu celiyo waan samayn lahaa ee naga daa bahashan aad nin nabadeed iska dhigayso. Dad Soomaaliyeed in dhiigooda la daadiyo ayaad meelahan ku soo xayeesiisaa markaas baad iska dhigaysaa nin hotel celintiis dan ka leh. Ummadda aad Kalshaale ku xasuuqayso iyo degaannada ku xeeran bal dhibka ka daaya.

XX rumayso ama ha rumaysan gurigii aan iska lahayn ee aan ku soo koray xitaa 1991 ma soo gaarin adigu war baad haysaa...Mid dadowna ma qabsan mana taageerayo in la qabsado.

War anigu cid ma layn miskiinka qurbaha ku qaboobay oo gadhku ku cadaaday baan ahay , laakin abwaanow dadka hudheelkoodi maxaad ugu celin waydey waad ogtahay wadada lo marayo eh. Hadaad hudheelka ka si ibaysey qaar kale oo aad isku xulufo ahaydeena dee xoolaha wax u celi sasaa cadalaad ah waliga cadalaada ka shaqe abwaanow Somali sidaasay ku heshiinayaan.

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Apophis;906635 wrote:
Yeah SNM looted many properties but so did the HAG in Mogadishu.

how about Kismaayo bro? Even the Siyaad barre government Looted a lot of land from my own kinsmen in Mogadishu in the name of hanti wadaag i aint seeing nobody care about that too

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Please SOL Nomads, stop the qabyaalad, I have just been contacted and informed I should stop using inflammatory word like the one Oba just said.


Also, I suggest Xaaji Xunjuf stops using the f (somali word). I mean seriously guys, it's 2013, what is wrong with you? :confused:

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I think the admin is to blame for allowing the name calling on qabiils. This is done by certain individuals and the vast majority of SOLers don't. I do not think that it will do any harm to any qabiil but it is certainly a problem for whoever is using the words and judging a whole clan. Ilaah ha caafiyo qofkii aaminsan in qabiil dhan ay isku mid yihiin oo aysan ama haddii ciddaada ay yihiin ay wanaag ka siman yihiin haddii ay cid kale yihiinna ay xumaan ka siman yihiin.

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