Alpha Blondy

Alpha's Troll and Cantarbaqash Corner LOL

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Oday galbeedi bal u kaadi istiqaalada ha dhiibine...What kept SOL respectful for more than a decade is constant moderation by admins, to err is human, Marmar laftooda way ka yara qaloocataa, laakiin ma xuma nimanku.


Alpha ahaa, Salaan sare.




waxaad iga gudoonta salaan sare too. hope all is well.


far too many folks looking for sympathy, if you ask Alpha. MODS have continually abused my musings on SOL in the most vacarious way. i don't complain. its futile, you know.

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Alpha, rather been banned, I shall resign. how about that.


i didnt mean that. you're an alright guy, ma garatay. but your problem is you want folks to accept your dogmatic thoughts without question. Sido kale, your presentation is very poor.

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have you heard about the Kenyan bus siege. apparently they dividedd the passenagers into Muslim and gaal. what was particularly impressive was the method they employed to differeniate between muslim and gaal.......they had to read the quran. thats ingenious. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL


i'd probably too would Dr Kenny.




You douchbag


Whats your beef with Alpha?

Oh it is sad you can't read the Holy Quran. If some Christian crusaders were to do the same and I was in the bus, I can probably get away unharmed by reading from the Bible with an added hallelujah :-D

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a Somalilander woman was attacked by some oromo swine almost 2 days now. all of western Hargeisa has been under siege. this morning we attacked some oromos but we let them go afterwards.


its unacceptable we feel threatened in our own country.



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Oh it is sad you can't read the Holy Quran. If some Christian crusaders were to do the same and I was in the bus, I can probably get away unharmed by reading from the Bible with an added hallelujah :-D




do you mean to tell me you can read the quran. Don't insult my intelligence, abti.


the only things you read are glossy magazines. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL


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Oooh this forum has changed so since I logged in last time, fortunately Cantarabaqash still going on strong. Alphy and Co full respect.

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Oooh this forum has changed so since I logged in last time, fortunately Cantarabaqash still going on strong. Alphy and Co full respect.


hi D.O.C,


great to hear you're well. hope all is well saxib. last you posted you were in Oman. what's poppin' there, these days?

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I used to rule the world

Seas would rise when I gave the word

Now in the morning I sleep alone

Sweep the streets I used to own


I used to roll the dice

Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes

Listen as the crowd would sing

"Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!"


One minute I held the key

Next the walls were closed on me

And I discovered that my castles stand

Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand


I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing

Roman Cavalry choirs are singing

Be my mirror, my sword and shield

My missionaries in a foreign field


For some reason I can't explain

Once you're gone there was never

Never an honest word

But that was when I ruled the world


It was the wicked and wild wind

Blew down the doors to let me in

Shattered windows and the sound of drums

People couldn't believe what I'd become


Revolutionaries wait

For my head on a silver plate

Just a puppet on a lonely string

Oh who would ever want to be king?


I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing

Roman Cavalry choirs are singing

Be my mirror, my sword and shield

My missionaries in a foreign field


For some reason I can't explain

I know Saint Peter won't call my name

Never an honest word

But that was when I ruled the world

Woahahahah oh, woahahah oh

Woahahahah oh, woahahah oh,



I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing

Roman Cavalry choirs are singing

Be my mirror, my sword and shield

My missionaries in a foreign field


For some reason I can't explain

I know Saint Peter won't call my name

Never an honest word

But that was when I ruled the world


ooooooh ooh oooooh oh ooooooh oh oooooh ooh.


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a new idea was suggested to me last night......and now it's taken root in my fikir. what will i do, or for that matter, how will this change proceedings.


lots to think about.....

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do you mean to tell me you can read the quran. Don't insult my intelligence, abti.


the only things you read are glossy magazines. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL


How dare you insult me!!

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Oooh this forum has changed so since I logged in last time, fortunately Cantarabaqash still going on strong. Alphy and Co full respect.


Only a complete and utter narcissist like Alpha would have a forum page dedicated solely to him, where he chats nonsense for 834 pages.


And this thread has been going on for TWO YEARS. Alpha uses this forum and this particular thread to feed his ego, that's all.


I can see right through this character.

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Only a complete and utter narcissist like Alpha would have a forum page dedicated solely to him, where he chats nonsense for 834 pages.


And this thread has been going on for TWO YEARS.
Alpha uses this forum and this particular thread to feed his ego, that's all.


I can see right through this character.




i'm a narcissist. very impressive statement Kenny.

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anyone seen the Maze Runner?


just started watching it now.........


i was about 25% into the film, when i heard some loud noises in the office. it was people running towards a fire. i have never seen such a spectacle. it was an amazing site. the little buul was burning and there was smoke everywhere. luckily a few of us volunteered to put out the fire. we used spades and natural sand. then a few other guys came with fire extinguishers. walahi it was amazing. the bravery and togetherness of the Somaliland people in this national emergency. the govt fire services came much later but were there as ever to save the day.











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Only a complete and utter narcissist like Alpha would have a forum page dedicated solely to him, where he chats nonsense for 834 pages.


And this thread has been going on for TWO YEARS.
Alpha uses this forum and this particular thread to feed his ego, that's all.


I can see right through this character.

Saaxiib you are right. Alpha's monumental ego is unnatural and unsustainable :-D

He is the only guy in SOL's nearly 23 million strong population to set up a temple in the form of this cantarbaqash thread for the self-glorification of his very questionable online character.

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