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How do you interact with your gaalo co-workers?

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I should have clarified the meaning "gaalo", It does have some religious meaning , but I mean it more in a cultural way. Apohis- They probably do have some opinions regarding me, but I am not so blunt to ask them that, most of them are nice but they do have a terrible aspects. Waxaan soo xasuusta when I was new to the workplace and broke some un-known social traits, After a few weeks on the job a swedish co-worker came to and started to backbite her fellow co-worker whom she had worked with for more then 15 years! Shocked by it I said to her "why are you backbiting your fellow co-worker that you have known so many years". The lady stared at me finished her cigarette and went away! Sanad xataa ilama hadlin,;)


Alpha--- regarding your categories of whites I must agree with you, the most ignoranty ones are those who come from the working class and can not accept a black guy being their boss/team leader or more knowledgeable


Jacaylbaro, shukaansiga ha dambeeye habro pension gaaray maxaa u sheege?;)

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I dont understand your questions?


Do you work with other humans? Since you dont follow your workmates home? Maxa ka galey what they practice- Unless your ob involves working with religion of course- otherwise please explain how the your religion impacts on you or vice verse?

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Ibtisam he explained that he used the term gaalo to denote the cultural divide between him and his co-workers. Working with cadaans and other gaalos and working with fellow somalis is totally different, each calling for different norms and conventions of interacting and doing things.

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Ibz perhaps he means since you are different from the average cadaan person at work and can't easily socialise with them.


I find that it depends on the person rather than any other factor, some ppl are just there to do the job as painlessly as possible, get on with everyone and go home. Others seem to think its their job to gossip about EVERYONE they come into contact with and spend most of the day moaning to some poor person to make themselves feel better.


I had an old somali man in my old work place who knew everything about everyone, miss him!

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i forget to talk about diaspora somalis. OMG, they're the worst types of gallo. they are so good in pretending they know everything. i'm talking about useless ppl coming here and reinventing themselves to the extent they're bordering on delusional. they disgust me walahi. their attitude is terrible and they think they deserve a job becos they have a western passports. they are not even qualified to do most jobs. i have seen diaspora folk exercising their diaspora-nimo and starting a conversation with any random white person in the hope they can land a job. its pathetic.

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Chubacka, work ethics tent to be the same everywhere you go- generally speaking. If you start dividing people- you will always sub divide, so between the Somalis and so. Work is one of the very few settings where generally once you get there- it does not matter much your personal outside work life.


Lool @ the old man who knew everything thing.


Speaking of working with Somalis, I once had a Somali boss, who after two months in my job found out I was Somali and automatically become super overprotective. Every guy ila hadla department kale or shift kale ayuu uu badli jirey. I remember there was an OZ guy who was a such laugh, and he actually not only changed his work scheduled so we dont cross paths, but he also told him to keep away from me or else! lol

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Loool @ naqaska kugu dhejiye; The worst part was I didnt know he was doing this, until some time later- explained many attitudes and reactions when I found out. Of course after an interesting confrontation in which I told him to act in accordance with his position and do his job, he sort of become normal. Turned out to be a nice guy aside from the Arab side views which sometimes surfaced.

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Yeah they always have a say in everything & everything about this world. waa dad balaaya ah..but then they are our brothers & sisters maxaanu sameyna :D iska iloow. Hope you getting some peace back in the hinterlands :D salaam.

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I just do my job, I don't care about what religious affiliation my colleagues have/don't. I don't really trust some of them that much cause they are quite fake. They're not as honest and open as we are, they're all just playing a game, I find.

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Just do you're shaqo smile with them drink shaah with them work with them be social do not drink khamri with them if they ask you out for a late night pub or else where thats all live and let live.

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Nin-Yaaban;874199 wrote:
Meeting kuligood ugu yeer, oo waxaa tiraahdaa...."
Dhegeesta, waxaan ahay nin Somalia oo sharaq leh. Markaad ila hadleesaan, hoos fiiriya, oo codkiina kor ha u qaadina. Markaad i aragtaana,
ii taaga oo i salaama. Intaas ayaan rabay inaan idiin sheego, wax kalana ku darimaayo.
You are all dismissed
". That always get's the point across. Works out for me all the time.

Waxaa i soo xasuusisay sheeko aan waa hore aqriye oo wargeys Soomaali leedahay lagu soo daabacay. Sheekada waxee ka hadleysaa koo urur 'community' ah u furan ayaa iskugu wacay oo martiqaaday gaalo ururo kale oo kiisa camal maamulo. Maadaama meesha dadka lagu casuumay Soomaali u badnaayeen, Afsoomaali ku qudbeynaaye, martida meesha fadhisana isla asagaa u micneynaaye. Suu qudbadii u waday uu maahmaah meesha ku habooneyn ka fakatay, maahmaahdaas oo ahayd: Gaal dil gartiisana sii.


Markee ka fakatay uu isogaaday ku taraaraxay ayuu haddana damcay in uu sii micneeyo iyadoo Ingiriis ah. Wuuba kusii taraaraxay, dadkii meesha fadhiyana yaxyax wada galay. Markii dambe islaan meesha fadhisay iscelin weysay ku tiri, "War hebeloow, bahasha wey kaa fakatee haku sii rafan..."


Sheeko la alifay u ekeyd, nonetheless qosol iga keentay.

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