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What validates spilling the blood of a Muslim:

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As of late, and particularly in these tumultuous times where ignorance has become the norm, many people, armed with only a few rudimentary lessons in religious matters, have been staging a hapless uproar. Assisted by the rumourmongers, chiefly from the gullible and nostalgic Diasporas, they went on a contempt-filled campaign of derision, hurling insults at the Mujahideen at every available opportunity. Some of the slogans of these groups include, though are not limited to, the following:

They are killing Muslims

They are Khawaarij

They are exploiting religion for personal gain

They are destroying the nation

They are beheading people

They are flogging men for no apparent reason

They are stoning innocent girls to death

They are amputating the hands of Somalis

They are forcing people to prayer

They coercing people into Islam

They screamed, demonstrated and wailed but to no avail, as their screams fell on deaf ears and their discordant wails faded in the distant background. Befuddled by the Mujahideen’s unapologetic and unwavering stance, they now helplessly look on, defeated and depleted. But before we attempt to answer their malodorous diatribe and ill-conceived slogans, let us look at what Islam says about killing Muslims and the reasons that validate the blood of a Muslim.


Generally, the blood of a Muslim, his wealth and honour are inviolable and Haraam because of his being a Muslim – that is unless he/she falls into something that invalidates this inviolability and makes his/her blood violable under Shari’ah. On the other hand, the blood of a Kaafir is generally Halaal – unless there is a covenant of safety or peace between you and them, which then makes his blood inviolable. There are many reasons that validate spilling the blood of a Muslim. Below are a few examples…


Reasons that validate the blood of a Muslim:


1. General validation (Mubiix caam ah) - that allows the killing of the person and taking his wealth, so his children do not inherit him as the wealth goes to Islam. This is where the person has left the fold of Islam and the prime example of this is apostasy i.e. to turn away from Islam by action, statement or belief – and we will talk about this in more detail later as it needs a lot of clarification.


2. Partial Validation (Mubiix Juz’i ah) - in which the Muslim person is only killed but without taking his wealth and property. Here the person does not become a Kaafir and leave the fold of Islam but he has simply fallen into a thing in which Allah has set a legislation by which that Muslim should be killed, such as Xuduud. The legal verdict of Xad is applied not for apostasy but for a compensation of the sin committed, after which it will be forgiven by Allah insha-Allah.


In this second category there are many examples and include, but not limited to:


Qisaas – A person who wilfully kills another Muslim will be killed in the same manner in which he had taken the life of his victim. If he stabbed his victim, he will be stabbed, if he poisoned him, he will be poisoned, and so on.


Zina or Adultery – if a married man/woman commits Zina, the verdict is that he/she will be stoned to death


Liwat or homosexuality - where both the doer of the deed and the done to are to be killed according to the hadith of the Prophet (s.a.w)


The Marrying of Maxaarim – if someone weds/marries his Maxaarim i.e those whom Allah has made illegal or Haraam for you to marry like your mother, sister, aunt, etc he will be taken to the guillotine. This, some scholars say is Riddah or apostasy according the hadith of Baraa ibn Caazib. According to the hadith, Baraa came across his maternal uncle one day, galloping with an army and holding a flag. Where are you going with the flag and the army, he asked? His uncle replied that the prophet (p.b.u.h) had send him to go to such and such place and kill the man who married the widow of his father – i.e. his Aayo or eedo as some call it -and also take his property. Here in this case the question is was the man killed for apostasy or was it simply a case of applying the Xad. And the answer becomes clear from the Hadith itself, because the prophet ordered Baraa to take the man’s property. So the property becomes Fa’i for the Muslims and whenever the property becomes Fa’i, the person or people from whom it is obtained from are non-Muslims, as Fa’I cannot be gained from a Muslim.


• Similar to this case is the marrying of a Muslim woman to a Jew or a Christian – this is also apostasy as it deems the woman to have allowed something Allah had disallowed.


The killing of the Highway robbers or Modern day Moor.yaan: If a person or a group of people are bent on robbing people by use of weapons or by kidnappings and extortion, he/they should be fought and killed. Their wealth and property will not be taken as they are not being killed for apostasy, but the weapons which were used to rob people or for the fight will be confiscated as well as any wealth he’d taken from the Muslims which will be reimbursed. This is explained clearly in Suratul maa’idah’s verse 33.


Qitaalul Buqaa or Killing of the Transgressing Party: If two groups or tribes of Muslims fight, they should be justly mediated between. If one party does not accept the mediation process and transgresses, that party will be fought and killed for their blood has now become lawful because of their denial of arbitration as Allah has explained in the Qur’an.


The Heavy Drinker: if someone has drunk wine and has been flogged three times for the crime, on the fourth time he can be killed as some narrations state. This is not waajib, however, but only that it is a possibility and we have to look at the Maslaxa. Some scholars go as far as stating that if someone had committed theft for three times and had been punished with the Xad, on the fourth time he can be executed as he becomes a Faasid without a remedy.


The Spy: whoever spies for the kuffar against the Muslims whether they are at war or not will be killed, period! Either he will be killed for the kufr he committed – meaning he has taken the Kuffar as allies instead of the Muslims - or for Xad – legal ruling of that crime. The hadith of Xaatib ibn abi Baltaca is a proof of this.


Protecting Oneself: If a Muslim attacks you or your property and you warn him but he does not stop, you have the right to fight back to protect your life or property. If he kills you for your property or life while you were protecting oneself, then you are a Shaheed. If you kill him, it is justified as confirmed in the hadith of the Prophet. (man qutila duuna maalihi fahuwa shaheed)


The Second Khaliifa: If the Muslims select one Caliph and pledge their allegiance to him, then out of the blue comes another man and states that he too is the Caliph, he will be warned and advised to stop. If he persists, then he must be killed according to the hadith of Abu Saciid al Khudri in Muslim, as this brings about the disunity of the Muslim populace.


The sorcerer: The sorcerer will be killed and it is an act of Kufr as Allah explains in the Qur’an. Sorcery is one of the Nullifiers of Islam and Umar (R.A) used to order the Sahaba to go out and kill every sorcerer they see. The three schools of thought have this opinion. Imam Shaafici, however, says that the sorcerer whould be called to account and asked to explain his craft. If it is found that it contains shirk and kufr, then he should be killed, otherwise if it is a matter of petty tricks, he should be left alone. But the scholars were quick to catch him and refute him on this.


When Jundub was in Iraq, he saw a man performing sorcery in front of a crowd. Waleed ibn Cuqba ibn abi Mucayd, who was an governor of that town in Iraq was also present. The sorcerer would say to the crowd that he’d open the mouth of a cow and enter it, then exit from its rear. Then he would perform it. Upon seeing this Jundub realised what was going on and simply went away. The next day he came back with a sword. Waleed was sitting and watching the amazing feats of the sorcerer as he cut off the heads of some people and then brought them back to life. At that point, Jundub got up, cut off the head of the sorcerer, and said ‘let him resurrect himself if indeed he is truthful.’



The Kaahin or Fortune Teller – The Kaahin is the one who claims to have knowledge of the unseen. Some of the scholars say that he will be killed either for his Kufr or fasaad citing Al Maa’idah’s verser 32 as evidence to support this.


The Deviant Mubtadic or Innovator: the one who brings new innovations into the religion so as to corrupt the religion will be killed. This person is the same as the highway robber - just as the highway robber ruins the Dunya of the Muslims, the Mubtadic ruins the Akhira or hereafter of the Muslims and dents the religion of Allah. Such is the view of Malik and others.


Taariku salaah: The person who abandons prayers completely will be killed. His blood becomes lawful and majority of the scholars say that he is a kaafir.


Maanicu zakaat: The person who denies to pay the alms to the poor as prescribed by Allah will be fought and killed just as Abu Bakar has done during his battles with the apostates.



These are just some examples, and, Insha-Allah, I will post some further notes on Apostatsy in the light of Qur'an and Sunnah.




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Wasiirka Arimaha Gudaha ee DFKM Sh C/qaadir Cali Cumar oo Al-Shabaab Eedayn u soo jeediyey. (Dhageyso)

Posted to the Web Dec 03, 23:10



Muqdisho:-Wasiirka arimaha gudaha ee DFKM Sh C/qaadir Cali Cumar ayaa eedeyn u soo jeedshay ururka Al-Shabaab isaga oo ku tilmaamay qaraxii lagu dilay wasiirada mid aad u fool xun .


Wasiirka ayaa sheegay in qaraxan uu la mid yahay kii ka dhacay magaalada B/weyne ee xarunta gobolka Hiiraan kaas oo lagu dilay wasiirkii amniga Qaranka DFKM Col.Cumar Xaashi.


Sh C/qaadir ayaa sheegay in DFKM ay wajihi doonto xoogagga Al-Shabaab oo uu ku tilmaamay kuwa Takfiiriya dadka iyaga oo baneystay dhiiga dadka muslinka ah .


Sh C/qaadir Cali Cumar ayaa sheegay in umada soomaaliyeed ay iska dulqaadi doonto kuwa ku wada dhibaatada DFKM waxay noqon doontaa mid hurmuud ka ah.

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I think this rule was used to sanction his death..


• The Second Khaliifa:
If the Muslims select one Caliph and pledge their allegiance to him, then out of the blue comes another man and states that he too is the Caliph, he will be warned and advised to stop. If he persists, then he must be killed according to the hadith of Abu Saciid al Khudri in Muslim, as this brings about the disunity of the Muslim populace.

Aint that so, wanna be Islam expert with pseudislamic expertise?? :mad:


You are a religious extremist.


A religious extremist is completely imperviable to reason, persuasion and truth. When engaged in an actual intellectual debate about a religious topic, a religious extremist refuses to yield an inch in his position regardless of its futility. Many times, out of pure frustration, knowledgeable persons try to penetrate his inexorable obduracy-- yet he remains, ever unfathomable."


I paraphrased from another website, of course. But unlike yourself, I admit my sources. to attempt at a rebuttal? I believe not. I predict that you'll come with even more sorely misunderstood Ahadith.


Muslim people around the world, see right through your cheap charade and deservedly hold your lot in contempt, for the use of our beautiful Islam a a political tool to usurp power in Somalia.


Sir, you will fail. Just as your attempts to justify the recent murderous brutality of the Al Shabab goons, here on SOL.




Allah(SWT), has clearly stated in His Holy Qur'an...


Suurah Al-Baqara(143):

Thus have We made of you an Ummah justly balanced That ye might be witnesses over the nations and the Messenger a witness over yourselves; and We appointed the Qiblah to which thou wast used, only to test those who followed the Messenger from those who would turn on their heels (from the faith). Indeed it was (a change) momentous except to those guided by Allah. And never would Allah make your faith of no effect. For Allah is to all people most surely full of kindness, Most Merciful.



O people of the Book! commit no excesses in your religion: nor say of Allah aught but truth. Christ Jesus the son of Mary was (no more than) an Messenger of Allah and His Word, which He bestowed on Mary, and a Spirit proceeding from Him: so believe in Allah and His Messengers. Say not "Trinity": desist: it will be better for you: for Allah is One Allah: glory be to him: (for Exalted is He) above having a son. To Him belongs all things in the heavens and on earth. And enough is Allah as a Disposer of affairs.



Say: "O people of the Book! Exceed not in your religion the bounds (of what is proper), trespassing beyond the truth, nor follow the vain desires of people who went wrong in times gone by― who misled many, and strayed (themselves) from the even Way.



O ye who believe! Forbid not the good things which Allah hath made lawful for you, and transgress not, Lo! Allah loveth not transgressors.



So tread thou the straight path as thou art commanded, and those who turn (unto Allah) with thee, and transgress not. Lo! He is Seer of what ye do.






You asked.. What validates spilling the blood of a Muslim?




Ilaahay waxaan kaaga baryey inuu kusoo hanuuniyo. Aamin.

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To the Poster,

You're either very ignorant of the Sharia laws or you took a crash course from someone who doesnt know what they're taking about. Most xadiiths you cited are daciif. Only two of the list can be legaly justified under the Sharia. Human lives are very precious and protected under Islam. It is not as easy as you think justifying taking it.

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Humans have never needed religion to slaughter one another but it has become a convenient garb of late. An excuse for the bloodlusty to indulge themselves. How else would it be justified to murder professors and medical doctors (or anyone else) without reason or giving them a chance to defend themselves?

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LX. Ulema differed on the verdict of the spy and the interpretation of the hadith you mentioned. Ibn Al Qayyim mentioned that Abu Hanifa and Shafi were of the opinion he should be spared and that Imam Malik and Hanafi were of the opinion that he shouldn't not be spared. He(ibn Al Qayyim) personally took the latter opinion, but he added this:


.................(after discussing the hadith).....



"This leads us to conclude that it is permitted to kill a spy who is not protected by such a circumstance. This is the position of Imaam Maalik, Imaam ash-Shaafi`ee and Abu Haneefah say that a Muslim spy should not be killed. The Hanbalees are divided, though the opinion of Imaam Ahmad appears to be against killing a Muslim spy. Both sides found their arguments in the story of Haatib.


In the final analysis, the decision must be that of the Imaam. If the interests of the Muslims are best served by his death then he should be killed, but if these interests are better served by sparing his life then this is what should be done. Allah is best informed of the correct course".

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This was so encouraging. I know as Somalis we've been racking our brains to figure out how we can kill each other, being as it comes so unnaturally to us.


On the other hand, the blood of a Kaafir is generally Halaal – unless there is a covenant of safety or peace between you and them, which then makes his blood inviolable.

Where can I sign up for this please? See, I really like my neighbor's house and car. But wait, is it considered a covenant of safety and peace if I said "have a good day!" to them this morning? Or does it have to be a written treaty?

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Originally posted by Cara.:

This was so encouraging. I know as Somalis we've been racking our brains to figure out how we can kill each other, being as it comes so unnaturally to us.



On the other hand, the blood of a Kaafir is generally Halaal – unless there is a covenant of safety or peace between you and them, which then makes his blood inviolable.

Where can I sign up for this please? See, I really like my neighbor's house and car. But wait, is it considered a covenant of safety and peace if I said "have a good day!" to them this morning? Or does it have to be a written treaty?
Since you negate the entire concept of 'Religion' include Islam, your arguments and whims are null and void here.


You internet mafiosos are just that and your allegiance to anything is easily swayed by emotion.


Disclaimer: I don't condone what happened in xamar last week.

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^For all my empty whims and arguments, it's you and not I that has to explicitly repudiate acts of mayhem and murder.

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Norfsky Bro.


You write:


^ Looking forward to hearing the justification for this one.


Sounds like you are dismayed by other justifications of past killings in Somalia. What is not clear in your question is WHO has justified WHAT in the past for you to pose this follow up question in order to allow readers to contribute their couple of cents.




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^Saxib, my comment was aimed at LX after last week's suicide bombing which killed dozens at a graduation ceremony.


Yes I am dismayed at the justifications by AS supporters for the killings of Muslims in Somalia.

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