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Kismaayo iyo waraabe cunoow maxaa kala haaysta VIDEO

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AYOUB;857257 wrote:
The prices quoted make it like an expensive delicacy. What's so special about Waraabe meat?

If you search it up, people say it tastes like chicken. :eek:

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As an old xerow I must say that this contradicts the ijmaac of the quran and Sunnah. I say this will full conviction. In aan saxiib bukhaari furo oo hal xadiis keeno oo i ogalanaayo waraabe-cunid waa qalad , The reason is that that baabul-ijtihaadka is already closed! In the Shaafici madhab all the others madhab are all united on the stance we can not eat Carnivals, Look at the the basic shaafici concept in the maqaasid ama abi shujaaca. Maadey, shay imaam Shaafici mabnuucay asagoo quraan iyo sunnada iyo ijmaaca fiiriniaayo adi maad baneeykartid! Let us be honest, waxaani waa jahwareerka Wahaabiyada,


Those who qoute Wahaabi scholars to justify hyeana eating are misled, the hadith might be true but are theire not hundred others xadiiths thats forbid it! Why base break the consenus (ijmaaca) Eating Hyeana is forbidden, it is not part of the sunni understanding and will never be so. Walle wahaabiyada soomalida wey waaleen! all major scholars, salaf and khalaf wey mabnuuceen waxaani , marka Albaani iyo Binbaaz miyaa ka saxsan Afarta Imaamul-mujtahadiin


Apophis do not be confused . This is the mess that is created by wahabism. A simple fatwa with a lot of petro-dollars gains you much influence.... step by step they are revealing themselves. Do not be chocked to see them, digging upp the grave our beloved prophet, for Imam Albani made fatwa that the grave must be removed from masjidka!

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LOOOL, I thought Khadafi was Maaddeey, I was reading through it and I was like wait a minute.. what the hell.. :confused: and then oooooooooh :eek:



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Somalia;857290 wrote:
If you search it up, people say it tastes like chicken. :eek:

LOL haven't you seen cadaanka when they eat something exotic to them like frog, alligator and stuff like that there is always one sentence '' it tastes like chicken'' loool

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Avataarka waaba iska badalay, waraabe ma cuniyee!

^^ Iga tag!!. (LSK aanba u xanaaqsanaa) haddaan avatar puplic ah rabo sow waxa meesha dhooban mid kama qaateen, kan si gooni ah aan uga codsaday, ka bacdina puplic-a uu soo dhexdhigay!).


Khadafi, si aan ii daa avatar-ka kuu iraahdaan weysnaa, thanks, sxb.


Showqi, ani & NGONGE isku ra'yi baan nahayoo waad ogatay, NG-na wuu kuu sheegaye, sideed NG u raalli gelisay anna aad gember iigu fadhisaa, sxb, meesha aad ka dagaashan tahay wa halkee?.

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NGONGE hadalkiisa kumaad qancin!?


Sxb, Muslimka amarka Alle & Rasuul waa iney qaataan iyagoon door-dooran!, amarka haddii la dul dhigo waa iney samicnaa wa atacnaa yiraahdaan!, aaway aayadaha quraanka aad alhayd waa quote gareeyaa?. marba hadii ay Alle & Rasuulkii ka sugnaatay, war kale kuuma yaallo, haddii aad caqligaaga ka hormarisidna hadalka Alle & Rasuulka, sxb, adi lee waaye!.


Why aan 5 amr maalintii u tukanaynaa and not only one, or nothing?.


Why raggu xaasaskooda u furi karaan and not vice-verse? , ma wadaa?.

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1) Wa maa aataakumurasuulu fakhuduuhu wamaa nahaakum canhu fantahuu.

2) fas'aluu ahlathikri in kuntum laa taclamuun.

3)atiicullaaha wa atiicurrasuula...

4)wa in tanaazactum fii shay'in farudduuhu ilallaahi wa rasuulih.

and many more. And you have a hadeeth in front of you!.

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Maaddeey, sxb meesha aan kaala dagaalsanahay waa tan ee i dhageyso! Threadkan page-ka ugu horeeya dhowr goor ayaad ku soo noq noqotay addiga oo noo sheegaya in uu hillibka Waraabuhu:


1) Uu ka qaalisanyahay hilibka geela!.


2) In hilibka waraabaha ay iibsadaan dadka maalqabeenka ah!.


3) Waxaad meeshan noogu soo dhajisay labo video oo ka hadlaya Waraabaha


4) Waxaad tidhi anigu hillib waraabe ma cuni lahayn, haddana isla paragraph-kii ayaad tidhi waa u barasho oo wixii aad u barato waa la cuni karaa. Marka ma cunayo iyo waan cuni lahaa, hadii la' igu gardaadiyo! bal xageey iska racaan? Sxb bal dhinac isugu baydh


5) Kirish uw Mirishkii ayaad weerar ku qaaday adiga oo difaacaya hillibka Waraabaha (Don't get me wrong I don't eat Kirishow Mirish, waligeyna afkeyga maan saarin. Geeljire ayaan ahay:D)


Marka Maaddeey shantaas qodob een kor ku xusay markaan arkay, oo aan haddana akhriyey adiga iyo NGONGE oo isku rayi ah:mad: Ayaan saddarada dhexdooda waxaan ka akhristay, in aad Bahalka (Waraabaha) aad noo xayeeysiineyso! Oo aad waliba sanka naga mar marineyso. Laakiin hadii aad iminka leedahay anigu waxaan idiin sheegayey in uu Bahalku yahay xalaal oo kaliya, dee markaa diyaar baan u ahay in aan ku raali galiyo oo aan waliba intii aan NGONGE siiyey oo waliba Bun lagu daray aan xagaaga u soo diro:D:D

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^^ Aan kuugu soo celiyo: Aniga & NGONGE isku ra'yi baan ahayne, maxaad noo kala saartay? (NGONGE, wuxuu kuu sheegay in Maaddeey hilib waraabe cun uusan ku dhihin), wuxuu kaloo kuu sheegay: in wax kasta taste haddey tahay Maaddeey saxan yahay!.


Haddaanan calooley cunin seen dhurwaa u cunaa, weligeyba ma arkine!., si cad aanan u sheegay taase thread-kan ka dhex raadi (maloba haygu ahaatee, waad aragtay) ;).


Waxa aan soo qorayna, post-iga MMA (thread kale) & Oba (kan) ayaan ka soo dhex saaray, maanaa dembiga leh mise kii soo qoray!.


Adigii wax xalaal ah, waa xaaraam leh sow kama darnid!.

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Maaddeey;857096 wrote:
If you are a muslim, you have to be a terrorist, full stop!. Terrorising the enemy of Allah, that is a verse from the quran, I know that much from the Deen, yaa sheikh/a.


Did I hear you say predator?, wait for my next post!.


Opophis, sorry magacaaga ma karee!, I don't post every thing about the enemy, trend aan ku socdaa, lakin waad cusubtahayoo mindhaa dib baad ka garan doontaa!.


Ps. Qof baa diyaaradaha dhacay post'gareeyey 2 beri ka hortaa, hal comment-na kama bixn, taas maxay kuu sheegeysaa?.


And the enemies of Allah are? Starving Somalis I am guessing? You and you ilk need psychiatric counselling. You are suffering from deeply imbedded issues.

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