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Why a Unitary Somalia is the best option for Somalia

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Mukulaalow;829978 wrote:
hayeee, taariikh cusub.

Are you telling me there was a country called Somalia before 1884 intaanu saan cadaluhu dalka iman waba taarikh cusub curiyow.

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^ there was an open land called SOMALI-Land where hereders openly roamed....there was consititution called (xeer)and regional adminstrations.

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Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan oo maanta fariin u jeediyay Golaha Wasiirada



Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan ayaa wuxuu xusul duub uu ugu jiraa sidii loo-ansaxin lahaa Dastuurka Qabyo Qoraalka, kaasoo ay ka taagan tahy murun xoog leh sidii lagu ansaxin lahaa.


Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan oo ay inta badan Xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka Kmg ah ee Soomaaliya ay ku sameeyeen xil ka qaadis, ayaa wuxuu maanta uu warbaahinta uu kula hadlay Magaalada Muqdisho, isagoona ka hadlay dhinacyo badan.


Shariif Xasan ayaa wuxuu ku nuux-nuux-saday inay muhiim tahay in laga gudbo sida uu yiri Xilliga Ku Meel Gaarka ah, oo Loo-gudbo sida uu hadalka u dhigay Dowlad Dhexe oo awood ah, ayna sidaasi ku imaan karto sida uu sheegay dadaalo ballaaran oo la-sameeyo.


Isagoo hadalkiisa sii wata ayaa wuxuu sheegay in Golaha Wasiirada ay laf-dhabar u yihiin qaabka looga bixi karaayo Xilliga Ku Meel Gaarka ah, isla-markaana wuxuu sheegay in looga baahan yahay inay ka shaqeeyaan sidii buu yiri looga bixi lahaa.


Wuxuu Golaha Wasiirada uu ku adkeeyay inay muujiyaan dadaalo ballaaran, ayna sameeyaan wax walba oo looga bixi karaayo buu yiri Xilliga Ku Meel Gaarka ah, oo uu sheegay inay caqabad ku tahay dalka iyo dadka Somaliyeed.


Golaha Wasiirada ayaa wuxuu sheegay inay yihiin kuwa kaliya ee soo dedejin karaaya sidii looga bixi lahaa Xilliga Ku Meel Gaarka ah, isla-markaana wuuxu ugu yeeray inay la-yimaadaan qaabkii looga gudbi lahaa Xilliga Ku Meel Gaarka ah.


Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan ayaa wuxuu Odayaasha Golaha Dhaqanka ee Soomaalida uu ugu baaqay, inay si deg deg ah ay ku soo magacaabaan Ergada Ansaxinta ee Dastuurka Qabyo Qoraalka.



Nagala Soo Xiriir ama




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Shariif Xasan "Qof walba Soomaali waxaa laga rabaa inuu gacan ka geysto sidii Marxalada kala guurka looga bixi lahaa"



Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ee waqtigiisa sii dhamaanayo Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan ayaa ku baaqay in si taxadar ku jirto looga baxo Marxalada kala guurka ee uu iminka dalka galay, xilli dad badan ay cabsi ka qabaan xaaladaha uu dalka geli doono marka ay dhamaato xilliga KMG.


Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan ayaa isagoo ka hadlayay Munaasabad lagu dhaarinayay Ra'iisul Wasaare kuxigeenka ahna Wasiirka Beeraha Xuseen Sheekh Maxamed Xuseen oo ka dhacday Xafiiskiisa ayaa sheegay inay soo dhowaatay xilligii kala guurka oo ah waqtiga ay dhamaaneyso KMG ah.


"Xiliga kala guurka waa dhowdahay, waxaa la rabaa in dowladda marka waqtigeeda KMG laga baxo in loo gudbo Dowlad rasmi ah"ayuu yiri Shariif Xasan.


Shariif Xasan oo ah Ku simaha Madaxweynaha ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in qof walba oo Soomaali ah laga doonayo inuu gacan ka geysto sidii looga bixi lahaa xaalada kala gurka ah.


"Si dowladnimo loo helo waa inaan ka baxnaa kala guurka, qof walba soomaali ah waxaa laga rabvaa inuu gacan ka geysto, xukuumada iyo shacabka waxaa ka codsaneynaa inay iska shaadanaa, sidii loo xuli lahaa odayaasha ansixin lahaa Dastuurka"ayuu yiri.


Dad badan oo siyaasada taxliilaya ayaa sheegaya in Shariif Xasan uu dadaal ballaaran ugu jirto sidii loo ansixin lahaa Dastuurka, isla markaana u meel mari lahaa, iyadoo Shariifka hada u xuubsiibanayo sidii uu musharax madaxweyne u noqon lahaa ka hor bisha Agosto.


Inkastoo Dowladda KMG ay wado dadaal ku aadan sidii loo ansixin lahaa Dastuurka, loogana bixi lahaa xilliga KMG, hadana waxaa jira caqabado badan oo ku hor-gudban, kaasoo ka mid ah Dastuurka oo dad badan ay aad uga biya diidsan yihiin.





Hoyga wararka Somaliyeed

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XX I welcome the new found love for unity. The ideal is for a unified Somalia. How we get there we differ slightly, but as long as our secessionists have given up on the delusions of independence for the NW regions is the important point. It's a most wonderful development. Keep it up lads the war is over now we are searching for the soul of the republic.

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Somaliweeyn has no borders or regions...........if u dont know, check the star on the flag mofo!! then look up the blue sky, smile...n thank it!!


We should put trust in pple...n not in Kabo clan leaders! They stink to hi-heaven.

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rudy-Diiriye;830019 wrote:
Somaliweeyn has no borders or regions...........if u dont know, check the star on the flag mofo!! then look up the blue sky, smile...n thank it!!


We should put trust in pple...n not in Kabo clan leaders! They stink to hi-heaven.

waryaa ninkan illeen waa nationalist.

Rudy 4 president August 2012.;)

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i am the somaliweeyn chief! i dont need no ok sign from smelly Ugandans, Kenyans or the likes....i am the true chief. Dont worry about the hotel boyz in villa somalia, or in Hargeeysa f street or in Bugland fake hotel taleex.


They just temps.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;829970 wrote:


Che its like markay reer Somalia ku leeyihin reer Somaliland ma go i kartaan no one ever said iyagay u taala:D Marka advise wa la isku leeyahay iyo talo ileen dadku wa Somali eh. Besides that Clan federalism is bad for Somaliland Somalia meelkasta.


Loool@igaya u taal


rudy-Diiriye;830026 wrote:
i am the somaliweeyn chief! i dont need no ok sign from smelly Ugandans, Kenyans or the likes....i am the true chief. Dont worry about the hotel boyz in villa somalia, or in Hargeeysa f street or in Bugland fake hotel taleex.


They just temps.

Rudy, I still support you as Somaliweyn chiefness eventhough I still don't know which clan you are. :D

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Carafaat;829913 wrote:
I am hearing from sources in Muqdisho that the secret draft constitution is based on a Unitary Somali State with strong unified regions based on 18 previous regions rather then Clan Federalism. If that is the case, then we have to support it.



  • Only a Unitary Somalia can stand up to foreign powers and international aid agencies.
Only a Unitary Somalia can support and advocate (in future) for Somali in Western Somalia and NFD.
Only a Unitary Somalia can end the conflicts throughout Somalia and reconciliate people.
Only a Unitary Somalia can draw Somaliland back in to the Union.
Only a Unitary Somalia can take part in global financial, economic and trade system.
Only a Unitary Somalia can prevent prevent problems like food shortages, famine's,
Only a Unitary Somalia can prevent Somali's from becoming a minority in their own country.
Only a Unitary Somalia can stand up for the rights of Somali youth imprisoned everywhere in the world.
Only a Unitary Somalia can guarantee the excistense and unity of the Somali people.
Only a Unitary Somalia can fight extremist terrorist like Al Shabaab and Al Qaida.
Only a Unitary Somalia can prevent that our (marine, oil, gas) resources are stolen by foreign powers.
Only a Unitary Somalia can prevent piracy, illegal money printing, charcoal export.
Only a Unitary Somalia can ensure all Somali's can live, travel and do business everywhere in Somalia.
Only a Unitary Somalia can guarantee equality and justice of all Somali's irrelevent of their clan or where they li

Only a Unitary Somalia can prevent that we become in the first place citizens of/or Galmudugians, Ximan and Xeebs, Somalilanders, Puntlanders, Hiiraanians, Bakolians, Jubbians, Gedogian, Shabbelian, etc.
Only a Unitary Somalia can guarantee wem all remain Somali's in the first place.


This is the reason why I have opposed any form of a Federalist Somalia and have called upon everyone to renounce any consitution that would be based on anything else then a Unitary Somali State. All else in the constitution are minor details that can be changed and amended later.

Spot on. Nothing is better than unity.


PS: all of you that are laughing at XX and making the same old secessionist comments, just know that whatever he may believe, he has conducted himself in an admirable way and has finally become a unionist. You could all learn a thing or two from him.

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If Puntland was to compaign and call for unity and central government, everyone would have cried, NOOOOOO, they want to take power and bring totalitarian dictatorial regime.


Its all politics, unity or federal, whatever works for Somalis is good. Lets get and agree on something, I'm 100% for a Somali government even if that has to be my uncle's iron fist rule over the entire Somali peninsula, up for it, bring it walalo.

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^ Sxb we don't want another dictatorship, we want a democratic decentralized unitary state, a bit like what Japan has at the moment.

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Mario B   

Xaaji Xunjuf;830155 wrote:
^^ One man one vote let the people decide their leader as long as there is a strong united government for the people by the people.

This thread has left me confused, is XX supporting a democratic decentralized unitary state of 18 regions of Somalia from Ras Kamboni to Loya Ado?:D

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