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Quran challenges Atheists!

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I was just going through this thread, and I'm extremely disappointed to see that Maadeey was essentially alone when confronting these Somali Atheists. Maadeey was outnumbered by a group of self-righteous arrogant Atheists who use the same tired arguments when challenging Islam.


The greatest tragedy of the last 40 years was this belief--this unjustified belief--that Atheists are somehow rational and logical and that Theists are the ones who need to defend their positions. But its interesting to note that when a Learned Muslim directly challenges an Atheist on his beliefs, the Atheist is struggling to even put together anything coherent.


There is a God. There is One God and there can only be one God who is the originator of the Universe. Anyone who is remotely interested in finding out the truth would inevitably reach that conclusion. To think otherwise just proves that the Atheist should not be taken seriously as someone logical. Why else do you think Atheists tend to get caught up in debating the "Theory of Evolution" or "The Violent Nature of Religion" but they can never actually discuss the substantive issues.


I should not be required to "prove" that this Universe has a creator. The Atheist should be required to prove that the Universe spontaneously came into being, as this is what he asserts. To actually believe that conscious beings emerged from unconscious matter spontaneously without a Creator to initiate it, is the height of absurdity.


This is a link that disproves Atheists and there "No God" bull crap

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I read the link, and I read it again, and it still doesn't undermine my argument or the argument of other Theists; that everything in the Universe has a Cause&Effect and since the Big Bang occurred 13 billion years ago, then Someone must have caused it. The fact that we call this Ultimate Cause "God" doesn't change anything. The article was mere speculation, and was attempting to prove in theory that our Universe spontaneously came into Being without a Creator.


To argue that space and time didn't exist but matter could still have existed despite that (which is what many Atheists argue) is ridiculous, as matter cannot exist without either space or time, and this was even addressed in this recent debate between a Muslim and an Atheist Physicist:


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Using "bleeding-edge physics", which is basically speculative physics over which there is no consensus and no evidence to argue a point which directly contradicts what's been established, is so far-fetched that I'm honestly shocked at how the Atheists who cling to this "belief" put the onus on Theists to prove themselves!


Which means Atheists, believe in something which has no evidence, which contradicts The Laws of Entropy as well as other established laws, and then turn around and claim that Theists have blind beliefs. The last 10 years of modern science did much to disprove Atheist Philosophy.


This is why most modern Atheists base their arguments on things like "Evolution" and other theories (which doesn't disprove the existence of a self-aware Creator) but can't defend their beliefs from a metaphysical standpoint.

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Bro, this shit is like higher level calculus, some simple souls will never comprehend it however much they tried. marka ha isku daalin, just believe what you believe, if its so comforting. it will not change basic facts of the universe. wasalaam

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Bro, we humans knew almost nothing about the world, and how the world works 1000 years ago.


But the more we learn about this universe, the more unbelievably complex it becomes, the more it should serve as a sign to anyone who uses their rationality that there is a Creator. It would have actually made more sense to be an Atheist 1000 years ago, when our knowledge of the Universe was very little.


Now, in the 21st century, we know about all of the different elements, the structure of the atom, the structure of DNA and the billions of galaxies that any critical person would reach the conclusion that there is a God.


Ironically, atheism has been flipped on it's head and killed with the introduction of modern science. Let's leave it on the floor and not try to revive it

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I think i know what compels you to still be theist despite the evidence, FEAR!, pure and simple. i have been there. you afraid of being roasted forever in a raging inferno. so maha ?:D

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Atheist arguments can be summed up by a few points:


1. If there is a God, how come I've never seen him?


2. If there is a God, why do terrible things happen (floods, earthquakes, massacres) everyday? How come he doesn't stop it?


3. You only believe in God because you're afraid of going to HellFire


All of these are purely EMOTIONAL arguments with no basis, and yet Atheists argue that they are the rational ones!


Xabad, I would believe in Allah even if I believed there was no Afterlife.


Look at my previous posts. And now think it over. I'm not asking you to believe in the Message of Mohammed (pbuh), as that is a different discussion which can be brought up another day. All I'm asking you to do is to think rationally, and you would inevitably reach the conclusion that there is One God, a self-aware intelligent Creator who controls the Universe. I would have more respect for you if you were a Deist. A Deist is someone who disbelieves in the Quran, Bible, Torah etc. but still holds onto the belief in the Supreme Creator, who is responsible for this Universe. That is a position that (although I disagree with it) I can ultimately understand. Atheism is illogical, whereas Deism is at least somewhat logical.


There is a reason why Atheists (especially on Reddit) tend to focus all their efforts in criticizing the Old Testament and other religious scriptures, but can't even elaborate their own beliefs

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Dr, i think you will eventually abandon theism my friend, i already see the signs :D. I'm saying that coz i have been through the stages, intense denial despite the evidence, fighting like a tiger to defend the supposedly Arab Moon god and his lieutenant. But deep down, the logical part of your conscious is saying, shit i really am not sure. My advice is just increase your knowledge and i swear you will join us.

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Are you seriously kidding me? Moon God? You think I'm gonna abandon theism? Really?


I have no use in debating this if you're gonna respond like this. Take it or leave it. My advice to you is: increase your knowledge on Islam as well as Atheist philosophy, read the debates on both sides, look at the evidences, then reach the obvious conclusion.

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Dr, i really have no use for those stale atheist vs theist debates. I'm a practical person, I'd rather critique the current situation around the world. Ask yourself this, which faith is behind the incessant violence & troubles around the world ? terrorists outrages, endless bombings, abductions, vicious persecution of other faiths, degradation of women, etc the list is endless. it's one particular religion. you and i know that. societies that follow this religion are always violent, backward, obscurantist, intolerant, fatalistic and have a " us vs them " mentality wherever they are. they can't get along with peoples of other faiths ever, even when their in other people's lands they try to foist their retrograde way of life on other societies who are more civilized than them. sxb, this is is the debate we should be having. don't hide behind fake atheist vs theist debates. marka, how can you even have the temerity to tell us the answers to our universe come from this faith or purport to say that its god is the creator. never, delude yourself but facts are plain.

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" us vs them "

remind me again, who conned the phrase: ' ..with us or against us'?.

vicious persecution of other faiths

are you talking about the German Nazi?, no, may be you are referring to what is happening in Burma now!.

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Maaddeey;951259 wrote:
remind me again, who conned the phrase: ' ..with us or against us'?.

A 7th century Arab bedouin, perhaps ? :P


Maaddeey;951259 wrote:
are you talking about the German Nazi?, no, may be you are referring to what is happening in Burma now!.

I can't help but think Non-Muslims feel a certain schadenfreude about what is happening in Burma, Mohammedans don't give a quarter and they should expect none in return.

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^ :D saasaan kaa rabaa!. why edit and change a whole post. Qaladkaaga inaad garatay waad ku mahadsantahay!, IA inta kuu dhimanna waad fahmi doontaa! :D

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