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Suspects in Plotting Attacks on Mecca and Riyadh...war dadkan yaa naga qabta..

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It is really a shocking news.. and whoever did it...there can never be any justification for such bloodshed and destruction in the land of the Prophet (S.A.W).


The reality is, Islam is in very awkward situation where there are two camps, one who favours violence and one who favours votes to bring back Islamic Khilafah. I think answer lies somewhere in between.


Allah Knows best

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Subaxana just saddens me everytime i hear about it ...they do it During Ramadan too..........bismillah


farah thanks for the info... smile.gif

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Farah Sxb I would not surprise if this book (the wahabi myth) was written by: Rabiic Bin Haadi Al-madkhali or his alike, since they count one of the Tawheed principles that you should have BAYA’ with Fahad and unless you recognize his IMAMA your Twaheed is not complete.


The web of lies in this book are countless, and I would say to this group IT’S TOO LATE George Bush will not believe whatever you said about your muslim brothers, and this will not rescue you from his plan, So, as we say HADDAAD DHIMANAYSID DHAREERKA WAA LA ISKA DUWAA weather you said my group was not behind 9/11 or you blame your other muslim brothers to terrorism etc. this is will not prevent you anything that was written to you, but it shows us who you are! take a lesson from Saddam who has no relation with Islamists.


These are some of the lies in this book:


“Clearly, the problem of contemporary terrorist ideology does not lie in the creed of the Salafis, whether they be in Saudi Arabia or anywhere else. The media and Western think-tanks are failing to make the distinction between pure, orthodox Islam, and a twentieth century revolutionary movement based upon ignorance called Qutbism, a sect based upon the teachings of Sayyid Qutb.”

Do they think this will rescue them from Bush NO WAY redface.gif



“It would have been more accurate for Hooper and Whitaker to say that all of the Islamic groups and movements of today, the violent and the non-violent of them, stem from the ideologies of Hasan al-Banna, Abu A'laa Maududi and Sayyid Qutb. None of these men were Islamic scholars, but instead, were only so-called 'Islamic thinkers'. Furthermore, Hasan al-Banna and Sayyid Qutb were adherents of Sufism, not Salafism.”

The insulting of those who sacrifies their lives to unite the muslim, was one of your characters but, today you added to work as spy for Bush. Further you know as Scholar those whose give the people fatwas over Xayd and Nifaas non Nation Builders.



“Salafism is actually free from the likes of Sayyid Qutb and Osama bin Laden.”


I will let you to judge smile.gif


“When considering this, one wonders how it can possibly be understood that Bin Laden and his followers are "Wahhabis" as is being repeatedly mentioned in the media!”

He is after all your muslim brother and may ALLAH reward his JANNAH to Mullah Omar who refuse to give his muslim brother to the enemy.


"This claim has been repeated over and over again in the mainstream media, and it is an unfounded claim that is based upon the media's misunderstanding that Usama bin Laden, al-Qaeda and all Jihadi revivalists who are oriented towards political activism are adherents of "Wahhabism." However, they are not "Wahhabis," but rather, are adherents of a newly arisen sect called Qutbism, whose origins come from Egypt, not Saudi Arabia. The Qutbists are opposed to the creed and scholars of Salafism/"Wahhabism,"


Haddaad dhimanaysid dhareerka waa la iska duwaa :mad:



“In fact, many from the Salafi/"Wahhabi" faction that were fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan under the leadership of the Afghani Salafi, Jameel Ar-Rahman, were actually killed at the hands of the Qutbists. Since that time, the Salafi/"Wahhabi" scholars have been very careful about advising the Salafi masses to stay away from these so-called jihads, because they are fought under unknown banners, and much confusion and tribulation arises from them, because they are not established upon correct Islamic principles.”


So-called Jihads, :D do you think that Bush will believe you :confused:


"Al-Banna did not begin or end his call with the basic tenet of Islam, tawhid (singling out Allah in all forms of worship), as was the way of the Prophets. Al-Ikhwan al-Muslimun have consistently overlooked the principal aspect of calling their followers to tawhid and forbidding them from polytheism, because these are matters which require time and effort to change, matters which people do not find easy to accept. Al-Ikhwan al-Muslimun were more concerned with amassing groups of people together rather than calling the people to the way of the Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace)."


I never saw such a lie, further this is one of their tools to deceive short minded people



“Osama bin Laden comes from a Yemeni family which is based in Hadramout, a coastal section of Yemen that is well known for being a base of a particular sect of Islam called Sufism. Sufism could be briefly summarized as being the antithesis of "Wahhabism". Bin Laden himself is not concerned with differentiating between matters of creed, and some of his statements indicate that he still acknowledges certain Sufi practices. He also embraced the Taliban as his close friends and protectors, and it is well known that the great majority of this group belong to Deobandism, a Sufi movement.”




These people as I said b4 they use TAWHEED, AQEEDA, SALAF etc to deceive the muslims but their reality is as they asserted this book, and other places; hatred of other muslims and selfishness even if it is at the expense of their muslim brothers and have a look this book how they hate other muslims which is one of their characters.


Finally I want to ask you; has anyone heard anything about Sayid Qutub, AbulA’la Mawduudi,

Hassan Al Banna and many other muslim uluma who they hate much because of their huge efforts to unite the muslim while they differentiate and called different names as you can see their talks and their books.

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Sxb Muraad, this article seems have been written by desperate Fahad and his sympathesizers to sway the attention from their powerless Kingdom.


Sxb there are so many differences, so many counter claims from different Islamic groups in the world today and if you fellow them too much you reach a point where it will sicken you. The best way is to stick to that you know which is Islam as your religion and Prophet Mohamed (S.A.W) as your director. Everything else is obstruction, destruction and pointless.


Allah knows best

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It's so sad to see that we as Muslims continue to be brainwashed and jump on the bandwagon of blaming the Muslims. Allah only knows if it was indeed Muslims who committed these bombings, but the point is do we have any proof? Have you all forgotten innocent until proven guilty? Sorry to say but the CNN and BBC (along with their lackeys in the Muslim lands) are not credible sources for me. Also doesn't it surprise any of you that three days prior to the incident, the Americans closed their embassy in the area and warned all their citizens of a coming attack? Smells fishy to me!!

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Salamu Alaikum


Muraad, walaalkiis, Salafiyah Jadiida anigu maahi. Entrep ayaa su'aal iweydiiyey su'aashii ayaan uga jawaabey. Anigu Jihaadi iyo Murji'i toona maahi. Muslim kunool Cari gaaleed oo imaankiisa lataag daran ayaan ahay. Anigu Rabiic ibnu haadi al waadicina xer uma ihi, neather am I a follower of wadaadka garka dheer ee gaaladu dooneyso-inkastoo isga aan ixtiraam dheer uhayo.


Waad mahadsan tihiin



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Muraad, walaal, the Salafi creed (which is in accordance with the Qur'an and Sunnah) is not defined by certain individuals, rather judge it by its tenets which you will find are in accordance with Islam.


As for shaykh Rabiic Bin Haadi Al-madkhali, no offence but i believe there is a degree of misunderstanding on your behalf here. Yes, to show allegiance to the leader of the believers is part of tawxiid for this is showing allegiance to Allah. However, i do not believe he specifically mentioned the Saudi regime but it maybe understood as such because for the time being it is not wise for the Muslims to try and overthrow them- the damage that will be caused is far too great. We Muslims can't just make rash decisions and act on emotions, we need to think of the consequences and look at the prospect from all perspectives. I realise how corrupt and evil the regime is and that something needs to be done, but i don't think these revolution type changes are going to work at this point. How many Muslims have tried and all it has done is have them end up in jails? I'm not saying that there efforts are in vain but i believe that had they taken their time and worked with the people (Islamic reawakening of the masses- which they are adopting now alxamdullilah) then maybe the results would be more promising.


But you are right I disagree with how some who claim to adhere to the Salafi creed attack the likes of Abul aclaa’ Mawduudi because I believe his benefits are way greater than his mistakes (for we all make mistakes)- may Allah bless him, how I love this man. But that does not mean I then go and attack salafism itself- at least with others such as Sufism I can comment on the teachings and practices of it.


Faraax- Jazaakum Allahu Khayr.

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Dont want to dwell on this but it becomes necessary to highlight the following points.


The wahabi myth website in my opinion is rather useful. I have researched this term wahabis and concluded that based on rational evidence its nothing but a myth, this shaykh Mohamed Ibn Abdul-Wahhaab called to tawheed to Laa ilaaha ila Allaah simply as that smile.gif If you dont believe it look at his books such as Osool-Athaalatha.


The 'Wahhabi' Myth by Haneef James Oliver clarifies many of the gross inaccuracies and outright lies that have been attributed to the belief of the Salafi Muslims (often referred to as "Wahhabis").

So the Author is not Shaykh Rabee' Ibn Hadee Al-Madhkhalee.


since they count one of the Tawheed principles that you should have BAYA’ with Fahad and unless you recognize his IMAMA your Twaheed is not complete.

Making bay'ca with fahad to be included in the conditions of tawheed? :confused:


As far as I know the conditions of Laa ilaaha ila Allaah are 7 and some ulama say eight.


With certainty 100% probability chance that salafiyyah dawah is not that which was mentioned above in some previous post. Rather the manhaj (methodology) is free of shirk, it calls purely to tawheed and the way the early generations of Muslims understood the diin.


Simply defined as following the kitaab and sunnah based on the understanding of the salaf-u-salih (the sahaba, taabiciin, taabi taabicuun).



Peace out, Mujahid.

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One year or so ago, I told u mark my words the Wahhabi dynasty will fall and soon.


Today, the salafi/wahhabi/Saud Family, the Khawarijism of our age are bickering and turning against each other all because their western masters are unhappy.


Jinni ninkii keena bixiya. ALLAH assigned their former masters the west and their chief financier the Saud dynasty to remove this scourge from the ummah.


Oh ALLAH cleanse the ummah of this scourge and raise the flag of your religion again above all other religions and philosophies.


Soon the deviant teachings of this sect will be history and unable to corrupt and divide the ummah, inshallaah.




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Asalaamu Aleikum Wr Wb

Is really sad :(:( walaahi especially in this blessed month. Allahu Aclam who is behind these tragedies, but I think the west is behind it & they using Muslims to get their revenge. I don’t think a group of Muslims will intentionally do such a think if they don’t have anything in it for them. Let’s be realistic the west sorounds all over Middle East they control all of those countries. So why not suspect that they used caloshood u shaqeeysato to destroy our Muslim brothers & sisters.


History is repeating, about 50 years ago, it was the west who made Muslims enemy to each other which resulted the distortion of dulatul cuthmaniyah in turky & occupations of Palestine. In this century they distroying us in our own countries first Afghanistan, Iraq & list will continue. Allahu Aclam what is going on but as long as we r afraid of the west our blood will shed both at muslim soul or non muslim soul.

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salaama calaykum to you all. I have a firm believe that isreals or someone against the muslims it might be americans are really trying to frame the muslims :mad: i might be wrong here but a muslim person is unlikely to do something like that on the holly month of ramdan and what's worse towards the innocents and children.but allahu aclam walaahi ilaahay ha unaxariisto

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Mujahid, I beg to differ.


The claim that Al-Qeida or others are behind the attack, is totally unsubstantiated. It looks nothing more than a desperate attempt by the royal family to water down their political problems at home knowing that this is the easiest way they can muster much-needed American support or even the support of the Saudi public for that matter.


For the record, those royal crones intimidate, torture and abuse anyone who seems uncomfortable with their "inherited previleges" or their violant abuses. Any muslims who dares to question the status quo is beheaded in Saudi Arabia. Now, that needs a real jihad.


With regards to the recent bombing, there are many possibilites as to who was behind it.


  • The Royal Family could have been behind this just to get the needed American support for their regime to stay in power.
  • Non-Muslims could have been behind it for the simple reason of dividing muslims and creating chaos in the holy land
  • Or, It could aslo have been the work of a disgruntled, angry muslim who actually thought he was targeting Western spies.

Allah knows best. But don't believe the Saudi information ministry or the western media.


Note: Saudia Royal Family is a desperate regime and it will do desperate things to stay in power.

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Libaax, and this book is the last attempt to reconcile their old friends America, but as i already said IT IS TOO LATE,.


Mujaahid Brother, i don't mind who wrote this book because i said Rabiic or his alike... but if you believe what on this book are the way of SALAF, brother sorry to say, but you've been misguided.

i'm not going to give you a lecture about them if you want more about this group look at the books of some ULUMA like Sh. A/rahman A/khaliq from KUWAIT and his student Abdalla Al-shayaji who counted as many as 30 of their charecters which they deciove the muslims and also how they insult the real uluma and anyone who has opposes their sick ideas, look how they insult saudi ulumas (let alone the others) such as Shaykh Salman Al-awda, Aidh Al-qarni and many others.


Brother anyone can claim that he is on the SALAF way but Salaf never lead the enemy of Islam to the Muslims, but rather despite their differnec on some issues, when it come the enemy they were with them in one front.


Finally, i want to tell the Bros & Sisters one the best tools of this group which is taking AYA's or part of the AYAH and AHADITHS which revealed on Kufars as a proof on their muslim brothers like this Ayah in this book.


"Amongst al-Ikhwan al-Muslimun can be found followers of Sufism, the Jahmiyyah (those who deny that Allah has any Attributes), the Shee'ah, the Mu'tazilah (a philosophical school of thought that also denies Allah's Attributes), the Khawarij (those who expel people from the fold of Islam due to their sins), modernists, and many others. This methodology of political expediency results in Islam's clarity being replaced with something that is bewildering and blurred. Allah has said,


"You consider them to be united, but their hearts are divided. That is because they are a people who understand not."



The above mentioned is a part of AYAH which revealed on the JEWISH in MADINAH, which ALLAH shows us that despite their coherence they're not united, and this group know that the AYAH has revealed on the Jewish not on Muslims but yet they want to decieve Muslims who have no deep knowldege in the Islam, and if you read the complete AYAH you will understand that it revealed on the KUFFAR, this is the complete AYAH.


14. They fight not against you even together, except in fortified townships, or behind walls, their enmity among themselves is very great, You consider them to be united, but their hearts are divided. That is because they are a people who understand not." SURAT AL-HASHAR (59:14).


So, look how they decieving Muslims, part of Ayah part of Hadith to freighten the person and to join hom/her to their group and there are many examples about this but i think this is enough to someone who want to know the reality of this group.


It's not laughable that they say Usam Bin Laden is a Sufi :D , all this to distnace from him.


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