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Somalia: Xarkada Al-Shabaab oo ciidamdeedii kala baxday magaalada Muqdishu

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War goor dhow na soo gaaray ayaa sheegaya in Ciidamada Al-Shabaab ay isaga baxeen degmada Ceelbuur ee Gobolka Galgaduud, iyadoo warar kala duwan ay ka soo baxayaan qaabka Ciidamadaas u faarujiyaan halkaas, xilli xalay guud ahaan ay baneeyeen Magaalada Muqdisho ee Caasimada Soomaaliya.


Sida ay sheegayaan wararka Ciidamo iyo gaadiid fara badan oo kuwa dagaalka ayaa barqanimadii maanta ka huleelay degmada Ceelbuur, waxaana dadka deegaanka ay sheegeen in Ciidamadaas ay magaalada dhanka Koofur kaga baxeen.


Wararka qaar ayaa sheegaya in Ciidamada ka baxay halkaas ay ka soo jeedaan Gobolada Bay iyo Bakool, isla markaana sababaha uga baxeen ay tahay qaab deegaan ahaan, maadaama deegaanka ka soo jeedin.


Ciidamada ayaa Gawaari tiil Saldhiga degmada Ceelbuur horay u sii qaatay, inkastoo dadka deegaanka ay sheegayan in wali Ciidamo aan badneyn ku sugan yihiin degmada.


Afhayeenka Al-Shabaab Cali Dheere ayaa sheegay in is bedelka Muqdisho ku yimid aanu saameyn doonin Gobolada dalka ee ay ka taliyaan, isagoo ugu baaqay Maamulada deegaanada inay howlahooda sii wataan.


Kulan Hogaanka Al-Shabaab maalmihii la soo dhaafay ku dhex marayay degmada Balcad ayaa laga soo saaray qodobo muhiim ah, kaas oo xataa kala aragti duwanaan uu ka dhashay, inkastoo markii dambe isku raaceen in ay ka baxaan Magaalada Muqdisho, deegaanada Gobolada dalkana sidooda ugu sii wadaan maamulka.


Dadka odorasa siyaasada ayaa sheegaya in Al-Shabaab qorsheyneyso inay dib u soo celiso hababkii lagu yaqiinay ee xilligii Itoobiyaanka ay joogeen ee dilalka qorsheysan loo geysanayay saraakiisha, qaraxyada Miino iyo bambaanooyinka lala eegto xarumaha iyo saldhigyada

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Asalaamu alaykum,


It's quite sickening to see some members here supporting a western backed 'government' and the A.U crusaders against our muslim brethrens who are fighting in the cause of Allah. These are men and women are laying down their lives to make the kalima the most high.


Yes, the mujahideen have made their share of mistakes over the past few years (they are human too), but that doesn't mean we should seek out their faults and hold it against them. Instead we should be supplicating to Allah to guide them and unite their vision.


Finally I advise all the members here to fear Allah and remember that while we are all comfortable at home in western countries living unimaginable luxuries, our brothers are facing severe hardships for the sake of Allah. So no matter what the outcome is or whether they get victory or not, let us remember that our rank is not on the same level as these brothers.

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It seems we Somali muslims never learn. We are making the same mistakes time and again. Allah has told us numerous times in the Quran not to take the disbelievers as helpers, but here we are supporting and backing kaafirs and A.U crusaders against our muslim brethrens who are fighting in the cause of Allah.


How many of you truly believe that the western backed 'government' and the A.U crusaders have the best interests of muslims at heart and are going to establish shariah law in our country?

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NASSIR;738936 wrote:
All credit goes to the AU troops for this forced withdrawal by the radicals.

Yep. All credit goes to the disbelievers and enemies of Allah. :)

And you also have a U.S flag as your avatar


Subhanallah, how do we blatantly support and back kaafirs?

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Al-Miskiin;738968 wrote:
Hey hey AMISOM aren't kufar. What is that nonsens Muslim1st.
, they are our brothers, that's what Sh. Sharif said.

Are you being serious akhi?. Do you know what Kaafir means?


And you say Shariif said AMISOM are our brothers. Are we followers of Shariif or do we follow and submit to Allah The Almighty?


AMISOM are kuffars and disbelievers in Allah. How can we take them as brothers?

Subhanallah, dont we fear Allah?

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