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Puntland Clan Rebels kill 4 people and injury 15 in Ufeyn District

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A_Khadar Stabbings happen in most of the cities around the world (even the city i live in) i don't see that as a big event compared to clan conflicts where armed militia's with heavy weapons are involved. If you see a Stabbing as a big event then feel free to post it. But don't let your emotions take over you and try and tell other SOL Nomads what to post or not to post that is beyond your jurisdiction kiddo.

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See who is talking about emotions.. Isn't that why you here and posting all the news from all around the corners of somalia... So if one person is killed in Bosaso is a news, but in Burco or Hargaysa it happens every where. Is that what you post always, a person is killed in Garoowe or Bosaso or Galkacyo.. Your true color is obvious ee ha kuwaalan waxaan..

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Go cry somewhere else kid. I can post what i want and when i want. Perhap when you are man enough you can also do the same.

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Saalax;737413 wrote:
Go cry somewhere else kid. I can post what i want and when i want. Perhap when you are man enough you can also do the same.

He doesn't have enough time in his day to go and search for things related to Somaliland - it is of no importance to him, nor anyone. Continue frothing over PL, if I came from the triangle I would also feel insignificant.

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Khasaaraha Dadkii Lagu Laayey Tuulada Kobdhexaad G/Bari oo si Kordhaya



Khasaaraha ka dhashay dad musaafiriin ahaa oo shalay ay dabley hubaysan ku laayeen meel in badan aan ka fogayn Tuulada Kobdhexaad ayaa si kordhaya.


Sida ay Horseed Media u sheegeen dad goob joog ku ahaa goobta mashaqadu ka dhacday ayaa sheegay in afar gaari ay ahaayeen markii ay dabeludu heshay.


Waxaana ay sidoo kale sheegeen in dableydu bilowday in dadka kasoo dajiyaan gawaaridii ay la socdeen dabadeedna lagu bilaabay in la baaro markii la ogaadayna in wax hub aysan sidan lagu bilaabay rasaas xoogan.


Cisbitaalka guud ee degmada Bosaso ayaa saaka lasoo gaarsiiyey Saddex nin oo mayd ah oo sida la sheegay ay kamid ahaayeen dadkii gawaarida la socday oo dableydu kala dageen gawaarida.


Khasaarihii ugu danbeeyey ee ka dhashay weerarkan ayaa lagu sheegay in 7-qof ay dhimashadu marayso,halka dhaawacuna gaarayo 20-qof oo afar kamid ah dhaawcoodu yahay halis,inta ugu badan dadkaasi ayaa lagu daaweynayaa Cisbitaalka guud ee Bosaso iyo rugaha Caafimaad ee gaarka loo leeyahay.


Si kastaba ha ahaatee mashaqadii hadda ko hor ka dhacday Tuulada Igdheys ayaa loo sababeynayaa in ay tahay mid ka danbeys weerarkaan,taasi oo aan wax xal ah loo helin.


Horseed Media

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^^^ I was expecting this is coming after the triangle clan project couldn't go no where and even the mother of the orphanages deafed their cry to come back to her orphanes.. Baac baaac...Keep posting all you need if that makes you feel any better...

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Nina Fox   
Silaanyo and Faroole are aggressive characters. Everyday is a new conflict, its unfortunate people still support them. Yaab badanaa

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Actually the population of Burco (even if we are very generous) is at 400,000 and thus having multiple people slaughtered with knives in one night is not normal. It does not happen in every city in the world. Do we hear this occurring in other area's of NE and NW Somalia? Killings and stabbings occur everywhere, but multiple murders like what happened in Burco is not common or normal.


We know NW Somalia usually hides all news that involve crimes like this in order that they depict their enclave as peaceful.


Yet not one secessionists will even mention these incidents, or the rural fighting that took place near the triangle over land disputes last year.

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Puntland is becoming a risky place for travellers as many of them are getting killed in organized clan ambushes on the routes.



Dad Safar ah Ayaa Lagu laayey Deegaanka Kob-dhexaad oo Ka Tirsan Gobolka Bari


War degdega oo iminka nasoo gaadhay ayaa sheegaya in mashaqo wayni ka dhacday tuulada Kobdhexaad oo ka tirsan golobka Bari.


Saddex gaadhi oo ka amba-baxay magaalada Boosaaso, kuna sii jeeday Qandala ayaa waxaa jidka u galay maleeshiyo beeleed kasoo jeeda degmada Ufayn, kuwaas oo horay dhibaato wayni uga dhex aloosnayd iyaga iyo beel kale oo kasoo jeeda degmada Carmo.


Khasaaraha Inta la la ogyahay waxaa ku dhintay 8 qof waxaana sidoo kale jira dhaawac aan la ogayn tiradiisa rasmiga ah, balse lagu sheegay 18 qof, waxaana dhaawaca loo daad-gureynayaa goobaha caafimaadka ee magaalooyinka Boosaso iyo Carmo.


Arrintan ayaa daba socota laba beelood oo walaala ah oo wada dega Gobolka Bari, oo muddooyinkii u dambeeyey Aano qabiil iyo aargoosi isku waday, shilkan maanta dhacayna wuxuu calaamad saarayaa doorka hogaanka dhaqanka,iyo dowlada Puntland oo xurgufta labadan beelood ku guul dareeystay inay soo afjaraan.


Rayid aan waxba galabsan in jidka lagu ugaarsado waa arrin ugub ku ah deegaamada Puntland, iyadoo shilalka noocaan oo kale ah ay ka dhici jireen koonfurta Soomalia, haatana ay dhowr jeer ku soo noq-noqotay gobollada waqooyi Bari.


Weerarka maanta dhacay ayaa la rumayan yahay in uu jawaab u yahay weerar sidan oo kale Bishii June ee sanadkan lagu qaaday dad shacab ah oo ku cibaadeysanyey masjid ku yaala tuulada Kob-dhexaad oo hoostimaada degmada Ufayn ee gobolka Bari, kolkaas oo lagu dilay 5-qof. dhamaana weeraradan fal-celiska ah waxay dhex-marayaan laba beelood oo walaala iyo deris-wadaagba ah.


Warkan oo aan wali laga hayn tafaasiil intan ka badan taas oo ay ugu wacantahay goobta dhibku ka dhacay oo ka fog laamiga, isgaarsiina aanay ka jirin ayaanu wixii kasoo kordha idiin soo gubin doonaa inshallaah.


Maxamed Axmed Yassin (Koranto)

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Strange according to the U.S and U.K they mention NW Somalia equally as dangerous as the rest of Somalia.


The Sanaag and Sool Regions in eastern Somaliland, bordering on Puntland (northeastern Somalia), are particularly unsafe due to ongoing border disputes and inter-clan fighting. Lines of control in Mogadishu are unclear and frequently shift, making movement within Mogadishu extremely hazardous.
There also have been several fatal attacks and violent kidnappings against international relief workers throughout Somalia, Somaliland, and Puntland.
On October 14, 2010, a British relief worker was kidnapped in Adado, near the Ethiopian border and held for several days before being released.

We advise against all travel to Somalia.
There is a high threat to western, including British, interests from terrorism in Somalia, including Somaliland.
Attacks could be indiscriminate, including in places frequented by expatriates and foreign travellers. Since the death of Osama Bin Laden terrorist groups operating in Somalia have made threats against Westerners and those working for western organisations in Somalia, including Somaliland. There is ongoing serious violence between opposing factions.

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Puntland: The Epicenter of Somalia’s Piracy and Human Trafficking


Some people blame the semi-autonomous region of Puntland for outsourcing President Abdullahi Yusuf to the national scene after he pitted sub-clans against each other, ditched the results of democratic presidential elections, and threatened the stability of the region.


But I disagree with that charge; Insofar as President Yusuf is being foisted to the national scene by tactful Ethiopian hands, he has always espoused an ambition to become Somalia’s president, irrespective of how he gets there.


That said, I think that Yusuf’s bastion, Puntland, is increasingly becoming a poster child for Somalia’s umpteen problems. Earlier this year, I tried to travel to Puntland to investigate the mysterious piracy and the tragic human trafficking business, both of which found a safe-haven in that part of the country.


Everyone I know warned me against entering Puntland’s ethnic territory. For that reason, I retreated to conduct a satellite research, using telephone conversations and first-person accounts, among others. What I found was rather baffling, to say the least.


Piracy in Puntland


Not surprisingly, the official line among Puntland’s government ministers was that “piracy is a global problem that found headway in Somalia’s porous waters in recent years.” One after another, they told me that Puntland isn’t tooled to combat this problem, because pirates are well-armed, well-financed and multi-jurisdictional. (That’s to say that pirates operate in places like Haradheere in central Somalia).


But surprisingly, and below the official line, there’s a wide belief among Puntlanders that “pirates [they don’t even use this word!] are heroes, because they are protecting Somalia’s unguarded resources, looted by international companies.”


Quite the contrary, so many people, including former government officials and journalists told me that pirates have deep connections in the highest ranks in Puntland’s regime. In fact, people could list names of government ministers whose own militia are the pirates.


Few weeks ago, when pirates kidnapped a Japanese vessel outside Somalia’s international waters (which is quite routine, and, remarkably, counter-argument to those who say that pirates are “guarding” our resources), U.S. and French naval ships cornered the pirates near Boosaaso, the business capital of Puntland. The pirates, I was told, were able to disembark from the kidnapped ship every night to chew Khat and hang out with friends and family members, while other “substitute” pirates replaced them!


Eventually, the ordeal ended with the Japanese tanker being released unharmed, and pirates getting away with an undisclosed amount of ransom. The pirates’ front-men are senior government officials, who typically convince kidnapped ships to pay ransom (usually less then than pirates originally demanded). I found that this scenario occurred no less than three dozen times in the last few years.


It’s technically true, I also found, that pirates are “multi-jurisdictional.” But sources confirmed to me that Haradheere-based gangs are no more than “holders” of the ships seized by Puntland pirates, whenever there’s an internal dispute among Puntland ring leaders. As such, only two or three times have pirates actually “held” a ship in Haradheere for the real pirates.


Human Trafficking


In addition to piracy, human trafficking is pandemic in Puntland. More than 35,000 people have perished since 1991 trying to cross the short, but dangerous distance between Boosaaso and Yemen, using makeshift rafts.


Even back in the days when President Yusuf was the president of Puntland, the administration there made a noise that it will crack down on traffickers, whenever the international attention was zeroing on the issue.


However, hardly anything has been done. In fact, human traffickers, who like pirates have deep connections to the corridors of power, have flourished. In Boosaaso and nearby towns, journalists and other sources sent me the photos of the homes of well-known human traffickers and pirates, whose villas and latest-model Land Cruisers have dazzled me.



French journalist Gwen Le Gouil talks with the media at a hotel after his release in Bosasso


Last week, when Gwen Le Gouil, a French journalist tried to do an investigative report on human trafficking, he was kidnapped for nine grueling days. Remarkably, he was seized on his way to Shimbiraale, the infamous village known for its human and weapons traffickers. Insiders told me that his kidnappers were Puntland intelligence officers associated with both human traffickers and pirates.


Here’s the evidence to back that claim:


First, a day after Mr. Le Gouil was kidnapped his captors took his photos, brandishing their AK47’s behind him. The digital photos were distributed to Somali media outlets, to maximize the damage and instill fear on foreign journalists trying to get to the bottom of this murky business. Now, who would believe that everyday kidnappers carry digital cameras and presumably a laptop with them?


I, for one, don’t buy it.


Secondly, instead of handing this as a security issue, the Puntland administration delegated “elders” to the scene. Again, these are “front-men” for the human traffickers, who wouldn’t want their stories to be broadcast globally. The “elders” came back with a rather fascinating verdict: They held an impromptu press conference, in which they told foreign agencies that the French embassy in Nairobi has to compensate the kidnappers before Mr. Le Gouil could be released unharmed.


Left with no options, a diplomat from the French embassy in Kenya precipitously flew to Boosaaso to finalize that unholy deal. God knows how much the kidnappers pocketed, but Le Gouil was released on Christmas Day.


Charge the victim!


If you think that was the end of Mr. Le Gouil’s ordeal, you’re terribly wrong. The Puntland administration actually announced that they “will prosecute Le Gouil for illegally entering [our] sovereign nation!”


This official threat forced the French government to hastily agree to pay an undisclosed ransom to the kidnappers. Furthermore, with the admission of President Adde Musse Hirsi, the kidnappers, driving a Land Cruiser, dropped Mr. Le Gouil at a major hotel in downtown Boosaaso. Conveniently, one Puntland minister told the VOA Somali Service that Mr. Le Gouil was “pardoned for entering the country illegally.”


Also speaking to the VOA Somali Service on Wednesday, President Adde Musse admitted that none of the kidnappers was arrested, let alone be charged. Instead, he unleashed a barrage of attacks against “Puntland enemies” for perpetrating all these problems. Pressed for more reasonable answers, he retreated and blamed his former ally and former Minister of Fisheries, Said Mohamed Raage, for “some of the problems.”


Sadly, President Hirsi didn’t elaborate on whether Mr. Raage is a former minister-pirate-trafficker.


On this same day, two MSF humanitarian workers were again abducted in plain sight and in the middle of Boosaaso. Adde Musse, at it again, said this time the security apparatus would handle the case. The kidnappers, at it again, took the victims to Shimbiraale, the same location they took Mr. Le Gouil, according to media accounts.


So which one would you believe? Some say the two aren’t mutually exclusive!


Adding an insult to the injury, the apocalyptic Transitional Federal Government revoked MSF Belgium’s license to operate in Somalia on the same day when two of its foreign employees were kidnapped. I didn’t know that the TFG could “revoke” a license, per se, but I can draw my own conclusions about the interesting coincidence.


Once again, the TFG is inseparable from Puntland, and the two operate in an often conspicuous fashion. But that’s beside the point. Puntland, for all practical purposes, is translating its relatively stable ethnic enclave to either attack its not-so-ethnic neighbor, Somaliland, or to groom pirates and human traffickers.


That’s on top of claiming an extraordinary power to unilaterally exploiting oil and other national resources at the expense of the nation. One wonders: Is Puntland flying solo to the point of no return?

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Sex Tourism in Somaliland


When you backpack in countries which are a little more obscure than your Thailands or Austalias strange things seem to have a knack for gravitating towards you. I was walking up the high street in Hargeisa when a large range rover pulls over quite aggressively in front of me, the electric window winds down and a middle-aged Arab guy says “Get in”, more in shock than anything else my friend and I did just that and clambered into the back of his range rover. It soon transpired that he was a big-shot Saudi Arabian property tycoon who owned a host of hotels and buildings across Somalia and was now in semi retirement. To cut a long story short, before the day was out we were in his luxury pad in the north of the city, drinking bootleg gin (bearing in mind alcohol is seriously illegal in Somaliland) with Fast Eddy, as he’s known. Very crazy, and it got a little crazier further into the night..


He showed us his guard dog outside and it walked with a bit of a limp so he told us the story. Basically, a crazy guy came looking for Fast Eddy one evening recently but Eddy was nowhere to be seen so the guy shot Eddy’s dog in fury. On hearing the news, Eddy pulled out his revolver (which he had been proudly showing off to us all afternoon) and went after the guy with less than the best intentions. The rumour mill did its job and he soon found the guy, it turned out that this crazy guy had one normal leg and one prosthetic leg so Eddy took pity on him, decided not to shoot him but instead grabbed his prosthetic leg and yanked it off him and beat him with that instead (you couldn’t make this stuff up!). I think the guy probably thought twice before making his way over to Eddy’s place.


So that evening Eddy took us out for dinner and another surreal moment was had. Eddy picked up two of his ‘lady friends’ who were decked out in full Burkas and Niqabs (the entire veil over the face). We then picked up another guy who we had briefly met in the street the day before, called Muhammed. OK, at this juncture I want to say something about traveling – to anyone who has been traveling before, you know those moments when the realization of the situation, the country, the cultural differences and everything just strike you and you just love living life like this and being on the road is the best feeling imaginable, this was one of those moments…


I was in the back seat with one of my best friends alongside these 2 chicks in full Islamic dress, Fast Eddy the Saudi property tycoon is in the front bribing the police because the foreigners (us) don’t have the their security escort with them, in the passenger seat is Mohammed a British/Somalian who had just recently been (incorrectly) arrested and detained in Somalia on terrorism charges… all of us drinking gin and coke from plastic coke bottles in a bid to not get our alcoholic drinks discovered – what a sight we must have been! Somaliland, what a place.

Disgusting. Godane needs to bring Islam to Hargeisa, not Kismayo.

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Timur and Fuad Shangoole should worry about the high level of Alcohol consumption in Puntland rather than what some guys said in a random forum.



LAS ANOD — Somalia’s semi-autonomous region of Puntland launched a campaign to control liquor sales in the central town of Galkayo on Saturday.


Police in the north of the town confiscated hundreds of thousands of bottles consisting of wine, whisky and beer according to Ahmed Musse, a police officer. He claimed a number of arrests were made in connection with the sales and consumption of alcohol.



alcohol bottles - Shabelle Media

He said it was part of an ongoing efforts to tackle escalating security and crimes problems in the town. He added the town was struggling with a combination of alcohol abuses by youth gangs and extremist groups.


Finally he called on the residents to inform police of anyone selling or consuming the illegal drinks and other suspicious behaviours.


In February similar operations were carried out in Gara’ad in Mudug and in Garowe. About 1000 bottles of liquor were destroyed. A local court sentenced several men up to two years in prison and fined them $200.


Islam prohibits the consumption of alcohol and Somalia has strict laws against drinking. Many expatriates and locals rely heavily on a large black market for alcohol. The substance is often smuggled into Somalia from different regions and by different means but most of it is smuggled through the port of Bosasso by ferries.


In recent weeks, a number of Puntland security officials were targeted in the town few escaping narrow assassination attempts. The police blames radical groups and gangs operating in the town.


Piracy: Puntland’s main source of income


Puntland is a semi-autonomous region in Somalia’s north and is centered on its regional administration capital of Garowe. The region is home to Somalia’s leading pirate bases and it is believed many of its political and business figures including President Abdulrahman Farole have ties with piracy. President Farole is said to have cashed in close to $8 million in ransom in the last several years.


The region’s annual budget is about $25 million excluding piracy looting but in the last few years piracy has injected roughly $30-35 million per annum. Piracy has become Puntland’s main industry and the mainstay of the local economy. The community here from tribal elders, businesses, political figures to those based in the Diaspora are actively investing in the trade.


Many of them pay for operating costs which often includes fuel, arms and wages for the pirates. According to Somali pirates they often split the ransom on agreed formula — hijackers receive 50 percent, investors get 35 percent, and ship guards get the remaining 15 percent.


In recent weeks, the Puntland regime came under fire from a number of international states including the United States after four Americans killed by Somali pirates in a hostage standoff. Denmark equally pressured the leaders after it learned seven of its citizens including three children were captured in the pirate-infested waters off the coast of Somalia and were heading to Puntland region. The Danish government said it was deeply concern about situation in particular for the children on the boat.


On Friday, the Puntland police attacked pirates in based in a small village called Hol-Anood located in the Bandar-Beyla district of Karkar. At least 11 police men were killed and scores others wounded– the Puntland forces retreated. The police commissioner of Puntland General Ali Nur Omar told VOA the gang were getting assistance from Al-Shabab, a claim the pirates rejected.


Elders from the region intervened and urged both groups to return to their bases.


At least 850 hostages and 48 foreign vessels are held in the Puntland and Harardheere region.

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Or perhap Fuad Shangoole should come back to Puntland to stop the Garowe Pirate MPs raping young girls.



Puntland Member of Parliament Rapes Young Girl.



Fadeexad La Soo Gudboonaatey Xildhibaan ku sugan Garowe

Horseed Media


Waxaa maalmihii la soo dhaafey ka taagnaa caasimadda Puntland ee Garoowe fadeexad weyn kadib markii xildhibaan ka tirsan Golaha Wakiilada Puntland oo magiciisa aan ku soo koobeyno S.A, lagu soo eedeeyay in uu geystey denbi iyo fadeexad weyn kadib markii la sheegay in uu kufsi kula kacay gabadh da’ yar oo ka mid ahayd dadka ku dhaqan caasimadda Puntland, isla markaasna ku nooleyd guri uu iska leeyahay Siyaasi caan ah, kaas oo ay xildhibaanka qaraabo ahaayeen.


Xildhibaanka ayaa lagu eedeeyay in uu gabadha u sheegtey in uu boholyow iyo kalgacal u hayo isla markaasna ay waqti siiso si uu ula sheekaysto, sida la sheegay waxa uu gabadhii geeyay halka uu ka deganaa magaalada. Kadib markii uu ku hubsadey gabadhii yarayd ee Iskooleyda ahayd gurigiisi ayuu ka dooney tii xumeyd waana ay ku gacan sayrtey. Xildhibaanka ayaa la sheegayaa in uu gabadha u isticmaaley in uu siiyo waxyaabo dooriya maankeeda kadibna waxa ay gurigiisa ku sugneyd muddo sadex maalmood ah waxa uuna kula kacay sida lagu soo eedeeyay Kufsi iyo faroxumeyn.


Qoyskii ay gabadhu la joogtey ayaa sheegay in ay la yaabanaayeen waxa gabadha yar ku dhacay mudada sadexda maalmood ah waxa ayna baaritaan ku hayeen halka ay ku sugeneyd.


Hadaba sida laga soo xiganaayo xubno ka tirsan Booliska, ayaa sheegay in dacwada ka dhanka ah Xildhibaanka lagu eedeeyey, in sadex maalmood kadib markii gabadha ay ku sugneyd gurigiisa uu ku amray wiilal u shaqeeya in ay gaari ku qaadaan oo geeyaan meel ka baxsan Garoowe. Wiilasha gacanyarayaasha u ahaa xildhibaanka ayaa gaarsiiyey gabadha meel aan waxba ka fogeyn Degmada Burtinle.


Gabadha ayaa markii ay miyirsatey, waxa ay dib ugu soo laabatay Garoowe, waxaana ay daaha ka qaadey wixii ku dhacay iyo sidii uu u khiyaameeyay xildhibaanku, iyo wixii ay markaas xasuusan kartey ee uu kula kacay. Sida lagu sheegay dacwada rasmiga ah ee loo gudbiyey Maxkamada Garowe.


Maalintii shalay ayaa xildhibaan S.A looga yeeray Maxkamadda Derajada kowaad halkaas oo kiiska lagu dhegaystey waxaana ka qaybgalay ehalada gabadha iyo dad kale oo goobjoogayaal ah, waxaana maxkamaddu amartey in denbigan la baaro haddii ay ku caddaato Xildhibaanku gabood falka iyo kufisaga uu geystey sharciga lala tiigsado.


Xeer ilaaliyaha Guud ee Puntland, ayaa amar ku siiyey laamaha amniga ee Puntland in ay ilaaliyaan nabad gelyada Xildhibaanka inta maxkamaddu socoto.


Tan ayaa ah fadeexaddii u horeysey oo caynkeeda oo kale ah ee lagu soo oogo xildhibaan ka tirsan Golaha Wakiilada Puntland, sida la og yahay xildhibaanka ayaa huwan maamus inta uu xildhibaan yahay lama baari karo gurigiisa, lamana xiri karo, hadaba dadka Garoowe ayaa is weydiinaya xildhibaanka sida qaldan u adeegsadey maamuskiisa sida loola dhaqmaayo.


Hadii falkan lagu cadeeyo Xildhibaankan oo ay maxkamada xukun kasoo saarto, waxay noqon doontaa markii u horeysey ee Xildhibaan huwan maamuus iyo sharaf in uu kula kaco wax dhaqanka Soomaalida iyo kan Islaamkaba ka soo horjeeda, waxaana laga war dhawrayaa baaritaanka hada socda iyo dacwada hortaal Maxkamada Garowe.

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