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Puntland Clan Rebels kill 4 people and injury 15 in Ufeyn District

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Dablay Hubaysan Oo Dad Safaraya Ku Xasuusqay Deegaanka Ufayn.

Garoowe(Allssc): Kooxo hubeysan ayaa dad badan oo rayid ah maanta ku laayey degaanka Kob-dhexaad ee ka tirsan gobolka Bari kadib markii ay weerareen gaadiid maraysay halkaas.

Wararka aanu helayno oo xaqiiqo ah ayaa sheegaaya in ugu yaraan 9-qof ay ku dhinteen weerarkaas iyadoo tirada dhaawaca naloo sheegay in ay ka badan tahay 21-qof oo dhamaantood ahaa dadkii saarnaa gawaaridaas oo la sheegay in ay gaarayeen ilaa saddex gaari oo ka yimid dhinaca degmada Qandalla.

Kooxaha hubeysan ayaa la aqoon hubka ay u adeegsadeen weerarka iyadoo wararka lasoo tebinaaya ay sheegaayan in qoriga loo yaqaano baasukaha ay ku dhufteen gawaarida halka warar kale ay tilmaamayaan in rasaas badan ay ku fureen.

Dadka dhintey iyo kuwa dhaawacmay ayaa isku jira Caruur da’a yar ah,haween iyo rag kuwaas oo usoo socday dhinaca magaalada Bosaaso iyadoo kooxdii hubeysnayd ay goobta durba ka baxsatay oo aan la aqoon halka ay u jiheysteen.

Dadkii dhaawacmay ayaa qaarkood loo soo weeciyey dhinaca Xarumaha Caafimaadka ee magaalada Bosaaso si xaaladooda loola tacaalo,waxaana ku jira dad dhaawacooda ay halis tahay lagana baqaayo in ay u dhinteen dhiig-bax.

Falkaan ayaa loo badinaaya in ay la xirrirto aanooyin qabiil oo u dhaxeysa labada beelood ee degaanadaas wada dega,waxaana weli wax war ah kasoo bixin dhinaca Maamulka Garoowe oo hada awoodiisa aysan dhaafsiisnayn deefaha aqalka uu Faroole ka daganyahay Magaalada Garoowe.

Weerarkaan u dambeeyey ayaa si kulul u cambaareyey qaybaha bulshada oo ku baaqay in laga waantoobo oo ay tahay arin ka baxsan shareecada Islaamka iyo Bin’aadanimada.


Cismaan Qandala

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General Duke;737281 wrote:
^^^XX, knows that in Burco killing with knifes is far better than deaths with bullets. Its part of being civilized to use kitchen cutlery to cut meat. is that not right XX


Salax on the other hand thinks two clan Nomads fighting is a rebellion.

The weird things is that they are quick to report Puntlands rural issues, however they never do when the killings are happening right in their triangle admins territory.


Atleast report kills no matter where they occur.

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Nine Killed As Insecurity Grows in Puntland



At least 9 people have been killed in Kab-Dhahad, a village few kilometers away from Ufeyn district of Bari region in Somalia’s semi-autonomous state of Puntland.


The incident occurred when unidentified gunmen opened fire on a small vehicle carrying passengers from the area to the region’s main city of Bosaso.


The mayor of the village confirmed the incident and the number of casualties, but couldn’t identify the men who carried out the killings. He told reporters that he ordered the security authorities to carry out a full scale investigation and bring the perpetrators to justice.


“We do not know at this point who carried out this barbaric attack or the motives behind this killing of innocent people,” said the mayor. “There is clan rivalry in this area and we think this has something to do with that,” he added.


The two clans fighting in the area are *** ********* and *** ********, which are sub-clans of ********** clan.


Insecurity has been on the rise throughout Puntland in recent months with assassinations of government officials, clan rivalry, pirate fights, and government clashes with a militia in the Galgala mountains.


This week an armed gang attacked a convoy carrying Africa Oil executives and Puntland officials near Ufeyn district.

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It's multi- dimensional. Some of the factors:


Chronic Nepotism

Clan Rivalry

Contraversy over the exploitation of the natural resources beneath the Ufeyn area.

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alle ha u naxaristo inti dhimatay ama burco ha ku dhintan ama puntland..


n guys cool it off at least for the month of Ramadan...



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NASSIR;737300 wrote:
It's multi- dimensional. Some of the factors:


Chronic Nepotism

Clan Rivalry

Contraversy over the exploitation of the natural resources beneath the Ufeyn area.


You are right those are the many of the factors which are the cause of clan fightings like this in Puntland.

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NASSIR;737300 wrote:
It's multi- dimensional. Some of the factors:


Chronic Nepotism

Clan Rivalry

Contraversy over the exploitation of the natural resources beneath the Ufeyn area.

So if that is the case then why aren't we seeing these kinds of incidents taking place in Bosasso or other bigger cities? These fights take place in nomatic area's.


We see fighting taking place all over Somalia, from Burco that I mentioned to other area's.


The fighting is over the lack of fertile land. The resources almost always include water and land for livestock to graze.

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This is not a random clan clash. It's linked to a past incidents in Tuulada Igdheys thus clan rivalry and revenge attacks.


Sababta ka danbeysa weerarkan ayaa lagu sheegay in ay ahayd mid ka danbeyso mashaqadii hadda ka hor ka dhacdey Tuulada Igdheys, taas oo aan weli wax xal ah loo helin, waxaana dilalka labada beelood dhexdooda ah ku dhintey dad badan kuwaas oo marar badan magtooda la kala qaatey isla markaana la kala saxiixdey heshiisyo aan hirgelin.

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War inta dhimatay u tacsiyeeya marka hore.. It's unfortunate, AUN intii dhimatay. Inta hadhayna maslaxada alle hatuso..


Salax & XX's morning activities are like this:


Wake up

Head to the pc/labtop

Connect and Open up

Type "Puntland"

Hit Search

Sort through

Post all negative ones on sol...

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A_Khadar baroorta iska dhaaf me & XX did not make this incident happen but rather the clan rebels fighting. Thus any news relating to events that happen in Horn of Africa and around the Globe will be posted in SOL whether you like the contents of it or not.

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Saalax;737397 wrote:
A_Khadar baroorta iska dhaaf me & XX did not make this incident happen. Thus any news relating to events that happen in Horn of Africa and around the Globe will be posted in SOL whether you like it or not.

So why didn't you post the nightly stabbing and killings in burco & Hargaysa? Why not the lack of water and hunger in your tuulos.. Wise advice is, "Taada dayac dib u dhugo kolka hore"..


How come you never mentioned this...

Hargeysa,(lasanod Online)- Dadweynaha reer Gabilay oo Gedoodsan ayaa saaka Siilaanyo kala hor yimi Mudaharaad balaadhan oo ay ku diidan yihiin isaga iyo maamulkiisa.


iyo dhibaatooyinka isa soo taraya ee maamulkiisu dalka ku soo kordhiyey.

Arrintan ayaa dhacday saaka kadib markii uu Siilaanyo ka ambabaxay magaalada Hargeysa una sii jeeday dhinaca Boorama oo la filayo inuu kaga qayb galo xaflad loo sameeyey Arday ka qalin jabisay Jaamacada Camuud.

Sida ay noo xaqiijiyeen wariyayaal goob joog ahi, Mudaharaadkan lagala hor yimi Madaxweynaha maamulka Somaliland waxa ay sheegayaan in ay dad gadoodsani ku salaameen Siilaanyo “Kabo”, isla markaana ay ku dhawaaqayeen Erayo ay ku diidan yihiin maamulkiisa oo ay ka mid yihiin “ Dooni mayno Siilaanyo.. dooni mayno balanqaad been ah” iyo erayo kale oo ay ku muujinayeen dareenkooda ay ku diidanyihiin maamulkiisa.

Mudaharaadkan ayaa noqonaya kii ugu horeeyay ee lagu dhigo Siilaanyo intii uu qabtay talada maamulka Somaliland..

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