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General Duke

Buuhoodlle: Puntland admin delivers food for drought relief..

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^^^lol@NN, adeer I agree with you, we have nothing to do with each other. This man that was insulted and actually attacked is an Issim and not a rep of Faroole. He is a clan cheif. He is not an MP, Minister or rep of Faroole, but Faroole's clan chief and if thats why he was attacked then its a new chapter.

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General Duke;707181 wrote:
^^^XX, adeer go away with your rubish. Claiming other peoples lands will get you nothing..

adeer your clan chief garaase was told to go away and leave buhoodle asap stop backstabbing your own clan cousins

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^^^XX adeer did you do anything to the Suldan? No, thus spare us the bravado this is an issue for the community as a whole to deal with. A secessionist is not a member of this community and thus has no say in this.

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good job to PL for helping out May Allah swt reward them for their generous efforts. But, seriously PL should have been helping the SSC cause especially when the people of SSC always counted themselves as puntlander..I grew up believing I was somali first and a puntlander second laakin runti waxa la arkay marka reer puntland decide gareeyeen in ay magaloyinkooda ku ekaadaan oo dadka SSCna ka jeestaan intaana ugu daraan ina madaxwanahooda dadka SSC difacaya handado melow cawiyo ka sokow.....laakin waa caadi dunidu wa labo galin maxaaba la isku cadhoon..qofwalbow intaada ka adkow. Nabada guudna xooji wixi walalaha tari kartidna tar..



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General Duke;707192 wrote:
^^^XX adeer did you do anything to the Suldan? No, thus spare us the bravado this is an issue for the community as a whole to deal with. A secessionist is not a member of this community and thus has no say in this.

Who said i did anything to the sultan do i even have to ?:D i am even hearing his landcruiser got jacked today in buhoodle there is no community Duke your clan elders were told to chase their goats back in garowe, what did you expect a warm welcome it's not like the Pirate administration was respecting garaad jamac garaad cali? Somalidu waxay tidha ilawshiya dhowa ma umul ba

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like i said Jidbaysane warkiisa hala hubiyo, here is what another SSC website is reporting.



Waxaanu u nimi Buuhoodle inaan wax ka ogaano xaaladda abaareed ee dhulka ka jirta si aanu wax ula qaybsano umana socon arimo siyaasadeed) sidaasi waxaa yidhi Suldaan Siciid Maxamed Garaase

oo isaga iyoo wefti cuqaala oo isugu jira madax dhaqameedyadda gobolada Mudug iyo Nugaal oo soo gaadhey magaaladda Buuhoodle.


Weftigan oo si aad ah loogu soo dhoweeyey intaanay soo gaadhin magaalada Buuhoodle ayaa waxa ay madax dhaqameedyadda reer Buuhoodle kaga hor tageen magaaladda marqaan oo dhinaca ismaamulka Somalida ee Itoobiya ku taala waxana ay saxaafadda la hadleen dejintoodii ka dib iyagoo u sheegay xaaladda ay u socdeen.


Suldaan Siciid maxamed Garaase ayaa waxa uu xusay hadal laysla dhex marayey oo sheegayey in maamulka Puntland soo diray taasi oo uu sheegay inaanay xitaa madaxda Puntland ogayn ayna ahaayeen odayaal iskood isugu xilsaaray inay dadkooda ka wardoonaan waxa ay waqti abaareedka ku sugan yihiin.


Suldaanka oo ah raga safka hore kaga jira madaxdhaqameedyadda Puntland ayaa waqti danbe oo manta ah wax laga naxo ku tilmaamay hadal laga sii daayey idaacadda BBCda oo sheegayey in gaadhigiisii lagu dhacay Buuhoodle, waxana uu yidhi ?taasi waa been cad oo aan geedna loogu soo gaban?


Suldaanka oo arintaasi hadalkeeda sii wata ayaa waxa uu sheegay in saxaafadda looga baahan yahay inay wixii amniga wax u dhimaya iska ilaaliyaan oo hubiyaan si aanay dhib iyagu horsed ugu noqon.


Safarka suldaanka ayaa si weyn looga hadalhayaa magaaladda Buuhoodle iyo nawaaxigeeda, taasi oo ay sababtay iyadoo ay kow tahay talaabo noocan oo kale ah madaxdhaqameedyo ku talaabsada taasi oo soo jiidi karta gargaar degdeg ah oo dadka tabaalaysan uu maamulka Puntland uga dalbi kara marka la eego miisaanka uu ku leeyahay


Xaaladda nabadgelyo ee Buuhoodle ayaa ah mid si aad ah u soo wanaagsanaanaysa kadib colaado hadheeyey bilihii la soo dhaafay kuwaasi oo u muuqda inay soo afbeelayaan



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XX, dont mistake us for Tuur Vs Egaal in which whole cities were destroyed. We are one community and even if there are issues we will deal with them. You need to stay out of it, oh I forgot your whole world view is built on fear of this community.. lol.


Bilan, thanks for update.

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The news is true as its, Garaase and his crew including the ministers/PMs were protested against their visit. It was not right to jack his car a way, but people have the right to protest against anything they think it's not their best interest which happen to be his visit this time around.



^^^lol@NN, adeer I agree with you, we have nothing to do with each other.

You can excelerate and spin this as you like but SSC have the right to voice out and be against what they felt is a violation to them. If p/l admin cares these places they had the opportunity for so long. Quite your insults as well saying succissionsist know you better.


You kept repeating that Garaase isn't there on behalf of p/l admin, prove that or just stay this out of it as you said you would.


XX, is that all you can do now --- basbaasayn, Ragu haduu is qabto ha moodin in meesha lagu kala tegaye.. Better you deal with your admin's audios embarassments.. I heard there is one coming up soon recorded from Gaboose and I heard it's real nasty. Odayga baryuu ku jiraa in aan la soo gelin... Stay tune on that...

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The Suldaan and his delegation of other traditional elders was received well 50 km's outside of Buuhoodle in Buursaalax in Mudug district.



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well AK, i do not have time to argue all day, so if you think demonstrating against Suldaan Garaase will liberate SSC regions, then by all means do so walaal, but as far as i can see he was also welcomed into the city, and that means there is divison in SSC and that was the reason LA fell into the hands of SL militia, because we all know SL did not capture LA by force but because certain district in LA welcomed them. so before we blame certain clans in PL or jini kale, SSC needs to unite and talk to each other, that is the only way out.

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Good to see the old Chief is in good health.


A_Khadar, adeer go argue with a secessionist, I dont occupy nor covet any land that belongs to you. So no beef here.

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division division division... when will you people stop peddling this none sense? The fight for la was not between the clan of las anod vs. the clans waqoye galbet, it was a fight between two administrations. LA was a not a priority for the administration, thats where puntland dropped the ball. to add insult to injury, forale did all he could to alienate the people of ssc calling them terrorist and even expelling members of the parliament for being pro ssc even though they were from SSC. all this none sense about a garaad from nugaal, what would happen if the Garaad of ssc went to garowe? would farole welcome Garaad Jama Garaad ali?

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Naxar Nugaaleed;707231 wrote:
division division division... when will you people stop peddling this none sense? would farole welcome Garaad Jama Garaad ali?


NN, not sure what you are on about, is Xabsade not the man who captured LA on behalf of the secessionist? You can have your own opinion, but alas not your own facts old boy. Where is this Garad you speak of now, is he even in Somalia? Where is Xagla-Tosiye and all the other big talkers? Yet you blame Faroole and others for your own failures and treason.


Also Garad Jama has been to Garowe, Bossaso, Qhardho and other places and no one demonstrated against, let alone try to attack him. He even insulted the people of Puntland, and no one made much of it. You have 8 Garad’s from your sub clan, right now living in Garowe, and people treat them with respect. Try again man, cause you are chatting bare breeze right now.

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