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One Darwiish speaks with the entire Sec Enclave at the height of Kalshaale War (The Mole's Findings)

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Very funny indeed, Been telling you this is clan enclave, and they are very paranoid.


Good job by SSC, Sirdoonku waa hawshoodii;)

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A_Khadar;705122 wrote:
:rolleyes: If you don't beleive and recognize the speeches of ur leaders, I am not sure how you believe this project from the begining.. I understand if you are disappointed by these but you don't beleive waa sheeko kale.. Give a call adeero Kaahin and Silanyo and ask them how it all happened... They may enlighten this to you and re-affirm you that it won't happen again..

Like I said, I don't believe it saaxib. As for calling Kaahin & Siilaanyo, do you really think every Tom, Dick & Harry can just call them just like that (including me)? :D

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Somaliland Politicians: Lack of Sensitivity

and Political Acumen

By Mohamed F Yabarag

March 24, 2011


The recent phone interviews conducted by some obscure individuals from North America with certain well known Somaliland politicians, including the man at the top of everything, Ahmed Silanyo, has unearthed the lack of acumen and political sensitivity at the heart of Somaliland’s political elite in Hargeisa. How come such politicians of a high stature, at least by local standards, can be so naïve by talking to complete strangers and bare it all for them on a very, very sensitive issue at a very, very sensitive time? If confirmed and I am not doubting the authenticity of these tapes, this is incompetency at its worst level.


For a few days, I ignored the whole story that was doing the rounds in almost all Somali websites, including those of Somaliland assuming that it is one of those slanging matches between local politicians on one side and SSC and Somaliland on the other. But then I became interested when the story refused to go away and tempted to have a look at these interviews in great detail to see their authenticity. To my astonishment, I found that all voices in the interviews were very familiar, except that they were conducted by men who are purporting to be representatives of Somaliland activists in North America. With amazement and disbelieve, I repeated listening to those interviews all over again and again only to find no fault at them. The voice of the president is as crystal clear as ever and too genuine to be doctored by some form or another. Faisal Ali Waraabe is as at his usual rant and raving, accusing the president of incompetency and lack of a clear leadership, among other things. Mohamed Kahin, probably under the influence of khat, has even gone further to talk in frankness and in greater detail on almost every question thrown at him by his interviewer. We are not talking here about some rookies and some hopeful politicians. We are talking about the bulwarks of Somaliland politics; people who have been around since immemorial. And in the case of president Silanyo, we are talking about a man who was involved in politics for almost half of a century.


In addition, the fact that government officials have failed to refute this story shows that these tapes are genuine. I am sure there are too many red faces in Somaliland’s corridors of power. Had this happened in a normal country where the law of the land and government institutions are respected by all as opposed to clan interests, heads would have been rolled by now. The chief of cabinet, Hersi Toriile, would have been the first to be shown the door, as he dismally failed his duty to recognize the identity of the interviewers. Now, there is stone silence on the issue in the government and its supporters. Had this been doctored, we would have seen the presidential spokesman, Mr. Cukuse, doing his usual rebuttals.


Why Somaliland politicians are so naïve and insensitive?


Despite the existence of three political parties in Somaliland, the real powerbase of support for politicians lies with their respective clans, meaning if a certain politician crosses party, almost all his clansmen will desert the said party. In effect, most electorates have no allegiance for political parties but for their clansmen in these parties, which effectively make these parties redundant and meaningless – they only exist by names. In the scandal surrounding these tapes, politicians in question were on the wrong assumption that they were talking to their lot – their clansmen. This is more evident in the case of Faisal Ali Waraabe interview, where the mention of his sub clan has done the simple trick that was needed to obtain information from him. The overdependence on clanship in Somaliland had gotten the better of any other system that would have spotted such a hoax interview. So long as people are identified on the basis of their clan rather than their political persuasion and allegiance, such things will become common in Somaliland.


In addition, there is also a great deal of incompetency in the staff of president’s office, including his advisers. He seemed to have recruited people who have never run an office, let alone a whole country and who are largely brought in because of their unwavering support for the Kulmiye party during the election campaign, which brought Ahmed Silanyo to office. For a government not completed a year in office, there seems to be more problems and scandals than solving the country’s mounting political and socials difficulties.


Mohamed F Yabarag


Related Articles:


* Falcelis: Sirta SSC Heshay: Been Casriyaysan!! Wq. Cali Cartan

* Sirta SSC Heshay: Been Casriyaysan!! Wq. Maxamed Baashe X. Xasan


Source :



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NGONGE;705236 wrote:
Like I said, I don't believe it saaxib. As for calling Kaahin & Siilaanyo, do you really think every Tom, Dick & Harry can just call them just like that (including me)?

Yeah as proven in this thread, any old Marfish guy can call upon your leaders to divulge sensitive information.

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NGONGE;705236 wrote:
Like I said, I don't believe it saaxib. As for calling Kaahin & Siilaanyo, do you really think every Tom, Dick & Harry can just call them just like that (including me)?

Maxaan kuu sameeya, if you can believe obvious things.. Keep neglecting the truth dee marka.. I told you they man recorded these tapes isn't even savy on computers let alone faking these voices.. War waa odayaashii ee bal thin twice and either advice them or time to change your heart and feel the somaliweyn.. Get that blue flag back out of under the bed..

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A_Khadar;705325 wrote:
Maxaan kuu sameeya, if you can believe obvious things.. Keep neglecting the truth dee marka.. I told you they man recorded these tapes isn't even savy on computers let alone faking these voices.. War waa odayaashii ee bal thin twice and either advice them or time to change your heart and feel the somaliweyn.. Get that blue flag back out of under the bed..

War even Saado Cali can't be trapped in such a way by some random phone call from deepest Hargeisa, why in the world would you even believe that an organised and experienced government is so easily approachable that they'll answer the phone to any Tom, Dick or Harry that calls them with such nonsensical questions? I admire the propaganda but I'm rational enough to know what's real and what's not.



The blue flag shall remain under that bed until Farmajo finds a way to get rid of Sheikh Sharif. :D

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War even Saado Cali can't be trapped in such a way by some random phone call from deepest Hargeisa, why in the world would you even believe that an organised and experienced government is so easily approachable that they'll answer the phone to any Tom, Dick or Harry that calls them with such nonsensical questions


Oops, my friend NG, you just shot yourself on the foot.. This is fact and proves at least Sado didn't fall such a trap but your elites have. There is an evidence, their own voices which can't be denied by nobody. True, it's irrational and beyond one's apprehension but facts and rationality is killed by these facts..

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A_Khadar;705355 wrote:

Oops, my friend NG, you just shot yourself on the foot.. This is fact and proves at least Sado didn't fall such a trap but your elites have. There is an evidence, their own voices which can't be denied by nobody. True, it's irrational and beyond one's apprehension but facts and rationality is killed by these facts..

Dee how many times do I have to tell you that I don't believe it? Wax fahan. :D

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^ With no reason, you just don't want to beleive it right? You should make it for a reason lnot to believe it like I know that voice is not Waraabe, Silanyo, Taani etc and bring their actual voices and let us determine the differences. However, just saying, they are organized criminals, they can't fall such traps won't do it adeer dee..

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Don't undermind the intelligence service of the Somali Secret Center, .ie...SSC. In next level it will be through Iley, and Imam Farole, if notGelle, Riyale and co. It's too easy , but they must taking lessons.... :D

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Funny stuff. Is it or is it not their voices? It shouldn't be too hard to verify. But if they're your exalted leaders it's easy to see why one clings to digital voice swapping and the rest.

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General Duke;705301 wrote:
Yeah as proven in this thread, any old Marfish guy can call upon your leaders to divulge sensitive information.

Hadda lama wici karo oo nambaradii oo dhan way bedeleen xitaa caruurtoodii iyo xaasaskoodii bayba paranoid ku noqdeen :)

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