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The specch of a leader in the making....!

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Madaxweyne Cabdilahi Yusuf oo codkiisa lagu faafiyay Aalada Internet-ka isagoo Aflagaadeeynayo Mas’uuliyiinta iyo qabiilada Soomaaliyeed taas oo Abuurtay caradii ugu ba’need,warbixin aan ka diyaarinay arrintaas

Hadalka Madaxweyne Yusuf oo ku beegnaa shirkii Carte kadib xilligii uu Madaxweyne Cabdi qasim ku guuleeystay doorashada isagoo meel fagaara ah kula hadlayo dadka garowe ayuu khudbadiisa ku furay qabyaalad .


Xilligaas oo ay ka soo wareegtay dhoowr sanadood ayay Idaacada Shabelle ee fadhigeedu yahay Muqdisho Baahisay codkii maalintaas ee Madaxweyne Yusuf oo xilligaas ahaa hogaanka maamulkii Puntland.


Hadaba waxyar kadib markii Dadweynahu dhageeysteen hadalka Madaxweynaha ee Qabyaalada iyo gefka shaqsi loogu doow galay waxaa mar qura sida bamkii u qarxay xiisado ba’an oo arrintaas ka dhashay taas oo gaartay in labadii meel isaga hortimaad ay ka hadlaan sida lagu Aamini karo Cabdulahi Yusuf cadiifadiisa qabiilka iyo ka soo horjeedkiisa in talada dalka ay qabtaan qof aan isaga ahayn ay heerkaas gaartay.


Goobaha Cyber.kafeeyada loo yaqaan ee Adeega Internet-ka ayaa lagu arkayay dadweyne farabadan oo safaf dhaadheer ugu jira dhageeysiga khudbada Madaxweyne yusuf.


Mar aan dhexgalay dad badan oo isagu yimid halka lagu Magacaabo Wananchi Cyber Caffe ee Magaalada Nairobi waxay indhaheeygu qabanayeen dad wejigooda caro xoogana ka muuqato intii ay khudbada socotay waxaa kale oo dhagaheeygu maqlayeen erayo ka soo baxaya kuwa kale oo xanaaqdartii isaga huleelay halkii lagu dhageeysanayay khudbada Madaxweyne Cabdilahi Yusuf marka uu ka hadlayay,Cabdi qasim salad waa nin qabyaalad dhega la’a ku jirto oo D... aad u neceb iyo waxaan soo wada shaqeeyn jirnay xaaskiisa oo Hooyadeed tahay Reer Nugaal.


Hotelada Sixeighty iyo Chester House oo ay degan yahiin Inta badan Wasiirada iyo Xildhibaanada Dowlada Federalka ayaan ku booqday midka mid ah Xildhibaanada oo khudbadaas oo uu ka duubay Idaacada Shabelle siyaasiyiin farabadan ku dhageeysiinayo halkaas.


Hadalka Cabdilahi Yusuf wuxuu u muuqday mid uu si ka fog diblomaasiyada ugu weeraray Madaxweynahii hore ee Somaliya Cabdi qasim Salaad Xasan isagoo xitaa soo qaatay inuu ahaa nin da’diisa qariyay oo ka been sheegay,wuxuuna soo qaatay in Cabdi Qasim uu doorashadii sheegtay inuu jira 59 sano laakiin uusan ka yareen ,wuxuu yiri gabadhii uu qabay waan aqaan oo waxaan ka wada shaqeeyn jirnay dowladii Siyaad Barre.


Korneyl Yusuf oo markaa doonayay inuu kiciyo sida muuqatay dareenka Dadweynahii khudbadiisa dhageeysanayay ayaa yiri Cabdi qasim salad xasan waa nin D*** aad u neceb oo qabyaalad dhega la’ay ku jirta,oo wuxuu leeyahay buu yiri Aabaheey D*** ayaa dilay ,wuxuu yiraahdaa buu yiri ninka Madaxweynaha loogu doortay Carte oo u ku tama D*** meel ay cag ku leeyahiin ma rabo Aabaheeybeey dileen buu yiraa waa ka aarsanayaa marka nin Aarsanayoo Aabahiis ku raadjooga waaye marka.waxaa kale oo uu sheegay in qolooyin USC iyo SPM ah ay suuqa u geliyeen inuu dhintay.


Si kastaba ha ahaatee Codka Madaxweyne Yusuf ee ay faafisay Idaacada Shabelle ayay dad badan ku tilmaameen mid guud ahaan wiiqay kalsoonidii ay shacabka u hayeen Madaxweyne Cabdilahi Yusuf waxaana tani ay abuuri kartaa sida Xeeldheerayaasha qabaan dhabar jab siyaasadeed oo lagu halbeego shaqsiyadiisa.


Waxaa kale oo ay siyaasiyiinta ka hadlayaan inuu Cabdilahi Yusuf u hadlay sida shaqsi aan wax hogaan ah ka rabin dalka Soomaaliya waxayna dad badan isweeydiinayaan sida ay caqli gal ku noqon karto inuu gacan siyaasadeed ka helo Mudane Cabdi qasim Salaad Xasan oo uu shalay sida foosha xun ee ka fog diblomaasiyada ula dhaqmay xukumadii uu garwadeenka ka ahaa.


Dad badan ayaa waxay qabaan inuu Cabdilahi Yusuf meel kaga dhacay sharciga qooyska marka la eego sida uu ugu raftay Haweeneeyda Dr Cabdi qasim ee lagu magacaabo Biibi Cumar Baani Fuusi oo uu xitaa u sii dhaadhacay qabiilkeeda iyo halka ay ka soo jeedo.


Mudane Yusuf oo baarlamaan dibad jog ah ay bishii Oktober ugu doorteen Nairobi Madaxweyne ayaa lagu xaman jiray inuu yahay nin qabyaaladiiste ah waxaana Aqoonyahano badan sheegaan in kolka aad salaanto uu su’aal kaaga bilaabo ,Adigu ina ayo ayaad tahay iyo ma qabiil hebel.


Marka laga soo tago khudbadiisa uu ku weeraray Madaxweyne Cabdi qasim Salaad xasan waxaa kale oo dadku badankiis xasuustaan ‘Wareeysiyadiisii ku wajahnaa dadka Reer Muqdisho ee laga soo qaadan karo hadeey diidaan dadka Xamar dowlada Mbagathi Badda ayaa lagu darayaa oo waxaa khaadi doono daadka.


Isku soo duub oo waxaa si weyn loo wada sugayaa Jawaabaha codkaan ay ku bixiyaan beelo iyo Mas’uuliyiin badan oo uu quseeyo.


W/Q Dahir Abdulle ALasow.



You can listen to a full recording of the speech in here: Yeey's speech..!

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Aabaheey D*** ayaa dilay

Well it's true, Abdiqasim's father was killed in the middle of Cabudwaq. If Abdiqasim harbors hate, its dearly expected even though I wouldn't say it's anywhere near Abdulahi Yusuf's hate :D


As for this recent come to light audio. I've heard plenty ;) , the fact that Abdulahi Yusuf can't stand reer Cabudwaq and they despise him in return is not a new thing.


Meesha dhiig baa yaal. I wouldn't lose any sleep thinking about the (would-be :D ) revenge Abdulahi Yusuf wishes to take on reer Cabudwaq or their neighbors in Galgadud. It's dearly expected, however, what is sad is that we are seeing two years worth of hopefullness and reconciliation going down the drain.. :mad:


HOWEVER, I believe these two beels will and should support this endeavor to bring back the state, because to retaliate (mind you in the political sense) is to risk leaving the situation in status-quo. The world community will have completely lost heart in us were this transitional (now matter who is the head) to fail.

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Regretfully, that (Ina yeey) vile hate-consumed warlord has been crowned as our president.


Even people who are little bit acquainted with him recognize his passion and appetite for creating clan animosities.


This spiteful speech unquestionably reveals how he is devoid of integrity and civility.

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He is funny LOL. He cracked me up several times. Some of my thoughts about him were vindicated. The only thing that surprised me was by his mention of Allah several times. They used and still call him Matukade, and because of that I thought the guy was just typical shuuci. At least he believes in God no matter how twisted he sounds.


Anyway, This audio can be and already is bad credit for him where others are concerned most definitely. It is their deja vu all over again.

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Kind of reminds me of that famous Bari poet who hopes that the people of the north-east will never tire until there are MIG's flying over cabuudwaaq village.

Dreams die hard.

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What is the fuss with Abudwaq Celbur camp or Walaha Galgaduud returns back after Abdiqasim's propaganda war,Doxada juba is being born again yeah. Morgan is not on attack to Kismayo even thought he might be next month, so why don't you save this energy and all the get together JVA camp at that time. Calm down boys joke :D:D



Seriously when did Yey attacked other clans, all I saw was an attack on one person, a lame weak A Qasim at a time when he just was Puntland president. On the other hand while A qasim was Arta leader made accusation against A yey going as far as being Kuffar(Gaal), so what was this all about, two men trying to wound each other but nevertheless the Arta camp(A.qasim & Galayr) made much worse accusations than him.


And who said no body can talk about A qasim, he stated he was qabilistic and hates D, so was this an insult to other people, I don't think so, but I think it was attempt to get as much D audience as he can get, oooooh same thing we witnesing at the moment, all Mog warlords and some schrap merchants including the man A qasim himself are crying out loud to use whatever card to stop him and ruin his presidency, ooh he wants to kill oh he hates the H tribe, oh he wants to campture Mog, he said that thee day and this tho day and hates every one and loves D ( but dear horn doesnt agree this with them, he thinks he hates D but only loves Puntland, and the man plans for revenge to kill everybody in Abudwaq) and want to bring back to them once again to create another like Barre regime with help of ethiopia...... It all goes around, never ending circle


Stop the fuss, see the light and be sensible, Somalia is coming back to its knees, I hope that is fact but not a domination of one tribe nor will it be a massacre of another one. Get wiser than this and stop posting every little filthy propaganda you see on the net.

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^^^^^^ same here the link doesn't work.



OO waxaan la yaabay yaa yiri siyaasad la iskumu caayo. abdi qaasim imsa jeer buu weeraray c/y. lakiin markii cadulaahi weeraray abdiqaasim islaanta xaawada gadeeysay xataa calaacal ayeey lasoo kacday :D



these is funy aan kucaayo adiga ha i caayn ;)


C/Y sida loo caayo nin somalia kunool ma jiro Like sxbkeey Xoogsade nin muslim ah ayaa uugu shuuci



kaaftanka waa lakada badiyee ileen been ma aha.

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a lame weak A Qasim at a time when he just was Puntland president

Last I remember PL is part of Somalia, hence when Cabdiqaasim was president and Galayr the prime minister they should of have received the utmost support from folks such as CY, but we all know that this was not the case. We could only hope that C/qaasim would prove to be the better man and so far he seems to be- at least he declares his support- CY couldn’t even declare that.


On the other hand while A qasim was Arta leader made accusation against A yey going as far as being Kuffar(Gaal),

Wrong, CY like Caydiid Jr. committed acts of kufr (i.e. to support the gaalo in their efforts against Muslims). There is a marked difference between actions of kufr anf kufr itself for one takes a person out of Islam (kufr) whilst the other places such a person in danger. Don’t forget that it was these two men (CY and Caydiid Jr) who were crying day and night to the gaalo post 9/11 that Somalia needed to be saved from the “terroristsâ€. So if C/qaasim or anyone else for that matter commented on this, then they are right.


A qasim, he stated he was qabilistic and hates D, so was this an insult to other people,

He is? He did? When and where? If you can prove this, walaahi I will be the first to denounce such disgusting qabiilist thinking, but until then we believe in innocence. And um, do you know which tribe c/qaasims mother hails from ;) ?


stop posting every little filthy propaganda you see on the net.

Wonderful advice smile.gif , but dare I say it, it needs to be directed more at the pro-CY camp. Every bloody chance they get they try to tarnish their “enemiesâ€.


Qorshel, brother whether or not we like it, this man is our president, but let’s not paint this angelic picture of him. History is a testimony to his thinking/actions and I hope that Allah protects our people and country from his evils.


My main reservation with this man is only but one, his absolute clear hatred for the practicing Muslims- I suppose it is for this reason that his first cousin in Nairobi was paying money so that he wouldn’t be elected for the presidency-that says it all.


what is sad is that we are seeing two years worth of hopefullness and reconciliation going down the drain..

The most depressing thought of all :( .


HOWEVER, I believe these two beels will and should support this endeavor to bring back the state, because to retaliate (mind you in the political sense) is to risk leaving the situation in status-quo.

Very true!

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Like this changes anything, :D Abdullahi is stright talker. I have some reservations with the audio overall, if it was a speech made in 2000 why has it taken five years to come out?


It sounds like a private conversation to me. Attacking Abdiqasin who like Qorshel stated above called Abdullahi a Kaffir one time.


The game is only just begun. This type of effort on behalf of the warlord/media is a last ditch face saving effort. "Amxara map's" and other scare stories will not work. The Somali people need change which is what the government is working on. ;)

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Rahima sis most of your points are well taken

this man is our president, but let’s not paint this angelic picture of him.

but thats not the case sis, im not painting any pic, I never said anything good and even not talked about the president, have I?

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How much did he say his lever costed him? $200,000? waa lacag awr goysa. I think it would have been better spent if they built a hospital instead. :D

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And um, do you know which tribe c/qaasims mother hails from [Wink] ?

Rahima it's ludicris what they're alleging. Not only his mother, but his brothers too.


I truly believe Abdiqasim was, and still is, the best hope for this country.

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Bro Wiil Duco, I listened to the whole audio and I wasn't offended a bit. I found it to be less than what I expected. He wasn't hateful but belittling the influence of other tribes. He compared himself to Abdiqassim in terms of age and education, which was funny btw. I thought he had a sense of humour. He also talked about his record as a fighter for his tribe against other tribes and recalled of their defeat in his hands and under his leadership. He was telling the audience to forget about government and keep what they had. He reasoned with them that what was going on was unfair to his tribe and must be rejected. I got the impression that he was a man who wanted to keep his influence and power appealing to his tribe's passions. So what? every warlord did and still do that and I am not gonna pretend he is unique in this way.



As for my assumption of him being Shuuci, remember he went to russia for education? Most of those somalis who went there came back atheists. With that in mind, and his warmongering records, coupled with fighting young religious men in Bosaso, I concluded he was religion-hater. I understand from the tape he has no clue about islam, but I was surprised how he mentioned that People die when Allah decides so, and praised god few times by saying Alxamdulillaah. To me, that is a big deal. May be I should have listened to other warlords and see if they mentioned God too LOL.



Anyway, I have nothing personal against Abdullahi Yusuf. I don't want him to be the cause of war between my parents' respective tribes. If this effort doesn't work, I choose my parents' safety and want no wars between Abdullahi'

s Major Clan and Others. People are afraid that if this doesn't work, he might say others are rejecting him because he is from such tribe. The facts are different and people only don't want ethiopian troops even under IGAD. Some can exploit the situation and make things difficult, but there is no rejection by others based on tribe I think. I don't want to see the progress made in Xamar to be reset way back to the nineties and people become victims of new wars. I have had enough of living in between families who are psychologically scarred by tribal wars, so this is personal for me.


Xamar is diverse now with different tribes living in it and having businesses there. No one is asked about his tribe. I don't want that to change because of Abdullahi Yusuf. I care about the people more than I care about Abdullahi Yusuf's chance of presidency. I want this to work based on agreements and not on force. That is my beef with Abdullahi yusuf.

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